

Kunihiko Morinaga, la directora creativa de la marca japonesa de culto Anrealage, siente algo por las sensaciones y las ilusiones ópticas. Su show debut en París la temporada pasada fue sobre luces y sombras. Hoy, su salida de segundo año se centró en la luz y la oscuridad. O, mejor, en las impresiones que obtiene al parpadear o proyectar luz en tono negro. Las siluetas escultóricas de Anrealage se cortaron en una tela negra especial que revelaba una textura impresa solo bajo luces ultravioleta, o tenían círculos blancos perforados con agujas, como la proyección de un foco, salpicados en el frente. Para enfatizar la profundidad de tal oscuridad, todo era negro, incluidos los rostros de las modelos, un trazo fuerte que hacía las cosas un poco demasiado dramáticas.


بيتر غريناواي
פיטר גרינווי
피터 그리너웨이
Питер Гринуэй
The Pillow Book
Beautiful to behold and impossible to forget, THE PILLOW BOOK is auteur Peter Greenaway’s erotically-charged drama about love, death, revenge and the indelible nature of our earliest memories. Each year on her birthday, Nagiko (Vivian Wu) would became her father’s canvas, as he painted the creation myth in elaborate, elegant calligraphy on her body. Years later, she continues the practice with a succession of lovers, including a bisexual translator (Ewan McGregor) who becomes a pawn in an escalating game of vengeance against her beloved father’s exploitative publisher. Told in a series of chapters and featuring innovative cinematography and picture-in-picture techniques, Roger Ebert called THE PILLOW BOOK “a seductive and elegant story [that] stands outside the ordinary.”

cinema full

tabor robak

balenciaga collaboration
A 25 minute video loop with previously unreleased tracks by DJ Hell, made in collaboration with Balenciaga.

Here is a dramatic tension in his work between the real and the imagined in his use of often-appropriated digital objects to create virtual landscapes, which frequently contain elements – animals, machines, fragments of videogames – that are recognisable from our day to day life. This creates a symbiotic relationship between the digital and the real. In a very real way digital space has now become an intangible reality. The worlds built by Robak have a distinctly cinematic sensibility that hyperbolises the shine and dramatic effects of 3D rendered animation. The aesthetic of his work is supremely important, drawing the viewer into a truly alluring, indulgent and strangely gratifying environment. There is a further challenge to the void between high-art and the worlds of 3D animation and gaming, in the intersection between depiction and simulation. This can be partially attributed to the vernacular of advertising Robak is so proficient at utilising.

Sean Follmer, Mac Schwager & Allison Okamura

An untethered isoperimetric soft robot
The simplest version of this squishy robot is an inflated tube that runs through three small machines that pinch it into a triangle shape. One machine holds the two ends of the tube together; the other two drive along the tube, changing the overall shape of the robot by moving its corners. The researchers call it an “isoperimetric robot” because, although the shape changes dramatically, the total length of the edges – and  the amount of air inside – remains the same.


De dans van Peeping Tom duwt bepaalde motieven naar de uiterste grenzen van de acrobatiek. Maar tussen gekneusde, nostalgische mensen of verliefde mensen zijn de situaties diep dramatisch en met gevoel uitgedrukt. Dit nieuwe stuk ontwikkelt de generieke persona van de oude vader, zijn mythologie, zijn prestige en zijn spot, zijn beklagenswaardige macht die wordt weggevaagd door geleidelijke desintegratie. Het is een intens menselijk portret.


