
QUBIT AI: Hassan Ragab

Audio Responsive Treehouse

FILE 2024 | Architectural Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Hassan Ragab – Audio Responsive Treehouse – United States

This work, created using generative artificial intelligence tools, is part of a broader exploration into discovering architectural forms through the intersection of different media. Potential shapes are generated based on the rhythms and timbres of the Shockone vs. Shockone song Run. The Bloody Beetroots. Factors such as camera movement and dynamics between the interior and exterior of the treehouse contribute to the creative process.


Hassan Ragab is an interdisciplinary media artist, architect and designer whose work focuses on the synergy between art, architecture, technology and humanity. He uses generative artificial intelligence to create a new visual language, and his work is exhibited globally. Additionally, Hassan writes about the integration of new media into art and design and has been recognized in numerous publications and news outlets.

Florentijn Hofman

Stadscocon – City Cocoon – is een installatie op een werkelijk epische schaal van de Arnhemse kunstenaar Florentijn Hofman. De tentoonstelling vindt plaats in de prachtige Sint Janskerk in het centrum van Schiedam terwijl het museum zelf groots werk ondergaat. Als je de kerk binnengaat en verwacht gebrandschilderde ramen, majestueuze, sierlijke pilaren en een gewelfd dak te zien, bevind je je niet in een rustige kerkelijke omgeving, maar in een kleine, maar nogal luidruchtige, groene kamer met nissen, bogen en een gigantische spiegel. Hier trek je groene stoffen overschoenen aan voordat je naar het hoofdevenement gaat.

Kyriaki Goni

Niet toegestaan ​​voor algoritmische doelgroepen
Een groot aantal online kijkers bestaat tegenwoordig voor het grootste deel uit algoritmen. De algoritmen zijn getraind op auditieve informatie, die door mensen wordt geproduceerd en geladen. In de video “Niet toegestaan ​​voor het algoritmische publiek” vertoont een intelligente persoonlijke assistent (IPA), gevestigd in Athene, Griekenland, vreemd gedrag. Hij leent een avatar en verschijnt voor zijn gebruikers. Voor een korte periode, zeven opeenvolgende dagen voordat het voor altijd uitgaat, gaat het in zeven monologen. Tijdens zijn duur is de digitale assistent erin geslaagd om de volledige inhoud van internet te scannen en allerlei soorten informatie te verzamelen, informatie die hij wil delen.

Memo Akten

Deep Meditations
Diepe Meditaties: Een korte geschiedenis van bijna alles in 60 minuten is een grootschalige video- en geluidsinstallatie; een meerkanaals, één uur durende abstracte film; een monument dat het leven, de natuur, het universum en onze subjectieve beleving ervan viert. Het werk nodigt ons uit op een spirituele reis door langzame, meditatieve, voortdurend evoluerende beelden en geluiden, verteld door de verbeelding van een diep kunstmatig neuraal netwerk.

Iris Van Herpen

Roots of rebirth
During such rarefied times, the designer explores a symbiosis of high technology and the artisanal craftsmanship of couture, through a collection that references the intricacy of fungi and the entanglement of life that breathes beneath our feet. Through ‘Roots of Rebirth’, Van Herpen notions towards the miraculous lacery of interconnectedness from the natural ‘wood wide web,’ weaving a dialogue between the terrestrial and the underworld. ‘Roots of Rebirth’ extends its own branch, an invitation to a sequence of 21 looks inspired by roots and spores. During the show, the models seem to magnetise a living lace of spores with each stride, the entanglement of each garment resembles roots of regeneration.

Mansai Nomura

MANSAI: Kaitai-Shinsho No.30 Special Edition “5W1H”
5W refers to the five interrogatives; “When, Where, Who, What and Why”, while 1H refers to the interrogative “How”. In this work, Manabe attempts to encode humans’ attitudes to these six enquiry words in an effort to explore the primitive roots of interpersonal expression, and illuminate the fundamental sources of human behavior. By converting such factors into numerical information, while drawing also on analog thinking, the piece is a search for further understanding human nature.
Planned by Mansai Nomura
Visual Design/Technical Direction:Daito Manabe+Motoi Ishibashi+Rhizomatiks Research
Music: Daito Manabe + Hopebox
Cast: Mansai Nomura, Yuichi Otsuki, Mansaku no kai

