
Nicolas Bernier

Structures infinies
Between the finite and the infinite, these mirror structures are reflecting the outside world until they are set in motion to unveil a moving and infinite interior. Hidden inside are superimposed diagrams reinterpreting certain theories or hypotheses related to our apprehension of the world. Between transcendental geometry, higher dimensions, finite and infinite, these structures arise as objects of reflection on what one understands, what one believes to understand and what one does not understand. The structure is thus referring to the finite physical structure that is encapsulating the infinity of intellectual structures created by the humankind.


Het Wezen van de Stad
For a couple of years now I’ve been developing a series of works that engage, each in different ways, with what I propose to call filmic architecture. In these works, I explore the relationships between scale models, sets, architecture, and the moving image. Starting point is was the question: would it be possible to do a remake of a film, let’s say Ridley Scott Alien, with a set that would allow one to do so in one single shot? How to translate the combination of spaces, montage and shifts in size and angle as we see them in the film into the actual spatiality of a set that would allow one to shoot the film in a single continuity without the cut and paste of montage? This brought me to the idea of the Morphed Set as both a potential plan for a work and an intellectual exercise or figure of thought. Sometimes my works are extremely large “walkthrough INSTALLATIONS” – at other times, they are infinite small scale models and prototypes.


Grounds for standing and understanding
Babak Golkar is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice, at its fundamental roots, takes aim to deconstruct, recontextualize and rearrange our perceptions of the world around us. Marked by an intellectual iconoclasm and an unbridled philosophical spirit of inquiry, many of Golkarʼs works mischievously reveal that the fixity of meaning is merely an illusion, which he systematically disassembles and exposes. Like Zen koans, Golkarʼs work seems to arrive at new understandings by setting up impossible questions; ultimately focusing on the nature of truth; a truth unobstructed by the oppositions or differentiations of language, or perspective.


Biennale Danza 2018
The programme of the 12th International Festival of Contemporary Dance of the Biennale di Venezia will bring to the stage, in the spaces of the Arsenale in Venice the artists whom I believe today represent the essence of dance as nourishment for the mind and the intellect rather than as a pure aesthetic object.


제이슨 피터스
visceral paradigm

In my work I attempt to trigger and explore both intellectual and emotional reactions to the ways in which objects interact with their surrounding environment. I try to set up a situation where nothing is as it seems, and our notions of reality are exposed as mere assumptions, based on perceptions and experiences that may or may not bear any actual relationship to the way the world works.

Mi-Kyoung Lee

The repetitive process of mark making has been a great strength in my work. I allow my intellect and body to follow the rhythmic processes of repetition, understanding the relationships between tool and material, the material and process, and image and content.

Eve Bailey

Tongue in Cheek
My work is based on the concepts of balance and coordination. The body interests me as a perceiving mechanical structure. I use my own body as a primary tool to create pieces that experiment with equilibrium through physical, mechanical, plastic and conceptual means. My studio practice is rooted in the tradition of the artist engineer. I design and build suspended and pendular constructions that can sustain their own weight and mine as I perform with them. By climbing and inverting on the structures, I challenge my own perception and creative process.
With the combination of the two mediums sculpture and performance, I seek balance in the mind versus body relationship. My work alternates between theory and practice. The intellect occurs in the engineering of my structures and the sensuality arises from my body in motion, bringing together two talents commonly thought as disparate: male versus female, rational versus instinctive. All my pieces are created upon contrastive ideas and principles. I constantly play with contradictions whether they are of visual, physical or conceptual nature.

