

Barbara Lanzarote, Rachel Lamot, Kim Rosario

The Ontology that Never Was
Glosopeda herontdekt het verleden vanuit een neotoekomstig perspectief. The Ontology that Never Was herschept een archeologische context in zijn natuurlijke omgeving waarin wordt ingegrepen door digitale materialisatie, en doet denken aan de visie van Gavin Lucas op de materiële wereld als een archief van het proces van (de)materialisatie: de spanning tussen de krachten van het verzamelen van materialen en artefacten en de tegengestelde kracht van verspreiding. De ontologie van de objecten versus de verspreiding, uitwissing en verplaatsing van hun oorspronkelijke setting.

Studio Above&Below

Aquateque è un cortometraggio che esplora il fiume Ruhr attraverso una varietà di nuove tecnologie multimediali. Il progetto combina strumenti AI e AR per esplorare modi sostenibili di creare materiali digitali che fondono natura e calcolo. Il variegato ecosistema circostante viene catturato attraverso strumenti di programmazione audio, visivi e 3D e trasformato in uno spazio aumentato generativo.

Iris van Herpen & Dutch National Ballet

For the ‘Biomimicry’ film, Iris van Herpen and Dutch National Ballet explore the symbiotic relationship between the metamorphic force in which fashion and dance interlace. The film, directed by Ryan McDaniels, sees the mesmeric dancer JingJing Mao undulating into liquescent shapes and transcending into graceful figures that reflect her myriad of movements. The concept of the creation stems from the notion of biomimicry — the design and production of materials and systems that are modelled on biological processes. In line with Iris van Herpen’s continuous pursuit to materialise the invisible forces that structure the world, the film focusses on the bond between humanity and nature.


Digitale Grotesk
Digital Grotesque is de eerste volledig meeslepende, solide, gesloten structuur op menselijke schaal die volledig 3D-geprint is uit zand. Deze structuur van 16 vierkante meter is gematerialiseerd met details op de drempel van de menselijke waarneming. Elk aspect van deze architectuur is samengesteld door op maat ontworpen algoritmen.

Bernd Lintermann and Peter Weibel

Il titolo può essere letto in due modi diversi: l’interpretazione »your code« indica che nell’installazione i visitatori sperimentano diversi tipi di trasformazioni digitali di se stessi. Mentre entrando, un visitatore vede ancora il suo riflesso familiare in uno specchio – la rappresentazione virtuale più reale che possiamo immaginare – l’immagine speculare si trasforma gradualmente in un corpo di dati digitale finché, infine, il visitatore è ridotto a un codice leggibile industrialmente. Alla fine si libera dalla rappresentazione virtuale e si materializza in un display flip-dot. Il secondo modo di leggere il titolo del pezzo, »tu sei codice«, sottolinea che noi stessi siamo costituiti da codice, che tra l’altro si manifesta nel codice genetico.


The abacus
THE ABACUS is probably the first ever 1:1 interactive physical representation of real, functioning deep learning network, represented in the form of a light sculpture. The main purpose of the installation is to materialise and demystify inherently ephemeral nature of artificial neural networks on which our lives are becoming increasingly reliant on. As the part of new permanent exhibition devoted to the Future the installation aims to engage and educate the audience in artistically compelling ways being the manifestation of art and science movement goals.


Für den Film “Biomimicry“ untersuchen Iris van Herpen und Dutch National Ballet die symbiotische Beziehung zwischen der metamorphen Kraft, in der sich Mode und Tanz verflechten. Der Film unter der Regie von Ryan McDaniels zeigt die hypnotisierende Tänzerin JingJing Mao, die sich in flüssige Formen verwandelt und in anmutige Figuren übergeht, die ihre unzähligen Bewegungen widerspiegeln. Das Konzept der Kreation basiert auf dem Begriff der Biomimikry – dem Entwurf und der Herstellung von Materialien und Systemen, die biologischen Prozessen nachempfunden sind. In Übereinstimmung mit Iris van Herpens kontinuierlichem Bestreben, die unsichtbaren Kräfte, die die Welt strukturieren, zu materialisieren, konzentriert sich der Film auf die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Natur.

