

“This is the Berlin Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection’s full-color, 6.4 million-triangle 3D scan of the Bust of Nefertiti. I was able to obtain this data after a three-year freedom of information effort directed at the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, which oversees Berlin State Museums.” Cosmo Wenman

Bust of Nefertiti-3D Scans Neues Museum

Years ago, a scandalous “art heist” at the Neues Museum in Berlin—involving illegally made 3D scans of the bust of Nefertiti—turned out to be a different kind of crime. The two Egyptian artists who released the scans claimed they had made the images with a hidden “hacked Kinect Sensor,” reports Annalee Newitz at Ars Technica. But digital artist and designer Cosmo Wenman discovered these were scans made by the Neues Museum itself, which had been stolen by the artists or perhaps a museum employee.


Created from thousands of daily 3D time-lapse scans of British landscapes, the work observes change on a scale impossible to see with the lens of traditional cameras. This is not just an artwork. The data collected and presented by FRAMERATE is ground-breaking scientific research, containing empirical, measurable facts. We glimpse a future perpetually documented by the eyes of a billion autonomous vehicles and personal devices, creating high fidelity spatial records of the earth.


We begin with a tour of a virtual 3D model of the London house-cum-museum built by 19th-century architect Sir John Soane. The journey traverses the five floors of the museum’s meticulously restored rooms, each filled with original and duplicate fragments of antiquity. Sir John Soane (1753-1837) was one of the foremost British architects of the Regency era, a Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy, and a dedicated collector of paintings, sculpture, architectural fragments and models, books, drawings and furniture. Soane was awarded the Royal Academy’s prestigious Gold Medal for Architecture, as a result receiving a bursary (funded by King George III) to undertake a Grand Tour of Europe. His travels to the ruins of Ancient Rome, Paestum and Pompeii would inspire his lifelong interest in Classical art and architecture. As an enthusiastic collector, later in life he began to repurpose his home at Lincoln’s Inn Fields as a Museum for students of architecture. With a collection containing thousands of objects ranging from Ancient Egyptian antiquities and Roman sculpture to models of contemporary buildings, Soane’s house had become a Museum by the time of his death.

Frederik Heyman

Frederik Heyman’s work is a balancing act incorporating multiple media – including video, installations and photogaphy – often in a digitally altered environment. In his work, Heyman explores memory and duration, using photogrammetry and 3D scanning to depict and represent the passage of time. The hallmarks of Heyman’s work are mechanical and technological: wires, wheels, scrolling LED marquees, metal frames, clamps, industrial lights, screens and cameras. Bodies–as opposed to humans–are subject to unusual dynamics with these technological trappings. In Ceremonial Formality (2020) a contortionist is encased in a metal cage while a spectator, hooked up to wires, looks on.

Bruce Nauman

Nature Morte
Nature Morte focuses on Nauman’s long relationship to his own studio, a variation on his four unique multi-projection videos, Mapping the Studio (2001). Three viewing stations, each consisting of an iPad linked to a wall-sized projection, provide an interactive exploration of the 3D studio space. Only now the artist is absent, and the participant becomes performer as he/she manipulates the large scale video projections on an iPad using touch control. The participant is free to navigate anywhere throughout the space, selecting broad vistas or individual objects. Using a hand-held 3D scanner, Nauman recorded hundreds of images that allow participants to select an object and locate close-up anything found there, and further reorient the image to see an object from above and below, and at times inside-out. The resulting mobility intensifies the experience of the viewer/performer. Presenting a static, but immersive re-creation of his studio space, Nauman’s pieces once again play at the tenuous lines between the body and space, perception and physical material.

Urs Fischer

CHAOS #501
Introducing CHAOS, 501 original works in the form of unique digital sculptures. Each NFT in CHAOS consists of two unique objects (an array of familiar objects to people today) that have been 3D scanned. They are set on a colliding course in motion and orbit. The sculptures, operating as an archeology of the present, are intended to manifest in any format that is capable of displaying, playing or showing a 3D sculpture in motion. The culmination of the project is CHAOS #501, a single entity NFT uniting all one-thousand objects represented in #1-#500.