Silvio Zangarini

J’ai un diplôme en arpentage et j’ai étudié l’esthétique et la philosophie à l’Université. Franco Vaccari est mon mentor intellectuel et sa théorie de l’inconscience technologique mon credo. Je recherche ce que je suis inconsciemment incapable de voir dans la réalité, tout comme chez moi. Je parle avec mon appareil photo car il exprime un langage plus complexe. Chaque photographie révèle quelque chose que je ne savais pas. Chaque image est une révélation et révèle une nouvelle perspective. Je suis intrigué par ces épiphanies et je les recherche en jouant avec les déformations photographiques. Je dialogue avec de nouvelles réalités, de nouveaux sujets, et change constamment de position d’interlocuteur. La dialectique est rafraîchie chaque fois que quelqu’un regarde mes créations. L’épiphanie se reproduit et je vois quelque chose dans l’image dont je n’étais pas au courant. Mon travail est herméneutique, ambigu, ouvert. Je ne crois pas à l’immédiateté photographique. Il n’y a rien de stable dans la réalité et mon appareil photo a l’intention de capturer cette condition. Mes distorsions anamorphiques reflètent mon besoin existentiel de révélations. Ils m’offrent un moyen de regarder le royaume différemment. La photographie révèle de nouvelles perspectives, de nouveaux lieux, ouvrant des circonstances inattendues et révélant des personnalités inconnues. Les perspectives ouvrent des dialogues. Les dialogues posent des questions. Et j’explore leur complexité intrigante.


Anatomy of Form
The Divine Proportion in the Platonic Solids

In fact, the Graham Foundation recognized Tyng’s talent nearly half a century ago in 1965, when she was awarded for her project Anatomy of Form: The Divine Proportion in the Platonic Solids:In her research she developed a theory of hierarchies of symmetry—symmetries within symmetries—and a search for architectural insight and revelation in the consistency and beauty of all underlying form.It’s fascinating stuff, and the images alone have piqued my interest in Tyng’s theories, which cover topics from Jungian cycles to the cosmos. Tyng (b. 1920 in Jiangxi, China) was one of the first women to earn a Masters in Architecture from Harvard. She spent nearly three decades collaborating with Louis Kahn before shifting her focus to research at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 60’s. The title of the exhibition and her works belie the understated beauty of their execution, which demonstrate the expressive power of order and geometry. Tyng’s unique command of form is matched by her raw intellect; thus, she elegantly articulates her vision in the models seen here.


Desert Breath

I imagine two parallel realities in the way that we view the world. There is the world inside and the world outside of us. It is through the senses that we are able to connect the inside to the outside world. My whole life, including the choice to become an artist, has been an attempt to re-search, to understand, and to connect these two parallel realities. To bridge what is within to what is without…
Naturally my works are triggered or have a point of departure either in the external or in the internal world. Initially, an idea is generated in the form of an internal image, which in turn needs to be answered intellectually and put into context. This process seems to me to have its point of departure in the world of the subconscious, which then surfaces into the conscious realm. Following from there, the initial idea decodes itself as it evolves into realisation and ends up ‘translating itself’ in to an artwork. It is a bit like a journey, which slowly reveals itself as I journey towards it.


À l’aide d’outils et de matériaux simples que l’on trouve couramment dans l’atelier d’un peintre, l’artiste Lisa Hamilton construit des images, des sculptures et de courtes vidéos qui interrogent les limites de la perception, la transmission du sens et la relation entre le spectateur et l’objet visuel. Dans des enquêtes récentes, elle engage le langage formel de l’abstraction, la théorie des couleurs et la dynamique psychologique du voir pour examiner le point de rencontre de l’observation et de la participation. Ici, elle propose, est le site critique où la forme produit du contenu. Dans son travail, les expériences de perception, d’enquête intellectuelle, d’émotion et d’invention matérielle convergent pour générer du sens à travers l’expérience du regard. Dans sa recherche d’articulation des idées sous une forme concrète, Hamilton a revigoré et élargi le discours contemporain sur l’abstraction.


Морис Бенаюн
Overwriting the city

Cosmopolis endeavours to examine urban realities through people’s eyes. It is an artistic, and scientific interpretation of urbanization, making a visit a physical and intellectual experience.
The visitor enters a big, moving panorama of a constantly changing city. Twelve observation binoculars, much like those found at scenic lookout points, allow one to be surrounded 360° by twelve urban environments. Seven Occidental cities and five Asian cities: Paris , Berlin , Barcelona , Chicago , Johannesburg , Cairo , Sao Paulo , Beijing , Shanghai , Chongqing , Chengdu , Hong Kong , can thus be discovered, each from different viewpoints. Bearing no resemblance to the touristy landscapes one may expect to see, these scenes lay out major urban issues simply through a choice of viewpoint: transportation, environment, architecture, energy, health…