
QUBIT AI: Paul Gründorfer & Leonhard Peschta

The Sea

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival

The Sea is an extraction of a complex natural phenomenon, resulting in an artificial emulation that develops a life form of its own. Just like the sea with its endless waves, this artificial system follows the impact of an immersive state, leading to a unique vision of an artificial generator. Despite appearing chaotic, it is capable of generating associations ranging from the movement of waves to science fiction scenarios.


Paul Gründorfer develops process-related systems and explores variable or unstable conditions in the occurrence of sound when exposed to amplification, feedback, and multiple signal streams. His works focus on processes that evolve in a social space. Leo Peschta is an artist and researcher. During his studies, he worked in various fields of media arts, including sound, installations and software, developing over the years a special interest in robotics and machinery.


Austrian Embassy

QUBIT AI: Iskarioto Dystopian AI Films


FILE 2024 | Interator – Sound Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Iskarioto Dystopian AI Films – Relaxation – Spain

Relaxation is an animated painting that transports you to a surreal natural landscape, hypnotically inviting mental relaxation.


Iskarioto Dystopian AI Films is an emerging Spanish artist, empowered with cutting-edge AI tools, a fusion of human creativity with machine potential. He is known as a visual alchemist, pixel manipulator, and graphic, dark, dystopian storyteller. Since its premiere in 2022, it has been shown in art galleries around the world, having won the Artistic Award at the AI ​​Film Festival Montpellier 2023.


Music: Relaxation by NPM

Sam Twidale & Marija Avramovic

(AI) infinite simulations
‘Sunshowers’ is the third in our series of real-time animation artworks. It is inspired by the opening chapter of Akira Kurosawa’s film Dreams which follows a young boy as he explores a forest and stumbles across a fox wedding (Kitsune no Yomeiri). Our piece explores ideas of animism and techno-animism by assigning life in the form of artificial intelligence to all of the objects, both natural and man-made, within the virtual world. The piece unfolds in real time with the characters themselves deciding which paths they will follow.



file festival
As natural as the daily sunshine, one’s shadow, formerly a constant companion, now often escapes from attention. A silhouette of our physical form, one’s shadow is no more than a flat, disembodied reduction of the contours of one’s self.The installation skia examines the interplay of our shadows and our conscious awareness of our physical displacement of space. In this closed-circuit installation, visitor´s images are manipulated and projected as artificial shadows.What does it mean if one’s shadow suddenly frees itself and develops an alien autonomy? And what has such an estrangement in common with the multiple identities of the post modern ego?

One Life Remains: André Berlemont, Kevin Lesur, Brice Roy & Franck Weber

Inspired by Michel Foucault’s work, Les disciplines du rectangle is a videogame proposition about the nature of rules and norms at the digital age. If society provides models of accomplishment we are supposed to fit inside, then the rectangle is the pure abstraction of this idea. The geometrical shape works as a symbol of the very nature of normativity, blind to individual differences. The rectangle, existing only on the screen, reveals how digital technologies can in some ways become the new location for this normativity and the ambivalent results of their intangible and invisible nature. Besides, the installation offers an occasion to think about the way games can become manipulation tools. The fact that in the end, players act as if they were piloted by the rectangle (an inversion of the traditional relationship between player and avatar) gives an aesthetical highlight to this.


Inspirado en el trabajo de Michel Foucault, Les disciplines du rectangle es una propuesta de videojuego sobre la naturaleza de las reglas y normas en la era digital. Si la sociedad proporciona modelos de realización en los que se supone que encajamos, entonces el rectángulo es la pura abstracción de esta idea. La forma geométrica funciona como símbolo de la naturaleza misma de la normatividad, ciega a las diferencias individuales. El rectángulo, que existe solo en la pantalla, revela cómo las tecnologías digitales pueden convertirse de alguna manera en la nueva ubicación de esta normatividad y los resultados ambivalentes de su naturaleza intangible e invisible. Además, la instalación ofrece la oportunidad de pensar en cómo los juegos pueden convertirse en herramientas de manipulación. El hecho de que, al final, los jugadores actúen como si fueran piloteados por el rectángulo (una inversión de la relación tradicional entre jugador y avatar) le da un toque estético a esto.


FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise

فرناندو روميرو
페르난도 로메로
Soumaya Museum

Museum buildings tend to be conceived either for maximum functionality – acting as neutral containers for art – or as iconic structures that represent a city at a particular historic moment. The Museo Soumaya was designed as both: a sculptural building that is unique and contemporary, yet one able to house a collection of international paintings, sculptures, and decorative objects dating from the fourteenth century to the present.The exterior of the building is an amorphous shape perceived differently from every angle, reflecting the diversity of the collection inside. The building’s distinctive façade is made of hexagonal aluminum modules facilitating its preservation and durability. The shell is constructed with steel columns of different diameters, each with its own geometry and shape, creating non-linear circulation paths for the visitor. The building encompasses 20,000 square meters of exhibition space divided among five floors, as well as an auditorium, café, offices, gift shop, and multipurpose lobby. The top floor is the largest space in the museum, with its roof suspended from a cantilever that allows in natural daylight.


Peristaltic Skin
Questo era un progetto di collaborazione con Lucy McRae creato per il Transnatural Festival nel 2010. La Peristaltic Skin Machine è una sperimentazione sul corpo con liquido, aria, velocità e colore.

asif khan

Radiant Lines

“People are naturally drawn to light, It’s intuitive. What I want people to feel is a sense of familiarity even though they haven’t seen it before. There’s a sense that it’s pseudo-natural, which I think is why people are drawn to it. It uses crazy technology – there’s a lot of stuff happening – but it doesn’t show it and the result is more humanistic and almost biological.” asif khan

Marte Marte Architekten

State Gallery

Like a dancing cube shimmering in titanium, the new State Gallery of Lower Austria is placed between the picturesque inner cities of Krems and Stein, and links these with the surrounding natural and river landscape. The spherical curvature and the strongly outward-projecting external walls presented a challenge: titanium shingles and glass panes were individually produced, having been calculated in 3D. Inside, light-flooded areas alternate with daylight-free levels that can be used as required. The project is a strong illustration of the capabilities of the Vorarlberg architectural practice of Marte.Marte.

Tezi Gabunia

Breaking News: Flooding of the Louvre
Natural disaster increasingly linked to a climate change has arrived to the museum of Louvre, which responds to the flooding of Paris in 2018. The artwork also respresents the issue of cultural leftover. Recycling is the main value of the process. By destruction of model that was a part of previous project Put Your Head into Gallery, the leftovers are reconstructed and new meanings and possibilities are created. The flooding of the Louvre Museum speaks about news culture and our fluctuating perception of disasters as it is seen through media. The scale of the disaster is often difficult to assess from news coverage. In the work “Breaking News” flood goes slowly into the room of the Louvre, letting the viewer to gradually watch the destruction of interior. it brings the viewer shochinkly close to what has not happened but easily could have, viewer sees the before and after effect in a highly visualized manner, which is as convincing and threatening, as fake.

Joris Strijbos



IsoScope is a kinetic audiovisual outdoor installation, a sensorial experience in which the audience wanders through rotating lights and an ever-changing sonic cloud. This new work by Dutch artist Joris Strijbos consists of multiple robotic wind objects interacting with each other and with their surroundings. Strijbos aimed at creating a human-constructed phenomenon, an abstract entity which, like most natural phenomena, can only be experienced in certain weather conditions. IsoScope can be seen as a proposition for a new kind of machinic and artificial lifeform. IsoScope was commissioned by Sonic Acts for the second Dark Ecology Journey (2015) and realised in collaboration with Jeroen Molenaar, Daan Johan and Erfan Abdi.

Kouichi Okamoto

Re Rain
“Re-rain” is a sound installation expressing non-visible elements such as gravity, magnetic force, and sound as physical elements. This installation is created with the sound of rain sampled in Japan early spring of 2016.The sound of raindrops hitting an umbrella are recorded, and is then played back from a speaker. The umbrella is set on top of a speaker, and the vibration of the speaker is transmitted through the umbrella to make a sound. For example, an umbrella cannot vibrate if the magnetic force of the speaker is small or if the rain hitting the umbrella is either too high or too low in pitch extent. For this reason, this is a device picking out a state in which the magnetic force of the speaker, weight of the umbrella, and pitch extent of sound are all in a balanced state. Natural phenomena such as rain travels through an object and is emitted as sound to the air..

