
Genesis Belanger

Genesis Belanger twists and stretches familiar objects into surreal scenarios with her stoneware, porcelain, and concrete sculptures. The Brooklyn-based artist frequently depicts detached limbs, misplaced teeth, and unusually located food in her work. One sculpture shows a mustard-topped hot dog disappearing into a handbag with a mouth-like zipper; another series dispenses rocks from dysfunctional quarter candy machines. This spring, a stoneware desk topped with flaccid pens, a tape-like tongue dispenser, and a drawer full of coping mechanisms was on view in the New Museum’s store window gallery.

Maxim Zhestkov

Simulation Hypothesis

In Simulation Hypothesis, Zhestkov equally seeks inspiration in pre-historic cultures of cave art and ancient bas-reliefs. He plays with a visuality that precedes written language, from a time in which early humans used clay to make vessels and figurines.
The artist uses the inspiration from ancient forms of art and transforms it into digital sculptures using simulations and algorithms based on principles of nature.
The show takes viewers on a conceptual journey, immersing them first in Clouds of Creation, a large-scale projection that recreates the Big Bang, and then guiding them through micro manifestations of this transformative moment of genesis.

Matthew Biederman

Die Wissenschaft sucht ständig näher oder weiter, um zu helfen, die Phänomene der Natur zu enträtseln. Mit sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Technologien blicken Wissenschaftler in die tiefsten Bereiche des Weltraums oder bis ins Unendliche, die Wissenschaft lernt ständig neue Dinge über unsere Welt und ihre Funktionsweise. Morphogerador nutzt ein Reaktions-Diffusions-System und reflektiert biologische Prozesse, die strukturelle Farbe erzeugen, wie wir sie unter anderem bei Insekten wie dem Morpho-Schmetterling und vielen Käferarten sehen. Diese Reaktions-Diffusions-Systeme wurden erstmals von Alan Turning in seinem wegweisenden Artikel “The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis” angewendet, um biomorphologische Systeme zu beschreiben. Morphogerador verwendet ähnliche Algorithmen, um ein sich ständig weiterentwickelndes, aber stabiles System zu schaffen, das die Perspektive kontinuierlich näher und weiter bringt, ohne jemals die kleinste oder breiteste Ansicht zu erreichen, die immer auf neue Erkenntnisse am Rande unserer Sicht hinweist.

Emilio Vavarella

The Other Shapes of Me
The Other Shapes of Me is het resultaat van mijn onderzoek naar de oorsprong en huidige toepassingen van binaire technologie: van weefsel tot programmering, algoritmen, software, automatiseringsprocessen tot de volledige automatisering van een mens. Bevat de installatievideo rs548049170_1_69869_TT (The Other Shapes of Me); de film Genesis (De andere vormen van mij); de middelgrote wandtapijtenreeks Sections (The Other Forms of Me); de wandtapijtenreeks Samples op klein formaat (The Other Forms of Me); en het kunstenaarsboek rs548049170_1_69869_TT, uitgegeven door Mousse.

Emilio Vavarella

The Other Shapes of Me
The Other Shapes of Me es el resultado de mi investigación sobre el origen y las aplicaciones actuales de la tecnología binaria: desde el tejido hasta la programación, algoritmos, software, procesos de automatización, hasta la completa informatización de un ser humano. Incluye la video instalación rs548049170_1_69869_TT (The Other Shapes of Me); la película Génesis (Las otras formas de mí); la serie de tapices de tamaño mediano Secciones (Las otras formas de mí); la serie de tapices Samples de tamaño pequeño (Las otras formas de mí); y el libro de artista rs548049170_1_69869_TT, publicado por Mousse.


布雷西亚展出的装置“ Carme Genesis”具有独特的机织织物,是所有Quintessenz装置的商。该装置以建筑及其节奏为轮廓,利用高高的天花板并强调了中殿的空置空。 C.A.R.M.E.的具体架构情况允许观众从不同角度欣赏Quintessenz的艺术品。无论是从下方向上看还是从画廊处于相同高度,该装置都以各种方式重新出现。

hyungjoong kim


I am working for audio-visual arts, performance, media installation, computational visual design and sound. Probably this is why I am considered to be a media artist whatever but in fact, I judge myself as a media addict. By using the materials, I love to make creations with a concept of ‘(beauty+despair)/2’ of our future, which has no boundaries between nature, technology and human being.

Can Büyükberber

Morphogenesis (from the Greek morphê ‘’shape” and genesis “creation”; literally, “beginning of the shape”) is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. As a fulldome and virtual reality piece inspired by the phenomenon of emergence in self-organized systems, Morphogenesis consists of continuous transformation of fundamental geometrical patterns and uses them as the building blocks of immersive spaces.

olafur eliasson

اولافور الياسون
אולאפור אליאסון
water fall versailles
Palácio de Versalhes recebe exposição de artista islandês que conta com uma queda d’água que parece surgir do meio do nada. Componente de uma exposição que propõe alterar as silhuetas do Palácio de Versalhes, a queda d’água do Grand Canal é com certeza a mais impactante. A estrutura amarela é escondida pela corrente de água e as nuvens adjacentes, fazendo com que a queda tenha sua origem incerta, parecendo ter aparecido do nada. O artista islandês Olafur Eliasson é conhecido por seus trabalhos grandiosos que conseguem alterar toda atmosfera explorando a luz, profundidade e sensações.

Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau

The Interactive Plant Growing
Interactive Plant Growing is an installation that deals with the principle of the growth of virtual plant organisms and their change and modification in real time in 3D virtual space. These modifications of pre-defined “artificially living plant organisms” are mainly based on the principle of development and evolution in time. The artificial growing of program-based plants expresses the desire to discover the principle of life as defined by the transformations and morphogenesis of certain organisms. Interactive Plant Growing connects the real-time growing of virtual plants in the 3D space of the computer to real living plants, which can be touched or approached by human viewers.

Francis Alÿs

“Over the last decade Alÿs made recurrent trips to the highlands south of Mexico City to chase, video camera in hand, the dusty whirls whipped up by the wind in the burnt fields at the end of the dry season. Rumor has it that the genesis of this project was, in fact, a comic quid pro quo: Alÿs overheard a conversation where friends were talking about Don Quixote fighting windmills (in Spanish, molinos de viento), but he understood instead tornadoes (remolinos de viento). As in Cervantes work, Alÿs’s intent to penetrate the peaceful zone in the epicenter of the tornado illustrates a condition where ‘the vanity of the action is paired with the absolute necessity.” Félix Blume

David Cronenberg

ديفيد كروننبرغ
데이비드 크로넨버그
דיוויד קרוננברג

The Fly

O enredo do filme desenvolve-se em torno do físico Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum), que está a desenvolver uma máquina de teletransporte. Após fazer alguns testes com objetos e com um macaco, Seth, acompanhado de Veronica Quaife (Geena Davis), uma jornalista investigativa, sente-se encorajado a testar sua máquina em si próprio. Ao entrar na cabine de teletransporte, ele acaba se fundindo geneticamente a uma mosca-doméstica, tendo diversas modificações fisiológicas aproximando-o da aparência de um inseto.
cinema full

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Yabin Studio & Eastman

Figures in white coats wearing masks over their mouths, observing and conducting tests on other people. Between them stand glass cages suggestive of gigantic test tubes. GENESIS生长, as the title suggests, is a show about the origins of things. We are born and then we die, and in the meantime we undergo constant testing and increasing estrangement from the natural world.


سيباستياو سالغادو
סבסטיאו סלגאדו
세바스티앙 살가도
Себастьяно Сальгадо
זה סוג של פסיכולוגיה הפוכה. במקום להציג קרחונים נמסים, תחנות כוח המשחררות עשן ובעלי חיים שטופים בנפט, סבסטיאו סלגאדו מתעורר מהפוגה של יותר מעשר שנים ללא תערוכות גרנדיוזיות כדי להתריע על הבעיות הסביבתיות החמורות ביותר, תוך התמקדות בדיוק במה שעדיין יפה ולא נגוע. מטרתו של צלם העיתונות היא לעורר את התפיסה שעדיין יש הרבה מה להציל על כוכב הלכת שמתעקש לשמור על נופים שופעים וחיים למרות כל ההידרדרות שמביאה הפעולה האנושית.


Cybertecture Egg
Cybertecture is the revolutionary concept that provides a symbiotic relationship between the urban fabric and technology. Pioneered in 2001, Cybertecture forges both the hardware of the built environment and software systems and technologies from the micro to macro scales of development.The genesis of Cybertecture is in response to man’s progress into the 21st century, where working and living environments need to adapt and evolve to cope with the demands of modern working life. It plays an integral part in this evolution by providing awareness and connectivity via seamless integration of technology into the fabric of space.Cybertecture designs, from technology, products and interiors to systems, buildings and masterplans, allow flexibility and accessibility to inform, adapt, react, communicate, manipulate and control environments, whilst being sustainable and environmentally considered in application and context.Cybertecture embraces the future through continuous innovation and evolution of design and technology. It provides a myriad of solutions, all of which are diverse in individual application but holistic to the overall user environment, and always being integrated with innovation being pursued.


سيباستياو سالغادو
סבסטיאו סלגאדו
세바스티앙 살가도
Себастьяно Сальгадо


سيباستياو سالغادو
סבסטיאו סלגאדו
세바스티앙 살가도
Себастьяно Сальгадо

É uma espécie de psicologia inversa. Em vez de mostrar geleiras derretendo, usinas soltando fumaça e animais banhados em petróleo, Sebastião Salgado desperta de um hiato de mais de dez anos sem exposições grandiosas para alertar sobre os mais graves problemas ambientais focando justamente naquilo que ainda há de belo e de intocado. O objetivo do fotojornalista é invocar a É uma espécie de psicologia inversa. Em vez de mostrar geleiras derretendo, usinas soltando fumaça e animais banhados em petróleo, Sebastião Salgado desperta de um hiato de mais de dez anos sem exposições grandiosas para alertar sobre os mais graves problemas ambientais focando justamente naquilo que ainda há de belo e de intocado. O objetivo do fotojornalista é invocar a percepção de que ainda há muito a ser salvo em um planeta que insiste em preservar paisagens e vidas exuberantes apesar de toda a degradação proporcionada pela ação humana. de que ainda há muito a ser salvo em um planeta que insiste em preservar paisagens e vidas exuberantes apesar de toda a degradação proporcionada pela ação humana.


سيباستياو سالغادو
סבסטיאו סלגאדו
세바스티앙 살가도
Себастьяно Сальгадо