
Vincent Callebaut

Венсаном Калебо

Mangrove Towers


source: designboom

as the name indicates, the design of ‘mangrove towers’ references the shape and form of the distinctive tree. to be built at paris’ busy gare du nord railway station, the structures will accommodate a mixed program of offices, hotels and housing dedicated to international and traveling customers. the station’s platforms will be full of piezoelectrical captors polarizing under the action of the mechanical constraints generated by its inhabitants. the tubular façades will be composed of grätzel cells forming a photo-electrochemical skin.
source: youtube

Vincent Callebaut’s 2050 Vision of Paris as a “Smart City” with 8 Plus-Energy Towers
Addressing Paris’ housing and density issues, French firm Vincent Callebaut Architectures has developed a proposal for multiple high-rise buildings with positive energy output (BEPOS). Comprised of eight multi-use structures inhabiting various locations within Paris, the plan strives to address major sustainability problems affecting each district, while providing key functions for the city.

Commissioned in wake of the Climate Energy Plan of Paris, the aptly named Smart City aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In order to achieve long-term energy goals, the high-rises integrate several energy-production techniques to ensure their constant adherence to sustainable efforts, as well as encourage inhabitants to adopt eco-friendly standards of living in their daily lives. Although the techniques employed are unique to each building, the overall goals of the Smart City are cohesive: respect the rich history of Paris while embracing its potential to cultivate a healthier future by decreasing its environmental impacts.

Each of the tower systems fits within the existing framework of the city, and often directly on top of it, such as the “Mountain Tower” transferring its structural loads through unused ducts and chimneys. The forms of these high-rises are informed by nature, while within their walls, natural processes (passive heating and cooling, oxygenation, rainwater retention) are utilized wherever possible to create self-sustaining units. Additionally, the insertion of green spaces, namely community and suspended gardens, bring the purifying effects of rural life into the city and encourage residents to involve themselves in cultivating a sustainable lifestyle.

In addition to passive and natural energy-conserving strategies, the Smart City also employs innovative techniques. The skins of the towers, for example, respond to sunlight in ways that positively impact the thermal load. The skin of the “Mangrove Towers” is composed of individual cells which form a photo-sensitive electrochemical shell, utilizing the sunlight that hits it to generate electricity for the building. Similarly, the “Photosynthesis Towers” employ an insulating bio-façade, which generates its own usable biofuel. Other technology that supports Smart City’s self-sufficiency is the “phylolight,” a hybridized turbine-lamp system which supplies both lighting and the energy needed to produce it.

Consistently throughout the Smart City plan, the towers’ programs are mixed-used, combining residential, business, and commercial functions, which are divided internally. This combats the need for extensive transportation and cuts the city’s emissions from fuel. The Smart City reinforces the idea that cities can continue to grow while maintaining their character and contributing to a healthier future.
source: aasarchitecture

The “2050 PARIS SMART CITY” project is a research and development work on the integration of high-rise buildings with plus-energy (BEPOS) producing by solidarity all together energy for the surrounding areas. In order to fight against the urban heat-island phenomenon by increasing in the same time the density of the city in the long-term, this study presents 8 prototypes of mixed towers. This study has been carried out for Paris City Hall by “Vincent Callebaut Architectures” agency with the green engineering consultant “Setec” in the summer of 2014. The history and the evolution perspective in 2050 of the high-rise buildings in the context of Paris Climate Energy Plan and the 8 plus-energy and/or energetically connected prototypes are presented below:

Paris Smart City 2050The “Mountain Towers” project aims at controlling smog, making denser and naturalizing thus type of hyper energy and space consuming urbanism by the construction of bioclimatic mountains integratingthe renewable energies on the roofs and in the heart of the blocks. Three types of renewable energies will be available in each tower: During the day, two huge photovoltaic and thermal solar shields bio inspired by the structure finely cut from dragonfly wings will produce electricity and hot sanitary water. At night, a reversible hydro-electrical pumped storage station will let an urban cascade flow out from the top of the tower. Finally, the garden balconies will surround the inhabited storeys and filter in clean recycled waters rejected by the inhabitants by phyto-purification and bio-composting.

