

Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center

amphibianArc   Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center

source: amphibianarc

Changsha, China
10,074 sq m
Zoomlion is one of China’s leading manufacturers of construction machinery equipment and is ranked top 10 globally in the construction machinery industry. amphibianArc was commissioned to design the exhibition center at its headquarters located in Changsha, China. Our criterion is to match its forward thinking, unique, and mechanistically imaginative corporate image and values.

Zoomlion Exhibition Center has a total of four floors with a footprint of 3,100 sqm, a total area of 10,074 sqm, and a total building height of 26 m. The building site is part of the Zoomlion Technology Park which covers 65,333 sqm..
source: archinect

amphibianArc is an architecture design firm headquartered in Los Angeles, with branch office in Shanghai, China. Founded by Nonchi Wang, the practice endeavors to synthesize between artistic expression and problem solving technique. Through a shared disclosure called Liquid Architecture, his work, encompasses not only the curvilinear forms prevalent in contemporary architectural scene, but also ideogramic methodology which is the foundation of Chinese word making.

Since its founding in 1992, amphibianArc has been designed a wide range of projects in both the U.S. and China, including the award winning Beijing Planetarium (AIA/LA awards, China Zian Tien Yo Award), Foshan Dongping New City Mass Transit Center (2011 MIPIM Architecture Review Future Project Awards), and Hongxing Macalline Furniture Beijing Flagship Store (2012 MIPIM Architecture Review Future Project Awards). The practice’s work has also been featured in publications including Architectural Record, World Architecture, and LA Architect.
source: dezeen

Californian architects amphibianArc have designed a shape-shifting “transformer building” for a Chinese machinery company, with a facade that flaps like the wings of a huge insect (+ movie).

The exhibition centre, for industrial vehicle manufacturer Zoomlion, is designed to mimic the movements of eagles, butterflies and frogs.

Hinged steel and glass panels resembling dragonfly wings at both ends of the building are mounted on hydraulic arms, allowing them to open and close like Transformers.

The building is due to be built on a site at Zoomlion’s science park in Changsha, Hunan Province and will be used for exhibitions and product displays.

Other buildings that move on Dezeen include a house that slides open and huts that roll on railway tracks.

Here’s a project description from amphibianArc:

The Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center is located in the city of Changsha, Hunan Province of China.

The project has a total of four floors with a footprint of 3,100 square meters, a total area of 10,074.90 square meters, and a total building height of 26 meters. Zoomlion is one of China’s leading manufacturers of heavy machinery equipment and ranked top 10 globally in the heavy machinery industry. Our criteria for the design for its headquarters exhibition center are to match its forward thinking, unique, and mechanistically imaginative corporate image and values.

The most unique aspect of our project design is the building’s ability to change shape, or transform, literally. The double skin system throughout the building makes this “transformer building” possible. The inner skin takes care of the enclosure and building systems.

The outer skin contains operable portions which can be opened or closed to mimic different animal forms. From a plain rectangular box as the initial state, the north facade transforms into an eagle and a butterfly, the south folds into a swimming frog.

These animal forms reflect the company’s understanding of the delicate balance between nature and artificial invention, and their embrace for environmentally sound human development. Also, as a design strategy, we adopted ideographic forms to convey traditional Chinese cultural symbolism for leadership (eagle), ephemerality and fragility (butterfly) and prosperity (toad).

The intricate pattern on the façade is originally inspired by the wing patterns on butterflies or dragonflies. To achieve the systematic and organic nature of the patterns found on the wings of these insects, we used parametric modeling tools to generate and design the façade.

The material for the skin is steel and glass. The pattern provides a light but sturdy structure. It conceals and incorporate the hydraulics which move and hold it in place.

The result is a beautifully laid out intricate pattern, which allows daylight to penetrate into the exhibition hall and light emanate out into the corporate campus at night.

To bring this design into actuality and assure its functionality and durability, we have been working with renowned international engineering firms on the constructability and procurement process.

Their experience has shown how a cross disciplinary effort can increase the efficiency and quality of the product. Kinetic and static structures are separated as engineering services.

Engineers in coordination with architect and client will provide a set of system specifications for both static and kinetic structures, similarly to product specification.

After the schematic design phase all documents are given to a specialty fabricator with engineering capability to design, fabricate, install and warranty the final product, overseen by the original engineer. This streamline process starts communication early, allowing each team to interject into the process in time to provide their strength and assure the highest quality result.
source: newszhulong


英文名称:Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center
项目地址:中国 湖南 长沙
source: megacurioso

E um dos prédios mais inovadores deve ser construído, em breve, na China: a nova sede da fabricante de veículos Zoomlion terá fachadas de metal e vidro que se movem e transformam a construção em animais.

A fachada norte do edifício, quando aberta, pode representar as asas de uma borboleta ou de uma águia — animais que a cultura local considera símbolos de fragilidade e liderança. Já a extremidade sul da sede empresarial representará um sapo nadando, que representa prosperidade.

