

De nombreux projets d’Oxman utilisent des techniques d’impression et de fabrication 3D. Ils incluent le pavillon de la soie, filé par des vers à soie sur un cadre en nylon, 3 Ocean Pavilion, une plate-forme de fabrication à base d’eau qui a construit des structures de chitosane, 4 G3DP, la première imprimante 3D pour verre optiquement clair, et un ensemble de verre produit par elle, 5 et collections de vêtements imprimés en 3D et utilisables dans les défilés haute couture. Voyager vers des destinations au-delà de la planète Terre implique de voyager dans des paysages hostiles et des environnements mortels. La gravité écrasante, l’air ammoniacal, l’obscurité prolongée et les températures qui feraient bouillir le verre ou geleraient le dioxyde de carbone, éliminent presque toute probabilité de visite humaine.


The Coral
Home Algae Garden
In June 2020 ecoLogicStudio has devised BioBombola, a pioneering project that invites individuals, families and communities to cultivate a domestic algae garden – a sustainable source of vegetable proteins. BioBombola absorbs carbon dioxide and oxygenates homes more effectively than common domestic plants while fostering a fulfilling daily interaction with nature. Each BioBombola is composed of a single customized photobioreactor, a one metre tall lab grade glass container, filled with 15 litres of living photosynthetic Spirulina strain and culture medium with nutrients.


Depuis le début de la pandémie, la pollution de l’air a diminué dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Nous assistons à un moment sans précédent en termes de réduction des émissions industrielles et de l’empreinte carbone. Moss est une sculpture sonore cinétique alimentée par des données sur la qualité de l’air générées par l’indice mondial de la qualité de l’air. La sculpture vivante est conçue pour analyser l’air de nos villes et réinterpréter les données avec des modes de respiration et des paysages sonores en évolution. De Berlin à Bombay, Moscou et Pékin. Le public peut expérimenter en temps réel la qualité de l’air du monde transformée en une installation sonore cinétique. Le projet contribue à la recherche mondiale et incite les citoyens à participer au débat sur la qualité de l’air et la démocratie sur terre. Moss vise à créer un engagement civil en apprenant de la sagesse de la nature et du service de la technologie.


L’artista azuma makoto di Tokyo in collaborazione con john powell di JP aerospace ha completato un volo spaziale botanico, inviando un bonsai di pino bianco giapponese sospeso da un telaio in fibra di carbonio e una composizione di orchidee, ortensie, gigli e iris, tra le altre piante nella stratosfera. lanciata con un pallone appositamente attrezzato dal deserto di roccia nera in Nevada, la missione, intitolata “exbiotanica”, è stata concettualizzata per consentire a diverse piante di entrare nell’ignoto, lontano dalla terra.

Marco Barotti

Desde el inicio de la pandemia, la contaminación del aire ha disminuido en muchas partes del mundo. Asistimos a un momento sin precedentes en cuanto a reducción de emisiones industriales y huella de carbono. Moss es una escultura de sonido cinética impulsada por datos de calidad del aire generados por el Índice Mundial de Calidad del Aire. La escultura viviente está diseñada para analizar el aire de nuestras ciudades y reinterpretar los datos con patrones de respiración y paisajes sonoros en evolución. De Berlín a Bombay, Moscú y Pekín. El público puede experimentar en tiempo real la calidad del aire mundial transformada en una instalación cinética de sonido. El proyecto contribuye a la investigación global e involucra a los ciudadanos a participar en la discusión sobre la calidad del aire y la democracia de la tierra. Moss tiene como objetivo crear compromisos civiles aprendiendo de la sabiduría de la naturaleza y el servicio de la tecnología.


Drapeau occidental
Des traînées de fumée forment un drapeau noir en constante évolution dans cette séquence vidéo créée par l’artiste irlandais John Gerrard pour mettre en évidence la menace posée par l’augmentation des niveaux de dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère terrestre.


Algenfenster ist eine Anordnung von Glaskugeln, die in einer Wand montiert sind. Direkt hinter der Wand und den Kugeln befindet sich ein Fenster; So erscheinen in jeder Sphäre lebendige, invertierte Miniaturansichten der Szene außerhalb der Galerie und bewohnen sie. Die Zusammensetzung der Arbeit ähnelt stark der Struktur eines Typs einzelliger Algen, die als Kieselalgen bekannt sind und große Mengen Kohlenstoff aus der Atmosphäre entfernen.


