

leonardo the last supper


source: artigianeidewordpress
L’ultima cena senza gli avventori, il giuramento degli Orazi senza gli Orazi: un giovane artista ungherese svuota famose opere d’arte lasciando solo architetture e paesaggi.

Bence Hajdu è uno studente ungherese dell’Accademia di belle arti di Budapest che produce le sue opere utilizzando diverse tecniche, dalla fotografia alla scultura alla grafica.

Nella serie Abandoned Paintings, Hajdu rimuove i personaggi da alcuni dei più famosi quadri della storia dell’arte, e il lavoro è preciso a tal punto da rendere incredibile e invisibile l’intervento digitale.

Quello che resta, una volta rimossi gli attori del quadro, sono luoghi sospesi, vuoti e silenziosi dove l’architettura si mostra completamente e dove viene messa in rilievo la questione “prospettiva” molto importante per l’epoca – il Rinascimento – in cui questi quadri sono stati dipinti.

I lavori in mostra vengono sempre accompagnati da miniature delle opere originali per rendere lampante il confronto.
source: designboom
hungarian new-media artist bence hajdu has re-imagined well-known paintings such as claude lorrain’s ‘seaport with the embarkation of st. ursula’ by erasing people and characters so that only the artwork’s architecture remains. the work is an outcome of hajdu’s interest in examining the pure drawn perspectives of the classic paintings, revealing an unusual atmosphere only becoming palpable after removing the figures.

hajdu says of the work:

‘I am a student at the university of fine arts, hungary. at one of the descriptive geometry classes we had a task to find and draw the perspective and horizon lines of renaissance and other pictures with significant perspective space. I thought it is not that interesting to just draw lines, so I decided to erase all the characters from them and examine how the painter really created the perspective space and how it actually looks.
I saw this could be something exciting and continued thinking and working on it. after a while I found myself interested in the new atmosphere and the new thoughts the retouched pieces generated without their main subjects.’

when comparing the re-interpreted jacques louis david’s ‘oath of the horatii’ with the original, the spirit of the artwork is completely transformed – removing the tension and chaos of battle leaves a scene much more still, tranquil and even bleak. the audience is left with a new perspective and understanding of the artwork only attained through hajdu’s depiction, shifting the once entrenched energy of the famous artworks.
source: obviousmagorg
Bence Hadju pegou algumas obras amplamente conhecidas e nos propôs o desafio de tentar identificá-las mesmo estando sem seus personagens principais. Será que você conseguiria reconhecer essa série de pinturas apenas pelo ambiente que era o seu pano de fundo?
source: etodayru
Bence Hajdu (венгерский студент художественного университета) передалал несколько знаменитых полотен, оставив на картинах все, кроме людей…
source: mydesy
你能想像,達文西作品「最後的晚餐」中,耶穌和門徒們全都跑路,只剩一張空桌子嗎?你能想像克勞德洛蘭作品「和聖者同行」(Seaport with The Embarkation of St. Ursula)中,港邊的工人全都下班,只剩下船隻孤獨的停靠在港邊嗎?

Hajdu是匈牙利藝術大 學的學生,他的「人去樓空」改造風格,其實是源自於畫法幾何學課作業,在課堂中,老師要求他畫出這些大師作品的透視圖,起初Hajdu 覺得光畫線條實在太無聊了,於是他乾脆把畫作中的人物拿掉,順便看看這些大師們創造出來的空間,少了原本的主角,會透露出什麼樣的氛圍。看這些抽掉人物之 後的經典畫作,只剩下背後的景物所呈現出來的畫面,還真是別有另一番風味啊!