

Voices In Your Head

There is no better way to measure the influence we exert upon humans than through making them change their behaviour in real time. This is what Iregular’s digital interactive artworks are all about: they attempt to create a language so clear and so universal that it allows the communication between the interactive art piece and the human to flow intuitively every time, without any instruction in sight, as if guided by a voice running through the head.

QUBIT AI: Max Haarich (Project Smart Hans)

Smart Hans

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival
Max Haarich (Project Smart Hans) – Smart Hans – Germany

The Smart Hans project is a synthetic reincarnation of Clever Hans, a horse that became famous in the early 20th century for apparently answering mathematical questions by tapping its hoof. The interactive installation features an animated horse that can guess any number in its mind through posture recognition. At the same time a fun joke and an illustration of why we worry about artificial intelligence.


Max Haarich is an artistic researcher, ethicist and consultant focusing on artificial intelligence and web3. He studied communication science at RWTH Aachen and critical thinking at the University of the Underground. After his studies, he researched artificial superintelligence at RWTH Aachen and later worked as a communications manager at Europe’s leading startup hub.


Team: Anja Borowicz Richardson (UK), Bruce Gilchrist (UK), Akshita Gupta (IND), Max Haarich (Artistic Lead/DE), Martina Huynh (NL), Asad Imtiaz (PAK), Muhammad Qasim Khan (PAK), Adrian Ludwig (DE), Pekka Ollikainen (FI), Raphael Pickl (DE).

Philippe Parreno

Dans la Rotonde, Philippe Parreno propose au visiteur d’arpenter un archipel de situations. Il fait appel à la mémoire, mais également aux sens : on peut la voir bien sûr, mais aussi l’entendre, la sentir, et quelque part la toucher – telle la morsure du soleil redirigé par les héliostats qui entre en communication directe avec notre peau.

Roman Ermakov

Роман Ермаков
live sculpture

Our perception — the only true reality. Creation as a feeling that generates the image, expressed in the form. Beauty manifesto calling to go beyond that limit imagination. The aesthetics of art can not be reduced to a clear set of building blocks with which you can strengthen or weaken the perception of contrast. Beauty should not be subjected to analysis, that is communication and the call to participate in the transformation of the emotional to the visible.The process of creating — is the alignment of the mosaic, many repetitions of simple and pure elements, which form a collection, harmonious in its incompleteness.

Sang Jijia

As it were
As it were, Sang Jijia’s first creation for GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, is about communication – about the joy of getting through to someone else, but also about everything that gets lost or is misunderstood. As humans, we share the same space but are detached from one another. We know what we want to say, but intentions can become confused.


In “DATA”, SpY offers a reflection on the rapid and widespread inclusion of algorithms in numerous aspects of our lives. In this audio-visual work, digital abstraction is used to explore and interpret how predictive tools operated through algorithms and artificial intelligence are highly beneficial in terms of aspects such as communication, research and medicine, but can also lead us to lose some of our freedoms if they are not used ethically.
Through this immersive audio-visual format, SpY explores new tools such as the holographic fabrics used to give the graphics an amazing sense of weightlessness. A 15-metre high screen made from this fabric was installed in one of Madrid’s smallest streets between the walls of the buildings.

Sougwen Chung

Drawing Operations
Sougwen Chung is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary artist, who uses hand-draw and computer-generated marks to address the closeness between person-to-person and person-to- machine communication. She is a former researcher at MIT Media Lab and current Artist in Resident at Bell Labs and New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. Her speculative critical practice spans installation, sculpture, still image, drawing, and performance. Drawing Operations Unit: Generation 1 is the 1st stage of an ongoing study of human and robotic interaction as an artistic collaboration.

Yonakani: Young ah Seong, Takuji Narumi & Tomohiro Akagawa

file festival
The term “Thermotaxis” signifies a movement of a living organism in response to heat stimulation. A thermal spot has power to encourage people to gather together like open fires in winter or water places in summer. The work “Thermotaxis” characterizes the open space as invisible thermal spots by providing people with thermal information. Our work aims to create a new spatial structure for communication not by architectural approach but by using information technology.

Mycelium Network Society

Franz XAVER + Taro + Martin HOWSE + Shu Lea CHEANG + global network nodes
Mycelium Network Society (MNS) investigates the unique abilities of mycelium, the collective name given to thread-like networks of fungal cells, to share and process information. Launched at the Ecologies excursion of transmediale 2017 in Berlin, in 2018 MNS takes on a franchise mode—inviting alternative art spaces and bio-hack labs to become nodes within a mycelium network, and to host workshops, residencies and exhibitions investigating mycelium, fungus and spores. Mycelium is henceforth used as a structure through which to connect co-habitants across borders, to develop channels for constant communication, to construct political tactics and contest economic collapse. The network currently comprises six nodes across France, the UK and USA, and most recently four sites in Taiwan.

