

Фабиан Бюрги

Floating rebar


source: fabianbuergy

born 1980 in Switzerland.
Lives and works in Switzerland.

Fabian Bürgy is a swiss based Sculptor and Independent Digital Creative. His diverse and playful artistic practice, which includes sculpture, installation and digital imaging, explores the aesthetic of thingds through random encounters of materials, misplaced situations and spatial relationships.

He began his career as a sculptor and later moved into graphic design and new media, with the aim to combine the techniques of both worlds. Thus the projects often mix traditional craft with new technology, in combination with the conceptual rigor and sense of playfulness from the communication and design industry.

Bürgy creates conceptual situations and small interventions which are inspired by a wide range of mundane objects and appearances, from chairs and suicide belts to skid row textures, nails and even dog tails, all subjected to what could be described as Bürgy’s characteristically slightly violent and disturbing process of transformation, misplacement and dysfunction of things. He takes specific thoughts and develops conflicts with precise and absolutely minimalistic means – an oeuvre, which constantly explores the point where known things become something else, where metamorphosis is reached.

In a humble and silent career spanning more than 15 years, he has sought to challenge the boundaries between real and unreal, aesthetics and symbolism. In recent years he has increasingly taken his practice beyond the actual physical creation and works with digital imaging to conceive his ideas.
source: zupi

“Arte contemporânea de verdade tem que refletir fenômenos periódicos e não pode nunca ter medo de usar as ferramentas atuais”. Isso foi o que o artista conceitual Fabian Burgy disse certa vez e ainda coloca em prática. Seu extraordinário trabalho digital passeia pelo real e pelo irreal. Para o suíço, nesse mundo superexposto, são as imagens poderosas quem realmente intimidam.

Para colocar seus conceitos em prática, ele usa diversos tipos de coisas, como cintos, rabos de cachorro e unhas para criar seu “processo de transformação levemente violento e perturbador”, sua “disfunção das coisas”, como descreve seu trabalho.
source: floresenelaticoes

Instalaciones muy visuales, a veces divertidas a veces violentes con una perfecta ejecución, así veo yo la obra de Fabian Burgy.

En sus trabajos incluye la escultura, la instalación, y la imagen digital, creando situaciones que están fuera de lugar. Mezcla la artesanía tradicional con las nuevas tecnologías, en combinación con el rigor conceptual y el sentido lúdico del diseño.

Viendo sus imágenes, como muchas veces me pasa al conocer la obra de algunos artistas sólo por internet, no sé distinguir bien qué trabajos son realmente físicos y cuales virtuales, pero realmente tampoco es que la cosa me preocupe demasiado…

Os dejo imágenes de su trabajo para que vosotros adivinéis…

He conocido su obra aquí y las fotos las he sacado de la página del creador.
source: blendedfr

C’est comme se retrouver face à un escalier de Penrose en vrai. Comme une illusion d’optique prenant vie. Comme se glisser un instant dans la peau d’Alice.
Fabian Bürgy est un artiste suisse qui joue avec les matériaux, les lieux, les attentes. Il joue et se joue.
Chaque œuvre nécessite un temps d’adaptation, jamais suffisant. Les illusions dérangent le corps, presque l’oreille interne pourrait-on dire, tandis que la signification dérange notre raison. L’émotion et la raison sont alors chamboulées et ne retrouvent jamais totalement leur équilibre. Une dissonance qui nous pousserait à quitter les lieux le plus vite possible si l’hypnose n’avait déjà opéré.
Et l’on comprend mieux alors ce que voulait dire C.K. Chesterton : « le fou est celui qui a tout perdu excepté la raison. »