Akiko Nakayama

Lebendige Malerei
Ich male gerade. Ich möchte eine Szene zeichnen, die in Bewegung bleibt. Ich habe mit “ALIVE PAINTING” angefangen, mit Liquidität eine sich ständig verändernde Figur zu zeichnen. In “ALIVE PAINTING” zeichnen wir Bilder, indem wir mit Materialien mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften miteinander reagieren. Auf diese Weise versuche ich, die ästhetischen Freuden hervorzuheben, die durch den Fluss und die Farbe der Elemente und den rohen Fluss entstehen. Zusätzlich zu den chemischen Eigenschaften des Materials treten durch äußere Faktoren wie Wind, Schwerkraft und Vibration unerwartete Reaktionen auf, so dass die nicht reproduzierbare Szenerie langsam wieder erscheint und das Erlebnis selbst mit dem Betrachter geteilt wird.

Daniel Widrig

‘SnP’, 2018, recycled plastic, injection moulded

“Widrig’s art breaks down the boundaries between disciplines; borrowing tools traditionally associated with one industry and using them in other fields, in often unanticipated and exciting ways. Widrig uses computer simulation processes and advanced technologies adopted from the special effects business to create sculptural 3D-printed craftwork—digital designs materialize into intricate sculptures in glass or recycled plastic and furniture pieces with impeccable undulated thin surfaces,” Devid Gualandris

Baumgartner + Uriu Architecture

Supermassive Black Holes
Supermassive Black Holes is an acoustic ceiling installation for the main lobby of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. The design is part of a series of projects in which we work with small primitives that are aggregated into a larger whole. In this case, there are over 10,000 felt cones stitched together into three gigantic, 20’ tall, hanging felt vortexes that that absorb sound through its materiality and geometry. The thousands of cone shape parts trap and disperse sound waves while softening the overall acoustic quality of the space.


Rook Jurk
Collega-ontwerper Valerie Lamontagne schrijft: “SMOKE DRESS is een samenwerking tussen fashiontech-ontwerper Anouk Wipprecht [NL] en technoloog Aduen Darriba [NL]. De jurk is een draadloze en draagbare tastbare couture “rookgordijn” doordrenkt met het vermogen om zichzelf plotseling visueel uit te wissen door de uitscheiding van een rookwolk. Omgevingsrookwolken worden gecreëerd wanneer de jurk een naderende bezoeker detecteert en zichzelf zo camoufleert in zijn eigen materialiteit. De ROOKJURK, met zijn losse net van metalen draden en elektrische draad, werkt op de schaal van de magische illusionistentruc, waardoor een hypothetische assistent van een goochelaar haar eigen verdwijnende act kan uitvoeren.


In een oogwenk
In een oogwenk is een groep artiesten te zien die mysterieus in de lucht zweeft en de beperkingen van de natuurkunde trotseert alsof ze bevroren zijn in tijd en ruimte. Het werk maakt gebruik van noties van het lichaam als materiaal, en op zijn beurt de materialiteit van het lichaam, waarbij de grenzen van fysieke en cognitieve mogelijkheden worden getest terwijl de kijker probeert te begrijpen wat we zien. De conceptueel gedreven praktijk van Zhen, een productieve en experimentele kunstenaar, omvat een breed scala aan media en maakt vaak gebruik van humor, ironie en verfijnde bedrog.

Chida Yasuhiro

„Der Weltraum ist für mich das Kurioseste. Licht ist eines der reinsten Materialien, das es ermöglicht, einen Raum wahrzunehmen, den wir nicht berühren und unsichtbar sind. Und es ist das einzige Material, das keine Geschichte enthält. Licht ist die Wurzel der Schönheit. Naturphänomene oder Stoffe, die wir als schön empfinden, viele von ihnen haben mit Licht zu tun.“ Chida Yasuhiro