بوب ويلسون
בוב וילסון
밥 윌슨
Боб Уилсон
Staging Shakespeare, not dramatic but lyrical: that was the intention of the American director Bob Wilson in Sonnets de Shakespeares (Sonnets de Shakespeare), a show on display at the Berliner Ensemble. To that end, Wilson is associated with American-Canadian composer and musician Rufus Wainwright. The result is a variety night, with reference to all genres of entertainment, from the commedia dell’arte to television sketches, passing through the cabaret. If in the Elizabethan era female roles were played by men, Bob Wilson did the same, creating this reverse practice: actresses play male roles. This inversion – Queen Elizabeth 1st, on her throne, declaiming a sonnet with a deep voice and Shakespeare himself, as a young man and an elder, in female voices – further intensifies the farcical tone of the show. So much so that even the sporadic number of transvestite actor Georgette Dee, microphone in hand, does not disagree much of the Shakespearean surroundings.


De creaties van Maiko Takeda lijken surrealistische wezens uit een fantastische droomwereld. De hoofddeksels van haar nieuwste creatie, ‘Atmospheric Reentry’, zijn opwindend anders, delicaat en futuristisch. De in Tokio geboren afgestudeerde van Central Saint Martins en het Royal College of Art, probeert ‘surreële, subtiele drama’s te creëren rond de persoon die een stuk draagt ​​en de mensen in zijn buurt’.


Martelaren (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) bestaat uit vier plasmaschermen, elk met een enkele figuur die geleidelijk wordt overweldigd door de aanval van een natuurlijke kracht. De ervaringen van de vier individuen worden samen georkestreerd tot een samenhangend geheel. Het overheersende thema is martelaarschap voor diepgewortelde overtuigingen, waarbij het fysieke lijden van het lichaam op dramatische wijze duidelijk wordt gemaakt door de kardinale elementen.


The Decelerator Helmet
The technique of the Decelerator extends the awareness of time and transforms the concept of present in a constructed, artificial state. On a different Level the helmet dramatically visualizes how slowing down under all circumstances causes a loss of actuality and as idea is inconsistent with it´s Environment. Technical enhancement as a tool to give us control about our perception, asks the question how far this influence can go, before we are all lost in how we want to see reality. The Decelerator unintentionally explores how aspects of this shift to a personalized perception could change our view of the world.


Der Reflection Room ist ein beeindruckendes Erlebnis mit farbigem Licht, das die erste Installation des London Design Festival sein wird, die in der Prince Consort Gallery des V & A Museum untergebracht wird. Der gewölbte Raum wird an jedem Ende beleuchtet, um die dramatische Länge der Galerie von 35 m, ihre Deckenstruktur und das darin eintretende Publikum hervorzuheben und zu definieren. Es wird mit meiner Signatur einer komplementären blauen und orangefarbenen Beleuchtung beleuchtet, und große schwarzglänzende Barrisol-Paneele werden verwendet, um die Breite des Raums zu vergrößern und eine fragmentierte Ansicht von wechselnden Farben, Reflexionen und Licht zu bieten.


The Lightning Field

His last large-scale work “The Lightning Field”, a Land Art project built on a semi-desert plain in New Mexico, in the United States, between 1971 and 1977, consists of four hundred meters high, placed in a geometric matrix strict. This area is often plagued by storms and these metal stakes serve to attract the rays, accentuating the dramatic spirit and the scale of the place.

Richard Quinn

Spring Summer 2019
Quinn’s clothes conjure a couture fantasy, with unabashedly extravagant shapes and lavish embellishments. This season the look veered between thigh-grazing confectionary frocks and a more dramatic voluminous silhouette that tumbled to the ground and swept the floor. The floral cocktail dresses of last season were even frothier this time around, bold in the shoulder and replete with handfuls of bows along the sleeves. If that sexy, legs-for-days line evoked frivolity, then the longer, grander gowns readdressed the balance.


Convidado pela primeira vez ao Palais Garnier, o coreógrafo Alexander Ekman viveu um sonho: trabalhar com os bailarinos do Ballet da Ópera de Paris! Para mergulhá-los no universo de sua peça, ele os convidou a tocar. Afinal, a dança não é também entretenimento, diversão, prática, exercício e manipulação? Aqui, o jogo é tudo e em todos os lugares. Dos adereços aos sets. Pois, como repete o coreógrafo, brincar nos deixa felizes; nunca se deve deixar de ser criança. Nos estúdios Massenet e Blanchine, a fotógrafa Anne Deniau se concentra em alguns adereços emblemáticos dessa produção, enquanto o dramaturgo Nicolas Doutey reflete sobre essas novas composições visuais.