Kutin | Kindlinger

The Rotor is equipped with a four channel speakersystem and a 360° camera. The artists control the speed of it’s rotation which directly influences the projected video-images as well as the sound-characteristics and the perception of the object itself. Acceleration & deceleration become main parameters, which enables the artists to compose an otherworldly piece that seems to follow it’s own logic. A strange communication between audio, video, object and light establishes itself and seduces the audience. There is the hypnotic movement of the sculpture while inevitable auditory and visual feedback is used as a central aesthetic element: The rotating speakers are amplified by static microphones, provoking complex feedback loops and patterns, that trigger psychoacoustic sensations.

Ed Atkins

Get Life/Love’s Work
This new project focuses on the ways bodies and technologies are intertwined, particularly in the field of digital communication and telepresence. As always in Atkins’s work, technology is analyzed as a theoretical and even allegorical interrogation of itself, rather than in any literal terms.


new horizon
Doug Aitken was born in California in 1968. He lives and works in Los Angeles and New York. Widely known for his innovative fine art installations, Doug Aitken is at the forefront of 21st century communication. Utilizing a wide array of media and artistic approaches, his eye leads us into a world where time, space, and memory are fluid concepts.


What hath God wrought?
The title of the installation is a line from the Book of Numbers in early modern English. It was the first message transmitted by telegraph in 1844, the first communication technology on the basis of electricity and binary coding. The artwork is fed by the 100 most used words in Thomas More’s book ‘Utopia’, feeding the correspondence between a series of telegraphs. The telegraphs translate the words into sound and light. Written rolls of paper drift to the floor. Slowly but surely, mistakes slip into the closed system and the meaning of the words alters. The Morse orchestra deals with the rationalism of the Renaissance and its belief in progress and posits by contrast an aesthetic of a self-regulating system in which the fault rules and defect becomes beauty.


Марк Хансен и Бен Рубин
마르크 한센과 벤 루빈
Listening Post

Listening Post is an art installation by Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin that culls text fragments in real time from thousands of unrestricted Internet chat rooms, bulletin boards and other public forums. The texts are read (or sung) by a voice synthesizer, and simultaneously displayed across a suspended grid of more than two hundred small electronic screens.Listening Post cycles through a series of six movements, each a different arrangement of visual, aural, and musical elements, each with it’s own data processing logic.Dissociating the communication from its conventional on-screen presence, Listening Post is a visual and sonic response to the content, magnitude, and immediacy of virtual communication.

Jonas Eltes

Lost in Computation
A multilingual conversation between two Chatbot AIs (Artificial Intelligence) trained in Swedish and Italian, translated through Google Translate, exploring how the multiple layers of computation in today’s digital landscape distorts our communication.

So Kanno

Asemic Languages
Characters are a means of visual communication and recording a language. Civilizations throughout the world have created various characters, which convey their culture and history. This project focuses purely on the form of the characters rather than their meaning. The characters have been learned by artificial intelligence (AI) not for their meaning but for their shape and patterns. AI has created and drawn lines that look like characters but do not have any meaning. By learning handwriting with one writer in each language, artificial intelligence collected information on the shapes of each character system, as well the idiosyncrasies of each writer, of a AI, to possess a plotter.


Karen Vourc’h
La Voix Humaine

La Voix humaine is the first “lyric tragedy” to take place entirely over the telephone. The argument is simple: this is a woman’s last conversation with the man she loves, as he prepares to marry another. Story of a suicide attempt, distressing cuts, interference: so many stages in this modern telecommunications ordeal where passionate love follows
new ways and deviations.“If you don’t like me and if you were clever,” the woman said to the man, “the phone would become a scary weapon. A weapon which leaves no traces, which does not make noise … “

Jiabao Li

Through three perceptual machines, TransVision questions the habitual ways in which we interpret and understand the visual world intervened by digital media, and how technology mediates the way we perceive reality. We have observed an increase in allergies and intolerances in modern society. Hypersensitivities are emerging not only medically but also mentally. Digital media reinforce people’s tendency to overreact through the viral spread of information and amplification of opinions, making us hypersensitive to our sociopolitical environment. By creating an artificial allergy to the color red, this machine manifests the nonsensical hypersensitivity created by digital media. In nocebo mode, red expands, which is similar to social medias amplification effect; in placebo mode, red shrinks, like our filtered communication landscape where we can unfollow people with different opinions.