Paris Smart City 2050The “Antismog Towers” plan to renaturalize the railway lines into green areas by the integration of community food gardens cultivated by the residents. The cycle paths and the urban vegetable gardens will be implemented vertically around the cyclonic towers depolluting the grounds by hydroponic phyto-purification and filtering the atmospheric smog thanks to their photocatalytic structure in titanium dioxide. Energetically, these towers will produce electricity by the integration of axial wind turbines of Darrieus type in the strengthened facade on the one hand and on the other hanf in photovoltaic flexible textile that enable the rainwater and dew on the roof. Regarding the thermal part, the temperature differential with the tunnels of the Petite Ceinture will be used to create geothermal cooling/heating tubes enabling to bio-air condition passively the surrounding air inside the tower.

Paris Smart City 2050Montparnasse tower will thus be a carbon neutral BEPOS ecosystem without fossil fuels built under the shape of a vertical public park on several floors overhung by sky gardens. The slab-roof of the shopping mall will be transform into a phyto-purification lagoon recycling the used waters of the building. This planted green space in the heart of Paris will cover Montparnasse tower as well as other smaller towers (building C ad Express tower) with an insulating bio-facade that produces biofuel. Green micro algae will be cultivated on curtain-walls in planar and triangular photobioreactors built in laminated glass. They will capture the thermal solar energy by serving in the same time the generation of biomass used to produce methane. The CO2 will be used as nutrients to the algae that proliferate under the solar radiation.

Paris Smart City 2050The “Bamboo Nest Towers” project aims at renaturalize the thirteen towers of Massena area built on the grounds of the former Panhard & Levassor plant along the way of the “Petite Ceinture”. Tower Puccini, Palerme, Rimini, Verdi, towers etc. will be enveloped by an ecoskeleton in plaited bamboo. On the one hand, this ecological 3D canvas will enable to support structurally the overload of individual vegetable garden balconies and community orchards surrounding the existing housing. On the other hand, the funnels shaped by the braiding geometry will accentuate the Venturi effect accelerating thus the strength of the prevailing winds to increase the output of the three-blade wind turbines. Besides the bio-air condition of the atmosphere provided mainly by the evapo-perspiration of the plants, and in addition to the electricity generated by the axial wind turbines implanted on the roofs-blade in the funnels, the main energy source will come from the concentrating thermodynamic plant.

Paris Smart City 2050In order to increase the offer of housings in Paris, the “Honeycomb Towers” propose to double the height of theses HBM by an architecture leading to the construction of individual mini-houses interlocked the ones to the others. Such as a honeycomb with hexagonal alcoves, this urban implant will offer to the new inhabitants vegetable gardens and suspended orchards repatriating thus in the city the advantages of a rural individual house. The structure in honeycomb will enable to reinforce the resistance of the tower by assuring maximum lighting. The roofs will be covered by thermal and photovoltaic solar panels whereas the Sérurier and Mortier boulevards, the Phylolights (hybridization of a lamp and an axial wind turbine) will assure the public lighting self-sufficiently.

Paris Smart City 2050The “Farmscrapers Towers” concept aims at articulating the Claude Bernard urban development zone and its linear forest with the new master plan of Aubervilliers. As urban articulation of ecological corridors, the three vegetable towers implanted on a urban forest in the shape of a huge manta ray. The objective is to repatriate the countryside in the heart of the city and to reintegrate the food production locally. True city district piling up mixed blocks, these Farmscrapers make denser the urban space by optimizing the quality of life of the inhabitants by the reduction of the transport means, the implantation of a domotic network, the renaturalization of the public and private spaces and the integration of clean renewable energies as the biomass, the methanisation, the photovoltaic and thermal solar energy and the wind turbines.

Paris Smart City 2050The “Mangrove Towers” will be inspired by the mangrove trees of the maritime marshes with their pneumatophores and their stilt roots. They will be implanted directly of the platforms of the Gare du Nord and they will ramify each other as ecosystem resilient to the climate imbalance. These towers will accommodate a mixed programme of offices, hotels and housing dedicated to international and traveling customers. The project will be eco-designed from state-of-the-art renewable energies to present a zero carbon footprint. Indeed, the station platforms will be full of piezoelectrical captors polarizing under the action of the mechanical constraint generated by the travelers. The tubular facades will be composed of Grätzel cells forming a photo-electrochemical skin inspired by the light (photons), will also produce the electricity by electrolysis. Finally, the towers will not only be self-sufficient in energy but they will be also depolluting thanks to their structure in titanium dioxide.