Thomas Hirschhorn

Pixel Collage
La National Gallery of Kosovo ha l’onore di presentare la mostra personale “Pixel-Collages” di Thomas Hirschhorn, che comprende 5 grandi collage, un’ampia selezione di piccoli collage e materiali di riferimento presentati in una vetrina. L’esposizione del recente lavoro di Hirschhorn in Kosovo oggi, con immagini di confronto e confronto con tecniche mediatiche false e mascherate, è un’affermazione, simile agli argomenti che Hirschhorn mostra nei manifesti che accompagnano i ‘Pixel-Collages’, più precisamente in: ‘ Perché è importante – oggi – mostrare e guardare immagini di corpi umani distrutti’




Urban imprint
“If there is to be a “new urbanism… it will no longer be concerned with the arrangement of more or less permanent … but for the creation of enabling fields….that refuse to be crystallized into definitive form; it will no longer be about meticulous definitions, the imposition of limits, but about expanding notions, denying boundaries, not about separating and identifying entities, but about discovering hybrids; it will no longer be obsessed with the city but with the manipulation of infrastructure for endless intensifications and diversifications, shortcuts and redistributions – the reinvention of psychological space.”, Dutch architect + Harvard Professor, Koolhaas 959, writer of Delirious New York. URBAN IMPRINT is how we design a piece of this new urbanism, an augmented materiality , as we define it. An environment that is a ‘blank canvas’ to be reshaped by the future self.

Sabrina Ratté

Aliquis (extrait)
Aliquid est une vidéo à canal unique où le signal électronique est manipulé numériquement pour se matérialiser en chair synthétique. Atterrissant lentement sur une architecture de verre, cette substance indéfinie est déchirée par des arêtes vives et finit par se désintégrer en particules qui se répandent dans l’atmosphère.

Baron Lanteigne

Tangible Data
Tangible Data esplora e si infiltra in una comunità online che sviluppa un mercato dell’arte “virtuale” per un pubblico affamato di criptovalute. Una serie di loop animati, creati e monetizzati dall’artista per soddisfare le richieste e il consumo di questa comunità, forniscono la base per il progetto più ampio, che si estende su diverse piattaforme web. In questo nuovo mercato della criptoarte, tutto sembra pronto per l’universo virtuale che mostra paradossalmente caratteristiche inerenti al mondo materiale. Mentre Internet favorisce la condivisione accelerata e i contenuti ad accesso aperto, questa comunità soggetta alla tecnologia blockchain rarefa l’immateriale per consentire ai collezionisti di rivendicare i diritti sulle opere d’arte. Questo ha l’effetto insidioso di affermare il valore monetario delle opere d’arte immateriali basate sul web. Eppure, questo lascia spazio anche a una trasparenza senza precedenti riguardo alle transazioni effettuate in questo mercato.

Ralf Baecker

A Natural History of Networks / Soft Machine
A Natural History of Networks / SoftMachine è una macchina algoritmica elettrochimica che sonda un regime materiale computazionale e tecnologico alternativo, informata dagli esperimenti di Gordon Pask sui meccanismi di apprendimento elettrochimico [↓1] e dalla ricerca attuale sulla biomimetica, sulla materia programmabile e sul liquido controllato spazio-temporalmente attuatori in metallo. Al suo interno, un apparato sperimentale elettrochimico costruito su misura (SoftMachine) crea un microcosmo fluido dinamico che compie un continuo divenire di forme, strutture e narrazioni materiche. La performance mira a provocare nuovi immaginari del macchinico, dell’artificiale e della materia. Una tecnologia radicale che collega il pensiero meccanico tradizionalmente discreto e i materiali morbidi/fluidi che consentono un comportamento auto-organizzato attraverso le loro specifiche agenzie materiali.

ŽIL Julie Vostalová



Phygital way of designing that captures a momentum of transition between digital and physical worlds.
Digital and sustainable fashion with respect to materiality propose no-waste patterning that uses the technique of cut-ups to be assembled into a garment. Inspiration comes from the process of deconstructing historical garments and unexpected assemblage.


