
Lawrence Lek


Lawrence’s accompanying soundtrack is a delicate lattice; complex, opaque and entirely synthetic. Diva’s yearning vocals, sung in English and Mandarin, cast classical melodies over billowing, intricately arranged songs. Her voice is created with a Vocaloid voice synthesiser, giving it an uncanny feeling. Her confessional lyrics draw empathy from the listener, as she reveals her fears of becoming an irrelevant influencer, obsolete in a machine-driven age.

The lead single ‘ unreal’ is launched with a harrowing video adapted from the film.

Raquel Meyers

“We live in a time where hardware and software become obsolete even before we have learned how to use them. KYBDslöjd is a brutalist storytelling about technology and keystrokes using Commodore 64 computer, Teletext System, and typewriters. These technologies are not souvenirs from the past. They are hard-won knowledge.”more


Città emotiva
Emotive City è una cornice per esplorare un modello mobile e auto-organizzativo per la città contemporanea. I modelli del passato sono limitati e non dovrebbero funzionare, in quanto progetti per il nostro futuro urbano, una nuova generazione di ricerca progettuale deve necessariamente affrontare le sfide di oggi. Le tendenze fisse e finite che un tempo servivano all’architettura e all’urbanistica sono state rese obsolete. Oggi le intersezioni di informazione, vita, macchine e materia mostrano complessità che suggeriscono la possibilità di una sintesi molto più profonda. In questo contesto, l’architettura è costretta a rifattorizzare radicalmente la sua risposta alle nuove sfide sociali e culturali con un ambiente di urbanizzazione accelerata. Proponiamo un quadro che partecipa e si impegna con gli ambienti ricchi di informazioni che stanno plasmando le nostre vite attraverso un modello di vita che chiamiamo ecologia adattiva.


Emotive city
Emotive City is a framework to explore a mobile and self-organizing model for the contemporary city. Models of the past are limited and should not operate, as blueprints for our urban future, a new generation of design enquiry by necessity must address the challenges of today. The fixed and finite tendencies that once served architecture and urbanism have been rendered obsolete. Today the intersections of information, life, machines and matter display complexities that suggest the possibility of a much deeper synthesis. Within this context, architecture is being forced to radically refactor its response to new social and cultural challenges with an environment of accelerated urbanization. We propose a framework that participates and engages with the information-rich environments that are shaping our lives through a model of living that we call an adaptive ecology.


In the process of creating Supraspectives, the artist duo Quadrature has gathered the data of 590 (recent & former) spy satellites, whose trajectory the installation follows. A third of them can be considered space trash, as they are obsolete or damaged, but still, they continue overflying us. The installation calculates the paths of all those satellites in real time and speculatively reconstructs the view they are capturing, offering artistically intervened images of what the satellites could be observing. Mainly satellites passing near the exhibition venue are selected, combined with other specially interesting or suggestive satellite images. Additionally, a specifically built motorized antenna on the roof connects live with the satellites overflying Tabakalera, transforming their real radio signals into sound. Everytime the installation connects with a satellite, the screen shows the data relative to it, such as country of origin or year of launch.

Robert Henke and Anna Tskhovrebov

CBM 8032 AV
The CBM 8032 AV project is an exploration of the beauty of simple graphics and sound, using computers from the early 1980’s. This work is about the ambivalence between a contemporary aesthetic and the usage of obsolete and limited technology from 40 years ago. Everything presented within the project could have been done already in the 1980, but it needed the cultural backdrop of today to come up with the artistic ideas driving it.


Valentin Ruhry, born in Graz, Austria in 1982, has worked primarily in sculpture. In an analytical, scientific approach, he creates works inspired by technological achievements though it is often the out-dated, obsolete ideas once believed to be visionary that inspire him. Regularly examining the formal and aesthetic aspects of objects, one of his major themes is light and its modulation of volume as well as physically measureable qualities such as tension, force, and friction.


Les Smartphones sont obsolètes, Thelepathy utilise des amplificateurs en verre qui permettent de communiquer sans parler. Telepathic Taste et Telepathic Lunch sont des saynettes filmées qui permettent de comprendre l’usage de deux casques télépathiques sensoriels. Les vidéos illustrent le fait que l’on peut communiquer par télépathie non seulement par des pensées et des mots, mais aussi par diverses sensations physiques.


Ральф Беккер
The Conversation
Pataphysical Processing Environment
À travers des installations et des machines, Baecker explore les mécanismes d’action fondamentaux et les effets des nouveaux médias et technologies. Dans ses représentations et spatialisations de processus microscopiques, il cherche à perturber complètement notre perception. Au cœur de ses objets se trouve l’intrication du virtuel avec le réel, ou plutôt avec le monde. Avec une perspective médiatique et archéologique, Ralf Baecker fouille dans des dispositifs obsolètes des traces et des fonctions encore détectables dans les technologies d’aujourd’hui. Son travail cherche à former un hybride entre l’esthétique numérique actuelle et une compréhension historique des matériaux. En conséquence, il appréhende la technologie non pas comme un outil mais plutôt comme un instrument épistémologique, afin de poser des questions élémentaires sur un monde perçu à travers les impressions technologiques.


File Festival
‘Ectoplasmatic Housing’ aims to speculate about how architecture can mediate the pervasiveness of the contemporary ‘infocalypse’ age. An architectural experiment of physical and digital space through the use of interactive design and augmented reality.

Browsing through a domestic safari of Trojan savannas or sterilised virus forests while contemplating the emergence of thousands of cheap-friends-facebook flowers blossoming among the pulsating cocoons of dying obsolete apps… Quantum reality theories are ripe for the picking from wiki branches of tweeting pink daily hit dwarfing trees…
Ectoplasmatic Housing aims to speculate about how architecture can mediate the pervasiveness of the contemporary ‘infocalypse’ age. It cultivates data for a spatial interactive second nature manifestation. It grows, blossoms, dies and haunts. Overlayed with the physical this unstable ectoplasmatic nature may shift radically into a rapid nuke ecology of nightmares.