

Formalidade Cerimonial
O trabalho de Frederik Heyman é um ato de equilíbrio que incorpora várias mídias – incluindo vídeo, instalações e fotografia – muitas vezes em um ambiente digitalmente alterado. Em seu trabalho, Heyman explora a memória e a duração, usando fotogrametria e digitalização 3D para retratar e representar a passagem do tempo. As marcas registradas do trabalho de Heyman são mecânicas e tecnológicas: fios, rodas, letreiros LED de rolagem, armações de metal, pinças, lâmpadas industriais, telas e câmeras. Corpos – ao contrário dos humanos – estão sujeitos a uma dinâmica incomum com essas armadilhas tecnológicas. Em Cerimonial Formality (2020), uma contorcionista está presa em uma gaiola de metal enquanto um espectador, preso a fios, observa.


Zeremonielle Formalität Frederik Heymans Arbeit ist ein Balanceakt, der mehrere Medien einbezieht – darunter Video, Installationen und Fotografie – oft in einer digital veränderten Umgebung. In seiner Arbeit erforscht Heyman Gedächtnis und Dauer, indem er Photogrammetrie und 3D-Digitalisierung verwendet, um den Lauf der Zeit darzustellen und darzustellen. Die Markenzeichen von Heymans Arbeit sind mechanisch und technologisch: Drähte, Räder, scrollende LED-Schilder, Metallrahmen, Pinzetten, Industrielampen, Bildschirme und Kameras. Körper unterliegen bei diesen technologischen Fallstricken – anders als der Mensch – einer ungewöhnlichen Dynamik. In Ceremonial Formality (2020) ist ein Schlangenmensch in einem Metallkäfig gefangen, während ein kabelgebundener Zuschauer zuschaut.

Hiroshi Ishiguro

Революция машин уже пришла в религию – по крайней мере, в Японии. Буддийский храм в городе Киото решил изменить свои практики, чтобы стать ближе к людям, и установил там робота. Твоя роль? Объявляйте проповеди верующим. Робот Миндар ростом почти шесть футов имеет женский голос и был создан в честь буддийского божества милосердия Каннон. Руки, лицо и плечи корпуса робота покрыты силиконом (имитирующим человеческую кожу). Это все. Все остальное состоит из открытых металлических шестерен.




A revolução da máquina já entrou na religião – pelo menos no Japão. Um templo budista na cidade de Kyoto decidiu mudar suas práticas para se aproximar das pessoas e instalou ali um robô. Qual é o seu papel? Anuncie sermões aos crentes. Com quase um metro e oitenta de altura, o robô Mindar tem uma voz feminina e foi criado em homenagem à divindade budista da misericórdia Kannon. Os braços, rosto e ombros do corpo do robô são cobertos com silicone (imitando a pele humana). É tudo. Todo o resto consiste em engrenagens de metal expostas.




The machine revolution has already entered religion – at least in Japan. A Buddhist temple in the city of Kyoto decided to change its practices in order to become closer to people, and installed a robot there. What is your role? Announce sermons to believers. Almost six feet tall, the robot Mindar has a female voice and was created in honor of the Buddhist deity of mercy Kannon. The arms, face and shoulders of the robot body are covered with silicone (imitating human skin). It’s all. Everything else consists of exposed metal gears.

universal everything

super consumers floral

Superconsumers is a response to the luxury consumer products on sale within the department store. Universal Everything created a series of extreme digital-pop-art amplifications of these products, bringing them to life as a diverse, animated parade of characters – from metallic puffer jackets to elaborate jewellery, gastronomical creations to bold floral arrangements.

Martin Backes

Music Automats
“Music Automats é uma instalação de som robótica autônoma. A peça é composta por diversos instrumentos robóticos, construídos a partir de instrumentos acústicos, objetos do cotidiano, motores, componentes eletrônicos, peças de madeira e metal. LEDs nos instrumentos visualizam o som. O resultado é um mundo de som futurista totalmente automatizado que também é visualmente único devido aos instrumentos e robôs construídos por nós mesmos. A obra explora a coevolução do homem e da máquina, um futuro em que já nos encontramos.” Martin Backes


توماس ساراسينو
Space elevator / Spark

Black polyester rope, plastic cable ties, metal frame.

