
QUBIT AI: Michael Sadowski (aka derealizer)

Magic Drops

FILE 2024 | Interator – Sound Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Michael Sadowski (aka derealizer) – Magic Drops – Austria

Moving abstract structures and grimacing masks, colors that change and pulse to the rhythm of the music create a psychedelic experience that embodies the spirit of Techno.


Using Stable Diffusion, a visual synthesizer, the artist turns fantasies into videos using just a PC, similar to the invention of printing 600 years ago. Exploring the interplay between software algorithms that create visual worlds and the artist’s mind guiding this process is incredibly exciting. Unlike traditional cinema, there is no ‘reality’ or humans involved, making it a satisfying medium for creating visual art.


Music: Chris Robert

gillian wearing

Los autorretratos de Wearing exploran la fotografía como farsa, además de examinar concepto de identidad y representación. Con una meticulosa atención al detalle y sofisticadas prótesis de silicona, Wearing crea extraordinarios autorretratos que imitan fotos de su álbum de familia. Estas imágenes triunfan porque formulan preguntas sobre la familia, las relaciones y el yo, aspectos todos ellos importantes en la fotografía contemporánea. Otros retratos de la serie, incluyen a su hermano, su abuela y su abuelo.


Cartoon Skull Mask

“The mask is an object worn over or in front of the face of a skull to hide the identity of it and by its own features to establish a part of a cartoon being. This essential characteristic of hiding and revealing personalities or moods is common to all masks. As cultural objects they have been used throughout the world in all periods and have been as varied in appearance as in their use and symbolism.
The wearer of the cartoon mask is considered to be in direct association with the spirit force of the mask and is consequently exposed to personal danger of being affected by it.The wearer of the cartoon mask is a skull and the person behind to the skull is not under the living persons.The ironic combination of two inappropriate items is to the stoic thinking to owe.”

Neri Oxman

Neri Oxman: Material Ecology


“Vespers is a collection of 15 3-D-printed masks that explore the idea of designing with live biological materials. The collection consists of three distinct series, each reinterpreting the concept of the death mask—traditionally a wax or plaster impression of a corpse’s face. Taken as a whole, the three series form a narrative arc from death to rebirth. In the first series, Oxman and The Mediated Matter Group looked at the death mask as a cultural artifact. Fabricated using an algorithm that deconstructed polyhedral meshes into subdivided surfaces, the masks were 3-D printed with photopolymers, as well as with bismuth, silver, and gold, and rendered in color combinations that recur in religious practices around the world.” Rachel Morón


People’ faces are scanned throught a sensor and acquired in a digital environment. The software application written by the designers generates customized masks for each person. The masks are produced as unique pieces through 3d printing and WINDFORM materials.


Inverso Mundus
The title of the work, Inverso – both an Italian “reverse, the opposite” and the Old Italian “poetry,” and Mundus – the Latin “world,” hints at a reinterpretation of reality, a poetic vision. In our interpretation, the absurdist scenes from the medieval carnival appear as episodes of contemporary life in a multichannel video installation. Characters act out scenes of absurd social utopias and exchange masks, morphing from beggars to rich men, from policemen to thieves. Metrosexual street-cleaners are showering the city with refuse. Female inquisitors torture men on IKEA-style structures. Children and seniors are fighting in a kickboxing match. Inverso Mundus is a world where chimeras are pets and the Apocalypse is entertainment.

Steve Fields

“I have been inspired by many artists of the past and present to arrive at this moment of creativity. I have been inspired by some wonderful spiritual teachers to arrive at this moment of beauty and mystery. I invite you to share in my vision of this mystery“. Steve Fields

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Yabin Studio & Eastman

Figures in white coats wearing masks over their mouths, observing and conducting tests on other people. Between them stand glass cages suggestive of gigantic test tubes. GENESIS生长, as the title suggests, is a show about the origins of things. We are born and then we die, and in the meantime we undergo constant testing and increasing estrangement from the natural world.


Masked – In Flight
“Masked in Flight” is a project by Iceland’s Sruli Recht that studies what kind of masks air travelers might wear — travelers that wanted to look like serial killers and creepy stormtroopers, that is. Would you feel comfortable on a plane with the person next to you wearing something like this?