François Quévillon

Pyroclastic Trails
The work shows volcanic rocks rising from the ground that create trails of pixels. The layering of tezontle is generated by a software by modifying the size, speed, trajectory and selection of rocks from a database of photogrammetric 3D scans. Made in November 2019 in collaboration with UNAM’s Instituto de Geografía during a residency for Connecting the Dots, the work is related to research on the impact of mining activities in extinct volcanoes of Sierra de Santa Catarina located south of Mexico City. The video also shows Orbiting Bauxite and 3542 of the Meteors body of works.


Frederik Heyman and Wout Bosschaert

For MOMU3, Frederik Heyman creates, in collaboration with graphic artist Wout Bosschaert, 3 fashion films in which he infuses the rich collection of the ModeMuseum with digital life by using 3D scans and manipulations.


MOMU3 では、フレデリック ヘイマンがグラフィック アーティストの Wout Bosschaert と協力して、3D デジタル化と操作を使用して ModeMuseum の膨大なコレクションにデジタル ライフをもたらす 3 つのファッション映画を制作しました。


Leo Villareal

Point Cloud
Point Cloud (ASU) is a newly commissioned artwork by Leo Villareal designed specifically for the ASU Art Museum in the Nelson Fine Arts Center. During his visit to the ASU Art Museum, Villareal was inspired by the museum’s architecture, designed by Antoine Predock in 1987. Villareal used mobile 3D scan technology to map both the inside and outside of the building, creating over 200,000,000 data points. The artist then manipulated the data points with his own custom software to create this public artwork. This is the first time Villareal has used actual data sampled from a location as part of an artwork.

Isabella Münnich

Immersed Garden
Immersed Garden is in its true sense a sunken world. Floating bodiless in an underwater garden, natural sounds guide you through an immersive surrounding, somewhere between calming and irritating, natural and artificial. It is a playful exploration of the individual conception of safety and confusion and a personal approach to aesthetic references to habits of introspection and retreat in digital environments. It was created by fusing different digital processes like photogrammetry of selected natural places around Karlsruhe and field recordings in a local natural reserve. Underwater videos hybridize with 3D scans of trees and plants while invisible frogs are croaking and humming birds are buzzing by synthetic flowers. The artistic aim was to explore the personal perception of calming and irritating, playing with the concept of immaterialness and attentiveness. The artwork creates aesthetic references to philosophical and scientific theories of introspection and identity.

Ziv Schneider

Over the past 50 years, the number of people in the average household has fallen drastically. For the first time in Western world history, the one-person household has become a dominant mode of living. In Manhattan, more than half of all homes have one occupant. For Watertight, we documented 12 New Yorkers and their home interiors with a 3D scanner. We used the Skanect software’s “watertight” function and a 3D printer to create a series of miniature portraits—egg-shaped sculptures the size of a hand. The series of portraits offers a cross-section of a contemporary demographic phenomenon, a form of present-day archaeology.

Wang & Söderström

Wang & Söderström is a Copenhagen based transdisciplinary duo composed of Swedish designer Anny Wang and architect Tim Söderström. The bridging of the physical and digital realms is a major theme in their practice and they are constantly trying to challenge the boundaries between them. Fluctuating between art and design, Wang & Söderström wants to throw out pre-existing conventions regarding the digital and put emphasis on the emotional and tactile side of materials, objects and textures to give the digital a more human-relatable quality and create more meaningful connections. “By 3D scanning elements from nature, like tree trunks, leaves and plants and mixing it with surrealistic materials and behaviors, we wanted to let them continue to grow in a digital environment.”


كوهي ناوا

TRANS, the newest series of sculptures by the artist Kohei Nawa, was produced using techniques that involve the use of the computer and a 3D scanner. The artist scans people using a 3D scanner and then uses computer graphics to create works using the scanned data as a basis. Once with the scanned models, Kohei uses techniques such as texture mapping and smoothing to carve and apply reliefs to his digital models. When finalized, the 3d models are used to create molds for the final sculptures.

