
Ludmila Rodrigues & Mike Rijnierse

Sunset in Delft
Sunset in Delft es una escultura que recrea el fenómeno cotidiano del sol hundiéndose en el horizonte, y lo hace, dentro de una ciudad. Este enorme cuerpo de luz brillante se colocó sobre el agua, precisamente en el cruce de tres canales en la idílica ciudad de Delft, el lugar donde posiblemente se conocieron el científico Antoni van Leeuwenhoek y el pintor Johannes Vermeer, mientras realizaban experimentos pioneros con la óptica en el siglo XVII. . La vista panorámica de 360º de este sol hundiéndose en el agua subvierte la perspectiva habitual de la estrella celeste moviéndose sobre el horizonte.

De Module & Coloko

Motion Paintings
Questo lavoro è ispirato da uno degli spettacoli più straordinari della natura: l’enorme stormo di uccelli, dove poche centinaia di uccelli si girano e si attorcigliano contemporaneamente creando un’unica grande nuvola. Abbiamo tradotto questi movimenti e forme in un disegno panoramico di diversi elementi che variano in lunghezza, spessore, colore e rotazione.

Playmodes Studio

FORMS- String Quartet
“FORMS – String Quartet” é uma performance multimídia ao vivo para quarteto de cordas, música eletrônica e visuais panorâmicos, baseada no conceito de “sonificação gráfica”. Os músicos interpretam uma série de partituras gráficas que por sua vez constroem a cenografia visual, oferecendo ao público a experiência de poder antecipar a “música que virá”. Essas partituras, juntamente com os espectrogramas que compõem o acompanhamento eletrônico da peça, foram previamente criadas por meio de algoritmos gráficos generativos.

Abel Gance


Kevin Brownlow’ restoration

Gance embarked on his greatest project, a six-part life of Napoléon. Only the first part was completed, tracing Bonaparte’s early life, through the Revolution, and up to the invasion of Italy, but even this occupied a vast canvas with meticulously recreated historical scenes and scores of characters. The film was full of experimental techniques, combining rapid cutting, hand-held cameras, superimposition of images, and, in wide-screen sequences, shot using a system he called Polyvision needing triple cameras (and projectors), achieved a spectacular panoramic effect, including a finale in which the outer two film panels were tinted blue and red, creating a widescreen image of a French flag. The original version of the film ran for around 6 hours. A shortened version received a triumphant première at the Paris Opéra in April 1927 before a distinguished audience that included the future General de Gaulle. The length was reduced still further for French and European distribution, and it became even shorter when it was shown in America. Napoleon is a silent film directed by Abel Gance, dramatising the youth and early career of Napoleon Bonaparte. Its most complete screening, said to be nine hours long, took place in Paris in 1927 – but this version was subsequently lost. British film-maker Kevin Brownlow saw a version as a schoolboy and subsequently restored the film to close to its original length from various prints. His restoration was first shown in London in 1980 with a score by Carl Davis.

Zaha Hadid Architects

Tower C
‘tower C’ by zaha hadid architects within the Shenzhen bay super headquarters base responds to its location at the intersection of the city’s planned north-south green axis and shenzhen’s east-west urban corridor. Connecting directly with its adjacent park and plazas, which transform into a terraced landscape extending upwards within its two towers, the design invites the public into the heart of the building where cultural and leisure attractions are housed in sweeping bridges that tie the towers together and give panoramic views of the city.

Richard Vijgen

Hertzian Landscapes
Hertzian Landscapes (2019) is a live visualization of the radio spectrum. Unlike visible light, waves in the radio spectrum cannot be perceived by us directly yet this space is teeming with human activity. Hertzian Landscapes employs a digital receiver to scan large swaths of radio spectrum in near real-time and visualizes thousands of signals into a panoramic electromagnetic landscape. Users can zoom in to specific frequencies by positioning themselves in front of the panorama as if controlling a radio tuner with their body, giving them a sense of walking through the spectrum.

Marnix de Nijs

Lost Dimension
Lost Dimension Non-dimensional Cities is an immersive cinematic experience in which participants journey through an endlessly unfolding virtual cityscape that expands over all axes. This dimensionless cityscape is constructed from a large collection of point clouds and sounds. While the user is standing on the controller pod and navigates through this virtual world, a sense of physical instability takes over and the platform becomes an anchor to hold on to. The building blocks of the world are generated from depth map information and panoramic photographs obtained from Google Street View’s API. Depending on the user’s position in the virtual world these blocks are dynamically repositioned on a three-dimensional grid. By subtle manipulation of motion and sound, perspective distortion and shifts in balance Lost Dimension unquestionably re-calibrates the viewer’s perception of dimensionality.


My Whale
There is an impressive space at the front of the ship, with panoramic windshield and hexagonal pattern on the vaulted ceiling, remained from the 80-s, the time, when “Brusov” was constructed in Austria. Standing there gives you the feeling of floating through the reflections of the Krymsky bridge lights on the river, inside a giant whale head. Looking through its eyes, listening to its songs that flow across the brain made of hexagonal cells by the wires hanging down here and there.
With some light and sound we brought this whale to life.
Each piece of the projection onto the cells was cloned from the previous one with a random changes. So each cell behaved differently, pulsating to the rythm of the whale songs. To interract with the whale the visitor could place the phone screen above the black box in the center of the room.

Peter Lik

kanion antyotypy arizona
Peter Lik is a photographer from Australia, best known for his nature and panoramic landscape images.
This practice continued when he took road trips out of the city and into the wilds of Australia, often accompanied by his friend and fellow photographer Michael Plumridge. As a photographer, Lik is self-taught, learning mostly by trial and error.