Paris Smart City 2050Inhabited planted amphibian bridges across the Seine river upstream and downstream of Paris. With the objective of making the city denser by inhabited vertical ecosystems, the “Bridge Towers” project proposed the construction of two green bridges at the river gates of Paris. These two bridges with jellyfish silhouettes emerging from the water will link the 15th and the 16th arrondissements in the west to the 12th and 13th district in the east. They will be twin towers molding and re-customizing extraordinarily both existing bridges of the ring road in order to enhance both entrances to the city by the river along which its history flew from Lutece. True urban link, this bridge, until here passage between two banks, will be a new territory created by a new urban form linking two towers of more than 200 meters.
source: designfanpageit

Nel 2050 la Parigi che conoscete adesso probabilmente non esisterà più. Ci sarà sempre la Tour Eiffel come simbolo della città ma attorno solo tanto verde e grattacieli sostenibili. É questo il piano dello studio d’architettura Vincent Callebaut che, a seguito del Piano Energetico Clima di Parigi per la riduzione del 75% delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra del 2050, ha ideato un progetto di ricerca per integrare grattacieli autosufficienti da un punto di vista energetico e produttori di energia all’interno del tessuto urbano della città esistente.

‘2050 PARIS CITY SMART’, il titolo del progetto, prevede la realizzazione di otto prototipi di torri misti che contrastino la densificazione abitativa di Parigi. Le torri, integrate nel centro della città, rimpatriare il genere nel cuore della città, presentano un design che segue le regole della bioclimatica e delle energie rinnovabili e riciclabili in breve ciclo attraverso sistemi innovativi per implementare una qualità della vita sostenibile all’interno del rapporto città-abitanti nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Il Municipio di Parigi ha accolto favorevolmente il progetto dello studio “Vincent Callebaut Architectures” presentato nell’estate del 2014. “Al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi energetici a lungo termine, i grattacieli integrano diverse tecniche di produzione di energia per garantire la loro costante aderenza agli sforzi sostenibili, nonché incoraggiano gli abitanti ad adottare gli standard ecologici per vivere meglio la quotidianità. Anche se le tecniche impiegate sono uniche per ogni edificio, gli obiettivi generali della Smart City sono coesi: rispettare la ricca storia di Parigi, mentre la città abbraccia il suo potenziale di coltivare un futuro più sano riducendo il suo impatto ambientale”, spiega il progettista.
Ampie zone verdi saranno inserite all’interno degli spazi urbani comuni proprio per apportare a Parigi le caratteristiche positive degli ambienti rurali e invogliare i cittadini ad un tipo di vita più sostenibile. Le otto torri avranno ognuna delle specifiche tecnologie di produzione di energia e strategie di risparmio energetico passivo e naturale e uniranno funzioni residenziali a quelle commerciali e lavorative in modo da ridurre la necessità di mezzi di trasporto andando così a diminuire le emissioni di combustibile della città. Il progetto ‘2050 PARIS CITY SMART’ rafforza l’idea che le città possano continuare ad espandersi conservando il proprio carattere e contribuendo ad un futuro più sano.

Imagina Paris no futuro? Difícil pensar, já que Paris é uma cidade muito histórica, mas alguns arquitetos ou desenhistas já conseguiram imaginar a cidade no futuro. A velha Paris não se parece muito com os esboços de Vincent Callebut, as fotos já dizem tudo…

Um estudo chamado Smart City 2050 encomendado pela Agência de Ecologia Urbana da cidade de Paris revelou os projetos do arquiteto belga Vincent Callebut que imaginou Paris uma cidade digna dos cenários de ficção científica, mas com um toque bem ecológico, ressaltando sempre o lado verde.

Oito torres vegetais e multifuncionais de mais de 100 metros de altitude são propostas no estudo. Segundo o arquiteto Callebut, o objetivo é se equipar de prédios à energia positiva e reencontrar a natureza no meio da cidade.

A torre Montparnasse também passaria por um relook, ela se transformaria em um Central Park vegetal de 58 andares e constituiria um prolongamento do Jardim de Luxemburgo, assim os parisienses poderiam ter acesso por uma pequena rampa.

Projeto Smart City 2050: ponte no rio senna em Paris
O mais interessante é que o projeto apesar de ser bem oneroso, é realizável, uma vez que todas as tecnologias necessárias para a realização dessa Paris do futuro já existem.