Having studied as an architect, Tomas Saraceno incorporates physics, engineering, and aeronautics into his interactive and evolving artistic structures. Using arachnology, or the study of spiders, to create structures that suggest alternative ways of living, he employs tridimensional webs to better understand how unique building blocks create distinct forms. Saraceno places spiders in cubic frames and leaves them to spin webs, rotating the cubes at various intervals to introduce elements of freedom


Measured Gold

Der niederländische Künstler Mike Pelletier ist ein interaktiver Experte und digitaler Künstler. Er experimentiert mit neuen Möglichkeiten zur Verwendung von Microsoft Kinect und verwendet das Tool als 3D-Scanner. Dabei nutzt er die Ressourcen der Kamera, um unglaubliche mehrdimensionale Porträts zu erstellen. Durch Bewegen der Kinect-Kamera um das Objekt aktualisiert die Software die Daten ständig, um ein 3D-Modell zu erstellen. Nach einigen Minuten der Verfolgung kann ein sehr detailliertes Modell einer Person erhalten werden. „Mein Ziel war es, eine Skulptur zu schaffen, die ohne digitale Technologien nicht existieren könnte“, sagt der Künstler. Die Bilder werden auf Metallpapier gedruckt und hinter Plexiglas-Acryl montiert.


אחים גאו
Lenin Sculpture
Miss Mao (Trying To Poise Herself At The Top of Lenin’s Head)

Œuvre des frères Gao de Chine, la sculpture de Lénine est une autre pièce dans leur progression de l’art provocateur. Les artistes ont inclus plusieurs éléments qui montrent cette figure controversée sous un nouveau jour pour le monde de l’art. Avec une finition chromée vive, la sculpture en métal est construite à partir de sections horizontales qui ont été délibérément décalées pour constituer cette ressemblance très inspirante du dictateur russe impitoyable Vladimir Lénine. En tant que personne bien connue, la décision des artistes de donner à son visage une finition chromée détourne l’attention de Lénine et du contexte de la sculpture en permettant aux réflexions de mettre en évidence l’environnement immédiat au lieu de Lénine d’une manière convenablement dégradante. Les sections décalées représentent son héritage brisé et destructeur qui a provoqué tant de troubles en Russie. Au sommet se trouve une inclusion très ludique de bébé tenant un bâton d’équilibre au-dessus de la tête saillante de Lénine, comme s’il marchait sur une corde raide de ses idéaux marxistes désastreux et risqués.


Super Konsumenten Blumen
Superconsumers ist eine Antwort auf die Luxus-Konsumgüter, die im Kaufhaus angeboten werden. Universal Everything schuf eine Reihe extremer Digital-Pop-Art-Verstärkungen dieser Produkte, die sie als vielfältige, animierte Parade von Charakteren zum Leben erweckten – von metallischen Pufferjacken über aufwändigen Schmuck, gastronomische Kreationen bis hin zu kühnen Blumenarrangements.


Frühling / Sommer 21
Die Frühjahrskollektion 2021 spiegelt diese Mentalität wider und unterstreicht die kommerzielleren Angebote der Marke, die normalerweise unter seinem übertriebenen Runway-Design verborgen sind. Carryover-Styles wie Steppjacken, gepolsterte Westen, Parkas, Hemden und Hoodies mit Ausschnittloch- und Spitzenbesatzdetails sind in den Farben Kieferngrün, Beige, Rosinenpurpur und Mitternachtsblau erhältlich und stehen im Lookbook im Mittelpunkt. Sogar die rahmenartigen Konstruktionen von Green rund um den Körper wurden abgeschwächt. Anstatt experimentelle und farbenfrohe Materialien zu verwenden, hat Green dekonstruierte Teile eines Hemdes oder einer Jacke an Metallrahmen gehängt. Der Effekt besteht darin, dass zwei Personen in einer Skulptur interagieren.


