
Ina Jang

Ina Jang 88

source: kaiaktwblogspot
來自紐約的攝影師 Ina Jang 生於 1982 年,她以簡潔的畫面與獨特的拼貼手法創作出看似清淡卻又充滿無法定義的顏色。她的作品遊走於攝影與平面設計之間,帶著一點年輕女生的古靈精怪。她的作品最近受到時尚以及藝術圈的注意,去年她的作品從 800 多件投稿中脫穎而出被刊登在荷蘭攝影雜誌 FOAM MAGAZINE 的封面。而且作品也在世界各地展出,包括英國、加拿大、瑞士、法國、美國等。
source: foamorg
Ina Jang (1982, South Korea) graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York with a BA in Photography in 2010. Her work, which explores a collapse of dimensions in photography, has been shown in countless galleries, including the Empty Quarter in Dubai, KiptonART and the Humble Arts Foundation in New York. Over the past two years she has been nominated for seven different awards, including KiptonART Rising Award 2011, Print Magazine’s 20 Under 30. She was a finalist at the Festival d’Hyères 2011.