ألكسندر سوكوروف
Александр Сокуров
“Faust” è, a tutti gli effetti, una summa del cinema sokuroviano, ritroviamo le inquadrature magnifiche di “Arca russa”, i colori di “Moloch”, l’immagine lavorata di “Taurus”. Ma, probabilmente, è anche il suo superamento sfruttando il digitale, i diversi formati, un uso ossessivo della luce e dei colori per creare un’opera d’arte estetizzante e unica, straniante, d’impatto. Nonostante il fetore, che lo spettatore realmente percepisce, dei corpi sventrati, gli olezzi emanati da un Mefistofele caustico e fedele servitore – il cosiddetto “povero diavolo” – , Sokurov non concede allo spettatore di immedesimarsi nel Dottor Faust perché, nonostante sia un film dove la scrittura è in primo piano, è piuttosto un’esperienza visiva estrema, fisica e disturbante. Cosa va cercando Faust in giro per la città, nel suo perpetuo rincorrere un sapere che gli è ancora oscuro? Cerca denaro, cibo, corpi, ancorato ad una materialità che non gli consente di conoscere l’Anima, di toccarla con mano. Ha bisogno di vendere l’anima al diavolo firmando col sangue una lettera talmente sgrammaticata da far terminare l’inchiostro per le numerose correzioni che apporta. Non sa che gli aspetta la solitudine eterna e che a nulla vale tumulare il suo diavolo custode.

cinema full (in italiano)

Driessens & Verstappen

Breed (1995-2007) is a computer program that uses artificial evolution to grow very detailed sculptures. The purpose of each growth is to generate by cell division from a single cell a detailed form that can be materialised. On the basis of selection and mutation a code is gradually developed that best fulfils this “fitness” criterion and thus yields a workable form. The designs were initially made in plywood. Currently the objects can be made in nylon and in stainless steel by using 3D printing techniques. This automates the whole process from design to execution: the industrial production of unique artefacts.
Computers are powerful machines to harness artificial evolution to create visual images. To achieve this we need to design genetic algorithms and evolutionary programs. Evolutionary programs allow artefacts to be “bred”, rather than designing them by hand. Through a process of mutation and selection, each new generation is increasingly well adapted to the desired “fitness” criteria. Breed is an example of such software that uses Artificial Evolution to generate detailed sculptures. The algorithm that we designed is based on two different processes: cell-division and genetic evolution.

Anthony Gormley

“This materialised grid system gives a great sense of disorientation. As you are drawn by these push-pull perspectives and as you walk around the piece, the impossibility of reconciling foreground, mid-ground and background and the absence of any figure within this ground undermine any certainty of the stability of architecture itself.” Anthony Gormley

Manuel Jiménez Garcia and Gilles Retsin Nagami Design and Vicente Soler

Voxel Chair
Progettata da Manuel Jimenez Garcia e Gilles Retsin dello studio londinese di architettura madMdesign, VoxelChair V1.0 è una sedia/poltrona stampata in 3D che riprende le forme delle celebri sedie Phantom di Verner Panton. Nel video che pubblichiamo oggi è possibile osservare le fasi di produzione della VoxelChair, che, a differenza delle tradizionali sedute in materiali polimerici, non necessita di un costoso stampo, essendo stampata, linea per linea, da un braccio robotico. Per realizzare il prototipo della sedia è stato usato un software programmato ad hoc.

Pierre Malphettes

la fumee blanche
Le travail de Pierre Malphettes est à l’image d’une de ses œuvres, il agit sur nous comme un attracteur étrange. En travaillant principalement des matières intangibles telles que l’air, la lumière, l’eau, ou bien encore des matériaux bruts, de construction (la bâche, le caillebotis), Pierre Malphettes matérialise des espaces mentaux qui évoquent le voyage, le parcours. La poésie naît d’un déplacement contrarié, impossible,


