

le nuage lamp


source: creoflicknet
Wout Wessemius, pochodzenia holenderskiego, zaprojektował ręcznie wykonane oświetlenie, które swym wyglądem przypomina obłok. Le Nuage wykonany jest z waty poliestrowej, przy czym każdy pojedynczy promyk posiada swój własny wyjątkowy kształt. Energooszczędne żarówki emitują funkcjonalne światło. Powłoki z tworzyw sztucznych rozpraszają światło w taki sposób, aby stworzyć iluzję wschodzącego przez chmury słońca. Spójrzcie!
source: italia-designblogspot
Gli effetti di luce provengono da una lampadina a risparmio energetico contenuta in un guscio plastico appositamente studiato per ricreare un sole al tramonto coperto da una nuvola ritrovabili in natura.

Grazie alle proprieta’ dei materiali con cui e’ costruita,ogni lampada ha una sua forma unica ed il cliente decide la misura al momento dell’acquisto; le misure vanno dai 50cm ai 10 metri!
source: wessemiusnl
The cloud light ‘le Nuage’ is a pendant light object in the form of – and with the character of – a cloud. The exterior is made of polyester wadding, formed in such a way that there is a difference in the light’s translucentcy. The energy-saving lightbulb is surrounded by a casco which has been specially treated to create a diffuse light with multliple colour variations. It gives ‘le Nuage’ the feeling of a cloud through which the sun is shining. ‘le Nuage’ is both ambient as well functional.

‘Le Nuage’ is suitable in homes, for example in living rooms, bedrooms and above dining room tables. It is also suitable for lobbies, restaurants, foyers, stores etc.
The larger models provide an atmospheric lighting in commercial buildings.
source: artemisamsterdam
In 1981, Wout Wessemius graduated as an engineer from the H.T.S (Higher Technical School) in Civil Engineering. After three years, he bade farewell to his work as a general foreman and he has been working as a designer and (applied) artist ever since. Initially, Wout Wessemius mainly designed interior objects in acrylic glass. Soon after, raw and natural materials were added, such as copper, lead, rubber, concrete, steel and wood.

From the outset, he has been involved in (interior) projects, and he designs – often in commission – unique art and design objects for both indoors and outdoors. His work has been shown in many exhibitions across Europa as well in America, and his clients come from all over the globe. In particular his light object Le Nuage goes all over the world.

In the countryside in the province of Friesland (NL), he built his own ‘rubber’ holiday home. He finds peace and inspiration here. Many of his designs originate in this place. Forms of nature inspire him and this fascination gives many of his designs a fluid, playful and sometimes whimsical appearance. He likes to experiment with the possibilities and impossibilities of the materials he works with. As such, his designs often come into existence in a playful manner and result in highly idiosyncratic works.

Wout creates all of his designs himself in his studio. His work is on show and for sale in his studio or in his showroom on the ’t Voormalig Klein Poortje in Groningen (NL). He is available to design and create art and design objects in commission for individuals and companies. He is also open to participation in interior design projects for restaurants, hotels and other buildings.
source: bbszhulong
这是由Wout Wessemius设计的手工制作的灯具,它形似云朵,由聚酯纤维软料做成,每个灯具都是独特的一个云造型,它们都由节能灯泡组成,营造出舒缓的氛围。