Matija Čop

Matija wanted to create garments that drew upon historical types without relying on traditional techniques of construction. He consciously abstained from knitting, sewing, or adhesion to develop an experimental system of fabrication: 3D scans of the body are manipulated using modelling software, transposed into 2D laser-cut patterns, and then rationalised through scripts into shapes that can be interlocked like puzzle pieces. The resultant object is a complex polyhedron without any seams. More significantly, the process that creates it is an entirely original variation of weaving with unlimited possibilities for novel design and new construction. Manually interlocking hundreds of unique laser-cut pieces with techno-couture craftsmanship, he makes ambitious and integrated thought tangible. Matija’s work aestheticises curiosity by striving constantly to authenticate the possibility of genuine innovation in contemporary fashion.

Julia Beliaeva

Human Flag
Julia Beliaeva ist eine ukrainische Künstlerin, die Technologien wie 3D-Scannen, 3D-Modellierung, 3D-Druck und virtuelle Realität einsetzt. Sie reflektiert das Umdenken von Tradition und traditionellen Medien in einer sich ständig verändernden virtualisierten Welt. Sie interessiert sich dafür, wie Technologie uns und unser Bewusstsein beeinflusst, und wie die neueste Technologie Sinn machen und traditionelle Medien aktualisieren kann. Insbesondere arbeitet Julia viel mit Porzellan, um über das Erbe und die verlorenen Traditionen durch eine Kombination aus neuen Technologien und der in der Ukraine beliebten Keramikindustrie nachzudenken, die heute verloren gegangen ist.

Nix Liu Xin

Three Supermarkets
Three Supermarkets is an infinite loop film with a shopping cart riding across multiple coexisting fictional supermarkets. As the first episode of the Phygital Supermarket Trilogy, this film explores the hybrid compositing of the emerging physical and digital media and techniques. The production process of this film uses industrial-grade six-axis Staubli robot arm as shooting equipment, green screen shooting, volumetric video capture, photogrammetry, Cinema 4D Mograph, Redshift shading & rendering, 2D/3D compositing, and other custom build techniques and workflows. Familiar but neglected objects, such as apples and snack bags, were scanned as either static models or animated model sequences from the physical world to the digital space.


Reliquiario Rigenerativo
Sfruttando l’intelligenza delle cellule staminali umane, ha creato “Regenerative Reliquary”, un’impalcatura biostampata a forma di mano umana stampata in 3D in un idrogel pegda biodegradabile che si disintegra nel tempo. La scultura è installata in un bioreattore, con l’intenzione che le cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (hMSC da un donatore adulto) seminate su quel disegno alla fine crescano in tessuto e si mineralizzino nell’osso lungo quell’impalcatura.

Maria Takeuchi & Frederico Phillips

The performance is centered in an eloquent choreography that stresses the desire to be expressive without bounds. Motion data was captured using inexpensive sensors and that data paved the way through an extensive number of steps. Once all the scanned point cloud data were combined, they were used as the base for the creative development on the piece. A series of iterative studies on styles followed and several techniques and dynamic simulations were then applied using a number 3D tools for various results.

Clement Valla

pointcloud.garden 2
Cada uno de los “jardines de nubes de puntos” consiste en un gran conjunto de puntos de datos medidos en un jardín en un proceso de escaneo 3D. Cada punto de datos consta de información espacial [XYZ] e información de color [RGB]. El conjunto de datos resultante se transforma discretamente en puntos de datos discretos cuyas superficies están llenas de huecos e información faltante. Esta traducción comprimida destaca la forma específica en que los humanos experimentan el jardín. Una colección de hojas, pétalos, tallos y tallos, una serie de puntos discretos que forman la textura general.

