
csilla klenyanszki



source: highlike

Work: The (simple) images of the series try to show the moment of this balance, where almost everything is perfect and still. As this moment is quite fragile, concentration but also a little bit of luck is necessary to achieve it. The whole process can be seen as daily meditation, which becomes a routine; to create installations and images where the different kind of elements have to interact, work together as they are physically holding each other, keeping the pictures from falling apart. The series was made in 2013.
Photographer: Csilla Klenyánszki
source: ignantde

Last year we’ve already introduced Csilla Klenyánszki and her series ‘X marks the spot’. Now she is back with her latest work ‘Good luck’, a personal research for balance and the interpretation of it. The minimalistic images of the series try to show the moment of perfect balance, where we feel like we have to hold our breath in tension, or the whole thing will fall apart. We become witness of a very fragile moment. Csilla says that ‘concentration but also a little bit of luck is necessary to achieve it’.
source: photogrist

Csilla Klenyánszki is a talented photographer and artist, who was born in 1986 in Budapest, Hungary and currently based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Csilla creates still-life photographs by building teetering constructions that hang together just long enough for her to photograph them. She usually thinks in images and is constantly looking for hidden possibilities.
source: blckdmnds

A fotógrafa húngara Csilla Klenyánszki em sua recente trabalho intitulado ‘Good luck’, numa pesquisa pessoal para o equilíbrio e a interpretação do mesmo. As imagens minimalistas da série tentam mostrar o momento do equilíbrio perfeito, onde os objetos encontram-se imóveis. Fazendo nos sentir que precisamos prender a respiração em tensão, ou tudo vai desmoronar. Csilla diz que é preciso concentração, mas também um pouco de sorte é necessário para alcançar a perfeição.
source: clikclkfr

Csilla Klenyánszki, jeune photographe hongroise. Sa nouvelle série s’intitule GOOD LUCK. Bonne chance pour réussir à faire tenir en équilibre un œuf sur trois épingles, elles-mêmes fixées sur un jeu de carte, lui-même instable sur un bord de table. Csilla y arrive sans artifice et non sans talent. Chaque chose à sa place, une place pour chaque chose. On ne sait pas pour combien de temps, mais à l’instant du clic, rien ne bouge.
source: doctorojiplatico

“Trato de abordar mi trabajo como lo haría un niño, sin ningún prejuicio y con los ojos completamente abiertos, sobre todo buscando posibilidades ocultas relacionadas con forma, función y mi propia fantasía. Me inspiro en mi casa y entorno, que se convierten en un patio de recreo. Me gusta trabajar con objetos comunes, descubriendo sus posibilidades, y dándoles una nueva función. El objetivo final es crear una imagen, inusual, pero familiar al mismo tiempo.” On Hold es una investigación personal acerca del equilibrio “donde los diferentes tipos de elementos tienen que interactuar, trabajar juntos, ya que se mantienen físicamente entre sí, evitando que las imágenes se desintegren”, a cargo de la fotógrafa Csilla Klenyánszki, nacida en Budapest y criada en Vác, Hungria, que en la actualidad reside en Rotterdam, Holanda.
source: zupi

Csilla Klenyánszki, artista húngara, criou uma percepção de equilíbrio em seu mais novo projeto intitulado “Good Luck”. Csilla compôs as fotografias com elementos como garrafas de agua, copos, ovos e agulha equilibrando-os da maneira mais criativa possível. As imagens minimalistas tentam mostrar momentos de perfeito equilíbrio, os quais precisamos segurar o fôlego para tudo não ir ao chão. Confira os frágeis momentos abaixo.
source: japontimes


この作品は、アーティストのCsilla Klenyánszki氏によって製作された「Good luck」と言う作品です。「Good luck」だけに頑張れ、幸運を祈ると言う意味ですが、Csilla Klenyánszki氏曰く、作品を製作に当たり集中するだけでは上手くいかず、少しの運も必要との事ですので、この場合「幸運を祈る」と言う意味あいの方がシックリくると思います。

この世の全てのものは、私達も含めて何かの「ラッキー」 がありきで存在していると言うようにも聞こえる感じがします!もしかしたら良いも悪いも「これって微妙な関係」、「アンバラスかな」と思った瞬間、そこには「ラッキー」 が存在しているかもしれません!幸運ってこの画像の作品のようにバラバラの統一感の無いモノ達が、何かの瞬間にピタッと合わさったときに訪れるかも知れませんね。