Golan Levin

Ghost Pole Propagator II
Ghost Pole Propagator captures and replays the skeletons of passersby in its environment, creating a layered and dynamic tapestry that reflects the history and activity of a locale. Presenting a universal communication of presence, attitude and gesture, the stick-figures this artwork generates are compact and expressive means of representing the human form. The format of the work is variable; in some presentations, the project serves as a kind of ‘interpretive monitoring station’ for nearby pedestrian traffic.


Project Orb[i]s
Orbis is a proposal for a Prototypical System, which is highly adaptive in nature, and creates an urban infrastructure that responds and caters to the changing needs and conditions within the city, by augmenting the everyday experiences and activities. Orb(i)s is a behavioral assembly that establishes the possibilities of a dynamic environment not limited to a building plan; rather, it is autonomous, adaptable, dynamic and self-assembling based on real-time data culminating in a constantly reconfiguring ecology. The sensing abilities of the system make it self-aware and encourage any decision-making, while its self-assembling quality arises from a unit-to-unit communication that leads to a higher order of organizations and structures.


Specimen Box

The OCR began work on Specimen Box in 2014 at the request of Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit. Microsoft’s Cybercrime Center monitors communications coming from hundreds of millions of PCs around the world that have become infected by botnet malware. Employing data sonification together with advanced visualization techniques, Specimen Box provides a configurable multi-sensory presentation of botnet signal activity in real time. It also features a multitouch gesture-based interface for navigating, exploring, selecting, and examining the billions of signals that have previously been collected. Users can access the collected signals based on their activity levels, the geographic locations of their sources, or their daily activity patterns over time, using clustering to group sources with similar behavior.

Roman Ermakov

Alchemy 3

Our perception — the only true reality. Creation as a feeling that generates the image, expressed in the form. Beauty manifesto calling to go beyond that limit imagination. The aesthetics of art can not be reduced to a clear set of building blocks with which you can strengthen or weaken the perception of contrast. Beauty should not be subjected to analysis, that is communication and the call to participate in the transformation of the emotional to the visible.


File Festival
It is an autonomous and interactive talking machine, designed to establish automatic communication and synchronization between humans and machines, and between machines and machines. At installation, a microphone interfaces with a “chorus” of forty cell phones. All devices are in a listening state to capture voices and other sounds The autonomous talking machine analyzes the information and establishes equivalence with its memory. If so, the machine generates an audiovisual result with a semantic meaning similar to the sound captured, that is, it speaks and displays on the screens a word identical or similar to the word heard. Speakers and visualization of words on the screens of cell phones allow a “dialogue”, and for humans, to listen and see the machine conversation.

Ying Yu


Humans, as social beings, use language to communicate. The human voice, as a biometric authentication mechanism, is constantly used throughout daily life applications, such as speech recognition, speaker verification, and so on. Currently, language-based communications mainly fall into two categories: voice over air, and voice over internet protocol. Can we add a new dimension for voice communication such as a wearable material? If so, how could we shape matter in order to physicalize vocal information?

airMorphologiesis an interactive installation that uses soft materials, such as silicon, fabric, and air, to realize these physicalizations. The human voice controls the actuation of a soft wearable structure, changing the appearance of the human body.

So Kanno

“Lasermice” is a swarm robotic installation that consists of 60 small robots, which inspired by synchronous behavior from insects like fireflies. Normally network of swarm is invisible, But in this case those robots creates visible network via laser light – photodetector communication. As a result, they generates rythme that continuously changing. The generated rhythm is made audible by solenoid which strikes floor. Combination of visible network and audible rhythm are deployed spatially.

Stine Deja

poster sky3

Deja’s work is so effective because it engages with the aesthetics of new technologies in order to critique their sociological, psychological, and physical impact on our embodied selves. At times idealistic and others damning, Deja avoids sorting technology into a
good-bad binary, but instead allows both ends of that spectrum to proliferate, allowing visitors to her supersensory exhibitions come to their own conclusion. She just asks “Technology enhances
and simplifies communication, but are we really more connected?”

Diana Eng

Ham Radio Hacker
“Amateur Radio operators have shown an insatiable curiosity to explore and populate the high frontiers of the electromagnetic spectrum.” Not only that, but when disaster strikes, ham radio operators are usually called upon to provide and/or help emergency communications.
They’re not dependent on cell phone towers or overloaded systems in times of crisis; they’re distributed and long range. They help, they learn, and they share information. Diana is the type of person you need when you want to tap in to the space station to hear it go by or when you need to coordinate rescue plans when a hurricane drops in.