Лех Маевский

Rutger Hauer THE MILL & THE CROSS dir. Lech Majewsk Pieter Bruegel’s epic masterpiece The Way To Calvary depicts the story of Christ’s Passion set in Flanders under brutal Spanish occupation in the year 1564, the very year Bruegel created his painting. From among the more than five hundred figures that fill Bruegel’s remarkable canvas, THE MILL & THE CROSS focuses on a dozen characters whose life stories unfold and intertwine in a panoramic landscape populated by villagers and red-caped horsemen. Among them are Bruegel himself (played by Rutger Hauer), his friend and art collector Nicholas Jonghelinck (Michael York), and the Virgin Mary (Charlotte Rampling). T

sou fujimoto architects

على فوجيموتو
על פוג’ימוטו
Albero Bianco

è stato annunciato che sou fujimoto è stato scelto per costruire la seconda follia architettonica del 21 ° secolo a montpellier, in francia. il team multidisciplinare vincitore comprende anche gli studi francesi nicolas laisné associés (NL * A) e manal rachdi oxo architects. la torre a uso misto di 17 piani ospiterà unità residenziali, uffici, una galleria d’arte, un ristorante e un bar panoramico. uno sforzo interculturale, lo schema incarna la montpellier di oggi, con un’integrazione degli stili giapponese e mediterraneo. la struttura è strategicamente posizionata tra il centro cittadino ed i quartieri di recente sviluppo di port marianne e odysseum, a metà strada tra il vecchio e il nuovo quartiere della città. chiamata “albero bianco”, o “arbre blanc”, la struttura di 10.000 metri quadrati cresce organicamente dal terreno, con una forma naturale che sembra essere stata scolpita nel tempo. i vari rami dello schema forniscono anche aree d’ombra selezionate per le proprietà adiacenti. ciascuno dei residenti del grattacielo selezionerà una planimetria preferita da un elenco di possibili layout, incoraggiando l ‘”architettura a libera scelta” con una serie di spazi modulari. a dominare lo skyline, l’edificio presenta periferie dense ma permeabili dove le divisioni tra spazio interno ed esterno sono sfumate. influenzati dalla passione della città per la vita all’aria aperta, i balconi gravitano verso l’esterno, come foglie che si aprono a ventaglio per assorbire la luce solare. una generosa dotazione di vegetazione vede giardini pensili, piante e alberi posizionati in tutte le unità residenziali, immaginati come un giardino verticale. la torre elabora strategie passive in tutto il suo design di garantire un ambiente confortevole e vivibile che si nutre delle risorse disponibili a livello locale.


اولافور الياسون
אולאפור אליאסון
panoramic awareness pavilion

Panoramic awareness pavilion (2013), was created for the John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park in Des Moines, Iowa. It is at once a large-scale light sculpture, which demands distance for proper appreciation, and a pavilion, which invites its audience to enter, explore, and engage with the work from within the structure.


Esta capilla de boda está en el jardín del hotel, “Bella Vista Sakaigahama,” en Onomichi, Hiroshima. El sitio se encuentra a mitad de camino en una colina con una vista panorámica del mar interior de Japón. Entrelazando dos escaleras de caracol, hicimos de un edificio estable, de composición sin precedentes y que arquitectónicamente encarna el acto del matrimonio en una forma pura. Una sola escalera de caracol sería inestable en una dirección horizontal y es propensa a la vibración en una dirección vertical, por lo tanto, muy inestable.



“Flightpath Toronto’s swarms of flying people experiment with an urban-scale participatory proposition: one that demonstrates the pleasures of emissionless urban mobility and creates a shared memory of a possible future. Flightpath Toronto is a collaboration between Usman Haque, architect/artist and Natalie Jeremijenko, engineer/artist, uniting his expertise in participatory urban spectacle with her expertise in bird flight and urban natural systems.”A panoramic 4-loop animation showed imaginative 3D-generated city featured some art projects by Usman Haque and Natalie Jeremijenko from a “flyer” ‘s point of view. Images of the art projects gradually appeared in each loop.


An interactive installation between dance

L’ipercoreografia è un’installazione video interattiva a sei schermi. Puoi attivare e controllare il video dei sei ballerini nel lavoro con i tuoi movimenti del corpo. Puoi diventare un ballerino o anche un coreografo del lavoro, sperimentando la gioia illimitata della danza e della danza. L’ipercoreografia è un’esperienza emozionante e stimolante che ti offre una panoramica dell’arte della coreografia e dello screendance. L’ipercoreografia è una nuova installazione concepita dagli artisti dello screendance Simon Fildes e Katrina McPherson della pluripremiata compagnia di produzione indipendente scozzese Goat. L’opera d’arte è stata creata in collaborazione con il coreografo tibetano di fama internazionale Sang Jijia, il produttore musicale veterano Dickson Dee, sei ballerini eccezionali e il creativo locale, LazyAnt.


켈리 리처드슨
קלי ריצ’רדסון/
mariner 9
Mariner 9 presents a panoramic view of a Martian landscape set hundreds of years into the future, littered with the rusting remains from various missions to the planet. Despite its suggested abandoned state, several of the spacecraft continue to partially function, to do their intended jobs, to ultimately find signs of life, possibly transmitting the data back to no one.
Mariner 9 was created using scenery-generation software employed by the film and gaming industries in combination with technical data from NASA’s missions to Mars to produce a faithful artist’s rendering of Martian terrain, populated by the debris from centuries of exploration through real and imagined spacecraft in the centre of a duststorm. “Cinematic tropes of sci-fi films abound, but any search for a clear narrative is frustrated. Presented with minimal action, we wonder instead about the search for life beyond our own planet and the simultaneous destruction of life on earth.” (Laurel MacMillan, Programmer for TIFF Future Projections)