

мясо Мейер


source: cgsocietyorg

Meats Meier has also been working with Rabbitholes 3D Motion Art to create a holographic version of the Animation Mother. Rabbitholes own the technology that makes the most intense holograms available. The Animation Mother hologram display plays around 1,300 frames of animations as the viewer walks from one side to the other, and literally jumps off the canvas with nice, bright colors. “It will be printed as a large scale poster for the Nokia Center lobby during the SIGGRAPH show,” says Meats, “and will also appear as part of the animation award itself. I love being able to see it in its true 3D form. Doing a holographic version of her is a perfect fit for the ‘evolution’ theme and it’s the next logical step in the evolution of 3D as ‘art’.”

People will know Meats Meier as an amazingly experimental, brave and forthright artist. He tells CGSociety he has been adopted into the ‘TOOL family.’ “I’m working a lot with the band on various projects as well as collaborating with Maynard’s (TOOL, Perfect Circle) side project band called ‘Puscifer’,” says Meats. “I’ve done a couple of videos for Puscifer recently that are available on YouTube. I also created a few of my ‘Wire style’ characters for a surrealistic Levi’s Jeans campaign late last year. I am really busy, I’m also having a lot of fun and am happy. I’m working on projects that I really enjoy and truly challenge me.”
source: webneel

Anyone who is fascinated by CG art can’t possibly have missed one of the most renowned names, Meats Meier. Still, if you have, here is an opportunity to discover this protean artist and experimental genius who constantly re-invents an art form which is just coming into being.

Meats Meier is currently a freelance illustrator and animator living in Downtown Los Angeles, California. He taught the first ever ZBrush course at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects, and is the author of the very popular “Introduction to ZBrush” training DVD produced by the Gnomon Workshop. Meats is also an award-winning digital artist (including two Expose Master awards) with over a decade of experience in a wide range of artistic fields. Meats appears on two feature film credits, “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” and “Hellboy” as a technical director and compositor. He has also worked as an airbrush lead artist at a video game studio (Beyond Games), and has had a successful career as an independent artist and illustrator.
source: dailyartfixx

Meats Meier is a freelance illustrator and animator living in Los Angeles, California. An award-winning digital artist, Meier works in both 2D and 3D using Maya and Zbrush for modeling and animation as well as Photoshop and After Effects to composite the images into animations and high resolution artwork.

Meier’s feature film credits include “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” and “Hellboy” as a technical director and compositer. He has also worked as an airbrush artist and lead artist at the video game studio Beyond Games.

Meier’s artwork is on the cover of numerous books, magazines, and web sites and he was honored with the prestigious “Maya Master” title by Alias at SIGGRAPH in 2003. In 2006, he helped with the stereoscopic graphics for the cover of the TOOL album “10,000 Days” and continues to work with them on their live touring concerts.

Meier taught the first ever ZBrush course at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects, and is the author of the very popular “Introduction to ZBrush” training DVD produced by the Gnomon Workshop.
source: blogxuitenet

Meats Meier是美國的3D數位設計師,他來自著名的電影城市好萊塢,並自許是個古怪的藝術家!作者是曾經製作過《地獄男爵》《天空上尉與明日世界》一系列名作的3D特技總監:Meats Meier. Maya 7封面的金屬絲質感線條搭建出的人你應知道吧,這個作品就是由Meats Meier設計的。提起3D藝術家Meats Meier,從事數位創作的應知道,Maya 導入版面中那個用金屬絲質感線條搭建出的人像您一定會印象深刻,而它就是出自Meats Meier之手。這個僅有33歲的3D藝術家,用金屬絲構件出一幅又一幅風格鮮明的3D作品。很多作品都被選用做專業雜誌封面。他不僅製作3D靜態作品,同時還創作了大量的繪畫和動畫作品,他的電腦動畫作品更獲得過國際動畫大獎。

(Animation Mother)創作,此創作將在盛典期間廣泛播放,在洛杉磯上映時間為5月11日-15日。 電腦動畫盛典已經發展成了一個規模完整的電影盛會;參與討論的平臺包括電影製作人、藝術家與製片人;同時它也是一個完整的3D平臺,藝術家可以將自己的作品搬上銀幕,呈現到大家的眼前;並且,它也是一場慶祝藝術家偉大傑作的頒獎晚會。盛典將在嶄新的Nokia劇場與洛杉磯會議中心舉行。Meats說:“這將是對我多年前所創作的關於“母性”插話的昇華。無論是在我自己的工作中還是動畫之母的角色上,我都可以融入“進化”這個主題。我使用了大量的時間來研究細節的部分。用渦體管做成Mandelbrot裝置,還使用了大量的不規則碎片幾何圖形。要使所有的數據都適合3D場景以便最終輸出時成為真實速成的模型物體。”

Meats Meier可以稱的上是3D電腦繪圖製作高手。也曾經是一個小有名氣的繪畫藝術家。某商家希望成立一個開發製作遊戲片頭動畫的工作室,在到處尋找能勝任的人員,Meats Meier與其一拍即合,從此進入了3D行業。從1994年開始從事遊戲片頭動畫設計和角色建模工作以來,他已經在數位藝術領域工作了十年。曾經做過插畫家,遊戲片頭動畫藝術家,電影技術導演,合成師,可謂經驗豐富。目前擔任Gnomon視覺特效藝術學校maya和Zbrush課程的教師。2004年他曾經參與製作過漫畫改編電影《地獄男爵》的3D部分。在很多專業技術網站上經常能夠看到Meats Meierr的單幅3D作品。

Meats Meier的確設計出非常酷的作品,他那種管狀、網狀的創作造型。Meats Meier是在進行人體扭曲的創作而比較不是角色的創作。而是從頭開始設計造型而是以既有的人體開始,人體在不同的過程與實驗中會有什麼反應。如果可以用真實的素材去表現,像是人體、機器、浮木等等的話,可能會是很令人興奮的,不過也許在實際現實世界上不太可能。」