بافيل بلاتونوف
Павел Платонов

Platonov Pavel é um fotógrafo e designer russo conhecido por suas esculturas. Seus trabalhos são principalmente compostos por objetos tridimensionais utilizando materiais como madeira, metal e espelhos. Também possui séries fotográficas de modelos sendo adornados com mascaras tridimensionais feitas de papel.

Ong Kian-Peng

Particle Waves
“Particle Waves” is a kinetic sound sculpture comprising of a 4×3 grid of 12 individual kinetic bowls. Within each bowl contains tiny metal beads of various sizes, creating noises as the bowl rotates in various angles. The noise from a single bowl forms collectively to become a soundscape, reminding us of waves and oceans. The bowls are arranged in a 4×3 grid and controlled as a whole by a microcontroller running a wave algorithm. This creates a continuous wave-like kinetic motion over the grid, at the same time creating a spatialized soundscape. This installation is a continuous attempt of exploring the correlation between sound and nature.

Geumhyung Jeong

Homemade RC Toy
Her new installation centers on five human-scale, remote-control sculptures that she cobbled together from metal brackets, batteries, wires, dental study props, and disassembled mannequins. Surrounding them are stepped plinths whose bright colors echo the robot sculptures’ wiring. The plinths display fetishistic agglomerations of spare parts: wheels, cables, gutted medical practice torsos, home repair parts. In their default state, the sculptures are frozen, comatose, even if all that wiring and machinery certainly suggests movement. The installation is the setting for a series of live interactions between the artist and her uncanny others.

edoardo tresoldi

Edoardo Tresoldi gioca con la trasparenza della rete metallica e con i materiali industriali per trascendere la dimensione spazio-temporale e narrare un dialogo tra Arte e Mondo, una sintesi visiva che si rivela nella dissolvenza dei limiti fisici.
La fusione del linguaggio classico e di quello modernista ne genera un terzo, marcatamente contemporaneo.

Toyo Ito

Taichung Metropolitan Opera House
Las formas libres que caracterizan las estructuras del edificio se materializarán meidante hormigón proyectado, ya que su puesta en obra es mucho más barata que la que supone el hormigón convencional, montando encofrados hasta conseguir las caprichosas curvas del proyecto. En este caso el encofrado lo forman unas mallas de metal expandido que, por sus características intrínsecas, se adaptan a cualquier forma y retienen el hormigón una vez vertido.


Bombay Sapphire Distillery
The existing buildings at the complex were built during the Victorian era to house a mill that produced paper for English bank notes. The buildings were later abandoned and left derelict until the complex was bought by Bombay Sapphire, the gin brand owned by alcoholic drinks giant Bacardi, who commissioned Heatherwick to overhaul the site, creating a new distillery and visitors’ centre […] Two curving glass greenhouses form the major new additions to the site. Hot air is channeled into the greenhouses through large pipes clad in strips of metal, picking up heat produced during the distillation process and carrying it out through openings in the red-brick walls of one of the existing buildings.


Tête de mort
Tête de mort pourrait être une scène de concert, qui attend son performeur, la scénographie d’un spectacle, d’une comédie musicale, le scénario symbolique d’un rêve. Les grosses bulles métalliques, connotant l’éphémère (de la vie, de la fête) et l’étrangeté (du rêve ou de la fiction), attirent l’œil comme un appât, un miroir aux alouettes.
Le pavement géométrique du plafond contient lanamorphose à l’envers, dont le motif « tête de mort » ne se révèle au regardeur que dans le reflet des boules miroir, selon un certain point de vue.

Hedi Xandt

The “Pilot” is a mask made from glass, porcelain, metal and leather. This experimental piece exists in a male and female version. It has been created exclusively for the TUSH issue 4/2012..