Neri Oxman and MIT Develop Programma


La variedad de formas y comportamientos exhibidos por estas piezas refleja la forma en que se expresan en la naturaleza, donde un material como la quitina puede componer tanto el exoesqueleto de los crustáceos como las paredes celulares de los hongos. A diferencia del acero y el hormigón, los materiales compuestos formados por estos materiales están en constante diálogo con su entorno. Algunos artefactos exhiben cambios dramáticos en la conformación en respuesta a la humedad y el calor, mientras que otros se oscurecen o aligeran a medida que cambian las estaciones. Algunos son frágiles y transparentes con una textura vítrea, mientras que otros permanecen flexibles y resistentes como el cuero. A pesar de su diversidad emergente, estos artefactos comparten una calidad común: en la vida, sus propiedades están mediadas por la humedad; en la muerte se disocian en el agua y regresan al ecosistema.


Morphogenetic Creations
Created by a mathematician, digital artist and Emmy award winning supervisor of computer generated effects – Andy Lomas, Morphogenetic Creations is a collection of works that explore the nature of complex forms that can be produced by digital simulation of growth systems. These pieces start with a simple initial form which is incrementally developed over time by adding iterative layers of complexity to the structure.The aim is to create structures emergently: exploring generic similarities between many different forms in nature rather than recreating any particular organism. In the process he is exploring universal archetypal forms that can come from growth processes rather than top-down externally engineered design.Programmed using C++ with CUDA, the series use a system of growth by deposition: small particles of matter are repeatedly deposited onto a growing structure to build incrementally over time. Rules are used to determine how new particles are created, and how they move before being deposited. Small changes to these rules can have dramatic effects on the final structure, in effect changing the environment in which the form is grown. To create these works, Andy uses the GPU as a compute device rather than as a display device. All the data is held in memory on the GPU and various kernel functions are called to do things like apply forces to the cells, make cells split, and to render the cells using ray-tracing. The simulations and rendering for each of the different animated structures within this piece take about 12 hours to run, Andy explains. By the end of the simulations there are over 50,000,000 cells in each structure.The Cellular Forms use a more biological model, representing a simplified system of cellular growth. Structures are created out of interconnected cells, with rules for the forces between cells, as well as rules for how cells accumulate internal nutrients. When the nutrient level in a cell exceeds a given threshold the cell splits into two, with both the parent and daughter cells reconnecting to their immediate neighbours. Many different complex organic structures are seen to arise from subtle variations on these rules, creating forms with strong reminiscences of plants, corals, internal organs and micro-organisms.

Mathias Krissmer

“Krissmer’s ‘Kinetic Paintings’, explore visual composition, movement and scale in a way that thrills and disorientates. They are an optical experience simultaneously aesthetic and perceptual. The digital projections can be taken to any scale making them architectonic and potentially intimate. Their focus on a geometric language set in dynamic movement creates a certain sculptural juxtaposition, enhanced by the predominant use of black and white. The occasional introduction of bright colours further dramatises the Krissmer aesthetic. These are works that inspire, that must be experienced by the mind and the body.”