מאיקו טאקדה
마이코 다케다
مايكو تاكيدا
Atmospheric Reentry

Die Atmospheric Reentry Collection untersucht die Bedingungen und Formen des Ätherischen. Ausgehend von der einfachen Frage, wie es sich anfühlt, eine Wolke zu tragen, hat Maiko Takeda eine Reihe skulpturaler Kopf- / Körperteile geschaffen, die die Grenzen des umgebenden Raums für den Träger verwischen und versuchen, die traditionellen Erwartungen an Kopfbedeckungen zu übertreffen. Die Ästhetik der Sammlung ist inspiriert von der futuristischen Stimmung von Ton und Bild, die aus Robert Wilsons 1976er Produktion von Philip Glass ‘Oper Einstein on the Beach stammt. Maiko bevorzugt die Verwendung unkonventioneller Materialien, wobei jedes Stück eine sorgfältige Zusammenstellung von Hunderten von stacheligen federähnlichen Einheiten aus klaren Acrylscheiben, farblich abgestuftem Film und silbernen Biegeringen darstellt, die sich auffächern, um eine Dichte und Leichtigkeit zu erreichen Umgeben Sie den Träger mit einem bunten, leuchtenden Dunst.


“Questo sistema a griglia materializzato dà un grande senso di disorientamento. Mentre sei attratto da queste prospettive push-pull e mentre cammini intorno all’opera, l’impossibilità di conciliare primo piano, piano intermedio e sfondo e l’assenza di qualsiasi figura all’interno di questo terreno minano ogni certezza della stabilità dell’architettura stessa “. Anthony Gormley


Licht in Wasser Installation
“Licht im Wasser“ ist eine ortsspezifische Installation, die ein eindringliches und emotionales Erlebnis bieten soll. Es wurde zuvor auf der Mailänder Designwoche 2011 vorgestellt. Die Installation nutzte den einzigartigen Status des Veranstaltungsortes – einer der ältesten Betonkuppeln in Paris. Die Installation wurde daher an die kreisförmige Form des Raums angepasst und definierte das innere Heiligtum als „Ort zum Sein“ und einen äußeren Bereich als Raum für einen Zuschauer. An der Decke befinden sich 16 Ringe aus Schlitzrohren. Aus jedem Loch fallen jede Minute 60 Tropfen Wasser; Insgesamt zirkulieren 3 Tonnen Wasser im Raum. Die LED-Leuchten vibrieren zwischen Ein und Aus mit Frequenzen im kürzesten Intervall von 7 μs, sodass der Betrachter einen Lichtpunkt im Wasser bis zu 6000 μs materialisieren kann, an dem Licht zur Wasserlinie wird.


Frühling / Sommer 21
Die Frühjahrskollektion 2021 spiegelt diese Mentalität wider und unterstreicht die kommerzielleren Angebote der Marke, die normalerweise unter seinem übertriebenen Runway-Design verborgen sind. Carryover-Styles wie Steppjacken, gepolsterte Westen, Parkas, Hemden und Hoodies mit Ausschnittloch- und Spitzenbesatzdetails sind in den Farben Kieferngrün, Beige, Rosinenpurpur und Mitternachtsblau erhältlich und stehen im Lookbook im Mittelpunkt. Sogar die rahmenartigen Konstruktionen von Green rund um den Körper wurden abgeschwächt. Anstatt experimentelle und farbenfrohe Materialien zu verwenden, hat Green dekonstruierte Teile eines Hemdes oder einer Jacke an Metallrahmen gehängt. Der Effekt besteht darin, dass zwei Personen in einer Skulptur interagieren.


Wang & Söderström ist ein in Kopenhagen ansässiges transdisziplinäres Duo, das sich aus der schwedischen Designerin Anny Wang und dem Architekten Tim Söderström zusammensetzt. Die Überbrückung des physischen und des digitalen Bereichs ist ein Hauptthema in ihrer Praxis und sie versuchen ständig, die Grenzen zwischen ihnen herauszufordern. Wang & Söderström, der zwischen Kunst und Design schwankt, möchte bereits bestehende Konventionen in Bezug auf das Digitale verwerfen und die emotionale und taktile Seite von Materialien, Objekten und Texturen hervorheben, um dem Digitalen eine menschlichere Qualität zu verleihen und aussagekräftigere Verbindungen herzustellen “Durch 3D-Scannen von Elementen aus der Natur wie Baumstämmen, Blättern und Pflanzen und das Mischen mit surrealistischen Materialien und Verhaltensweisen wollten wir sie in einer digitalen Umgebung weiter wachsen lassen.“

