

Ogni megafono modella il suono in un modo unico, variamente in linea o perpendicolare all’esecutore, con bande sonore lavate strette o larghe, alcune divise in più direzioni, mentre altre si concentrano su un punto. Questa famiglia di megafoni si svela attraverso una serie di tableaux.

Manuel Jiménez Garcia and Gilles Retsin Nagami Design and Vicente Soler

Voxel Chair
Progettata da Manuel Jimenez Garcia e Gilles Retsin dello studio londinese di architettura madMdesign, VoxelChair V1.0 è una sedia/poltrona stampata in 3D che riprende le forme delle celebri sedie Phantom di Verner Panton. Nel video che pubblichiamo oggi è possibile osservare le fasi di produzione della VoxelChair, che, a differenza delle tradizionali sedute in materiali polimerici, non necessita di un costoso stampo, essendo stampata, linea per linea, da un braccio robotico. Per realizzare il prototipo della sedia è stato usato un software programmato ad hoc.

Scandinavian Design Group, Abida, Intek & Ctrl+N

Breaking the Surface
Ondas de luzes douradas parecem brilhar e flutuar no teto de “Breaking the Surface”, uma instalação interativa concebida por Scandinavian Design Group, ctrl+n, Abida, Pivot Product Design e Intek. A escultura cinética é composta por uma série de tubos de acrílico que se estendem pelo chão de uma matriz mecânica de dois pavimentos, movendo-se graciosamente para cima e para baixo da superfície de modo a evocar imagens da geografia submarina. Saiba mais sobre a instalação a seguir.

Gwyllim Jahn & Cameron Newnham +Soomeen Hahm Design +Igor Pantic

Steampunk Pavilion
Steampunk is a pavilion constructed from steam-bent hardwood, designed by Gwyllim Jahn, Cameron Newnham (Fologram), Soomeen Hahm Design and Igor Pantic for the 5th edition of Tallinn Architecture Biennale.
“Steampunk explores a path to rethink applications and traditions of craft in pursuit of their evolution.” Soomeen Hahm Design
“The structure challenges the idea of the primitive hut –showing how, by using algorithmic logic, simple raw materials can be turned into a highly complex and inhabitable structure”.Gilles Retsin


Mundos conectados
Mundos conectados é um ecossistema imersivo e interativo projetado para o New York Hall of Science. É uma instalação de seis ecossistemas menores, na verdade – todos os quais estão conectados, muito parecido com os ecossistemas reais. A diferença aqui é que os ambientes só existem em telas enormes conectadas por um piso interativo de 3.000 pés².


Лепестковая Комната
Лепестковая комната состоит из 3500 настоящих цветов, 6 миллионов бумажных лепестков, созданных таким образом, чтобы падать с красивыми траекториями, с характерным ароматом и освещением, активируемым датчиком, которое включает в себя микроскопическое сканирование цветов. Эти элементы стимулируют чувства и позволяют посетителям почувствовать физическую связь с цветами и природой.


воксельное кресло
Прогресс Мануэля Хименеса Гарсии и Жиля Рецина из лондонской архитектурной студии MadMdesign, VoxelChair V1.0 – это седия / полтона в 3D, созданная для создания знаменитого фантома Фантома Вернера Пантона. В видео, которое мы публикуем сегодня, можно наблюдать этапы производства кресла VoxelChair, которое, в отличие от различных традиционных сидений из полимерных материалов, не требует дорогостоящей пресс-формы, которая печатается построчно с помощью манипулятора. Для реализации прототипа седия используется специальное программное обеспечение.


The Freshwater Factory

Одно из поразительных достижений 21 века – это, по-видимому, вертикальный рост городов. Небоскребы, как правило, функционируют как небольшой город с различными удобствами. Однако организация таких построек – задача далеко не из легких. Одна из основных задач архитектора – сделать дизайн совместимым с природой, особенно в сельской или городской местности. Архитектура должна быть направлена ​​на использование скрытых потенциалов природы для улучшения условий жизни. Принимая во внимание расположение проекта и вдохновляясь природой, мы учили пузыри, возникающие, когда волны ударяются о скалы, или пузыри, плавающие на береговой линии над водой. пески. Мы представили себе небоскреб, имеющий форму пузыря; Пузыри, которые исходят из самого сердца моря и поднимаются к небу. Органическая структура пузыря и его хрупкая природа могут создать спокойствие в сегодняшнем многолюдном городском окружении. Изучив конструкции пузырей с помощью теории Кельвина, структуры Вира-Фелана и структуры Вороного, мы начали процесс проектирования. Мы создали трехмерную компьютерную модель с помощью Autodesk 3ds Max, чтобы найти стыки между пузырьками и выяснить, как пузырьки могут располагаться рядом друг с другом. Внешний корпус был разработан на основе эстетической привлекательности и аэродинамической демпфирующей формы, чтобы противодействовать отклонению бокового ветра во время сильного ветра. ветры, поддерживаемые структурным усиленным сердечником, который также выполняет функцию вертикального доступа. Использование ножек дерева в основании обеспечивает дополнительную защиту от боковых сил, таких как землетрясение, ветер и морские волны. Чтобы исключить ненужный трафик для жителей небоскреба, мы встроили многофункциональные пространства, такие как коммерческие, служебные и административные, на разных уровнях в соответствии с ближайшей доступностью для жилых частей.


