Marek Walczak & Martin Wattenberg
Thinking Machine
source: fileorgbr
Thinking Machine 7 is a new version of Thinking Machine 4 and explores the invisible, elusive nature of thought. Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you. The artwork is an artificial intelligence program, ready to play chess with the viewer. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer\’s thought process is sketched on screen as it plays. A map is created from the traces of literally thousands of possible futures as the program tries to decide its best move. Those traces become a key to the invisible lines of force in the game as well as a window into the spirit of a thinking machine.
The two of us have been collaborating on various art projects since 1997. We have come up with more projects than we care to remember and occasionally, when the funding comes through, we even create them. Marek Walczak is an artist and architect who is interested in how people participate in phsycial and virtual spaces. This has led to digital tools and interactive projects such as Apartment which was shown at the Whitney Museum and many venues worldwide. Dialog Table has recently been completed for the Walker Art Center, it is a shared interface that replaces a keyboard and mouse with gesture recognition technology. Current projects bridge physical installations with user interaction, including a one block long façade at 7 World Trade Center that reacts to pedestrians walking beneath it (for James Carpenter Design) and video installations that activate physical space based on user engagement such as Third Person, recently shown at the ICA, London. Marek trained as an architect at the Architectural Assoc. in London and Cooper Union in New York. Martin Wattenberg’s work centers on the theme of making the invisible visible. Past projects include The Shape of Song, Third Person, the Whitney Artport’s Idea Line, and Apartment. Wattenberg is a researcher at IBM, where he creates new forms of data visualization. He is also known for the Map of the Market. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from U.C. Berkeley.
source: fileorgbr
Thinking Machine 7 é a nova versão do Thinking Machine 4, que explora a natureza invisível e ilusória do pensamento. Jogue xadrez com uma inteligência transparente, enquanto o seu processo de pensamento evolutivo torna-se visível no tabuleiro à sua frente. A arte-final é um programa de inteligência artificial, pronto para jogar xadrez com o observador. Se o observador desafia o programa, o processo de pensamento do computador é delineado na tela, enquanto ele joga. É criado um mapa a partir de, literalmente, milhares de possibilidades futuras enquanto o programa decide qual é a melhor jogada. Esses sinais tornam-se uma chave para as linhas de força invisíveis do jogo, e também uma janela que permite ver o espírito de uma máquina pensante.
Nós dois temos colaborado em vários projetos desde 1997. Já fizemos mais projetos do que conseguimos lembrar, e algumas vezes, quando havia verba, até os criamos. Marek Walczak é um artista e arquiteto interessado em como as pessoas participam de espaços físicos e virtuais. Isso o levou a ferramentas digitais e projetos interativos como Apartment, que foi exposto no Whitney Museum e vários outros locais do mundo. Dialog Table foi terminada recentemente para o Walker Art Center; é uma interface compartilhada que substitui o teclado e o mouse por tecnologia de reconhecimento de gestos. Projetos atuais incluem instalações físicas com interação do usuário, incluindo uma fachada de um quarteirão no 7 World Trade Center que reage aos pedestres que passam sob ela (para a James Carpenter Design) e instalações de vídeo que ativam o espaço físico com base no envolvimento do usuário, como Third Person, recentemente exibido no ICA em Londres. Marek trabalhou como arquiteto na Architectural Assoc. em Londres e na Cooper Union em Nova York. O trabalho de Martin Wattenberg se concentra no tema de tornar visível o invisível. Projetos antigos incluem The Shape of Song, Third Person, Idea Line do Whitney Artport e Apartment. Wattenberg é um pesquisador da IBM, onde cria novas formas de visualização de dados. Também é conhecido pelo Map of the Market da Ele tem Ph.D. em matemática da Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley.
source: csumdedu
Martin Wattenberg is a researcher at IBM whose work focuses on visual explorations of culturally significant data. He is known for his scientific and applied work in the field of information-based digital artwork. In his work, the mathematical underpinnings of a computer program are not simply tools used to create art; they are the core of the artwork themselves.
“Thinking Machine 4,” (pictured to the right) is artifical intelligence software that explores the invisible, elusive nature of thought. The user plays chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on screen.
A map is created from the traces of thousands of possible futures as the program tries to decide its best move. Those traces become key to the invisible lines of force in the game as well as a window into the spririt of a thinking machine. It illuminates the thought process as an evolving series of choices.