Adam Basanta

the sound of empty space
The sound of empty space explores relationships between microphones, speakers, and surrounding acoustic environments through controlled, self-generating microphone feedback. Amplifying and aestheticizing the acoustic inactivity between technological “inputs” and “outputs” – stand-ins for their corporeal correlates, the ear and mouth – the notion of a causal sound producing object is challenged, and questions are posed as to the status of the ʻamplifiedʼ. By building flawed technological systems and nullifying their intended potential for communication, the ear is turned towards the empty space between components; to the unique configurations of each amplifying assemblage.

Muti Randolph

Deep Screen
Muti Randolph lives in Rio de Janeiro and studied Visual Communications and Industrial Design at the Pontificia Universisade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. One of the pioneers in computer art, animation and 3d illustration in Brazil, he has been shifting from virtual 3d to real 3d spaces creating visual identities, graphics, illustrations, sets, and interior architecture projects for clients mainly in the entertainment, fashion and technology areas.


Telepathy 2012-2112
“TELEPATHY” immerses the viewer in the heart of a fiction where telepathy would become the predominant means of communication at the expense of means of current communication. The ten glass helmets enable to visualize a telepathic communication, by definition invisible. “TELEPATHY” proposes to reverse the current trend which consists in basing its communication on technology, and in exchange it reveals the parapsychological and subjective communication of psychic phenomena.


يورغن ماير
위르겐 마이어
יורגן מאייר
Юрген Майер
RAPPORT Structures spatiales expérimentales
MAYER H. Architects travaille sur les interfaces entre l’architecture, la conception de la communication et les nouvelles technologies. L’utilisation de médias interactifs et de matériaux réactifs joue un rôle central dans la production de l’espace. En équipes coopératives, des installations au design urbain en passant par les concours internationaux, une recherche spatiale multidisciplinaire sur la relation entre le corps, la nature et la technologie est développée et mise en œuvre

Kate Cooper

In ‘We Need Sanctuary’ (2016) and ‘Symptom Machine’ (2017), Cooper offers the body up as a contested space for communication and representation. Using computer-generated imagery, situations and characters are brought together to think through politics of exploitative labour, and the somatic experience of image production and distribution. Both works present, scenes of a Computer-generated bodies; both female and non-human who loom at the very edges of the screen. Their hands touch; they move backwards on a conveyor belt; and blood drips from the girl’s mouth while the non-human sweeps the floor behind her.

Samuel Burgess-Johnson

Samuel Burgess-Johnson est un artiste peintre et directeur de création, basé à Londres. Inspiré par des visuels impressionnants, son travail est consacré à la représentation de nombreuses sorties de disques, des superbes albums et illustrations. Burgess-Johnson a conçu une multitude de supports qui enrichissent la communication visuelle des artistes comme Usher, Diplo, Ta-ku et beaucoup d’autres.

Steven Chilton Architects

“By 2020, it is predicted some 6000 satellites will be orbiting the earth. From climate monitoring to communications, satellites are functioning to open up new horizons for us all. Our proposal for the Dubai Expo UK Pavilion, SATELLITES, aims to articulate and celebrate Britain’s unique contribution to this remarkable milestone, demonstrating how imagination, innovation and collaboration can change and improve lives around the world.” Steven Chilton Architects

Muti Randolph

Мути Рэндольф
මුටි රැන්ඩොල්ෆ්
মুটি র‌্যান্ডল্ফ
Generative Installation
Muti Randolph lives in Rio de Janeiro and studied Visual Communications and Industrial Design at the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. One of the pioneers in computer art in Brazil, he has been shifting from virtual 3d to real 3d spaces creating sets, installations and interior architecture projects. In his work he explores the relation of time and space through music and interactive generative video using custom designed software and hardware. His projects are present in the most relevant art, design and architecture publications.

Christine Ödlund

The Admiral’s Garden
Christine Ödlund’s work explores the borders of our knowledge of the world around us, connecting such themes as the chemical communication of plants, synaesthesia and theosophy. She works in a variety of media, including drawing, sculpture, video, watercolour and sound works.
Stress Call of the Stinging Nettle: When a plant reacts to a butterfly larvae feeding on its leaves, it releases chemical substances, or compounds. The characteristics of these compounds have been analyzed in collaboration with the Ecological Chemistry Research Group at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and then transposed into amplitude and intensity of sinus tones, recorded at EMS (Electroacoustic Music in Sweden), Stockholm. Thus these beautiful graphic score and soundtrack by Swedish artist Christine Ödlund are direct transpositions of “the plant’s life, struggle and death”.