digital sculptures

Motion sculptures for CCTV Documentary Channel is a digital metaphor of phenomenal blinks and moments that life consists of. A visual performance of organic and vital substance, animated using data of actors movements. Dents visualize four different themes. Motion sculpture of steel reflects old Chinese adage that true power is mastering yourself. Youthful energy of dancers evolve into beautiful organic sculpture.

Plebian Design

Patterned by Nature
Patterned by Nature was commissioned by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences for the newly built Nature Research Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. The exhibit celebrates our abstraction of nature’s infinite complexity into patterns through the scientific process, and through our perceptions. It brings to light the similarity of patterns in our universe, across all scales of space and time.

Daikoku Design Institute

The Petal Room
The Petal Room consists of 3,500 real flowers, 6 million paper petals designed to fall with beautiful trajectories, a signature scent, and sensor-activated lighting that incorporates microscopic scans of flowers. These elements stimulate the senses and allow visitors to feel physically connected to flowers and nature.

Diffus Design

The Climate Dress
The Climate Dress is made of conductive embroidery, over hundred of tiny LED lights inserted into the embroidery, a CO2 sensor and an Arduino Lilypad microprocessor. The LEDs visualise the level of CO2 in the nearby surroundings and are powered trough the embroidery.

Eric Klarenbeek, Designer of the unusual

Eye Jewellery
Eric Klarenbeek does special projects, or let’s say the unusual, for unusual people, projects or purposes. His studio connects creatives, designers, local crafts and clients by inventing new projects and products and believing our world can be so much better, more beautiful and honest. “My work is characterized by interaction and innovation. My products can be in motion, react on our presence or respond on developments in our society. I search for new meaning and principles in objects, for unexplored connections between materials, production methods, makers and users. Scale and appliance are irrelevant. I’ve designed jewellery, but also developed concepts to connect tourists to local craftsmen”, says Eric.


ammonite washbasin
This unique washbasin by HighTech Design was inspired by the spiral shape of ammonite shell. In case you didn’t know, Ammonites are an extinct species of free-swimming molluscs who lived in the ancient oceans around the same time that the dinosaurs walked the Earth and disappeared during the same extinction event[…]


Карло Айелло дизайн-студии
The Parabola Chair

Kресло Parabola, спроектированное бюро Сarlo Aiello Design Studio, простое и сложное одновременно. В основе его дизайна лежит криволинейная поверхность, которая называется гиперболическим параболоидом. Однако конструкция модели несложная. Сиденья, подлокотники и спинка – это единая непрерывная структура из хромированной стали, а не части целого. Wирина кресла Parabola 71см, длина 97см, а высота 93 см. В 2013 году модель получила престижную награду International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) Studio Award.

Well Well Designers

Pixel geante
Well Well Designers are a couple that set up a business creating lights out of paper. I like the idea of having a pop up lamp, I think it is really creative and is perfect for modern apartments. I would like to look at ways of creating my own pop up lamps that give off an array of shadows, different ones for different moods.

Ephraim Henry Pavie Architects and Design

Ephraim Henry pavie, french borned architect has definitly freed his concepts from the regular geometrical constraints. First there are the free shapes, the smoothness of the curves and openings, and the shiny and polished skin of his “handmade” pieces. Inspired by the art of feng shui, the shape of his architecture is like an interface between the inside energies and the outside natural environment. The architect’s creative work has been published in national and international magazines, online and on national television.

Mint Design

Fall in Pop
‘Fall in pop’ by mint design is a large organic work composed of 3D screens made from a fabric that has been coated with a glossy finish called glass organdie (made from polyester), in which motifs are projected, filling the space with light and color. The central focus is a sculptural, draping form which extends from above one’s head, down to the floor, meant to give the feeling of waterfalls which bring moisture to forests, as images trickle down the textile, creating a sensory visual space.

Kaminer Design

קמינר תכשיטים

The name of the project is derived from Italian, meaning ‘bone-matter’, the material of essence. The very base of humanity, our body and its unique structure, inspired me to explore the inner architecture of our physical vessel, the shapes and meaning of the internal organs and led me to create pieces in their image.

Amanita Design

Samorost 3
Prague-based Amanita Design, creators of the award-winning Mechinarium, recently released what may be their best game yet: Samorost 3. This deeply immersive puzzle game spans the ecosystems of 9 unusual planets as you encounter strange inhabitants and unlock increasingly complex secrets to advance to the next level. Amanita Design’s approach to creating completely non-verbal/non-textual games relies heavily on intuition, sound design, and symbolism to create environments that are practically interactive artworks.