Fabrice le Nezet

With an urge to constantly explore the intersection between architecture, fashion, and product design, london-based artist Fabrice le Nezet has created ‘Elasticity.’ the work materializes the idea of tension by making the notion of weight and stretch palpable through the use of four massive and abstract metal structures. These components run perpendicularly across the long edges of rectangular voids in the ceiling. by presenting this normal condition, several of the wires bend to support large prisms of concrete that provide a feeling of force and motion. as they drop down to occupy spaces below, movement is emphasized by their strategic orientation below clerestory windows shining light onto the forms. As observers move around the constructs, a contrast is created between the real properties of the materials and the way they are perceived.

Nick Verstand

AETHER is an audiovisual live performance using spatial sound and light, designed location specific for each iteration. Walls of materialized laser light surround the artists while constantly reshaping the environment, organically modulating synchronous to the surrounding sound.


Vortexture puts forward an architecture that is agile, activity-based and challenges our ideas of organization and static typologies. Materializing permeant physical form – it is a space that is constant fluctuation. There is no final typicality; it’s an architecture in a process that regenerates and adapts with the change in space and time. Vortexture is a proposal for a new work environment simulated and tested via agent models and developed as a new kind of the urban district as a creative industry hub. Vortetute is time-sensitive. Vortexture is season sensitive. On weekdays, the office orients itself to create a user interface that is productivity-based, while during the weekend, the floor plan reshuffles itself to enhance creativity-based plan allowing more communal areas and meeting zones.


They’re called Thixotropes. Compositions comprised of eight illuminated mechanized structures create choreographies of lighting effects that alternate form warm to cold light. Designed by London based design firm Troika, these suspended systems merge technology with art and explore the realm in which rational observations intersect with the metaphysical and surreal. Each of the structures is shaped as a composition of intersecting angular and geometric forms, made of thin tensed banding lined with rows of LED’s. The constructions continuously revolve around their own axis thereby materializing the path of the light and dissolving the spinning structures into compositions of aerial cones, spheres and ribbons of warm and cold light while giving life and shape to an immaterial construct.

Timo Arnall

Internet Machine
Internet machine is a multi-screen film about the invisible infrastructures of the internet. The film reveals the hidden materiality of our data by exploring some of the machines through which ‘the cloud’ is transmitted and transformed. The film explores these hidden architectures with a wide, slowly moving camera. The subtle changes in perspective encourage contemplative reflection on the spaces where internet data and connectivity are being managed. In this film I wanted to look beyond the childish myth of ‘the cloud’, to investigate what the infrastructures of the internet actually look like. It felt important to be able to see and hear the energy that goes into powering these machines, and the associated systems for securing, cooling and maintaining them.” Timo Arnall

Joanie Lemercier

Brume is a series of works and installations by Joanie Lemercier, using a custom made device made of atomized water. Joanie frees his work from the screen and usual physical devices. He is using space and immateriality as a canvas, creating a mid air floating projection feeling. Thanks to this volumetric tool, he is modifying our frontal relationship with screen and allowing new interaction between the viewer and the projected image. Joanie Lemercier is still exploring the possibilities of this new medium with a series of experiences and chapters, questioning our view of reality. In his work, Joanie is researching timeless subjects like light, matter, geometry. With Brume, he is also interested in the link between water and light.


Smoke Dress
Fellow designer, Valerie Lamontagne, writes: “SMOKE DRESS is a collaboration between fashiontech designer Anouk Wipprecht [NL] and technologist Aduen Darriba [NL]. The dress is a wireless and wearable tangible couture “smoke screen” imbued with the ability to suddenly visually obliterate itself through the excretion of a cloud of smoke. Ambient clouds of smoke are created when the dress detects a visitor approaching, thus camouflaging itself within it’s own materiality. The SMOKE DRESS, with its loose net of metallic threads and electrical wire, works at the scale of the magical illusionists trick, permitting a hypothetical magician’s assistant to perform her own disappearing act.

