
Ying Gao

no(where) now(here)

Ying Gao

source: highlike

Work: no(where) now(here), 2 interactive dresses, Super organza, photoluminescent thread, PVDF, electronic devices. The project was inspired by the essay entitled “Esthétique de la disparition” (The aesthetic of disappearance), by Paul Virilio (1979). ” Absence often occurs at breakfast time – the tea cup dropped, then spilled on the table being one of its most common consequences. Absence lasts but a few seconds, its beginning and end are sudden. However closed to outside impressions, the senses are awake. The return is as immediate as the departure, the suspended word or movement is picked up where it was left off as conscious time automatically reconstructs itself, thus becoming continuous and free of any apparent interruption. ” The series comprising two (2) dresses, made of photoluminescent thread and imbedded eye tracking technology, is activated by spectators’ gaze. A photograph is said to be “spoiled” by blinking eyes – here however, the concept of presence and of disappearance are questioned, as the experience of chiaroscuro (clarity/obscurity) is achieved through an unfixed gaze.
Photographer: Dominique Lafond
source: dezeen

Fashion designer Ying Gao has fabricated a pair of dresses that writhe around and light up when someone stares at them.”We use an eye-tracking system so the dresses move when a spectator is staring,” Ying Gao told Dezeen. “[The system] can also turn off the lights, then the dresses illuminate.” The gaze-activated dresses are embedded with eye-tracking technology that responds to an observer’s gaze by activating tiny motors to move parts of the dresses in mesmerising patterns.

One dress is covered in tendrils of photo-luminescent thread that dangle from ruched fabric. On the other, glow-in-the-dark threads form a base layer with fabric cut into ribbons loosely bunched over the top. With the lights off they create an effect similar to glowing sea creatures.Called (No)where (Now)here: Two Gaze-activated Dresses the project will be exhibited at the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art in November, then at the Textile Museum of Canada in spring 2014. Ying Gao has also designed dresses that curl and unfurl in reaction to light, as well as garments that move as if they are breathing. We’ve previously written about an eye-tracking camera that’s controlled by blinking and squinting, plus plans to mark roads with luminescent paint so they glow at night.
The project was inspired by the essay entitled “Esthétique de la disparition” (The aesthetic of disappearance) by Paul Virilio (1979).

“Absence often occurs at breakfast time – the tea cup dropped, then spilled on the table being one of its most common consequences. Absence lasts but a few seconds, its beginning and end are sudden. However closed to outside impressions, the senses are awake. The return is as immediate as the departure, the suspended word or movement is picked up where it was left off as conscious time automatically reconstructs itself, thus becoming continuous and free of any apparent interruption.”

The series comprising two dresses, made of photoluminescent thread and imbedded eye-tracking technology, is activated by a spectators’ gaze. A photograph is said to be “spoiled” by blinking eyes – here however, the concept of presence and of disappearance are questioned, as the experience of chiaroscuro (clarity/obscurity) is achieved through an unfixed gaze.

Super organza, photoluminescent thread, PVDF, electronic devices.
source: tlmagazine

When fashion and technology meet, the results are often striking. But in Yin Goa’s series comprising two dresses, the viewer’s fixed look actually makes the garment. Made of photoluminescent thread and an eye tracking technology, the spectators’ gaze activates the robotics in the dress, giving the outside layering different patterns and contour. Touching on the theme of absence and presence, Yin Goa’s said to be inspired Paul Virilio’s essay ”Esthétique de la disparition” (The aesthetic of disappearance) from 1979, which dwells on moments of absence in our sensory perception.
source: vistelacalle

La carrera de la diseñadora canadiense Ying Gao se ha caracterizado por la investigación y la creación de piezas únicas que combinan de manera sutil y poética la tecnología, el diseño y la experiencia. Vestidos que parecieran respirar o que reaccionan a la luz son solo ejemplos que lo que esta mente inquieta ha desarrollado sorprendiéndonos hoy con dos vestidos interactivos que responden con movimientos y luz al contacto ocular de un espectador.

