

Absent Minded


source: joewebbart

Joe Webb (1976) uses vintage magazines and printed ephemera that he has collected to create simple but elegant hand-made collages, no Photoshop manipulation is allowed. Webb reimagines the imagery using simple and concise edits, transforming the original scene into something altogether more surreal.

Webb’s work has become on online sensation with hundreds of thousands of people sharing his images on the internet. As well as going viral in the virtual world, Joe has exhibited and sold work across the world. His original collages and prints can be found in the Saatchi Gallery, London.

Joe lives and works in the UK.
“Joe navigates a rich landscape with grace and humor, making nice with many recognizable visual pastimes. He plays them against each other in a way that puts different eras in dialogue, allowing characters to travel far from their 50’s Home Gardening Magazine roots to the far cosmos. He flirts with the themes of nostalgia and loss but ultimately composes lighthearted images that are in dialogue with today’s sampling culture, collapsing and hacking together sources from across the universe in fun and rudely jacked up color schemes.”
— Wangechi Mutu, internationally acclaimed artist
“I started making these simple hand-made collages as a sort of luddite reaction to working as a graphic artist on computers for many years. I like the limitations of collage…using found imagery and a pair of scissors, there are no Photoshop options to resize, adjust colours or undo.

My collages work to a basic rule of sourcing just two or three images… with these I can reinvent the original scene to communicate a new idea.

I suppose I’ve become fairly anti-technology… although I now promote my art on websites, own an iPhone and use Facebook…It’s confusing, I wish I had been born 100 years ago.”
source: navybluecloset

Com colagens artesanais lúdicas, o artista britânico Joe Webb decide quebrar sua rotina diante da tecnologia e parte para a dupla infalível cola e tesoura para dar vida a sua mais nova exposição. “Eu gostaria de ter nascido há 100 anos atrás” comenta Webb.
Um surrealismo apaixonado envolve épocas e ambientes em um único contexto mixados em galaxias, florais e céu azul.
source: lamonomagazine

Joe Webb (1976) es un artista británico que utiliza revistas de época e impresos efímeros para crear laboriosos collages hechos a mano, sin ningún tipo de manipulación digital. Webb reinventa las imágenes extraídas de su colección de revistas para crear piezas sencillas y elegantes, de tono surrealista, que exploran el amor y la nostalgia. Su obra llamada Pulp Friction se expone en la actualidad en Londres, en la galería Hang Up. Su trabajo se inspira entre otras cosas en la obra de René Magritte y en el trabajo de Peter Blake. Para crear sus ediciones, Webb se ha mantenido fiel a la textura y la sensación vintage, utilizando elementos como los colores originales en las serigrafías, aplicándoles un esmaltado final.