
Neri Oxman

Computational growth across material and urban scales offers a framework for design through self-organization, enabling the generation of vast, diverse forms exhibiting characteristics like those that emerge through the biological growth processes found in Nature. In this project, we construct an oriented volume spanned by surface normals of the shape at every point. The value of the oriented volume drives the iterative deformation of the shape. Depending on the parameterization of this process, we can obtain distinctly different growing forms. Importantly, the emergence of these forms is driven only by the time evolution of a geometric operator acting on the shapes iteratively, thereby connecting geometry and growth through an algorithm. To form the Man-Nahata landscape, the buildings of the urban landscape are transformed through repeated morphological closing operations, where the field of influence follows a gradient from the center to the outskirts of a circular region.

Matthew Biederman

Die Wissenschaft sucht ständig näher oder weiter, um zu helfen, die Phänomene der Natur zu enträtseln. Mit sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Technologien blicken Wissenschaftler in die tiefsten Bereiche des Weltraums oder bis ins Unendliche, die Wissenschaft lernt ständig neue Dinge über unsere Welt und ihre Funktionsweise. Morphogerador nutzt ein Reaktions-Diffusions-System und reflektiert biologische Prozesse, die strukturelle Farbe erzeugen, wie wir sie unter anderem bei Insekten wie dem Morpho-Schmetterling und vielen Käferarten sehen. Diese Reaktions-Diffusions-Systeme wurden erstmals von Alan Turning in seinem wegweisenden Artikel “The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis” angewendet, um biomorphologische Systeme zu beschreiben. Morphogerador verwendet ähnliche Algorithmen, um ein sich ständig weiterentwickelndes, aber stabiles System zu schaffen, das die Perspektive kontinuierlich näher und weiter bringt, ohne jemals die kleinste oder breiteste Ansicht zu erreichen, die immer auf neue Erkenntnisse am Rande unserer Sicht hinweist.


Parasitic endeavours
Simon Christoph Krenn’s 3D animation, Parasitic Endeavours, initially started out as the creative wanting to explore distorted perspectives on human evolution. “I think my main inspiration came from nature and its creative forces themselves. I used to study zoology at university and was especially fascinated by evolutionary biology and the development of animal morphologies. I realized the video’s strange and somehow creepy potential and decided to push the animation even more into this direction.”

Anne-Sarah Le Meur & Jean-Jacques Birgé

Omni-Vermille is based on computer-generated real-time 3D images. The programmed code allows light spots to oscillate against a dark background. The colors sometimes move dynamically, sometimes calmly across the projection surface; sometimes they evoke plasticity, sometimes depth. This continuous metamorphosis endows the contents of the images with a sensual, even lively quality. The metamorphosis designed by algorithms opens up a new time-based morphology of colors and forms for painting. The play of colors is accompanied by a stereophonic sound composition by Jean-Jacques Birgé (*1952, France). The sounds follow the shapes of the colors, only to stand out again the next moment: the combination of sound and image results entirely from the laws of random simultaneity.

Ying Yu


Humans, as social beings, use language to communicate. The human voice, as a biometric authentication mechanism, is constantly used throughout daily life applications, such as speech recognition, speaker verification, and so on. Currently, language-based communications mainly fall into two categories: voice over air, and voice over internet protocol. Can we add a new dimension for voice communication such as a wearable material? If so, how could we shape matter in order to physicalize vocal information?

airMorphologiesis an interactive installation that uses soft materials, such as silicon, fabric, and air, to realize these physicalizations. The human voice controls the actuation of a soft wearable structure, changing the appearance of the human body.

Haru Ji and Graham Wakefield

Infranet is a generative artwork realized through a population of artificial lifeforms with evolutionary neural networks, thriving upon open geospatial data of the infrastructure of the city as their sustenance and canvas. Born curious, these agents form spatial networks through which associations spread in complex contagions. In this city as organism, the data grounds an unbounded, decentralized, open-ended, and unsupervised system. Non-human beings flourish in this environment by learning, discovering, communicating, self-governing, and evolving. The invitation is to witness, through immersive visualization and sonficiation of this complex adaptive system, how a new morphologic landscape emerges as a possible but speculative city.


Liquid MIDI
An experimental modular textile interface for sonic interactions, exploring aesthetics and morphology on contemporary interaction design. Trigger  pads and fader board are screen printed modules focused on AV performances, allowing the performer to build its set up regarding its needs.


Taipei Performing Arts Center
he morphology and shape of the building was designed using sound-waves that were analyzed and transformed into three dimensional vectors. These vectors became the formal and structural framework for the design of the exterior envelope. The building materializes with a metal and glass enclosure that reveals its activities in a variety of scales and angles to the city.

marc quinn

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מארק קווין
centripetal morphology