No meio do caminho entre ficção científica e realismo, os projetos de Vincent Callebut misturam arquitetura, biologia, clima, formas, ecologia e cores bem diferentes. Esse tipo de arquitetura é praticamente um estilo poético e lúdico nos fazendo sonhar com uma cidade vegetal. E vocês também aprovam o projeto?
source: mag-adagio
La ville de Paris, dans le cadre de son Plan Climat Energie a souhaité étudier les pistes de développement de Paris à l’horizon 2050. Ce projet « Paris Smart City 2050″ souhaite prendre en compte deux contraintes majeures et actuelles de la ville : un manque d’espace et une nécessité d’économie d’énergie suite aux dérèglements climatiques.
C’est le cabinet d’ingénieurs Setec bâtiment et l’architecte Vincent Callebaut qui ont eu pour mission d’imaginer le Paris du futur à l’horizon 2050.

Avec pour objectif de diminuer de 75% les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, l’architecte chargé du projet a ainsi imaginé 8 tours végétalisées d’une hauteur de 120 mètres chacune pour réintégrer la nature en ville et pousser les parisiens à poursuivre leurs efforts sur le développement durable.

Des bâtiments et une architecture qui vise à limiter voire diminuer notre impact sur notre environnement : des tours avec un chauffage et un refroidissement passif, rétention de l’eau de pluie sont autant de moyens pour en faire des unités autonomes. A cela s’ajoutent des jardins suspendus, des nombreux espaces verts. Ces bâtiments futuristes combineront aussi bien des logements que des bureaux et des commerces afin de limiter les transports et la consommation d’énergie.

La tour Montparnasse deviendrait «un prolongement du jardin du Luxembourg. L’idée serait d’en faire un Central Park vertical de 58 étages. – Vincent Callebaut

Certes ambitieux, ce projet serait tout de même réalisable puisqu’il se base sur des technologies déjà existantes.
Les « Smart cities » ou villes intelligentes ont pour ambition de montrer que les villes peuvent croître sans compromettre leur caractère et maintenir un environnement sain.
source: newparkculture

В планах городских властей французской столицы к 2050 году снизить уровень выбросов углекислого газа в атмосферу на 75 %. В связи с этим архитектурная фирма Vincent Callebaut Architectures презентовала масштабный проект под названием «2050 Paris Smart City», который представляет собой восемь типов башен с различными экологическими характеристиками.

Этот вид постройки по проекту может расположиться на знаменитой торговой улице Рю де Риволи (Rue de Rivoli). Башни «Mountain towers» представляют из себя биоклиматические пики, которые объединят в себе различные возобновляемые источники энергии. В течение дня фотоэлектрические и тепловые щиты смогут генерировать электричество и горячую воду. Многочисленные балконы с зелеными насаждениями послужат фильтром для жильцов. Кроме того, полив и подкормка этих растений будет осуществляться за счет повторно используемой воды и биокомпоста из органических отходов.

Антисмоговые башни задуманы авторами проекта как 23-километровый коридор, проходящий через центр Парижа по заброшенным железнодорожным линиям, которые будут преобразованы в парковые зоны, велосипедные дорожки и городские сады. Вдоль них будут построены башни, предназначенные для фильтрации атмосферного смога, которые будут производить электроэнергию за счет осевых ветряных турбин и гибких фотоэлектрических панелей.

Проект «Фотосинтез-башни» предлагает преобразовать существующие здания в вертикальный парк с использованием в них биореакторов, работающих на зеленых водорослях.

Эти небоскребы задуманы как термодинамические башни-сады, обвернутые бамбуковыми биосетками. Внутри них будут выращивать фрукты и овощи, а также установят ветряки.

Башни в виде пчелиных сот смогут увеличить жилую площадь в уже существующих домах в центре Парижа. Стальные конструкции будут крепиться на дымоходах. На крышах будут установлены фотоэлектрические панели, которые будут вырабатывать электроэнергию для уличного освещения.

В этих башнях будут расположены фермерские хозяйства, которые смогут обеспечить продовольствием соседние районы.

Строительство башен, по своей форме напоминающих мангровые деревья, запланировано в районе железнодорожного вокзала Гар дю Нор (Gare du Nord) на севере Парижа. В них расположатся офисы и гостиницы.

