

Glass Houses: Self-Portraits In A Moving Mirror

kalliope amorphous Glass Houses

In Glass Houses, I capture split-second deconstructions of my own reflection by manipulating flexible mirror boards made from polyester film. The light and color sensitivity of the surface is similar to water, creating a reflection which passes through countless configurations in a fraction of a second.

In this project, I confront questions of self-image and the ways in which our interior worlds conflict with our exterior form. How does the image that we present to the world differ from what we see when we look in the mirror? If our desires, fears, secrets and vulnerabilities were manifested physically, what might they look like?
The process of working with these mirrors acts like a screen for my subconscious mind, often answering questions and revealing deeper aspects of my hopes, fears, and memories in the resulting image. I began this series in 2012 and will continue working with this process in the future, because it has been my favorite experimental process.
Kalliope Amorphous is a conceptual self portrait photographer. In her latest series “Glass Houses” she explored the malleability of her personal identity through the use of flexible and moving mirrors. Kalliope Amorphous says: “Through the distortion of my physical form, I explore the fragmentation of identity as well as the hidden self which is often underlaid beneath the facade of our physical exteriors.”
Kalliope Amorphous captured several split-second deconstructions of her own reflections by manipulating flexible mirror boards made from polyester film.

I find it fascinating to see how different she looks in the pictures. Some of the photos look like paintings. Below you can find some images of the series. If you want to see more, check out Kalliope Amorphous’ website.