
Julien Berthier

Left Handed Rietveld Chair

Julien Berthier   Left Handed Rietveld Chair

source: julienberthierorg

Red and Blue Chair” by Gerrit Rietveld (1918) drawn with my left hand, and built by scrupulously following the resulting drawing.
The prototype was then given to a carpenter who produced a serie of five identical copies.

« Red and Blue Chair » de Gerrit Rietveld de 1918, dessinée de la main gauche puis scrupuleusement construite suivant le résultat obtenu.
Le prototype a ensuite été donné à un menuisier qui l’a reproduite en cinq exemplaires.
source: gr3be
L’artiste Julien Berthier propose sa vision de l’iconique fauteuil de Gerrit Rietveld, la « Red and Blue Chair” (1918). Berthier a dessiné sa chaise de la main gauche, puis scrupuleusement suivi les contours du croquis tremblé pour créer son prototype, ensuite confié à un menuisier pour en produire cinq exemplaires identiques. Pour ceux qui préfèrent la perspective d’admirer l’original, l’exposition dédiée à l’architecte et designer néerlandais au Centraal Museum d’Utrecht (« Rietveld’s Universum: Rietveld, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Theo van Doesburg ») fermera ses portes le 30 janvier.
source: drimmru

Все новое – это хорошо забытое старое, наверное руководствуясь именно этим принципом Julien Berthier переиздал знаменитые красные и синие стулья Геррита Ритвельда (Gerrit Rietveld) 1918 года. Конечно, смотрятся они несколько странно, но это и не удивительно, вся изюминка нового стула в его эскизе, выполненном Julien Berthier левой рукой.
source: centrodesignfeevalewordpress

Esta cadeira faz parte de uma série de cadeiras projetadas por Berthier, baseadas em desenhos com a mão esquerda. Este projeto foi inspirado na “cadeira vermelha e azul” de Gerrit Rietveld (1918).
source: beautifuldecay

French artist Julien Berthier brings a pranksters twist to conceptual art with tongue and cheek alterations, manipulations, and juxtapositions. A great example of his comic wit is A Lost (pictured above) featuring a ripped piece of a billboard with “A Lost” written across it. Next to the torn billboard fragment Berthier hangs a photo of the billboard that originally read “Making Thievery A Lost Art”. Other favorite projects include a large fully functional boat that appears to be capsized, skull topiary, and a fabricated chair based on the artists left handed drawing of a chair (Berthier is right handed.)
source: fastcodesign

Julien Berthier has taken an icon of 20th-century Dutch furniture design and turned it into something so squiggly, lopsided, and weird, it looks like he designed it with his left hand. Which, of course, he did.

The Left-handed Rietveld Chair is based on right-handed Berthier’s southpaw drawings of Gerrit Rietveld’s Red and Blue Chair, one of the most widely recognized artifacts of the de Stijl movement.

Berthier, a French designer, then gave his drawings to a carpenter, who built five identical chairs to spec.

Obviously, Berthier’s chairs are dripping with irony. The de Stijl movement fetishized geometry and order as an antidote to the chaos of World War I. Berthier’s chairs conjure up the opposite imagery; they might as well have been bombed with mustard gas.

Expect to see more cheeky takes on Rietveld in coming months. The Dutch design community has proclaimed 2010 the official year of Rietveld. Celebrations are underway in Holland and include exhibits, talks, tours, an iPhone app, and even Rietveld krentenbollen (currant buns). Stay tuned for Co.Design’s complete coverage.