(No)where (Now)here es el nombre que bautiza este dúo de vestidos fabricados en base a hilos fotoluminiscentes que incorporan tecnología de seguimiento ocular, la cual responde a la mirada de un espectador activando un sofisticado sistema de pequeños motores que dan movimiento al vestido. Por otra parte, el sistema además reacciona iluminando el vestido, efecto que se aprecia cuando las piezas están en la oscuridad, dando la sensación de estar frente a criaturas marinas en movimiento. La experimentación y la reflexión a través de sus diseños han hecho de la obra de Ying Gao un imperdible para aquellos que comparten su interés por la tecnología, los textiles y las infinitas posibilidades de transformación que ambos comparten. Las tecnologías sensoriales utilizadas en los vestidos de esta diseñadora cuestionan los límites corporales y la capacidad de transformación de éstos al interactuar con un observador. Por otra parte se sitúa al vestuario como un elemento frágil, que muta y que es ilusoriamente protector.

Diseñadora de moda y profesora de la UQAM, Ying Gao ha expuesto su trabajo en diversos museos y galerías del mundo, ganado el premio Phyllis Lambert Design Montreal y se encuentra en el top 40 de canadienses del Magazine Britannique Wallpaper. Este año (No)where (Now)here será exhibida en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Shangai durante el mes de Noviembre y en el Museo Textil de Canadá el año 2014.
source: yinggaoca
Statistiques et critique sociale se rencontrent sur fond d’exercice de style dans le projet Indice de l’indifférence. Dix chemises blanches à l’allure inusitée ont été créées à partir des résultats de sondage d’opinion en ligne, selon le nombre de fois où l’option «cela m’indiffère» a été enregistrée en réponse à une question. Les composantes de base d’une chemise pour homme ont été revues en fonction des réponses quotidiennes au sondage: angle du sol, longueur de la poche, profondeur des plis. En réfléchissant à l’influence grandissante de l’indifférence chez les citoyens sur les questions d’ordre politique, économique ou culturel, Ying Gao a ainsi créé des pièces en organdi de coton à la structure inhabituelle, intangible et dématérialisée.
source: texprima

A tecnologia está cada vez mais presente na indústria da moda, promovendo a sustentabilidade, otimizando matérias primas e processos de produção ou transformando a criatividade dos designers em realidade.

A estilista e artista canadense Ying Gao é um exemplo da positiva relação entre a moda e a tecnologia. Em seu projeto “(No)Where (Now)Here”, ela criou vestidos sensíveis ao olhar do espectador, usando a tecnologia do “mapeamento do olhar”, presente em fios fotoluminosos. Quanto mais alguém observa os vestidos, mais eles se movem, assemelhando-se as águas vivas.

Ying se inspirou nos conceitos da “estética do desaparecimento” do filósofo Paul Virilio, sobre o impacto da tecnologia na vida contemporânea.
source: yinggaoca
Statistics and social criticism meet in the style variation project Indice de l’indifférence. Ten unconventional white shirts were created using data from online surveys, specifically the number of times the option “I’m indifferent” has been recorded to answer a question. The entire pattern was altered by the compiled data (which was transferred using programming language Lingo), including the angle of the collar, the length of the pocket and the depth of the folds. Ying Gao’s shirts reflect society’s indifference to a wide array of cultural, political and social issues.
source: yinggaoca
Ying Gao
Montreal-based fashion designer and professor at UQAM, recipient of the Phyllis-Lambert Design Montréal Grant, Ying Gao questions our assumptions about clothing by combining urban design, architecture and multimedia. She explores the construction of the garment, taking her inspiration from the transformations of the social and urban environment. She is the only fashion designer included by the British magazine Wallpaper in its Canadian Top 40. Recognized worldwide, her designs are frequently shown in museums and galleries. Design is the medium, situated in the technological rather than in the textile realm. Sensory technologies allow garments to become more playful and interactive. Ying Gao explores both the status of the individual, whose physical contours are transformed by external interferences, and the garment’s function as a fragile protective space. Her work testifies to the profound mutation of the world in which we live and carries with it a radical critical dimension that transcends technological experimentation.
source: masterhandscomtw