John Wong

如是 (RuShi) means “as is”. Nothing more or less, but the true colors. It’s a piece of contemplative immersive installation art, where in using the ancient Chinese metaphysic algorithm, “八字” (BaZi). Yet take out all the extra cultural signs & materialistic interpretations, remain only the “Basic”, i.e. the 5 elements (gold/ wood/ water/ fire/ earth). Participants type in their date & time of birth, the fortune-telling algorithm turns out showing only the unique ones’ flow of colors. We can see no prediction of life from this machine, but only time & changes.

Ann Veronica Janssens

States of Mind
Brussels-based artist Ann Veronica Janssens’ practice is concerned primarily with light, colour, and perception. Janssens makes very few art objects. Instead, her work attempts to escape the ‘tyranny of objects’ and what she describes as their ‘overbearing materiality’. Since the late 1990s, Janssens has filled spaces with washes of coloured light or ‘haze sculptures’: dense, illuminated clouds of vapour that render surroundings unfamiliar and sensory perception altered.

edoardo tresoldi

Edoardo Tresoldi gioca con la trasparenza della rete metallica e con i materiali industriali per trascendere la dimensione spazio-temporale e narrare un dialogo tra Arte e Mondo, una sintesi visiva che si rivela nella dissolvenza dei limiti fisici.
La fusione del linguaggio classico e di quello modernista ne genera un terzo, marcatamente contemporaneo.

Jonathan Sitthiphonh

Les machines de Jonathan Sitthiphonh pourraient rappeler l’univers S.F. – les robots exosquelettes dans les films de James Cameron, notamment. Par leur archaïsme, elles pourraient aussi rappeler l’ingénierie léonardienne. Coincées entre le mythe d’Icare et le post-humain, elles matérialisent un rêve de dépassement des limites humaines. Mais sans l’exaucer… L’entreprise de l’artiste est ambitieuse, motivée.


HALO is a large scale immersive artwork which embodies Semiconductor’s ongoing fascination with how we experience the materiality of nature through the lens of science and technology. Taking the form of a large cylinder, the structure houses a 360-degree projection of scientific data while an array of 384 vertical wires are played by the same data, to produce the sound. The work draws the viewer into its centre in order to inhabit the results of particle-collisions, produced by experiments taking place at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Toyo Ito

Taichung Metropolitan Opera House
Las formas libres que caracterizan las estructuras del edificio se materializarán meidante hormigón proyectado, ya que su puesta en obra es mucho más barata que la que supone el hormigón convencional, montando encofrados hasta conseguir las caprichosas curvas del proyecto. En este caso el encofrado lo forman unas mallas de metal expandido que, por sus características intrínsecas, se adaptan a cualquier forma y retienen el hormigón una vez vertido.


Né en 1963 à Lyon, vit et travaille à Paris.
Les sujets des photos, des sculptures et des installations de Xavier Veilhan sont des évocations directes d’objets ou des signes de la vie quotidienne rassemblées en un monde encyclopédique d’images où pourtant rien n’est traité ni dans sa matérialité ni dans ses couleurs habituelles.

Iris van Herpen

The term transmotion not only depicts the process of change from one state, form, style or place to another, it is also the visionary perceptions of the seasons and the visual scenes of motion in art and literature. In parallel to Iris van Herpen’s drive to visualise the invisible, her quest to question reality and urge to explore the realms of impossibility, the project aims to narrate the process that ushers change, to materialise an unconscious state of meditation.


Materiality and process are central to Rebecca Ward’s practice and evoke “architectural garments” ripped, unwoven, and re-stitched from fleshtoned canvas duck, leather hide, and silk organza. In her canvas works, the artist removes the weft (horizontal) threads of the fabric to reveal the underlying stretcher bars, highlighting the physical structure of the painting itself. Ward’s artworks reveal and obscure, and by their nature, entice viewers to closely investigate contrasts in line and material, modulations in color, and multi-dimensional layers.


wearable sculptures
Wearable Structures materialize our daily struggle between control and chaos. The balance is precarious and can tip one way or another in an instant. Building materials traditionally used to construct living environments or other architectural securities are used in a frenetic fashion.