Die Installation ‘Field’ wurde erstellt, indem in Tormarton, South Gloucestershire, 1.301 wiedergewonnene 58-Watt-Leuchtstoffröhren mit einem Abstand von 100 mm in die Erde in gleichem Abstand von ihren Nachbarn auf einer Fläche von 3.600 m2 unter einer 440-kV-Freileitung errichtet wurden. VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH. In der Abenddämmerung sichtbar zu werden, beleuchtete das elektromagnetische Feld, das von den Stromleitungen oben auf dem Weg zur Erde ausgeht, die Röhren. Field” verwendete ein alltägliches Glasobjekt, um ein hochgradig interaktives Kunstwerk zu erstellen, das auf vielen verschiedenen Ebenen erfolgreich war. Das Stück machte auf dramatische Weise auf das Vorhandensein des elektromagnetischen Feldes aufmerksam und machte das Unsichtbare sichtbar.

Abel Gance


Kevin Brownlow’ restoration

Gance embarked on his greatest project, a six-part life of Napoléon. Only the first part was completed, tracing Bonaparte’s early life, through the Revolution, and up to the invasion of Italy, but even this occupied a vast canvas with meticulously recreated historical scenes and scores of characters. The film was full of experimental techniques, combining rapid cutting, hand-held cameras, superimposition of images, and, in wide-screen sequences, shot using a system he called Polyvision needing triple cameras (and projectors), achieved a spectacular panoramic effect, including a finale in which the outer two film panels were tinted blue and red, creating a widescreen image of a French flag. The original version of the film ran for around 6 hours. A shortened version received a triumphant première at the Paris Opéra in April 1927 before a distinguished audience that included the future General de Gaulle. The length was reduced still further for French and European distribution, and it became even shorter when it was shown in America. Napoleon is a silent film directed by Abel Gance, dramatising the youth and early career of Napoleon Bonaparte. Its most complete screening, said to be nine hours long, took place in Paris in 1927 – but this version was subsequently lost. British film-maker Kevin Brownlow saw a version as a schoolboy and subsequently restored the film to close to its original length from various prints. His restoration was first shown in London in 1980 with a score by Carl Davis.


Telestron DTLA
Conceptually, at its foundation, the installation was an exploration of the absence and presence of light and how it defines a space. The team wanted to play with dramatic scale, and to do so they employed two Quantec KR150s as Robotic Conductors, wielding large, fabricated geometric shades to manipulate the various light sources and cast brilliant arrays of graphic shadow work throughout the space. They upgraded the show for The Row to be more immersive, adding more synchronized lighting fixtures and laser projectors around the perimeter of the space to embellish the ambient lighting states, and as a result amplified the user experience even further – creating a more sculptural and geometric installation for the masses.

Akram Khan

Until the Lions
In this partial adaptation of poet Karthika Naïr’s book Until the Lions: Echoes from the Mahabharata, an original reworking of the epic Mahabharata, Khan uses kathak and contemporary dance to tell the tale of Amba, a princess abducted on her wedding day and stripped of her honour, who invokes the gods to seek revenge. In an epic theatrical piece, Khan explores the notion and the physical expression of gender, bringing together some of the stellar artistic team behind his solo DESH: writer Karthika Naïr, visual artist Tim Yip, lighting designer Michael Hulls and dramaturg Ruth Little.


쿠니히코 모리나가
くにひこ もりなが

Kunihiko Morinaga, the creative director of cult Japanese label Anrealage, has a thing for sensations and optical illusions. His debut Paris show last season was about light and shadow. Today, his sophomore outing focused on light and dark. Or, better, on the impressions you get from flashing or projecting light in pitch black. The Anrealage sculptural silhouettes were cut in a special black fabric that revealed a printed texture only under ultraviolet lights, or had needle-punched white circles—like a spotlight projection—splattered across the front. To emphasize the depth of such darkness, everything was black, including models’ faces, a heavy stroke that made things a little too dramatic.

Karlheinz Stockhausen


Sonntag aus Licht takes as its subject our solar system and the relationships of all the planets that orbit the sun. In this opera, the earth and life on it is represented as the result of the union of light and water. These two elements are presented in the first scene, and the rest of the opera celebrates the evolution of life, of plants, animals, humans, and above all this the planets, moons, and heavenly constellations. The opera has a pronounced ritualistic and meditative character, with very little that can be described as dramatic action.