Leo Castaneda

Live Inventory
Live Inventory es una animación en 3D de Leo Castañeda, un galardonado artista radicado en Miami. Combinando técnicas de motor de juego con modelos de escaneo 3D de la colección de The Wolfsonian, Castañeda da vida a las obras de arte a medida que los elementos de la era de las máquinas de la exposición “Un universo de cosas: Micky Wolfson Collects” mutan en entidades virtuales surrealistas dentro de vitrinas asombrosas. En su video alucinante, Castañeda disuelve las fronteras entre objetos, personajes y espacio, investigando el impacto de la digitalización en la evolución de los diseños cotidianos y nuestras ideas preconcebidas sobre la experiencia humana.

Lilla LoCurto & Bill Outcault

The willful marionette
the willful marionette (2014) was created by artists Lilla LoCurto and Bill Outcault during a residency with the University of North Carolina Charlotte, working with the College of Computing and Informatics as well as the College of Art and Architecture. The marionette is 3d printed from the scanned image of a human figure and responds engagingly in real time to spontaneous human gestures by reading a viewer’s movements and expressions. Its strings are manipulated by motors and software and there are two depth sensors that read and analyze the behaviors and gestures of participants. The puppet’s subsequent actions are designed to elicit further responses, creating an exchange focusing on the frailty and insecurities of the human participant and raising issues of contemporary relevance. The intention of the project was not to create so much a perfectly functioning robot but rather to imbue an obviously mechanically actuated marionette with the ability to solicit a physical and emotional dialog with a viewer.


Measured Gold

Der niederländische Künstler Mike Pelletier ist ein interaktiver Experte und digitaler Künstler. Er experimentiert mit neuen Möglichkeiten zur Verwendung von Microsoft Kinect und verwendet das Tool als 3D-Scanner. Dabei nutzt er die Ressourcen der Kamera, um unglaubliche mehrdimensionale Porträts zu erstellen. Durch Bewegen der Kinect-Kamera um das Objekt aktualisiert die Software die Daten ständig, um ein 3D-Modell zu erstellen. Nach einigen Minuten der Verfolgung kann ein sehr detailliertes Modell einer Person erhalten werden. „Mein Ziel war es, eine Skulptur zu schaffen, die ohne digitale Technologien nicht existieren könnte“, sagt der Künstler. Die Bilder werden auf Metallpapier gedruckt und hinter Plexiglas-Acryl montiert.

Jan Nikolai Nelles and Nora Al-Badri

Imagens 3D do Busto de Nefertiti
Anos atrás, um escandaloso “roubo de arte” no Neues Museum em Berlim – envolvendo digitalizações 3D do busto de Nefertiti feitas ilegalmente – acabou sendo um tipo diferente de crime. Os dois artistas egípcios que divulgaram os scans alegaram que fizeram as imagens com um “sensor Kinect hackeado”, relata Annalee Newitz da Ars Technica. Mas o artista digital e designer Cosmo Wenman descobriu que esses eram scans feitos pelo próprio Neues Museum, que haviam sido roubados pelos artistas ou talvez por um funcionário do museu.


La marioneta voluntariosa
la marioneta voluntariosa (2014) fue creada por los artistas Lilla LoCurto y Bill Outcault durante una residencia en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Charlotte, trabajando con la Facultad de Computación e Informática y la Facultad de Arte y Arquitectura. La marioneta está impresa en 3D a partir de la imagen escaneada de una figura humana y responde de manera atractiva en tiempo real a los gestos humanos espontáneos al leer los movimientos y expresiones de un espectador. Sus cuerdas son manipuladas por motores y software y hay dos sensores de profundidad que leen y analizan los comportamientos y gestos de los participantes. Las acciones posteriores de la marioneta están diseñadas para provocar más respuestas, creando un intercambio que se centra en la fragilidad e inseguridades del participante humano y planteando cuestiones de relevancia contemporánea. La intención del proyecto no era crear tanto un robot que funcionara perfectamente, sino más bien imbuir una marioneta obviamente accionada mecánicamente con la capacidad de solicitar un diálogo físico y emocional con un espectador.


