
Cokau Lab

H²élyos takes you into an imaginary world where unreal monsters coexist. These Titans are looking for a single goal, the light of the god H²élyos. He is the eye of the world. He is the one who sees everything. This project was originally designed as a 360-degree experience for The Immersive Art Festival, devoted to immersive digital design […] It used all the atelier technological power : 140 video-projectors, 50 speakers, 3000 m2 of projection surface.


We only come out at night
We Only Come Out at Night is an urban graffiti project involving interactive public projections. A site is selected at dawn and a sticker is stuck or a stencil image is sprayed at the location. When the sun sets, jellies are projected over the heads of pedestrians on the street. As the pedestrian walks underneath the projection, the monsters grab the shadows of the people and eat them. The sticker is then removed and the project visits another place at dawn. A website is created to track the history of the monster appearance in order to promote and create a mythology. There are seven monsters in total, each monster’s design and behavior is unique. Gula, the monster that always eat, Avaritia, the monster that stuffs you into his pants, Invidia, the monster that takes your image and pretends to be you, and so on. Each monster is unique but always sad.



Witness as the covers are pulled back to reveal the rites and rituals of the untamable Homo Sapiens in its favorite nesting place — a giant bed! Like a bizarre nature documentary THE BED EXPERIMENT tracks four males and four females, who while confronting their deepest fears and desires, balance the witty and weird against the painfully true to life.

“As the piece proceeds, the focus shifts from mating rituals to the antics of lovemaking, from the battle of the sexes to baby worship, and from dreams of conquest to nightmares of disembowelment. The bed turns from the cradle of civilization into a hospital cot, from a sultry desert to a tundra of monsters. As the scenes evolve — the performance is a 60-minute continuum — the tone mysteriously oscillates between extremes of farcicality or pathos. How the performers effect these wondrous transformations is one of the Adaptors’ most singular professional secrets”. Alan M. Kriegsman

Lee Bul

Untitled is the most complex of Lee Bul’s series of monsters. It comprises a white central body composed of multiple parts that simultaneously evoke the physical and the technological or cybernetic. Exploding outwards into space from its core are other parts of the form, including an octopus-like head, that appear frozen in space as fragments of the one entity.more

Zarko Baseski

Zarko Baseski est un artiste macédonien, né en 1957, qui a exposé dans de nombreuses galeries et musées à travers le monde. Il a représenté son pays à la 54ème Biennale Internationale de Venise en 2011. L’apparition phénoménale de son oeuvre dans le paysage contemporain nous questionne alors qu’ Eve, Adam, Ezekiel et David nous renseignent sur nous-mêmes infiniment mieux que la plus subtile des psychanalyses. Cet artiste exceptionnel est inclassable, il ne transforme pas l’homme en monstre mais nous montre la monstruosité qu’il peut y avoir en l’homme lorsqu’il s’est débarrassé de l’illusion humaniste qu’il se fait de lui-même. Zarko Baseski m’a tellement stupéfiée que j’ai tout de suite décidé de l’exposer.


Райан Гандера
라이언 갠더/
ريان غاندر
Rietveld’s monster