Eco Warriors

A Beginner’s Guide for Eco Warriors is inspired by the current dramatic changes in Earth’s ecosystem due to the human impact, the so-called age of Anthropocene. This short film represent, with certain level of exaggeration, tips and inspirations how to lower your ecological footprint and contribute to the slowing down of global warming and the protection of natural habitats. This short film then becomes a small guide for Eco Warriors and urges for reflection and reaction from each of us.


جوزيف سفوبودا
la traviata de verdi (Scenografia)
La technologie et la scénographie
Svoboda utilise les techniques de pointe en éclairage, en projection d’image et en mécanique de scène (scène cinétique) afin de s’affranchir des contraintes du lieu théâtral. La scène est pour Svoboda un instrument et un espace magique, lieu d’action de forces dramatiques, réelles, et non pas un espace illusionniste. La scénographie est une des disciplines de l’art théâtral, une composante de la mise en scène et un élément essentiel de la représentation. Elle doit donc d’être dynamique et se transformer dans le temps pour épouser l’action dramatique. La scénographie a un langage propre en tant que discipline à part entière. Svoboda apporte une contribution importante à ce langage par son travail sur la lumière et l’espace.
Lumière, matière et espace
Svoboda dit percevoir la lumière physiquement, et non pas simplement visuellement ; il trouve en elle l’inspiration pour son travail. Tout en reconnaissant son statut ” immatériel “, il la considère comme l’élément fondamental de la scénographie et la traite comme un matériau. D’abord formé en menuiserie, Svoboda affectionne particulièrement les matières brutes, notamment le bois. L’architecture représente pour lui, et ce dès son jeune âge, la somme des connaissances humaines. Formé en architecture d’intérieur, il s’intéresse à l’organisation de l’espace, à la rencontre scénique de l’architecture et du décor. Il privilégie les formes simples : la sphère, le cube et l’escalier. Svoboda croit que ” la mise en scène à l’italienne, bien qu’elle ne corresponde plus aux exigences des méthodes scénographiques actuelles, reste toujours la meilleure “.

Tod Machover

Death and the Powers

Science fiction and poignant family drama combine in one of the most stunning, cutting-edge operas of the 21st century, with a libretto by former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, coming to the stage of the Winspear Opera House in a production directed by Diane Paulus, designed by Alex McDowell (Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report) and conducted by Nicole Paiement (TDO’s The Lighthouse).This visually spectacular robot pageant by MIT Media Lab’s Tod Machover tells the story of a terminally ill billionaire, sung by Robert Orth, who downloads his consciousness into “the System” and proceeds to use all his powers to persuade his loved ones to join him there. Without bodies, without the possibility of touch, sex, suffering, and death — are we still genuinely human?Explore these existential questions and much more in a piece Variety described as “playful, lyrical and…mesmerizing.” Also starring Joélle Harvey as Miranda, Patricia Risley as Evvy, and Hal Cazalet in his Dallas Opera debut as Nicholas.


Discrete Figures
‘Discrete Figures’ unites the performing arts and mathematics in a dramatic exploration of the relationship between the human body and computer generated movement (simulated bodies) born from mathematical analysis. As an additional layer of complexity, the performance piece utilizes drones, A.I., and machine learning in the quest for a new palette of movement to foster undiscovered modes of expressive dance that transcend the limits of conventional human subjectivity and emotional expression.

Robert Battle

Роберт битва
No Longer Silent

Robert Battle’s dramatic ensemble work No Longer Silent, set to Erwin Schulhoff’s percussive score “Ogelala,” features dancers evoking a complex and mysterious ritual. Originally created in 2007 for The Juilliard School, Battle’s alma mater, the work was part of a concert of choreography that brought to life long-forgotten scores by composers whose work the Nazis had banned. Powerful phrases stir the imagination with images of flight and fatigue, chaos and unity, and collectivity and individualism as dancers, clad in all black, travel in military rows.

