

Lluvia cinética
Kinetic Rain es una obra de arte diseñada para la Terminal 1 del aeropuerto Changi de Singapur. La escultura cinética agrega un elemento contemplativo al animado espacio de tránsito de la sala de salidas. Kinetic Rain consta de dos partes instaladas sobre las dos escaleras mecánicas centrales de la terminal. Cada elemento simétrico está compuesto por 608 gotas de aluminio recubiertas de cobre. Las gotas están conectadas por cables de acero a motores controlados por computadora que las suben y bajan con precisión.





Light is using high-precision lasers to draw continuous abstract shapes on the screen, perfectly synchronized with the sound. Intense light contrasts with total darkness, and slow movements and the evolution of small details are as important as strong gestures. The result is both quaint and futuristic. Emerging models leave room for many possible explanations. Hieroglyphs, symbols in an unknown language, architectural drawings, connections between data points, or early video games like Tron are magnified 1,000 times.



La lumière utilise des lasers de haute précision pour dessiner des formes abstraites continues sur l’écran, parfaitement synchronisées avec le son. La lumière forte contraste avec l’obscurité totale, le ralenti et l’évolution des petits détails sont aussi importants que les gestes forts. Le résultat est à la fois pittoresque et futuriste. Les modèles émergents laissent place à de nombreuses explications possibles. Les hiéroglyphes, les symboles dans une langue inconnue, les dessins d’architecture, les connexions entre les points de données ou les premiers jeux vidéo comme Tron sont agrandis 1 000 fois.


Schemi Nascosti
La rete di co-citazione per la natura: più di 88.000 articoli pubblicati dalla rivista dal 1900 sono rappresentati ciascuno da un punto, colorato dalla disciplina. Gli articoli sono collegati se un altro articolo scientifico (di quelli indicizzati nel Web of Science) li cita entrambi; la dimensione del punto riflette il numero di questi link di co-citazione. Connessioni invisibili e nascoste e schemi che si ripetono costantemente all’interno della natura, della società, della lingua e della cultura non solo possono essere esplorati ma anche resi visibili. L’approccio di rete di Barabási promette di fornire un metodo completo e universale che illuminerà molti fenomeni con precisione scientifica.

Shinseungback Kimyonghun

Cloud Face
Humans see figures in clouds: animals, faces and even god. This kind of perception also appears in machine vision. Face-detection algorithms sometimes find faces where there are not any.’Cloud Face’ is a collection of cloud images that are recognized as human faces by a face-detection algorithm. It is a result of machine vision’s error but they often look like faces to human eyes too. Humans, yet, know these are not actual faces. Humans rather imagine faces from the clouds. Here, the error of machines and the imagination of humans meet.

John Edmark

Blooming Zoetrope Sculptures
“Mientras el arte es a menudo un vehículo para la fantasía, mi trabajo es una invitación a profundizar más en nuestro mundo y descubrir cómo de asombroso puede ser”. El diseñador, artista e inventor estadounidense, conocedor de que “el cambio es la única constante en la naturaleza”, adora los patrones, las rotaciones y los giros de precisión matemática.”

studio smack

PARADISE – A contemporary interpretation of The Garden of Earthly Delights

Lo Studio Smack, meglio conosciuto per il video musicale Witch Doctor di De Staat, ha rilasciato una nuova animazione: un’interpretazione contemporanea di uno dei dipinti più famosi del primo maestro olandese Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights. Nel loro ultimo lavoro, il gruppo ha ripulito il paesaggio originale del pannello centrale del dipinto di Bosch e lo ha ricostruito in un’allucinante animazione 4K. Le creature che popolano questo parco giochi al coperto incarnano gli eccessi e i desideri della civiltà occidentale del XXI secolo. Consumismo, egoismo, evasione, richiamo dell’erotismo, vanità e decadenza. Tutti i personaggi sono metafore per la nostra società in cui i solitari sciamano nel loro mondo dei sogni digitale. Sono riflessi simbolici dell’ego e dell’immaginazione delle persone come si vedono, a differenza della versione di Bosch, in cui tutti gli individui sembrano più o meno uguali. Da un Hello Kitty arrapato a un serpente del pene che caccia alla coca Da uno spybot incarnato a polli fritti senza testa. Questi personaggi, una volta figure di sogno dipinte con precisione, sono ora modelli 3D creati digitalmente. A tutti loro è stato dato il proprio ciclo di animazione per vagare nel paesaggio. Inserendoli tutti insieme in questo affresco sintetico, il quadro non è mai lo stesso. Ciò che l’animazione e il trittico di Bosch hanno in comune è che difficilmente riuscirai a sopportare tutto, puoi guardarlo per ore. “Paradise” è stato commissionato dal Museo MOTI nei Paesi Bassi per la mostra New Delights, che fa parte del 500 ° anniversario di Hieronymus Bosch. Una gigantesca installazione video di quest’opera è esposta nel Museo fino al 31 dicembre 2016.