Ричард Барбридж
리처드 버 브리지
ريتشارد بيربريدج

Richard Burbridge, an influential British fashion photographer. Unfortunately any biographical info on him was impossible to find, but guessing by some of his early work, he has been a staple of the fashion industry for some time now. He is an absolute genius with lighting, and whether it’s commercial or editorial, we love all of his work. Richard Burbridge was part of 90s fashion bible i-D, and shot some of my favourite covers for the magazine from 1999 to mid-2000s, has also brought his hyper technical lighting and perfectionism to The New York Times T Magazine, V Magazine and Italian Vogue. He is represented by Art + Commerce.

Neri Oxman

Death mask
Similar to the group’s previous collection of masks – which although released prior to Lazarus are later in concept – the pieces were formed using a Stratasys Objet500 Connex3 multi-material 3D printer, which constructs 3D forms by depositing polymer droplets in layers.

Gillian Wearing

Me as Eva Hesse
Throughout the past two decades, Gillian Wearing’s films, photographs and sculptures have investigated public personas and private lives. Since the beginning of her career, the artist has drawn from techniques of theater, reality television and fly-on-the-wall documentary-making to construct narratives that explore personal fantasies and confessions, individual traumas, cultural histories, and the role of the media. Anonymity through elaborate masks, costumes and role-play has remained a critical part of Wearing’s practice and influential investigation of the ways in which individuals present themselves to others when the self is temporarily concealed.


Elene usdin is a paris based artist who works primarily in photography. she is part of the creative collective heartland villa that also includes art directors lionel avignon and stefan de vivies. usdin’s work is very diverse and includes work for commercial clients, fashion publications and herself. many of her pieces are seemingly candid often featuring the artist herself as the subject. she also integrates lots of props and masks into her works giving them a surreal touch.

joan jonas

Джоан Джонас
جوان جوناس
조안 조나스

Joan Jonas, believing that sculpture and painting were exhausted mediums, became known for her pioneering work in performance and video art. Jonas, who studied sculpture and art history, was deeply influenced by the work of Trisha Brown, with whom she studied dance, as well as John Cage and Claes Oldenburg, particular in their exploration of non-linear narrative structure and form. Jonas’s own work has frequently engaged and questioned portrayals of female identity in theatric and self-reflexive ways, using ritual-like gestures, masks, mirrors, and costumes.

Dorry Hsu

Aesthetic of Fears
“My collection is about the aesthetic and the attraction of fears […] In many cultures people wear masks to scare evil away, so the masks are decorated with frightening images from the wearer’s own fears.”

Lee Griggs

cgi masks
Madrid-based 3D artist Lee Griggs created some fascinating topographical illustrations using 3D animation and rendering software Maya Xgen and Arnold. Each piece is comprised of countless >spheres, cylinders, or cubes that have been extruded and colored to create images reminiscent of ocean floors, bacterial growth, or even weather patterns.

guillaume mazars

ambient light
Project for a kiosk on the lakefront of Chicago. Waterfronts are special places. A meeting point between earth and sea, the horizon is exposed. More than elsewhere the sky is present, it illuminates and color permeates the place. The project aims to exacerbate this feeling by framing the views and accentuating the light of the moment.A translucent fabric filter diffuses the light, revealing the average color of the sky. This veil delimits the space and generates privacy. The fabric masks some of the context to better reveal its brightness. Inside a suspended fabric ring provides shade. The center of the roof is open to expose the sky. All you can see and connect with is the horizon and the sky.


Ephemeral and ethereal

Ephemeral and ethereal, the work of artist Rein Vollenga is particularly notable in his ‘wearable sculpture’. Vollenga’s unique and visceral work is darkly seductive, and his creations have been embraced by many of fashions forward thinkers as they continue to venture into darker, more fetishistic territory that celebrates a deeper, animalistic sexuality and revels in individuality and fragmented identity. Vollenga is a native of Berlin, reflected in the Teutonic avant garde nature that pervades his work, as is a dangerous, slightly sinister and hedonistic sense that harks back to pre-war Berlin’s days of decadence and ‘voluptuous panic’; his creations conjure all the allure of the decadence of a futuristic Ball Masque. Renowned for his wearable art, which takes form in sculptural headwear and accessories, the artist is now gaining the attention and patronage of the fashion industries elite; a more severe and gothic, 21st Century Dali if you will. Chasseur sat down with Rein himself to discuss his work; its origins and nature, and what drives the man behind the masks.



كلاوس ويبر
클라우스 베버
Клаус Вебер
32 death masks
32 death masks grew out of Weber’s fascination with a practice traditionally performed in Western societies, whereby facial impressions of recently deceased persons are made in plaster. Prior to the invention of photography, the act of producing casts or “masks” from these molds was undoubtedly the most accurate way of preserving a particular person’s visage for viewing long after their death.