Interactive Telecommunications Program
Designs by Adi Marom and Hans Hemmert explore how daily functions and especially face-to-face communication can change simply by tweaking and tinkering with people’s height. Marom’s robotic footwear extends and contracts via an iPhone application, so that the wearer becomes taller or shorter to fit various needs and moods— from reaching a higher supermarket shelf to smelling a flower on a tree branch; height thus becomes what the designer calls an “interactive variable.”

Angelica Mesiti

‘In ASSEMBLY, I explore the space where communication moves from verbal and written forms to non-verbal, gestural and musical forms. The latter creates a sort of code upon which meaning, memory and imagination can be overlaid.’

vanessa beecroft

נסה יקרופט
바네사 비크로프트
Lia Rumma

bart hess

바트 헤스
בארט הס
SIlVERNanine Linning
Nothing has changed as radically in the last few decades as the technology we surround ourselves with on a daily basis. Modern means of communication let the world shrink to a pocket size Global Village. Medical technology promises life beyond its natural limits. Robotics, cybernetics and developments in the field of artificial intelligence put the equally fascinating as disquieting idea of artificial life within our grasp. Nanine Linning’s new production SILVER addresses the intimate – and increasingly intrusive – relationship between the human and the technological, showing the beauty of its aesthetics, but also questioning its promise of ever increasing progress and self-improvement.

Samuel Burgess-Johnson

Samuel Burgess-Johnson est un artiste peintre et directeur de création, basé à Londres. Inspiré par des visuels impressionnants, son travail est consacré à la représentation de nombreuses sorties de disques, des superbes albums et illustrations. Burgess-Johnson a conçu une multitude de supports qui enrichissent la communication visuelle des artistes comme Usher, Diplo, Ta-ku et beaucoup d’autres.

Vanessa Beecroft

נסה יקרופט
바네사 비크로프트

Vanessa Beecroft was born in Genoa (italy) in 1969 and currently resides in Los Angeles. Her work has shown internationally since 1993, and often presents provocative social commentary and critique. Beecroft is noted for her innovative performances and unconventional approach to the creation of images and communication.



Création de l’artiste néerlandaise Anouk Wipprecht, avec la collaboration de Daniel Schatzmayr, cette robe fait partie d’une série de robes et vêtements de style ‘fashiontech’, ou technomode en français.Après des études en design de mode et en communications, Anouk Wipprecht, qui s’intéresse à la robotique et à l’intelligence artificielle, a commencé a créé ses oeuvres d’art sous forme de robes.

alexandra zierle and paul carter

Absent Engagement
Alexandra Zierle (DE) and Paul Carter’s (UK) collaborative work is Interdisciplinary, multi-sensory and often site/context responsive, spanning performance, happenings and interventions, sound, video and installation. Through their collaborative practice, Zierle & Carter critically examine different modes of communication and what it means to be human, addressing notions of belonging, dynamics within relationships, and the transformation of limitations. Their work sites an embodied investigation into human interactions and encounters, acting as an invitation to venture into the spaces in-between the external and internal, permanent and transient, spoken and unheard. The work fundamentally explores society’s conventions, traditions, and rituals, often flipping them on their head, reversing orders, and disrupting the norm.


Christiane Feser and Mara Monetti are the two artistic individuals who make up the photography team Fesetti. Both of them extensively studied art and visual communication. They used their self-taught photography skills with the creative imagination to explore unique photography captures.


Роберт Глигоровым
روبرت غليغوروف
the kiss

Gligorov’s work attempts to shock the viewer. Each piece tantalizes the imagination, awakening it from a state of lethargy. Confronting a society accustomed to sophisticated and extreme forms of visual communication, Gligorov amplifies the shock value of his work in order to compete with the deluge of images that cloud our visual field.


0,16 is a light installation in which the shadows of a passer-by is transformed into ‘pixels’. The installation consists of a wall built of small square frames covered front and back with transparent paper. A third layer of paper is attached in the centre of the frames. A lamp shining at a distance breaks the shadows of the passers-by into squares, allowing a pixellated human figure to be seen on the other site of the installation. In this simple way, Bartholl renders tangible the pixels found in the world of digital communications.The ‘resolution’ of the screen is 0,16 ppi (pixels per inch), hence the title.


Annett Zinsmeister is a german artist based in Berlin. She received her diploma at UDK – University of Arts and Design in Berlin[…] Her work has been shown in international exhibitions and museums, it is part of public and private collections and published in numerous publications. In her work she focuses on the intersection of art and architecture. She creates large-scale installations, conceptual and built spaces, photography, drawings, films and collages dealing with space. Recurring fundamentals in her oeuvre are the analysis, use and creation of modular principles, multiples, structures, patterns; and themes referring to the search for identity and utopian ideas, social interaction, communication, and the transformation of urban space.