加拿大設計師 【Ying Gao】以法國哲學家 【Paul Virili】發表的《Esthétique de la disparition 消逝的美學》文章為靈感,”某種物體或事物在眨眼間的瞬息變化,可能是一種變形或觸發”等概念,創作出了兩款彷彿被施了魔法的時裝! 使用可發光的透明硬紗材質和螢光線縫製而成,在服裝中嵌入有瞳孔辨識技術的視覺追蹤器!聽起來很科幻吧?只要有人將目光移到這間衣服上,它就會開始發光並移動(小編覺得說是蠕動比較貼切)!設計師希望為現代人類的雙眼注入一點驚喜,而不是漫不經心、呆滯麻木的掃視過一切。
source: stargr

​Η σχεδιάστρια μόδας Ying Gao έκανε τη διαφορά στο σχεδιασμό ρούχων, δημιουργώντας ένα ζευγάρι φορεμάτων που κινούνται όταν τα κοιτάς!

Είναι κατασκευασμένα από τα λεγόμενα «έξυπνα υφάσματα», τα οποία διαθέτουν μια τεχνολογία που εντοπίζει το βλέμμα. Ακόμη, έχουν τη δυνατότητα να φωτίζουν στο σκοτάδι.
source: stylehnonlinesk

Keď civíte na niečie šaty, je to spravidla nositeľ, ktorý váš pohľad odhalí. Aspoň doteraz tak tomu bolo. Situácia sa však mení. Vďaka pokrokovej čínskej módnej návrhárke, ktorá použila zložité senzorické technológie na vytvorenie šiat, ktoré sa pohybujú, menia tvar a dokonca sa aj rozsvietia, pokiaľ zachytia niečí pohľad.

Dizajnérka Ying Gao z Montrealu vyrába svoje splývavé šaty zo super-organzy, najľahšej látky sveta, a zošíva ich fotoluminiscenčnou niťou. Ich súčasťou sú tiež elektronické mikro-senzory, sledujúce ľudský pohľad. Tie následne dokážu rozpohybovať látku a aktivizovať svietenie. Výsledkom je transformácia bledých éterických šiat do luminiscenčných umeleckých diel, pripomínajúcich medúzy.
source: nvpressru

Мир. 30 июня. NVpress – Китайский дизайнер Юинг Гао (Ying Gao), проживающая в канадском городе Монреаль представила публике высокотехнологичное платье, которое светится в темноте от взглядов.

Интерактивное платье реагирует на взгляды других людей при помощи мерцающих в темноте нитей «вшитых в супертонкую ткань органза», сообщает британское издание «Дэйли Мэил».

Дальновидный китайский дизайнер использовала комплексную сенсорную технологию слежения за взглядами (аналогичные используются в продвинутых фотокамерах) для создания платья которое мерцает огнями, меняет форму и даже движется когда вы смотрите на него. Части платья приводятся в движение при помощи миниатюрных моторчиков. В некоторых платьях установлены фотосенсоры, которые в зависимости от настройки, включают никти, когда на них попадает свет, или напротив мерцают в темноте наподобие морских медуз.

Как было сказано выше, платья сшиты из тончайшей супер-огранзы и весят вместе со всей электроникой полфунта (чуть больше 200 гр.). В коллекции интерактивной одежды кроме платьев имеются куртка и дождевой плащ.

Подобные новинки, вероятно, будут пользоваться большим спросом у продвинутой клубной молодежи. О цене “живых платьев” пока ничего не сообщается.