Janela de algas
A janela de algas é um arranjo de esferas de vidro que são montadas em uma parede. Há uma janela logo atrás da parede e das bolas; Assim, em cada esfera, miniaturas vivas e invertidas da cena aparecem fora da galeria e a habitam. A composição da obra se assemelha muito à estrutura de um tipo de alga unicelular conhecida como diatomácea, que remove grandes quantidades de carbono da atmosfera.


Dan Goods, Nik Hafermaas & Aaron Koblin

The eCLOUD is a dynamic sculpture inspired by the volume and behavior of an idealized cloud. Made from unique polycarbonate tiles that can fade between transparent and opaque states, its patterns are transformed periodically by real time weather from around the world. It is a permanent sculpture between gates 22 and 23 at the San Jose International Airport and was a collaboration between Dan Goods, Nik Hafermaas, and Aaron Koblin.

Neri Oxman

Wearable Structures for Interplanetary Voyages
Muchos del proyectos de Oxman usan impresión 3D y técnicas de fabricación. Incluyen el Silk Pavilion, hilado por gusanos de seda en un marco de nylon,3​ Ocean Pavilion, una plataforma de fabricación a base de agua que construyó estructuras de quitosano,4​ G3DP, la primera impresora 3D para vidrio ópticamente transparente y un conjunto de vidrio producido por ella,5​ y colecciones de ropa impresa en 3D y utilizables en espectáculos de alta costura.
Viajar a destinos más allá del planeta Tierra implica viajes a paisajes hostiles y entornos mortales. La gravedad aplastante, el aire amonioso, la oscuridad prolongada y las temperaturas que hervirían el vidrio o congelarían el dióxido de carbono, casi eliminan la probabilidad de visitas humanas.

Charles Lindsay

CARBON merges the aesthetics of space exploration and scientific imaging with the interpretation of abstract symbols. I’m interested in extremophiles, the origins of life on earth, and what forms sentience might assume elsewhere in the universe. Would we recognize it hovering in front of us? What began with a camera-less method I discovered while experimenting with photograms, and drawing, has grown into immersive environments including large stills, video, multi-point sound and inter-active sculptures.

Olafur Eliasson

Algae Window
Algae window is an arrangement of glass spheres mounted in a wall. Directly behind the wall and the spheres is a window; vivid, miniature, inverted views of the scene outside the gallery thus appear in and inhabit each sphere. The composition of the work closely resembles the structure of one type of the single-celled algae known as diatoms, which remove large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere.

Tomas Saraceno

Moving atmospheres
Moving Atmospheres, the tenth Garage Atrium Commission curated by Iaroslav Volovod, is a partially mirrored sphere suspended in the air, propelling us towards an Aerocene epoch. We call towards this new era with Aerocene. For more than a decade we have been imagining a world free from the carbon, extractivism, capitalism and patriarchy that fuels some forms of life, a new way of being with the atmosphere and emissions-free travel, free from solar panels, lithium, helium, hydrogen and fossil fuels. This new era stands in stark contrast to the lingering eco-traumas of the Anthropocene, the current geological age in which some human capitalistic activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.


Atmospheric Forest
Atmospheric Forest is a large scale VR point-cloud installation that visualizes and sonifies the relations between the forest and climate. It reveals the interaction patterns between the pine-tree emissions in Pfynwald, an ancient Swiss Alpine forest, and weather conditions in this valley, effected by drought. The trees do not only produce oxygen, but they are living bodies who breath too. I.e., they emit part of carbon dioxide, sometimes even up to 20 perc. from what they have consumed. When trees die, they release all the carbon they have collected during their lives back into the atmosphere. Atmospheric Forest explores the effects of drought on local forest ecosystems, and how such stress situations influence production of resin and volatile emissions (such as usual pine-tree scent).

Alexandre Burton

If you’ve never seen a Tesla coil in person, it’s a remarkable experience. Purple plasma flashes in unpredictable, wide-reaching bolts. The sound cracks with more fearsomeness than a whip. The air fills with the sterile acridity of ozone. The effect is equal parts frightening and beautiful; this machinery can use enough voltage to carbonize your flesh right down to the bone, yet some self-destructive impulse tells you to look closer. Alexandre Burton plays with this very impulse in his installation, Impacts. The exhibition features several Tesla coils that hang from the ceiling. They fire, not against a cage or predictable grounding surface, but a delicate pane of glass, so the viewer can appreciate the plasma filaments like a framed piece of art or a caged lion.