Adriana Vignoli

Paisagem Feita com Grãos de Pedra
Adriana Vignoli cria objetos que transitam entre o desenho, a escultura e a instalação. A artista utiliza predominantemente materiais como o vidro, a terra, a pedra e o metal. Ela vem elaborando uma poética de coisas simples, “autônomas e utópicas”, que conectam o arcaico ao presente, ou mesmo, confabulam um futuro. Suas obras se envolvem por temáticas do tempo, da paisagem, da arquitetura e também do construtivismo. São influências advindas de Brasília, cidade em que nasceu e vive atualmente.


In the year 1774 Louis XV died, marking the sunset of one of history’s most lavish monarchies. In the same year a young Swede named Johann Gahn, working in the deepest and wettest levels of a mine, discovered the metal Manganese. At a molecular level, when combined with oxides, manganese displays a striking “super-crystal” modularity. In this solid aluminum chair, two historic events—the super-excess of Louis XV and the super-crystal of Manganese—are fused into a single moment of design


ألدو روسي
알도 로시]
אלדו רוסי
Альдо Росси
Teatro del Mondo

Il teatro del mondo è stato progettato dall’architetto italiano Aldo Rossi, inaugurato l’11 novembre 1979, nell’ambito della Biennale di Architettura e Teatro di Venezia. Tutto questo sarebbe volgare, se questo fosse davvero un teatro comune, dove vedrai un bello spettacolo delle arti di Thalma. Ma non lo è, e così ho deciso di portarlo a estir@dor. Il “teatro del mondo” si ispirava a una tradizione settecentesca, e intanto scomparve, dal teatro galleggiante che all’epoca ancorò nella città di Venezia di carnevale. L’edificio è stato realizzato in una struttura metallica e rivestito in legno, sia all’interno che all’esterno e sostenuto da una piattaforma galleggiante: una zattera. Formato da un ciottolo centrale con base quadrata di 9,5 m di larghezza e 11 m di altezza e tetto ottagonale in zinco, contiene un palco situato in una zona centrale. Il teatro ha accolto 400 spettatori, di cui 250 seduti, la sua semplicità formale ei colori utilizzati nelle finiture hanno dato un’immagine onirica a questa apparecchiatura che aveva come sfondo Venezia ei suoi canali. Gli utenti che entravano in quel teatro per assistere alla performance artistica degli attori, sono diventati subito se stessi, personaggi di un evento che interagiva con Venezia, osservatori e osservati, da Punta della Dogana, vedendo la Plaza de S. Marcos delle vostre finestre. Una vera Arca di Noè dell’intera Biennale.

Jeff Koons

ג’ף קונס
제프 쿤스
metallic venus

杰夫·昆斯,1955年生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,21岁时毕业于马里兰艺术学院。移居纽约后迫于生计,在纽约当代艺术馆做推销员工作,被经纪人Mary Boone发掘,后转到Annina Nosei画廊旗下做展览。期间曾在华尔街股市做证券经纪人,一直等到1985年,昆斯才真正崛起。昆斯有30多位技术员实现他设计的艺术雕塑。

Bernar Venet

88.5° Arc x 8
Bernar Venet is a French Conceptual artist known for his curved, mathematically precise metal sculptures, and for his material exploration of coal, asphalt, and tar. “My work is self-generated. Nothing around me serves as a particular inspiration,” Venet said of his art. “I work, and I make discoveries while remaining open-minded to anything that might present a new possibility in the context of my work; this framework looks to enlarge its scope as a result of new formal and conceptual discoveries.” Born on April 20, 1941 in Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban, the painter and sculptor studied at La Villa Thiole in Nice in 1958 for a year before pursuing a career as an artist. Friends with Arman, Jean Tinguely, Donald Judd, and Sol LeWitt, Venet worked within Minimalist and Conceptualist modes during the 1960s and 1970s.