Wang & Söderström ist ein in Kopenhagen ansässiges transdisziplinäres Duo, das sich aus der schwedischen Designerin Anny Wang und dem Architekten Tim Söderström zusammensetzt. Die Überbrückung des physischen und des digitalen Bereichs ist ein Hauptthema in ihrer Praxis und sie versuchen ständig, die Grenzen zwischen ihnen herauszufordern. Wang & Söderström, der zwischen Kunst und Design schwankt, möchte bereits bestehende Konventionen in Bezug auf das Digitale verwerfen und die emotionale und taktile Seite von Materialien, Objekten und Texturen hervorheben, um dem Digitalen eine menschlichere Qualität zu verleihen und aussagekräftigere Verbindungen herzustellen “Durch 3D-Scannen von Elementen aus der Natur wie Baumstämmen, Blättern und Pflanzen und das Mischen mit surrealistischen Materialien und Verhaltensweisen wollten wir sie in einer digitalen Umgebung weiter wachsen lassen.“


People’ faces are scanned throught a sensor and acquired in a digital environment. The software application written by the designers generates customized masks for each person. The masks are produced as unique pieces through 3d printing and WINDFORM materials.

mike pelletier

Coordinated Movement

O artista holandês Mike Pelletier é um especialista interativo e artista digital. Experimentando novas maneiras de usar o Kinect, da Microsoft, ele usa a ferramenta como um scanner 3D, utilizando os recursos da câmera para criar incríveis portraits multi-dimensionais.

Rosalie Yu

Embrace in Progress
Embrace in Progress explores conflicted feelings of shared intimacy. It is inspired by personal and cultural experiences where human contact is not commonly practiced in social interaction. The daunting and unfamiliar proximity of being captured in someone’s arms distorts one’s sense of time. The project was inspired by slit-scan photography and uses depth sensors to capture a series of intimate embraces. These 3D printed pieces recreate the act of embracing and are represented in a static form by the flow of movement twisted because of time.


리처드 듀퐁

Manipulant des scans 3D de son propre corps sur l’ordinateur, M. Dupont marie ensuite des méthodes de fabrication numérique comme le prototypage rapide et le fraisage à commande numérique par ordinateur avec le moulage en plâtre traditionnel et d’autres travaux manuels laborieux pour créer des figures qui peuvent paraître à la fois archaïques et futuristes. L’un de ses nus debout, similaire dans sa posture aux statues Kouros de la Grèce antique, semble se fondre en ondulations lorsqu’il est vu sur un axe, suggérant l’expérience psychique de l’homme dans le monde moderne.


Matija voulait créer des vêtements qui s’inspiraient de types historiques sans s’appuyer sur des techniques de construction traditionnelles. Il s’est consciemment abstenu de tricoter, de coudre ou d’adhérer pour développer un système expérimental de fabrication: les scans 3D du corps sont manipulés à l’aide d’un logiciel de modélisation, transposés en motifs découpés au laser 2D, puis rationalisés à travers des scripts en formes qui peuvent être imbriquées comme un puzzle. pièces. L’objet résultant est un polyèdre complexe sans aucune couture. Plus important encore, le processus qui le crée est une variation entièrement originale du tissage avec des possibilités illimitées pour un design novateur et une nouvelle construction. En associant manuellement des centaines de pièces uniques découpées au laser à un savoir-faire techno-couture, il rend tangible une pensée ambitieuse et intégrée. L’œuvre de Matija esthétise la curiosité en s’efforçant constamment d’authentifier la possibilité d’une véritable innovation dans la mode contemporaine.

Gilles AZZARO – Voice Sculptor

질 아자로
This monumental 3D Printed sculpture is the three-dimensional materialisation of President Obama’s voiceprint. The 3D voiceprint portrays an extract of President Obama’s February 2013 State of the Union Address. It represents the materialisation of the very thoughts and words of the President of the USA. The sculpture is interactive. A movement sensor activates the system and a laser beam scans the 3D recording to reveal the President’s words and message. The work was printed using a 3D desktop printer and the housing designed by Patrick SARRAN.