
Pam Tanowitz

“Gustave Le Gray No. 1”
In 2019, Ballet Across America was put together with the inspiration of women’s leadership in ballet and dance. To mark the celebration, the Center commissioned choreographer Pam Tanowitz to create a world premiere work for the week’s two participating companies, Dance Theatre of Harlem and Miami City Ballet; both are companies led by visionary women – Virginia Johnson at DTH and Lourdes Lopez in Miami.
Tanowitz set the work on two dancers from each company, with a pianist on stage playing a solo work by the composer Caroline Shaw. The piece had its world premiere during Ballet Across America on May 31, 2019. This video captures the premiere performance.
Pianist: Sylvia Jung
Dancers: Renan Cerdeiro, Lauren Fadeley, Anthony Santos and Stephanie Rae Williams

David Rabinowitch

“6 Sided Plane in 5 Masses and 3 Scales with 2 Free Regions
The drawings also clarify the schema underlying the locations of the bored holes in the sculptures. Situated along lines linking vertices at the perimeter of the forms, they recall constellation maps or, as with 8 Sided Plane in 7 Masses and 2 Scales with Free Region (1975/2018), the plans of Romanesque cathedrals. Here, again, the relationship is inverted. The black shapes representing the solid stone columns in the plans echo the shafts of air bored through the steel. The term “Romanesque” appears frequently in Rabinowitch’s titles. Though absent here, the conglomeration of shapes visible in Romanesque church plans, like those of Cluny in France, bear an affinity with the additive sensibility evident in Rabinowitch’s structures. Donald Kuspit has focused attention on the artist’s interest in Northwest Coast traditions, especially the totem pole. Like the totem pole, Rabinowitch’s works manifest a “disrupted continuum,” a whole built out of distinct parts. For me, the presence of the drawings in this exhibition subtly undermined that assertion. The lines along which the bored holes are situated form a network that passes over all (or at least most) of the components in each work, in effect linking them. Though no longer visible in the steel versions, the connective links act as a reminder of this second related principle of organization. Some may see it as a complication, a discrepancy, or be disappointed by the realization, but I think it helps demystify these “new” early sculptures. At the same time, the proximity of the studies by no means diminished the deep-rooted and intriguing complexity of Rabinowitch’s sculptural work.”John Gayer


Disegni ad albero
Tim Knowles è un artista multidisciplinare britannico. Sebbene neghi di essere ossessionato dal vento, questo elemento ha ispirato molto il suo lavoro, gli piacciono le sue proprietà e la sua mancanza di controllo. Tree Drawing è un ottimo esempio del lavoro di Tim Knowles, appende dei pennarelli sui rami di un albero e aspetta che il disegno venga eseguito dal vento o dalla brezza sui rami. La cosa bella di questo lavoro è che puoi sentire le proprietà intrinseche dell’albero, che può essere flessibile, rigido, leggero, fragile.

Tim Knowles

Tree Drawings
Tim Knowles est un artiste pluridisciplinaire britannique. Même s’il se défend d’être obsédé par le vent, cet élément a beaucoup inspiré son travail, il aime ses propriétés et son absence de contrôle. Tree Drawing est un très bel exemple du travail de Tim Knowles, il accroche des feutres aux branches d’un arbre et attend que le dessin se fasse sous l’impulsion du vent ou de la brise sur les branches. Ce qui est beau dans cette oeuvre c’est qu’on peut ressentir les propriétés intrinsèques de l’arbre, qui peut être souple, rigide, léger, fragile.

Igor Siwanowicz

insect microscope
The scientist at Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus, has been using laser-scanning microscopes to capture the incredible details of the insect world unseen to our naked eyes. Not only that, he also colors the pictures to show the tree-like structures that turn the pictures into these vibrant blueprints of life.

Ewa Nowak

La giovane designer polacca Ewa Nowak, tra le altre cose, ha creato una linea di gioielli in metallo. Sono dei ninnoli eleganti dalle linee pulite che non rinunciano a una certa morbidezza e artigianalità. Più simili a delle piccole sculture che a degli ornamenti fatti in serie. Tra loro c’è anche ‘Incognito,’ nato per sviare i software di riconoscimento facciale con stile e originalità.

Igor Siwanowicz

Devil’s Flower Mantis
“Ten years ago I decided to change my field of research to one that is more in tune with my naturalist’s interests. Neurobiology is the study of cells of the nervous system and the organization of these cells into functional circuits that process information and mediate behavior. Insects, having a relatively simple and hence easier to study, nervous system, are commonly used as models, the premise being that on the most basic level of relatively simple neuronal networks we have a lot in common. It was my extracurricular expertise in invertebrate anatomy and macro photography that made the transition possible.”


Immaterials – Data between visibility and invisibility
Christopher Warnow (1982) works as an artist, designer and programmer in Berlin and Würzburg, Germany. He is interested in the hopes and the trust we invest in digital data and – images. In installations, performances and workshops he utilizes generative strategies to examine our enthusiasm towards digital technologies and questions its grounds.


Кирова Марк и Соня Белоснежка
Sonia et Mark Whitesnow sont des artistes aux multiples facettes, qui travaillent et vivent dans Russie. Ils utilisent des matériaux naturels ainsi que technologies modernes pour réaliser leur clichés à l’univers flirtant avec le sur-réalisme[…]


מוניקה סוסנובסקה
Monika Sosnowska’s work consists mainly of installations that are conceived for a specific occasion, and that disappear when that occasion is over. Usually forming or filling a room, they could be mistaken for the work of an architect or a set designer. But unlike architecture, her spaces serve no function, and unlike set design, there is no scenario for which they set the stage. Instead, Sosnowska’s spaces furnish both a physical opportunity—and a metaphor for the play of the imagination.

Monika Sosnowska

מוניקה סוסנובסקה
“Tower” ist kein schlechter Beitrag zum Genre. Sein drehmomentstarker Tunnelrahmen, der die starren Linien von Mies ‘Architektur den Drehungen und Wendungen unterwirft, die mit Richard Serra oder Vladimir Tatlin verbunden sind, zwingt zu einer genauen Beobachtung aus mehreren Blickwinkeln. Der Blick von seinen offenen, sich entwirrenden Enden ist besonders effektiv und führt zu einer Art Schwindel. Währenddessen sorgt Frau Sosnowskas Liebe zum Detail – sie hat Fenstergriffe eingebaut, obwohl kein Glas vorhanden ist – dafür, dass die Lyrik der skulpturalen Form dies nicht tut völlig ablenken vom unangenehmen Schauspiel eines umgestürzten Wohngebäudes. Das Verhältnis dieser monumentalen Skulptur zum Galerieraum ist jedoch etwas Seltsames; „Tower“ erinnert an die Träger oben und sitzt ehrerbietig in einer Ecke des riesigen Raums. Er verweist Sie bescheiden auf die umgebende Architektur, anstatt seine eigene Ästhetik der zerstörten Moderne zur Schau zu stellen.


Дамиан Ненов
Paths of Hate
file festival
Metaphorical fight of two fighter pilots illustrates the universal truth about hate. Paths of Hate is a short tale about the demons that slumber deep in the human soul and have the power to push people into the abyss of blind hate, fury and rage.


The Centrifuge Brain Project
(a man named Dr. Nick Laslowicz from the Institue for Centrifugal Research)