Roland Emmerich
In 1994, Egyptologist and linguist Daniel Jackson, Ph.D., is invited by Catherine Langford to translate Egyptian hieroglyphs on cover stones, also known as casing stones, that her father had unearthed in Giza, Egypt, in 1928. Jackson is taken to a U.S. Air Force installation and told by its commander, Special Operations Colonel Jack O’Neil, that the project is classified information. Jackson determines that the hieroglyphs refer to a “stargate” which uses constellations as spatial coordinates. On this revelation, Jackson is shown that the base has this Stargate, also discovered by Langford’s father. They use Jackson’s coordinates to align the Stargate’s metal ring with markings along its outside, and once all seven are locked in, a wormhole opens, connecting the Stargate with a distant planet. Jackson joins O’Neil and his team, consisting of Reilly, Porro, Freeman, Brown, Ferretti, and Kawalsky, as they pass through the wormhole.


تويو ايتو
טויו איטו
도요 이토
Tower of Winds
During the day the perforated metal panels that cover the Tower of Winds reflect the city image and make the design appear humble and simple. But during the night, it gets lit up in an ever-changing combination of light intensity and colors. Using computer software, the lighting follows the wind speed and noise levels changing the Tower’s appearance accordingly. The Tower of Winds features more than 1300 light bulbs and 42 flood lights and neon rings (on each floor). The small lights change their colors according to the wind’s noise level and the rings change their intensity according to its speed.
Basically, the Tower of the Winds by Toyo Ito is a wind indicator in a constant relationship with the city and the natural environment, a junction between the two. It is placed at the train station area, welcoming the passengers arriving in Yokohama and its functional role is accommodating another natural element. Surprisingly the Tower of Winds houses the water tanks for the air-conditioning system of the underground mall below. The Tower is not a new construction, but a re-designing of an old concrete tower that already existed there since the ‘60s.

Jeff Carter

Construction N
Often occupying both physical and temporal space, my sculpture has always incorporated both conventional and experimental media, including woodcarving, metalworking, installation, kinetics, microelectronics and video. While it tends to be visually diverse, the friction between object and memory has been at the conceptual core of my sculptural practice since 1994. The images, objects and narratives of a particular place or experience undergo distortions each time they are represented, and it is these forms of abstraction I explore in my sculpture.
Earlier bodies of work have utilized the physical residue of my traveling – the souvenirs, postcards, snapshots and videotapes – as central elements of the sculpture, forcing them to reveal their own inadequacy, disengagement or transformation, to subvert the nostalgic ideal, or to disrupt the usual implications of value and validation in a cultural artifact. In later works I utilize the physicality of scale, motion, and orientation to extend and challenge the conventional representation of landscape. These pieces define specific places as indefinite spatial constructs that complicate the certainty of “being there,” and are part of a larger attempt to relate a fragmented travel narrative through architecture, landscapes and souvenirs.
I have been using IKEA products as raw material for several years, and continue to be interested in extracting conceptual value from it. I am currently exploring the relationship between the Modern avant-garde and contemporary consumer design culture. In my recent work, I attempt to articulate various points of connection and rupture between IKEA and the Bauhaus by constructing scale models of demolished or unrealized buildings by Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius using “hacked” IKEA products such as tables, bookshelves and flooring.


Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport

The new terminal of Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport, the first airport by Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, encompasses 63 contact gates, with a further 15 remote gates and significant retail space.
It increase the capacity of the airport by 58%, allowing the airport to handle up to 45 million passengers per year.The sculptural 500,000 sqm terminal evokes the image of a manta ray and features an internal and external double skin honeycomb motif that wraps the structure.1.5 km long, with roof spans of up to 80 m, honeycomb shaped metal and glass panels punctuate the façade of the terminal allowing natural light to filter through. Inside, the terminal is characterized by distinctive white conical supporting columns that rise to touch the roof at a cathedral-like scale.The focal point of the design is the concourse located at the intersection of the building.
Consisting of three levels – departure, arrivals and services – vertically connected to create full height voids and allowing natural light to filter from the highest level down to the lowest.