Jennifer Steinkamp

“I considered the first life forms on Earth and how we came to be as a way to refer to the Natural Sciences. I looked at fossil records of the first multi cellular organisms of the Ediacaran Period, 555 million years ago for inspiration. I was struck by the theory of symbiosis in evolution; our DNA ancestors are the resultant fusion of single cellular organisms and bacteria. The millions of bacteria in our bodies are our foremothers. EON is a speculative fiction, a depiction of early life forms underwater. The Universe was formed 13.7 billion years ago. The Earth is 4.543 billion years old. Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae were the first microbes to create oxygen on Earth via photosynthesis 3.5 billion years ago. First humans 200,000-300,000 years ago.” Jennifer Steinkamp

lauren dimaya krystal li heidy cordero arias

every time the stars align
“Every Time the Stars Align” fuses different natural elements of crystals, plasma and flowers in a lava lamp environment. Red crystals freeze with rigid edges and thaws into a relaxing mood. Plasma liquid rises and falls reflecting a lava-like quality. Flowers fluctuate between a spectrum of color symbolizing intense human affections. Contradicting and uniting flat and deep spaces, the three elements compose and decompose.


Lingering Summer
“Lingering Summer” is a site-specific installation created for the 2019 West Bund Art Fair. The gradation of colors from yellow to lime green, and indigo to cerulean blue, is reminiscent of the dynamics of changing colors from early to mid-summer. The ascending and descending of layers create a natural and comforting rhythm, as if forming a virtual space to preserve the summer scene inside the steel and concrete architecture, mesmerizing the audience by breaking them away from reality.

Heatherwick Studio

The Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa

Heatherwick Studio au inaugurat în data de 22 septembrie 2017 un nou Muzeu de Artă Contem­porană în Africa de Sud – Zeitz MOCAA. Muzeul este amplasat în Cape Town în lungul celebrului V&A Waterfront. Frontul la apă, denumit cu sens istoric Victoria and Albe­­­rt, atrage zilnic peste 100 000 de oameni. Este amplasat la baza Muntelui Table, în golful natural al fostului port istoric, beneficiind de o deschidere superbă spre ocean, pe de o parte, şi spre vârfurile muntoase, pe de alta.


Алехандро Ходоровский
La Montaña Sagrada (holy mountain)

Não é fácil digerir o cinema de Alejandro Jodorowsky. Menos ainda talvez seja escrever qualquer coisa a respeito de seus filmes. E a situação pode ficar ainda mais complicada quando tratamos de A Montanha Sagrada. Pode-se dizer que o filme representa o auge da confluência criativa entre Jodorowsky, o cineasta e Jodorowsky, o mago. Nunca antes um filme fora tão bem sucedido ao capturar a poderosa essência imagética dos símbolos místico e religiosos. E vale notar aqui que religioso não tem nada a ver com crenças institucionalizadas, mas com o aspecto humano que lida com tudo o que é misterioso, invisível e sobrenatural.

cinema full

Oliver Laric

“Installed in the main gallery is Betweenness (all works 2018), a video montage that sorts the natural world, including a few humans, into simple, line-drawn motion graphics. There’s a frolicsome quality to the animations: when the animals move, grow, shift, and, quite literally, evolve, the scenes appear to follow a playful intuition, rather than exhibiting any scientific fact.”more


wearable solar

There is nothing natural in nature; technology makes our humanness giving form to our surroundings. The human habitat reveals a techno-morphed structure that can no longer be hidden behind the vestiges of a natural world: technology has to be naturalized. Pauline van Dongen researches the body in a technologically textured space. After graduating from ArtEZ, Academy of the Arts in Arnhem, the Netherlands, she started her own womenswear label in 2010. Pauline operates a meticulous research of the behaviour of experimental and high-tech materials, combining new technologies with traditional techniques to constantly renovate craftsmanship. Working closely with companies from the field of science and innovation, Pauline aims to merge fashion and technology giving life to scientific creations.