D.W. Griffith

Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages
Regarded as one of the most influential films of the silent era (though it received mixed reviews at the time), the three-and-a-half-hour epic intercuts four parallel storylines, each separated by several centuries: (1) a contemporary melodrama of crime and redemption, (2) a Judean story: Christ‘s mission and death, (3) a French story: the events surrounding the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre of 1572, and (4) a Babylonian story: the fall of the Babylonian Empire to Persia in 539 BC. Each story had its own distinctive color tint in the original print, but not in the currently available versions.
cinema full

Carl Kleiner

Карлом Кляйнером
Tulips Postures
Carl Kleiner creates sleek editorial content for fashion and lifestyle brands, and that sensibility shows in his photo and video series Postures which features artfully arranged tulips. Using minimal metal rods, bent at strategic ends and angles, Kleiner showcases the graceful curves of the flowers’ long necks and gently ruffled petals and leaves. A further sense of movement is instilled through the stop-motion video, which combines still photos of the blossoms’ subtle changes into a dramatic dance.


מאיקו טאקדה
마이코 다케다
مايكو تاكيدا
Atmospheric Reentry

Maiko Takeda’s creations seem like a surreal creatures from fantastic dream world. The headpieces of her latest creation, ‘Atmospheric Reentry’, are excitingly different, delicate and futuristic. The Tokyo born graduate of Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art, seeks to ‘create surreal, subtle dramas around the person wearing a piece and the people near them’. She imagines to give the people wearing her pieces the opportunity to ‘experience or share surreal moments in their daily lives, at a party or in the privacy of their own home’. ‘I want my pieces to give people those magical experiences’

Roy Andersson

About Endlessness
La nueva película de Roy Andersson, una especie de secuela espiritual de A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence, está compuesta por una serie de viñetas narradas por una mujer joven desde un futuro indefinido: una pareja flota por una Colonia en ruinas; un padre se detiene a atar los cordones de los zapatos de su hija bajo la lluvia; un cura con crisis de fe busca ayuda de un psiquiatra que lo único que quiere es llegar a tomar el colectivo de vuelta a casa. La película, por la que Andersson ganó el León de Plata a Mejor Director en el último Festival de Venecia, es otra muestra de su talento para captar la esencia de la vida, transitando entre la comedia y el drama, entre la alegría y la tristeza. Y todo esto en apenas 76 encantadores minutos.

Richard Quinn

Fall 2018
Even though he was only given a few days’ notice of the royal’s attendance, Quinn lived up to the expectations. He maintained his focused vision, shining the spotlight on his impressive printwork and flair for standout, dramatic silhouettes. An array of abstracted floral prints — all created in-house at the designer’s print studio in Peckham — were mashed up on loose halterneck dresses, delicately pleated chiffon skirts and oversize bomber jackets, to create a visual feast of color and pattern.


Вадим Штейн
Vadim Stein is an Ukrainian artist resident in St. Petersburg (Russia). He worked as an actor and a lighting designer in the Theater of Plastic Drama and later on decorative sculpture and graphics. Taking photos of his own works he became keen on photography. His photos are able to recreate a parallel universe, to tell a story made of eroticism and mystery through a great mastery of the light and the elegance of bodies.


Blade Runner
Vangelis’ soundtrack for Blade Runner remains one of the relatively few soundtracks to establish an enduring reputation as fine music in its own right. Vangelis, by mid-1981 when he was first invited to view a rough cut of footage from Blade Runner, was at the peak of his fame as a solo artist, following a half-decade long run of successful albums[…] Vangelis cleverly chose to adopt the film’s aesthetic as his own. The film wielded futuristic sci-fi to film noir detective drama and action, owing much to psychological thrillers or horror. The most obviously jarring example of how Vangelis simulated this approach was his commissioning of the ragtime jazz song ‘One More Kiss’, which he positioned at the very centre of his album of cutting edge electronica.