Tomas Saraceno

توماس ساراسينو

In the desert of New Mexico, artist Tomás Saraceno realized the very first human flight in a zero carbon solar-powered hot air balloon, propelled by Studio Tomás Saraceno and curated by Rob La Frenais. For three hours without touching the ground, the balloon rose into the air without the usual burner, its black fabric heated by the sun and the infrared rays reflected by the white dunes.

Karina Smigla-Bobinski

File Festival
Similar to Tinguely’s “Méta-Matics”, “ADA” is an artwork with a soul. It acts itself. At Tinguely’s it is sufficient to be an unawarely struggling mechanical being. He took it wryly: the machine produces nothing but its industrial self-destruction. Whereas “ADA”, by Karina Smigla-Bobinski, is a post-industrial “creature“, visitor-animated, creatively acting artist-sculpture, self-forming artwork, resembling a molecular hybrid, such as a one from nanobiotechnology. It develops the same rotating silicon-carbon-hybrids, midget tools, miniature machines able to generate simple structures. “ADA” is much larger, esthetically much more complex, an interactive art-making machine.

Jun Kamei

AMPHIBIO is made out of a special porous hydrophobic material which supports underwater breathing by replenishing oxygen from the surrounding water and dissipating carbon dioxide which accumulate in the system, inspired from the gill of water diving insects. The material can be shaped in complex form using 3D printing. Patent pending.

Studio Nucleo


Carboniferous is a table that cuts through space, definite and strong.Its many layers of black surface together create a shape, a crystallization of a quick movement, crushing, leading the eye towards the future.The honeycomb cardboard, covered with fiber glass and resin is finished off with layers of carbon fiber.The carbon fiber composes and traces the design, the movement into its unique strength.
In Carboniferous you get the feeling that the top surface does not necessarily represent the ideal landing platform.On another perspective the landing surface generates the powerful and matherical base.
Carboniferous is flowing and exploding, like an aggressive wind with a clear direction.As the earth below, coal is extracted into a new form, the result of sediment build-up of plants,
and also the secrecy and conspiracy of the Carbonari, from underground and from the depth of their hiding places,which emerges a few decades later into the tricolore (the three colours of the Italian flag).
Coal, a dense network of plant remains, and Italy, a mix of cultures and different latitudes.Italian amalgam of different origins, Italy particle edges, Italy multiform, Italy tangle of angles,Italy blunt, concave and convex, Italy Alpine wedge, Italy coal.Sediment of a combustion that melted and transfigured particles.

Ateliers Jean Nouvel

جان نوفيل
ז’אן נובל
Жан Нувель
장 누벨
Serpentine Pavilion

The design contrasted lightweight materials with dramatic metal cantilevered structures, rendered in a vivid red that, in a play of opposites, contrasts with the green of its park setting. In London, the colour reflects the iconic British images of traditional telephone boxes, postboxes and London buses. The building consists of bold geometric forms, large retractable awnings and a sloped freestanding wall that stands 12m above the lawn.
Striking glass, polycarbonate and fabric structures create a versatile system of interior and exterior spaces, while the flexible auditorium accommodates the changing summer weather and Park Nights, the Serpentine’s acclaimed programme of public talks and events, which attracts up to 250,000 visitors each summer.
Nouvel’s Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, the architect’s first completed building in the UK, operates as a publicly accessible structure within Kensington Gardens and as a café. The pavilion design highlights the idea of play with its incorporation of traditional French outdoor table-tennis tables.
This 2010 Pavilion is the tenth commission in the gallery’s annual series, the world’s first and most ambitious architectural programme of its kind, which has become an international site for architectural experimentation and follows a long tradition of pavilions by some of the world’s greatest architects. The immediacy of the commission – a maximum of six months from invitation to completion – provides a unique model worldwide.


كريستوفر دانيال
כריסטופר דניאל
Кристофер Дэниел
California Roll House
a structure which self-adapts to its extreme environment, the prefabricated ‘california roll house’ by korean practice violent volumes uses the latest
in sustainable technologies and mechanized systems to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the desert surrounding. a carbon fiber truss frame
system supports the irregular wrapping form, providing a lightweight and strong skeleton on which a solid exterior shell is attached to reflect the
intense sun. transparent glass panels change opacity automatically with the angle of the sun to absorb the nighttime coolth and reject the daytime
solar gain. the roof element then transforms into an entry courtyard, providing a flat artificial ground plane from which one can enter the hydraulically-
powered door, which is the only door in and out of the house and services all spaces. interior curtains subdivide the rooms for privacy, with skylights
for extra light.