
Ying Gao

Polymorphic Robotic Garments
2526 refers to the number of hours invested in the creation of the two polymorphic robotic garments, from ideation to the finish, from the first line of drawing to the last stitch. The two polymorphic outfits of the 2 5 2 6 project are very real: woven, hand-screened, and consolidated materials have been specially designed to create these clothes. They are not virtual at all. However, they simulate the effects of virtual clothing: a surreal undulation generates a play of volume and transparency; their polymorphic movement, as well as their reflectivity, are results of an entirely new flexible material that combines glass, precious metals and silicone.

Ying Gao

Into The Light
Ying Gao stelt onze aannames over kleding in vraag door modeontwerp, productontwerp en mediaontwerp te combineren. Ze onderzoekt de constructie van het kledingstuk en haalt haar inspiratie uit de transformaties van de sociale en stedelijke omgeving. Design is het medium, gesitueerd op het gebied van technologie en textiel: sensorische technologieën zorgen ervoor dat kledingstukken poëtischer en interactiever worden. Ying Gao onderzoekt zowel de status van het individu, wiens fysieke contouren worden getransformeerd door externe interferenties, als de functie van het kledingstuk als een fragiele overgangsruimte. Haar werk getuigt van de diepgaande mutatie van de wereld waarin we leven en draagt ​​een radicaal kritische dimensie met zich mee die technologische experimenten overstijgt.


Eau qui coule
Ce projet s’inspire du roman du neurologue Oliver Sacks, L’homme qui prenait sa femme pour un chapeau, dans lequel il raconte l’histoire de Jimmie G, un ancien marin de 49 ans convaincu d’avoir 19 ans depuis qu’il a quitté la Marine. Choqué par son propre reflet lorsque Sacks lui tend un miroir, Jimmie revient à lui-même de 19 ans dès que son regard quitte la surface réfléchissante. Ayant perdu tout sens de la continuité temporelle, Jimmie vit prisonnier de cet instant unique et perpétuel, oscillant entre une présence au monde et une présence à soi. Tout comme Jimmie G, les vêtements évoluent entre deux états et affichent une perpétuelle métamorphose au fur et à mesure qu’ils réagissent au spectre chromatique. Ce voyage entre états opposés – de l’immobilité au mouvement – ​​ne fonctionne pas comme une dichotomie


Cápsula viva
Luz, variações de forma e mimetismo se encontram em Living Pod. Na frente das peças gêmeas falsas, o usuário pode lentamente colocar a vestimenta A em movimento usando uma fonte de luz. A vestimenta B então imita a peça A de forma exagerada e desequilibrada, mudando a estrutura por meio de motores elétricos em miniatura acionados por sensores de luz que são semeados na vestimenta. Usando técnicas de corte de padrão plano, Ying Gao foi capaz de dar fluidez e flexibilidade ao processo. Além dos movimentos mecânicos das roupas, Living Pods destaca dois aspectos fundamentais do sistema de moda de hoje: confronto e imitação. A vestimenta desempenha um papel mediador entre o homem e seu ambiente. Ao usar a luz, o Cápsula viva é semelhante ao projeto Walking City, que usa o ar para fazer com que as peças pareçam estar respirando.


Possibili Domani
I due capi robotizzati sono collegati a un sistema di riconoscimento delle impronte digitali. Tuttavia, aggirando il concetto di sicurezza, si animano solo in presenza di estranei le cui impronte digitali non vengono riconosciute dallo scanner. L’estetica e il movimento di questi capi evocano ipotrocoidi, forme prese in prestito dal gioco vintage Spirograph: le loro curve appiattite sono disegnate da un unico punto legato a un cerchio mobile che rotola senza scivolare, sopra e all’interno di un cerchio iniziale. Questo progetto è stato sviluppato da una serie di algoritmi legati al regno del riconoscimento di pattern, o grafico a dispersione.


Fließendes Wasser, Stehzeit
Der in Montreal ansässige Modedesigner Ying Gao entwarf Roboterkleidung aus Silikon, Glas und Organza und fügte elektronische Geräte hinzu, um sich ständig ändernde dynamische Stücke zu kreieren, die auf das umgebende chromatische Spektrum reagieren. Die Kollektion mit dem Titel „Fließendes Wasser, Standzeit“ fängt die Essenz von Bewegung und Stabilität über einen bestimmten Zeitraum ein und zeigt, wie unterschiedliche Energien durch das Kleidungsstück fließen und die Farben in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung widerspiegeln.


no(where) now(here)
Fashion designer Ying Gao has fabricated a pair of dresses that writhe around and light up when someone stares at them.”We use an eye-tracking system so the dresses move when a spectator is staring,” Ying Gao told Dezeen. “[The system] can also turn off the lights, then the dresses illuminate.” The gaze-activated dresses are embedded with eye-tracking technology that responds to an observer’s gaze by activating tiny motors to move parts of the dresses in mesmerising patterns.