Рене Лалу
fantastic planet
El planeta salvaje (en francés La planète sauvage) es una película francesa animada de ciencia ficción de 1973 dirigida por el francés René Laloux, es hoy uno de los grandes clásicos de la animación europea. A través de una historia de ciencia ficción, el film nos sumerge en el drama de dos sociedades enfrentadas entre sí, a través de la opresión, y en el incierto destino al que se enfrentan, abocadas a la propia destrucción. A destacar, además de la trama, la impactante estética que presenta, heredera de los cánones de la época y el lugar en que fue creada.


מאיקו טאקדה
마이코 다케다
مايكو تاكيدا

Maiko Takeda’s creations seem like a surreal creatures from fantastic dream world. The headpieces of her latest creation, ‘Atmospheric Reentry’, are excitingly different, delicate and futuristic. The Tokyo born graduate of Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art, seeks to ‘create surreal, subtle dramas around the person wearing a piece and the people near them’.

Peeping Tom

Peeping Tom’s dance shoves certain motifs towards the very limits of acrobatics. Yet between bruised, nostalgic people, or people in love, the situations are deeply dramatic and expressed with feeling. This new piece develops the generic persona of the old father, his mythology, his prestige and his ridicule, his pitiable power deleted by gradual disintegration. It is an intensely human portrayal.


بوب ويلسون
בוב וילסון
밥 윌슨

Poner en escena a Shakespeare, no dramático sino lírico: esa era la intención del director estadounidense Bob Wilson en Sonnets de Shakespeare (Sonnets de Shakespeare), espectáculo que se exhibe en el Berliner Ensemble. Con ese fin, Wilson está asociado con el compositor y músico estadounidense-canadiense Rufus Wainwright. El resultado es una noche de variedades, con referencia a todos los géneros de entretenimiento, desde la commedia dell’arte hasta los sketches televisivos, pasando por el cabaret. Si en la era isabelina los roles femeninos eran interpretados por hombres, Bob Wilson hizo lo mismo, creando esta práctica inversa: las actrices interpretan roles masculinos. Esta inversión – la reina Isabel I, en su trono, declamando un soneto con una voz profunda y el propio Shakespeare, de joven y anciano, con voces femeninas – intensifica aún más el tono de farsa del espectáculo. Tanto es así que ni siquiera el esporádico número de la actriz travesti Georgette Dee, micrófono en mano, disiente mucho del entorno shakesperiano.


سارة بوكانان
Empire of the Clouds is a dramatic futuristic representation of aviation achievements, throughout the past, present and future. Inspired by the true design innovation and achievement from machines of flight throughout the entirety of the concept. Focusing on model making to gain a unique perspective and develop an understanding of the overwhelming human drive, almost obsession, to achieve what we cannot do naturally, to fly. Passionate about research Buchanan has a meticulous attitude towards uncovering all elements in a concept. In this collection it enabled a distinctive perspective to a large subject, creating a concept based around model making and accessibility of a globally collective dream.


Fellini Satyricon, or simply Satyricon, is a 1969 Italian fantasy drama film written and directed by Federico Fellini and loosely based on Petronius’s work Satyricon, written during the reign of Emperor Nero and set in imperial Rome. The film is divided into nine episodes, following Encolpius and his friend Ascyltus as they try to win the heart of a young boy named Gitón within a surreal and dream-like Roman landscape.
The film opens on a graffiticovered wall with Encolpius lamenting the loss of his lover Gitón to Ascyltus. Vowing to win him back, he learns at the Thermae that Ascyltus sold Gitón to the actor Vernacchio. At the theatre, he discovers Vernacchio and Gitón performing in a lewd play based on the “emperor’s miracle”: a slave’s hand is axed off and replaced with a gold one. Encolpius storms the stage and reclaims Gitón. On their return to Encolpius’s home in the Insula Felicles, a Roman tenement building, they walk through the vast Roman brothel known as the Lupanare, observing numerous sensual scenes. They fall asleep after making love at Encolpius’s place. Ascyltus sneaks into the room, waking Encolpius with a whiplash. Since both share the tenement room, Encolpius proposes they divide up their property and separate. Ascyltus mockingly suggests they split Gitón in half. Encolpius is driven to suicidal despair, however, when Gitón decides to leave with Ascyltus. At that moment, an earthquake destroys the tenement.