Эти башни-близнецы будут являться мостом, соединяющим восточную и западную части Парижа. Там установят гидротурбины, использующие кинетическую энергию реки. Кроме того, вся конструкция будет иметь нулевой уровень выбросов углерода в атмосферу и системы безотходного производства и вторичного потребления.
source: matranso

Kiến trúc sư người Pháp Vincent Callebaut vừa giới thiệu tầm nhìn của ông trong việc cải tạo thành phố Paris, biến nó thành một thành phố thông minh, hiện đại, phủ đầy cây xanh thân thiện với môi trường nhưng vẫn đảm bảo giá trị truyền thống lưu truyền hàng trăm năm qua.

Đây là một trong những ý tưởng thuộc dự án Paris Smart City 2050 nhằm tìm cách cắt giảm 75% lượng khí nhà kính tại thành phố thủ đô nước Pháp này.

Paris là một trong những thành phố đẹp nhất thế giới, với những thắng cảnh, công viên, và những con đường lát sỏi khiến nơi đây trở thành địa điểm du lịch mà bất cứ ai cũng mơ ước được một lần đặt chân tới.

Được thành lập từ thế kỷ thứ 3, Paris vẫn còn lưu giữ rất nhiều công trình kiến trúc mang đậm dấu ấn của lịch sử, cũng chính vì vậy nên việc thay đổi nó theo hướng hiện đại hơn cũng không phải là điều dễ dàng.

Tuy nhiên, kiến trúc sư Vincent Callebaut vừa đề xuất một ý tưởng cải tạo Paris đầy táo bạo, khoác lên một diện mạo thân thiện với môi trường hơn nhưng vẫn đảm bảo giá trị truyền thống của nơi đươc mệnh danh là kinh đô ánh sáng này.

Dựa trên những dữ liệu đầu vào từ công ty xây dựng Setec Bâtiment, Vincent Callebaut đã hình dung ra một thành phố Paris với những công trình của tương lai.

Đó là những tòa tháp có thể sản sinh năng lượng từ các tấm pin quang điện và tận dụng sức nóng để làm ấm nước.

Đồng thời, nước mưa cũng có thể được dùng để vận hành những chiếc máy bơm thủy lực – điện thuận nghịch nhằm tạo ra năng lượng sạch.

Một ý tưởng độc đáo khác là xây dựng những công viên đối xứng, nuôi trồng “tảo phản ứng sinh học”, những ngọn tháp tre chưa các khu vườn rau củ và những cây cầu lấy cảm hứng từ loài sứa biển.

Những ý tưởng này thật sự đến từ tương lai và một trong số đó được cho là vẫn còn quá xa vời để thực hiện.

Tuy nhiên, nhiều ý kiến vẫn đánh giá cao ý tưởng của kiến trúc sư Callebaut, qua đó nhắc nhở các nhà quy hoạch đô thị về những thành phố hiện đại, xanh, thân thiện với môi trường trong tương lai.
source: tertam

Բելգիացի ճարտարապետ Վինսենթ Կալեբոն ներկայացրել է նոր նախագիծ՝ Ֆրանսիայի մայրաքաղաքը «կանաչ քաղաքի» վերածելու վերաբերյալ, գրում է Корреспондент-ը։

Մասնագետի խնդիրն է ստեղծել էկո-մայրաքաղաքի գլոբալ պլանը՝ պահպանելով քաղաքի բոլոր տեսարժան վայրերը, և կիրառել նոր տեխնոլոգիաներ։

Smart City անվանումով աշխատանքը ներկայացվել է Climate Energy գլոբալ պլանի շրջանակում, որի նպատակն է մինչ 2050-ը Փարիզը վերածել էկո-քաղաքի։

Բելգիացին առաջարկում է նորացնել սովորական երկնաքերերը՝ ծառեր տնկելով։ Նախատեսվում է այդպիսի շինություններում տեղադրել պասիվ ջեռուցման և հովացման տեխնոլոգիաներ, անձրևաջրերի մշակման համակարգեր և ուղղահայաց այգիներ, որոնք կօգնեն մաքրել օդը։ Բացի այդ, բոլոր շենքերում կլինեն արևային մարտկոցներ։ Ճարտարապետը կարծում է, որ դա թույլ կտա նվազեցնել վառելիքի ծախսերը, էներգիան և, որպես հետևանք, պահպանել բնությունը։