Elizabeth Ogilvie

the liquid room

Elizabeth Ogilvie is a Scottish artist who uses water as a medium and as a research focus. Water is the obsession which returns in most of her works and it becomes experience through the use of installations and videos. Her work embraces universal and timeless concerns, offering her public an innocent pleasure and at the same time underlining philosophical and ecological issues.
Through her installations, the artist isolates water inside an artificial state, creating a process which highlights its fundamental qualities in order to return to its place of origin which is the natural habitat. Among her most important works there is Liquid Room realized in 2002. Inside a derelict warehouse the artist created basins with water which were crossed by a footbridge. By linking art, architecture and science, she realized an interactive installation where the visitor, walking on the footbridge, can touch the water, whose movement is reflected on the walls of the installation. In 2006 she created Bodies of Water, whose operation took over from her previous work.
Once again, through a series of installations, the public was able to share the experience of sensorial involvement within an environment dominated by water.


Human Plant 1

ThreeASFOUR (anteriormente conhecido como ASFOUR) foi criado em 2005 pelos designers Gabi, Ange e Adi. Inspirado pelo mundo natural e com uma visão de encontro entre moda e arte em mente, threeASFOUR emprega uma abordagem tridimensional para cortar e construir coleções que redefinem a alfaiataria clássica. O trabalho da threeASFOUR está nas coleções permanentes do Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute e do Cooper Hewitt Design Museum em Nova York, bem como no Victoria & Albert Museum em Londres e no Musée de la Mode et du Costume Palais Galliera em Paris.



MONOLITH is the title of French multimedia artist Reynald Drouhin’s latest art project which consists of a series of digitally manipulated images of stunning natural landscapes. In the middle of picturesque sunsets and serene Arctic landscapes, Drouhin pastes a mysterious prismatic shape and then flips it, thus creating a mind-boggling visual effect of an otherworldly transparent object hovering in desolate locations. The entire project is an ingenious appropriation of the famous monolith from Stanley Kubrick’s film ”2001: A Space Odyssey” where mysterious dark rectangular objects (dubbed as monoliths) were scattered across the solar system by an unknown alien civilisation which seemed to guide humans along a risky interplanetary journey. Reynald Drouhin’s MONOLITH series captures exactly the double nature of Kubrick’s monoliths: the inverted shapes in the photographs seem to be a window to another dimension, a physical anomaly which distorts the nature around it, and is both menacing and inviting.


emerging colorspace
Julian Adenauer and Michael Haas
Emerging Colorspace was a robotic drawing installation, realized by the Berlin based duo of artists, designers and inventors Julian Adenauer and Michael Haas, aka Sonice Development, as part of the Red Never Follows exhibition the Saatchi Gallery in London last summer. A new version of the studio’s Vertwalker, a machine with the ability to move on vertical surfaces, walking on buildings, and crawling on interior walls. The machine autonomously applied paint to the wall using a marker, referencing the vertical streets in Minority Report, the flying cars in Bladerunner and 5th Element, or Spiderman, the Silver Surfer and the Green Goblin – just to name a few sources of inspiration that expressed the supernatural. Thousands of lines drawn with different colors gradually formed an increasingly dense colorspace that emerged during the more than 200 exhibition hours, while the wandering behavior of the machine followed simple algorithmic rules with random elements. The result was a web that constantly changed, and never looked the same, exploring new territories and the future in a way ordinary mortals can’t.


Рейнальд Друхин

Der 1969 geborene zeitgenössische Künstler Reynald Drouhin lebt und arbeitet in Paris und unterrichtet Multimedia an der School of Fine Arts in Rennes. Er studierte Bildende Kunst an den Beaux-Arts de Paris (DNSAP und Masters in Hypermedia Multimedia, 1998) und an der Universität Paris 1 (Maîtrise, 1994). Seine Praxis umfasst digitale Werkzeuge, Fotografie, Video, Installation und Skulptur. Er ist nicht zufrieden mit einem dedizierten Raum (dem des Internets, einer Projektionsfläche oder der Räumlichkeit einer Galerie), sondern erfasst wiederum verschiedene Möglichkeiten und versucht so, etwas anderes als das Sichtbare zu enthüllen, wie einen parallelen Raum, gespenstisch, seltsam, oder er hat sich aus kodifizierten Daten ergeben. Er hat an Veranstaltungen teilgenommen, die von Digital Arti (2011), auf der Rennes Biennale (2010), beim File Festival (2013) Media Art, organisiert wurden. Ghost Walk “(2009) und„ Es war einmal… “(2007) in der Galerie der schönen Künste in Lorient („ Ohne Titel “, 2006) in der Galerie Biche de Bere („ Natural / Digital “, 2005), bei Confluences (2003), in der Public Gallery (2001), beim Belfort International Urban Multimedia Arts Festival (2000), auf der Montreal Biennale und bei der von Champ Libre organisierten internationalen Veranstaltung Video & Electronic Art (Montreal, 2000 und 1999) und bei ISEA (Chicago, 1997).