The building of student dwellings in the complex of buildings belonging to Utrecht University has transformed the Uithof site into a full-fledged campus. It will also help relieve the chronic housing shortage for young people in the city of Utrecht. Within the line of freestanding buildings (‘Objectenstrook’) the master plan designed by OMA, our block of 380 independent and clustered rooms presents itself as a solitary mass with a 20 metre cantilever. The spectacular main concrete supporting structure consists of four slabs that together form a theatrical single table leg. The ‘leg’ and its rocking bench dramatize the main entrance and create an urban rendezvous which distills the encounters and the to-and- from of all those students.

Richard Wentworth

ريتشارد وينتوورث
ריצ’רד וונטוורת
Ричард Вентворт

Wentworth’s sculpture takes as its subject the semantics of the everyday world, taking readymade and frequently incongruous objects and arranging them in a fashion that forces us to recognise the drama inherent in that which we too easily dismiss as routine. His photography captures the unusual or counter-intuitive behaviour of things, treating the (generally urban) landscape as consisting of readymade works that merit the same attention as more traditional art objects.


In photographs and video installations, Sebastian Stumpf tests the boundaries of his environment and oversteps them seemingly effortlessly. His selfdramatizations call into question the relationship between body and space. Short video sequences document physical actions that Stumpf executes. These performances do not take place live in the exhibition space but are projected as already-completed works at the exact site where they were originally staged: video work and projection space thus overlap and merge.


精美雕塑艺术 非常设计师网
The work of Laurent Craste lies at the crossroads of two mediums, participating in the world of visual arts, but never stepping beyond its borders. Ceramics, linked by tradition to crafts, requires a technical knowledge and know-how so restrictive that artists are prompted to remain within canonical forms, never pushing their limits. Video art, the recent avatar of the moving image, does not always acknowledge its main ancestor, cinema. The innovative aspect of this work is the combination of the two mediums with the addition of humorous or dramatic short stories, encompassing an autobiographical element that never descends to self-righteousness.


Plasticine Cave
Gary Card is a young and amazing English designer, a graduate of Central Saint Martins, who made the “Plasticine Cave” installation for Spring Studios Gallerya few years ago. He is redefining boundaries by using plasticine in huge quantities and making us feel disturbed by all those skulls. The installation consists of 2 thousands gawking faces sculpted out of almost 3 tonnes of white plasticine, giving a huge and dramatic cave where the combination of materials and light give an outstanding interior space.


Forced Landscape
Rachael Champion’s site-specific sculptures and installations are engaged in a discourse surrounding the dependant yet unclear relationship between industry, technology and nature. Her works consist of large scale constructions and dramatic architectural interventions that question the shifting interactions humanity has with the natural world and considers their boundaries, separations and progressive implications. Through manipulating information from diverse influences that include brutalist architecture, agriculture, raw materials, municipal infrastructure, public space and ecology, Champion questions the layered and dynamic complexities of our shifting physical environment.

Jean Nouvel

National Museum of Qatar
The building’s dramatic shape is inspired by the desert rose – a mineral formation created when minerals crystallise below the surface of a salt basin into an array of flat plates resembling rose petals.

Rexy Tseng

90×200 is an installation that dramatizes the emotions of frustration, anxiety, and delirium through mechanical movements. The work is inspired by the artist’s own experience of being bedridden because of a serious infection.