

Neuro Surge

WOW inc neuro surge

Tokyo-based design studio, WOW inc., has designed a visual installation series for the shiseido ginza building in tokyo. the series comprises three pieces based on the concept of neuroscience: ‘neuro surge’, ‘interactive wall’, and ‘product room’. Each installation is intended to create a dynamic interaction between the product and visitors made for a press conference of shiseido’s new product which starts selling next year.

‘Neuro surge’ is the first installation and is located at the entrance of the shiseido ginza building. here, visitors can feel how their senses and nerves are working when exposed to daily information or stress. Measuring about 9 meters in height, the work pierces through the atrium of the ‘shiseido’ ginza building from the first to the second floor and creates an unprecedented display of light with the use of new advanced fibers. WOW inc. attached 150 fibers with a .9 millimeter diameter to a laser module. The laser module transmits light through the fibers, which can be controlled by touch. the interactive work visualizes the complex transmission of sensory nerves and information into a dynamic light show.

At the second installation, ‘interactive wall’, visitors can feel how neuron cells are activated by touching the wall made by stretchable fabric. the last installation, ‘product room’, is a quiet space with dim lighting filled with product samples. the design of the product, including the form and texture of the bottle surface, is inspired by chaki, the concept behind a japanese tea ceremony in which people enjoy the craft of tea. ‘we wanted people to enjoy and appreciate the product, form, texture, scent, etc. by amplifying their senses through these installations‘, explains the design team.

To realize the creative vision, WOW inc collaborated with shiseido’s team 101, an in-house agency dedicated to the brand’s global creative endeavors. established in the 101st year of shiseido’s advertising & design department, the team is made up of a wide range of creatives from around the world — each an expert in their chosen field.
TOKYO – The human form has long served as a muse for artists and designers alike, but Wow Inc. and Shiseido’s in-house agency Team 101 go beyond skin-deep, taking inspiration from the beauty of the body’s microscopic inner workings. The Neuro Surge installation series is an abstraction of neural transmitters, which symbolically awaken the senses for an elevated experience of the new product line.

Creative director Kosuke Oho of Wow Inc. says that Neuro Surge allows visitors to ‘experience the world of the product’, magnifying the concept of cellular networks in a grand-scale expression of the beauty and power within the human body. The visually striking network of light mimics the efficacy of the creams in awakening the skin.

Three consecutive installations combine to guide visitors through different environments, ending with a final interaction directly with the product. Neuro Surge is the initial exhilarating display composed of 150 fibres attached to luminaires spanning nine metres in length. The Interactive Wall follows, a tactile surface of fabric which manipulates light networks when touched. The final Product Room provides an almost solemn retreat from the erratic bright lights of the previous spaces. The darkened room heightens the senses of touch and smell as visitors test the Shiseido creams presented like museum exhibits on repeating pedestals.

Using light to compose unique atmospheres that range from stimulating to meditative, the collaborating studios combine tranquillity and chaos in a thoughtful gradation that draws visitors deeper into the space. Embedding the new product line in the art both literally and associatively, the installation maximizes brand impact for Shiseido.
El estudio de diseño WOW Inc creó una instalación para el edificio Shiseido Ginza, ubicado en Tokio, la obra consta de tres piezas; neuro surge, interactive Wall y product room, las cuales están inspiradas en conceptos de las neurociencias.

La instalación que da la bienvenida al edificio Shiseido es neuro surge, con unos nueve metros de altura. La obra atraviesa el atrio de éste, del primer al segundo piso, la cual tiene una pantalla de luz de 150 fibras luminosas, con un diámetro de nueve milímetros unidas a un láser, que se puede controlar a través del tacto, creando un espectáculo de luz dinámica.

Por otra parte, interactive Wall consta de telas estirables que al tocarse reproducen la sensación de neuronas activándose, también a través de la luz. WoW inc colaboró con Shiseido’s team 101, agencia dedicada a las soluciones, para crear la visión interactiva de la exposición.

Mientras que product room es un espacio silencioso con poca luz y lleno de muestras de productos inspirados en el arte del té japonés: el chaki; al respecto el equipo de trabajo comentó “queríamos que la gente disfrutara y apreciara el producto, la forma, la textura, el aroma, etc. amplificando sus sentidos a través de estas instalaciones”.