اولافور الياسون
אולאפור אליאסון
Олафур Элиассон
The cubic structural evolution
Al centro del lavoro di Eliasson c’è la considerazione di come percepiamo e viviamo il mondo. Spesso fabbrica fenomeni dall’aspetto naturale (come la luce del sole, l’acqua corrente o la nebbia) in ambienti artificiali come una galleria d’arte. Questi fenomeni fabbricati coinvolgono direttamente i sensi del suo pubblico e sollecitano riflessioni su come viviamo le cose. Eliasson ha descritto questo effetto come la capacità di “vedere se stessi vedendo”. Il progetto di evoluzione strutturale cubica 2004 è un’opera d’arte partecipativa in cui gli spettatori contribuiscono alla costruzione di un mondo Lego. È un lavoro in cui Eliasson incoraggia un livello di coinvolgimento molto diretto. Gli spettatori sono in grado di guidare attivamente la loro esperienza del lavoro mentre prende forma organicamente per tutta la durata della sua installazione.



ll works are printed using pigment-based inks on Hahnemühle archival paper, variable dimensions, edition of 3+1 ap.
“Quasi-Objects” is an art project consisting of 3d generated videos and prints, a practice of “organic re-design” – started in 2003 and still in progress – that aims to stimulate thought and dialogue on the progressive relativisation of natural forms of life as a result of techno-biological evolution.“Quasi-Objects” regards data actualization, the production of biologically non-functional organisms and ecosystems as transient output of an operative practice: aesthetics of process.
“Life is a real and autonomous process independent from any specific material manifestation.”


Artificial Biological Clock

Revital Cohen’s Artificial Biological Clock (2008) is a clock-like device that responds to online information from a woman’s doctor, therapist and financial advisor. It is designed to remind modern women when they are fertile and emotionally and economically ready to conceive. It is an examination of how contemporary life can disconnect us from our instincts and the natural rhythms of our bodies.



Segundo já anunciado pela Serpentine, o pavilhão deste Verão proporcionará uma viagem aos projectos dos anos anteriores. “Seguindo uma abordagem arqueológica, os arquitectos criaram um design que vai inspirar os visitantes a olhar para baixo da superfície do parque assim como a olhar para trás no tempo através dos fantasmas das estruturas antigas”, lia-se no comunicado da galeria londrina, que explicava que através da recuperação dos vestígios de intervenções de outros anos, vão ser construídas doze colunas, uma para cada edição. Apoiarão uma plataforma flutuante, a 1,5 metros acima do chão.

A cortiça surge como o elemento estruturante da obra por ser, segundo a dupla de arquitectos Herzog & de Meuron, um “material natural, com fortes mais-valias aos níveis do tacto e do olfacto, de grande versatilidade, permitindo ser facilmente esculpido, cortado, moldado e formado”.

Em comunicado, António Rios de Amorim, presidente da CA, escreve que esta “é uma oportunidade ímpar de demonstrar ao mundo que a cortiça não é apenas um produto único, criado pela natureza, mas também um material tecnologicamente relevante para o século XXI”. Carlos Jesus não tem dúvidas de que para esta aposta terá contribuído o sucesso do Pavilhão de Portugal na Expo 2010, em Xangai. “O pavilhão, todo revestido com cortiça, foi um dos mais visitados e acabou premiado”, disse Jesus, explicando que desde então a empresa se tem dedicado também a promover “estas particularidades técnicas”.