Adam Ferriss

Glitch art
Finding his own niche between new media arts and conceptualism, Adam Ferriss creates unique digital coding that manipulates, distorts, and engineers images into psychedelic terrains. At times, his technicolor abstractions feel organic despite their technological roots – an ambiguous craft born of the RGB Tricolor separation process and pixel sorting algorithms he so carefully employs. Using these “procedural mechanisms,” Ferriss initiates iterative changes in light and pixel structure of his given source material – creating a literally infinite array of compositional possibilities that grapple with human perception during an era of ubiquitous manufacture.

Ann Veronica Janssens

Bleu Red Yellow
Born in 1956 in Folkstone (England), lives and works in Brussels. Photography, video, sculptures, installations. Ann Veronica Janssens stepped into the public area with her installations, which find their roots in minimalist art. She constructs rooms and sculptures with simple building materials, above all making allowance for all aspects of the light, thus appearing as ephemeral. Clear, geometric forms are a dominant feature of her sculptural work.


Myeong Beom Kim is from Seoul, Korea. He produces otherworldly installations and sculpture works that juxtapose man-made elements with nature to create surreal dream spaces. Utilising suspension as a common motif, his works are constantly poised in a state of ambiguous wonderment. Within his installations, living things are held inside the fragile confines of light bulbs and helium balloons replace tree foliage, literally uplifting the tree and its roots.


Nanine Linning behoort tot de beste Nederlandse choreografen. Na de succesvolle voorstelling ‘Synthetic Twin’, het zinderende ‘Requiem’ en het apocalyptische ‘Voice Over’ pakt ze opnieuw groots uit. ‘ZERO’ is een opwindende cross-over, waarbij dans, spel, film, muziek en kostuums — van Iris van Herpen — zorgen dat u ogen en oren te kort komt.


Grounds for standing and understanding
Babak Golkar is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice, at its fundamental roots, takes aim to deconstruct, recontextualize and rearrange our perceptions of the world around us. Marked by an intellectual iconoclasm and an unbridled philosophical spirit of inquiry, many of Golkarʼs works mischievously reveal that the fixity of meaning is merely an illusion, which he systematically disassembles and exposes. Like Zen koans, Golkarʼs work seems to arrive at new understandings by setting up impossible questions; ultimately focusing on the nature of truth; a truth unobstructed by the oppositions or differentiations of language, or perspective.

Kader Attou

The roots
The Roots c’est 12 danseurs et chorégraphes au parcours chargés d’expériences qui incarnent cette création sur scène avec une force, une générosité, un poésie, une technicité et une sincérité sans borne. Comme aime dire Kader des danseurs d’excellence au service de cette création, The Roots “les racines” le lien direct avec ces quelques 30 années de hip hop que nous avons parcouru, de h.i.p h.o.p présenté par Sidney et nos cartons de training dans la rue, jusqu’aux scènes les plus prestigieuse d’europe et du monde. .


“My roots in the Carolina mountains have heavily influenced what inspires my work now. Natural elements and personal histories tend to be the red thread that runs all throughout my portfolio. I strive to create work that is meaningful, from the simple portrait to a wedding collection.”


The basement stacks
Books breaking through the (faux) wall downstairs, referencing the “basement stacks” every library has. In this case it’s as if those stacks had been sealed up during some remodel, and are anthropomorphically breaking through, referencing the old library, history, roots, poltergeists…


داميان أورتيغا
דמיאן אורטגה
데미안 오르테가
Дамиан Ортега
Cosmic Thing
Mexican deassemblage artist Damian Ortega creates suspended sculpture, diagrams and manuals brought to life, exposing the inner workings and mystery of products and concepts. In the 2003 Venice Biennale, Ortega acheived international acclaim with his breakout hit, “Cosmic Thing,” which reassembled a Volkswagon Bug, the populist car manufactured in his home country. With roots in cartooning and satire, Ortega’s tongue in cheek works exemplify his former craft and present new perspectives to commonplace items. Get a look at several of the artist’s most famous installations here on Hi-Fructose.