Ying Gao

Flowing water, Standing time
Montreal-based fashion designer, ying gao, designed robotic clothing out of silicone, glass and organza, and added electronic devices to create every-changing dynamic pieces that react to its surrounding chromatic spectrum. the collection, entitled ‘flowing water, standing time’ captures the essence of movement and stability over a period of time, and how different energies flowing through the garment, mirroring the colors in its immediate surroundings.


Indice de l’indifférence
Montreal-based fashion designer and professor at UQAM, recipient of the Phyllis-Lambert Design Montréal Grant, Ying Gao questions our assumptions about clothing by combining urban design, architecture and multimedia. She explores the construction of the garment, taking her inspiration from the transformations of the social and urban environment.


Living pod
file festival
Light, shape variations and mimicry meet in Living Pod. In front of the false twin pieces, the user can slowly set garment A in motion using a light source. Garment B then imitates piece A in an exaggerated and unbalanced fashion, changing structure through miniature electric motors activated by light sensors that are sown through the garment. Using flat-pattern cutting techniques, Ying Gao was able to give the process fluidity and flexibility. In addition to the mechanical movements of the garments, Living Pods underlines two fundamental aspects of today’s fashion system: confrontation and imitation. The garment plays a mediating role between man and his environment. By using light, Living Pod is similar to project Walking City, which uses air to make the pieces look like they are breathing.



受到导演雅克·塔蒂(Jacques Tati)同名电影的启发,游戏时间(Playtime)邀请观众反思城市空间中物体的外观和感知。 与法国作家弗朗索瓦·埃德(FrançoisEde)的高级时装相比,电影《娱乐时光》(Playtime)展示了一个世界,其中使用了错层涂油和镜像游戏等设备,无处不在的超现代建筑和城市监控。 这种批判性和趣味性的倒影已融入时尚界,可以探索变态,例如《步行之城》和《活豆荚》。 在有声音和灯光的游行的背景下,作品的摄影或视频捕捉发生了变化:第一件衣服变得模糊起来,好像物理上隐藏在静止或运动的图像中。 第二件连衣裙会发出间歇性光线,对照相机的闪光灯做出反应,从而会欺骗照相机并改变镜头。


אחים גאו
Lenin Sculpture
Miss Mao (Trying To Poise Herself At The Top of Lenin’s Head)

Œuvre des frères Gao de Chine, la sculpture de Lénine est une autre pièce dans leur progression de l’art provocateur. Les artistes ont inclus plusieurs éléments qui montrent cette figure controversée sous un nouveau jour pour le monde de l’art. Avec une finition chromée vive, la sculpture en métal est construite à partir de sections horizontales qui ont été délibérément décalées pour constituer cette ressemblance très inspirante du dictateur russe impitoyable Vladimir Lénine. En tant que personne bien connue, la décision des artistes de donner à son visage une finition chromée détourne l’attention de Lénine et du contexte de la sculpture en permettant aux réflexions de mettre en évidence l’environnement immédiat au lieu de Lénine d’une manière convenablement dégradante. Les sections décalées représentent son héritage brisé et destructeur qui a provoqué tant de troubles en Russie. Au sommet se trouve une inclusion très ludique de bébé tenant un bâton d’équilibre au-dessus de la tête saillante de Lénine, comme s’il marchait sur une corde raide de ses idéaux marxistes désastreux et risqués.

Disney Research

Realistic and Interactive Robot Gaze
System for lifelike gaze in human-robot interactions using a humanoid Audio-Animatronics® bust. Previous work examining mutual gaze between robots and humans has focused on technical implementation. We present a general architecture that seeks not only to create gaze interactions from a technological standpoint, but also through the lens of character animation where the fidelity and believability of motion is paramount; that is, we seek to create an interaction which demonstrates the illusion of life. A complete system is described that perceives persons in the environment, identifies persons-of-interest based on salient actions, selects an appropriate gaze behavior, and executes high, fidelity motions to respond to the stimuli. We use mechanisms that mimic motor and attention behaviors analogous to those observed in biological systems including attention habituation, saccades, and differences in motion bandwidth for actuators.

Danielle Wilde

A garment with lasers that project perpendicular to, and down the length of the spine. The complex technology in this interface is the body. Though it is not always evident, the range of movement of the spine is remarkable. Magnifying and making visible the relative position and dynamic tilt of the spine is sufficient to bring attention in an intense and unique way to this part of the body. That the wearer of the garment cannot see the lights projecting from their back serves to intensify this focus. The whole seems to enhance the poetic valence of movement of the entire torso, with the spinal column demarcated as the experiential, physical and energetic core.

astrid krogh

Ikat I
Fascinated by the interplay of textiles and light, Denmark-based artist Astrid Krogh explores the dialogue between natural and artificial illumination when paired with fibers. While studying at the Danish Design School, Krogh explored her interest in textiles, which shines through in the craftsmanship, patterns, and ornamentation of her work. Inspired by cycles of life in nature, many of Krogh’s neon.