Kaminer Design

קמינר תכשיטים

Kaminer Jewelry Design is characterized by its clean aesthetics. The designer applies a natural touch through a delicate inspection of materials and by combining classic crafting methods with advanced technologies, creates forms that are both organic and mechanic at the same time.


On the Corner
A shuffle of stones, concretes, and glass. Keen edge of each material is too sharp. A shuffle of mass and void. The design “on the corner” consists of blue and the cross. A composition of line and plane surface is created by the clearly distinguished edges of the material.

Matter Design

Each megaphone shapes sound in a unique way—variably in line or perpendicular to the performer, with narrow or wide washed bands of sound, some split into multiple directions, while others focus on a point. These family of megaphones are revealed through a series of tableaux. more

Los Angeles Design Group

A Cast of Things
A Cast of Things by the Los Angeles Design Group (The LADG), is a series of models and drawings that investigate the agglomerations of decorative stucco at an existing rococo church in Osterhofen, Germany. Through various models and drawings of the church’s adornments, the LADG attempts to reveal the architectural possibilities beneath the surface, expanding the surface decoration into proposals for occupiable space. more


World center
Blending computer-assisted design and experimentation with physics, the collective implements a biological paradigm to develop their morpho-ecological design approach to the architectural project. They are able to do this thanks to the computer-generated design methods they have developed for integrating ecological, topological and structural data.more

Eric Klarenbeek, Designer of the unusual

Eye Jewellery

Eric Klarenbeek faz projetos especiais, ou digamos o incomum, para pessoas, projetos ou propósitos incomuns. Seu estúdio conecta criativos, designers, artesanato local e clientes, inventando novos projetos e produtos e acreditando que nosso mundo pode ser muito melhor, mais bonito e honesto. “Meu trabalho é caracterizado pela interação e inovação. Meus produtos podem estar em movimento, reagir à nossa presença ou responder aos desenvolvimentos em nossa sociedade. Busco novos significados e princípios nos objetos, por conexões inexploradas entre materiais, métodos de produção, fabricantes e usuários. Escala e aparelho são irrelevantes. Já projetei joias, mas também desenvolvi conceitos para conectar os turistas aos artesãos locais ”, diz Eric.

Hypersonic and Plebian Design

Constructive Interference

Created as a collaboration between Hypersonic and Plebian Design, Constructive Interference is a sculpture designed to engage passer-bys using the wonder of moire patterns. Installation is composed of two large patterned sheets of steel, designed to create a rapidly changing visual interference effect as viewers pass by.Moving shapes and hidden structures appear fleetingly within the sculpture as the eye and body pass by. The effect and shape of the piece changes dramatically from one vantage point to another around the space, while the sculpture itself remains static.

Amanita Design s.r.o.


“Botanicula” is a point-and-click game in which five small tree beings, who are friends, try to save the last seed of the tree that is their home and is infested by malignant parasites.

Design I/O

Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille and Nick Hardeman
Connected Worlds
Connected Worlds is an immersive, interactive ecosystem that was designed for the New York Hall of Science. It’s an installation of six smaller ecosystems, actually—all of which are connected, much like real ecosystems are. The difference here is that the environments only exist on massive screens connected by a 3,000-ft² interactive floor.


American studio Emerging Objects 3D-printed this pavilion using salt harvested from San Francisco Bay. “The structure is an experiment in 3D printing using locally harvested salt from the San Francisco Bay to produce a large-scale, lightweight, additive manufactured structures,” said Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello of additive manufacturing startup Emerging Objects. They explained that 500,000 tonnes of sea salt are harvested each year in the San Francisco Bay Area using power from the sun and wind. “The salt is harvested from 109-year-old salt crystallisation ponds in Redwood City,” they said. “These ponds are the final stop in a five-year salt-making process that involves moving bay water through a series of evaporation ponds. In these ponds the highly saline water completes evaporation, leaving 8-12 inches of solid crystallised salt that is then harvested for industrial use.”


mechaneu v1

我們知道 3D 列印可以模擬人體器官、食物、建築物等各種繁複的物體,但這些大多為靜態物件,來自紐約的設計工作室 proxy design studio 則進一步挑戰精密的齒輪機械,印出一顆完整的球體齒輪群組,只要轉動其中一個,其他齒輪也會跟著被牽動,看起來超歡樂的!
《mechaneu v1》由 64 個齒輪組成,由球體內部的框架來支撐,設計師先用電腦軟體想辦法排入大小各異的花形齒輪,再透過 3D 列印印出來,《mechaneu v1》上的每個齒輪都能互相牽引作用,達到牽一髮動全身的效果,看著齒輪各自轉動的模樣頗有點療癒放空的效果,proxy design studio 則希望能藉此研發出更多機械動能相關的設計。