Roser Lopez Espinosa

“Lowland es una miniatura esculpida con precisión de relojería. Una danza milimétrica, sugerente e hipnótica. // Al final de este extenuante duelo físico, los dos intérpretes, jadeantes, parecen convencidos de que realmente han volado. Nosotros también.”

Zoro Feigl

A playful balancing act by a robotarm. This enormous machine balancing itself on a stainlesssteel semi sphere. When the arm moves, stretches, the balance point of the entire construction shifts which makes the whole machine lean over until it -almost- tips. The robot seems curious to find its tipping point, searching for the limits of balance without ever really being able to fall over. The machine is playing a children’s game with enormous power and robotic precision.


Hidden Patterns
The co-citation network for Nature: more than 88,000 papers published by the journal since 1900 are each represented by a dot, coloured by discipline. Papers are linked if another scientific paper (of those indexed in the Web of Science) cites both; the dot size reflects the number of these co-citation links.
Invisible, hidden connections and constantly repeating patterns within nature, society, language, and culture can not only be explored but also made visible. Barabási’s network approach promises to deliver a comprehensive, universal method that will illuminate many phenomena with scientific precision.

Nicolas Bernier

Sound performance combining the sound of mechanically triggered tuning forks with pure digital soundwaves. The performer is triggering sequences from the computer, activating solenoides that hits the tuning forks with high precision. Streams of light burst in synchronicity with the forks, creating a not quite minimal sound and light composition.

Jacopo Godani


Dans High Breed, Jacopo Godani présente une création élémentaire dont la chorégraphie – abstraite et esthétique pure – sert de principal moyen d’expression artistique. Avec une intensité physique riche en action et en exactitude, virtuellement mathématique dans sa précision, Godani introduit la quintessence de l’identité de l’entreprise.

Wyss Institute, SEAS & Boston University

Microfluidic Origami for Reconfigurable Pneumatic/Hydraulic (MORPH)
Looking to create a robot smaller than a centimeter that might someday perform precision surgery or help destroy tumors, researchers from Harvard University’s Wyss Institute and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and Boston University looked to nature for inspiration, and developed a novel microfabrication technique to construct it. Their tiny robot looks like a rubbery, transparent spider — and in fact, the team modeled the form after Australia’s famously colorful and captivating peacock spider.

Ryoji Ikeda

Permanent Installation
Japan’s leading electronic composer and visual artist Ryoji Ikeda focuses on the essential characteristics of sound itself and that of visuals as light by means of both mathematical precision and mathematical aesthetics. Ikeda has gained a reputation as one of the few international artists working convincingly across both visual and sonic media. He elaborately orchestrates sound, visuals, materials, physical phenomena and mathematical notions into immersive live performances and installations.

Heatherwick Studio

Friction table
This table is made from resin-infused paper, which is incredibly durable, highly sustainable and one of the few materials stable enough to achieve the level of precision required. At 1.8 metres when in its round form and 4 metres when extended to its longest ellipse, the Friction Table can seat groups of eight.

Philipp Artus

L’animation dans FLORA est générée par des ondes sinusoïdales superposées qui traversent une chaîne de lignes. Ce principe d’onde apparaît souvent dans la nature lorsque l’énergie est transmise à travers un milieu comme l’eau, l’air ou simplement une corde. Elle peut également être observée dans la locomotion des animaux et des êtres humains, dans laquelle l’énergie cinétique est transmise successivement par les articulations.
L’algorithme FLORA de est basé sur la découverte qu’un simple système de lignes rotatives peut créer des variations infinies de formes abstraites – allant des lignes courbes harmonieuses aux motifs énervés et chaotiques. L’esthétique qui en résulte associe une précision de calcul à un aspect ludique organique et a tendance à déclencher diverses associations dans l’esprit du spectateur.



Christian de Portzamparc and Peter Marino

Flagship Dior
“I wanted the building to represent Dior and to reflect Christian Dior’s work. So I wanted the surfaces to flow, like the couturier’s soft, woven white cotton fabric. These surfaces, which soar into the sky and undulate as if in motion, crossed by a few lines, are made from long moulded fiber glass shells, fitted together with aircraft precision.”more