Os quatro andares do prédio “Transformer” abrigarão exibições e mostras de produtos. Só resta saber se a arquitetura inovadora do edifício não ofuscará o brilho das exposições em seu interior. O projeto está sendo desenvolvido pela empresa amphibianArc.
source: archplatformaru

Калифорнийское бюро amphibianArc предложило концепцию трансформируемого выставочного центра китайской компании Zoomlion – одного из десяти крупнейших мировых предприятий тяжелого машиностроения.

Предполагается, что выставочный центр площадью не менее 10 000 кв. м построят на территории технопарка Zoomlion в городе Чанша (провинция Хунань, КНР). Четырехэтажное здание высотой 26 м на плане представляет собой простой прямоугольник, однако его инженерный секрет заключен в торцевых фасадах. Каждый из них – сложная механическая система, управляемая гидравликой. Наружная оболочка из стали и стекла приводится в движение простым нажатием кнопки: на северном фасаде появляются биоморфные фигуры орла и бабочки, а из южного «вырастают» конечности лягушки.

Почему выбраны именно эти животные? Дело в том, что в сознании китайцев орел ассоциируется с лидерством, бабочка – с хрупкостью и эфемерностью жизни, а лягушка символизирует достаток и процветание. Таким образом, по мнению авторов, им удалось в архитектуре передать особенности бизнес-философии Zoomlion, уделяющей пристальное внимание проблемам экологии. Помимо имиджевого трансформируемые фасады имеют чисто практическое назначение: во-первых, благодаря им стала возможна естественная вентиляция выставочного зала, а во-вторых, сквозь стеклянные плоскости в интерьер проникает солнечный свет.

Биоморфный концепт постройки был создан благодаря технологии трехмерного параметрического моделирования. За основу архитекторы взяли настоящее крыло бабочки, а также крылья мифического существа, дракона, – какими их изображают в традиционной китайской живописи.
source: novinkycz

Akční sci-fi thriller Transformers se stal inspirací pro kalifornské architektonické studio. Podle filmu o robotech, kteří se dokážou přetransformovat v libovolný dopravní prostředek, navrhli stavbu, která také mění tvary a funkce.

Kalifornští architekti ze studia amphibianArc navrhli stavbu, která mění svůj tvar. Budova má být postavena v Číně ve městě Changsha v provincii Hunan a je zařazena v nominacích na cenu světového architektonického festivalu.

Nevšední stavba nese název “Transformátor” a je navržena pro čínskou strojírenskou společnost vyrábějící motorová vozidla Zoomlion. Původní tvar stavby je klasický kvádr.

Fasáda má mít roztažitelné prvky a připomínat křídla obrovské hmyzu. Závěsné ocelové a skleněné desky imitují křídla vážek a jsou umístěny na obou koncích budovy.

Projekt má celkem čtyři podlaží a celkovou plochu cca 10 tisíc metrů čtverečních. Stavba centrály firmy bude využívána i pro výstavy produktů.

Stavba má odrážet firemní image a zdůraznit její orientaci na inovace v průmyslu. Nabývá živočišných forem, které mají odrážet také snahu společnosti pochopit křehkou rovnováhu mezi přírodou.

Architekti vsadili i na tradiční čínskou kulturní symboliku – “vedení” symbolizuje orel, “pomíjivost a křehkost” motýl a “prosperitu” ropucha.

Denní světlo proniká v maximální možné míře do výstavní haly díky roztaženým křídlům a v noci naopak světlo vyzařuje do firemního areálu, který bude sloužit i pro společenské akce.
source: qomuni

معماران کالیفرنیا amphibianArc یک ساختمان ترانسفورمر با شکلی تغییرپذیر برای یک شرکت ماشین آلات چینی با نمایی که مانند بال های یک حشره بزرگ آویخته می شوند ، طراحی کرده اند . مرکز نمایشگاهی ، برای سازنده خودروهای صنعتی Zoomlion با رتبه 10 در جهان ، به تقلید از حرکت عقاب ، پروانه ها و قورباغه طراحی شده . پانل های لولایی شیشه ای و فولادی شباهتی به بال های سنجاقک در دو انتهای ساختمان دارند که بر روی بازوهای هیدرولیکی نصب شده اند که مانند ترانسفورماتور به آنها اجازه باز و بسته شدن می دهد .این اشکال حیوانی ، منعکس کننده درک کمپانی از تعادل ظریف بین طبیعت و اختراع مصنوعی و خواسته آنان برای توسعه سازگار با محیط زیست بشر است و همچنین نمادهای فرهنگی – سنتی چینی را منتقل می کنند : نماد رهبری (عقاب) ، کم دوامی و شکنندگی (پروانه) و شکوفایی (سنجاقک) . قرار است این ساختمان چهار طبقه 310 متر مربع مساحت و 26 متر ارتفاع ، در سایت پارک علمی زوم لیون در چانگشا-استان هونان- به منظور نمایشگاه و نمایش محصولات ساخته شود .