Alle Dinge haben eine natürliche Resonanzfrequenz. Interessanterweise deutet dies auf eine grundlegende Verbindung zwischen fast allem hin, aber lassen Sie uns auf der Ebene des Physischen bleiben. Wasser in einem Weinglas vibriert stark, wenn ein Finger über den Rand gezogen wird. Unser Körper hat Resonanzfrequenzen; Ebenso der Hefter auf meinem Schreibtisch, die Wolkenkratzer in der Innenstadt, die Brücke, die ich beim Verlassen von Montreal überquere, und die tektonischen Platten, die alles tragen. Inspiriert von dieser Resonanz ist Instrumentation eine ortsvariable, kinetische Klanginstallation. Beim Betreten des Hauptinstallationsraums hört man eine schimmernde Polyphonie aus Harmonischen, plötzlichen Crescendos und arrhythmischen Beats. Im Widerspruch zur Eleganz dieser Klänge stehen die unwahrscheinlichen Resonatoren, von denen sie ausgehen und die aus Altholz, Klammern, Eimern, Trommeln, geborgenen Fenstern und handgewickelten elektromagnetischen Spulen zusammengeschustert sind. Weitere Erkundungen zeigen einen sekundären Raum, der die Quelle der Aufführung enthält: eine Reihe kleiner mechanischer Geräte und scheinbar zufällige Schaltkreise. Ein großer Holztisch dient diesen nichtmenschlichen Darstellern als Bühne: Ein Hebel zieht eine Schnur, die an einem Elektrodenkolben in einem Gefäß mit elektrifiziertem Salzwasser befestigt ist; Das Zifferblatt eines Lichtdimmers dreht sich langsam unter der Kontrolle eines kleinen Motors. Vibrierende elektromagnetische Felder erzeugen Klavierdrähte und erzeugen Schlagimpulse in Trommeln und Metalldosen. Joghurtdeckel, die an Stöcken befestigt sind, schwanken über Lichtsensoren hin und her. Diese Elemente bilden zusammen spontan den hypnotischen Refrain von Instrumentation. Um schwingende Magnetfelder zu erzeugen, verwende ich einfache Oszillatorschaltungen, Seltenerdmagnete und billige oder handgewickelte elektromagnetische Spulen. Diese Felder aktivieren eine Reihe von Materialien wie Glasschrott, Metallgegenstände und gespannten Draht. Mit lichtempfindlichen Fotozellen in den Schaltkreisen können die Frequenzen durch Umgebungslichtpegel variiert werden, die von den mechanischen Leistungsträgern reguliert werden – motorisierte Lichtdimmervorrichtungen und automatische Lichtblockierklappen. Zusammen mit Büroklammern, Blue-Tack und Heißschmelzkleber bewahrt das behelfsmäßige Erscheinungsbild der Anordnung einen Sinn für die Experimente, aus denen sie hervorgegangen ist. Die Gesamtästhetik ist insofern offen, als die zugrunde liegende Technologie so transparent wie möglich belassen wurde. Obwohl sie auf ungewohnte Weise verwendet werden können, stammen Hinweise von vertrauten Gegenständen; wie Nähmaschinenspulen-Elektromagnete oder Mülleimer-Resonatoren. In Verbindung mit dem überzeugenden Klang bieten häusliche Teile eine unmittelbare körperliche Auseinandersetzung mit ansonsten immateriellen Phänomenen. Ein primäres Ziel, das ich als Künstler habe, ist es, Systeme zu bauen, die ich nicht vollständig verstehe, mit Verhaltensweisen, die ich nicht vollständig vorhersagen kann. In Instrumentation überlappen sich die Zyklen, synchronisieren sich und treten aus der Phase aus, wodurch gemeinsam eine endlos schwankende Tonspur erzeugt wird. Sie wurden in den USA, Europa und Asien in Auftrag gegeben – alle sind ortsspezifisch und vom umgebenden Raum und der Landschaft inspiriert.