

Xenobots – the First “Living Robots”
Researchers used the Deep Green supercomputer cluster and an evolutionary algorithm to design new life-forms that could achieve an assigned task. Then they built them by combining together different biological tissues from Xenopus laevis embryos, hence the name Xenobots.
Credit:A scalable pipeline for designing reconfigurable organisms
Sam Kriegman, Douglas Blackiston, Michael Levin, and Josh Bongard
PNAS, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1910837117

QUBIT AI: Banz & Bowinkel

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival

Bots presents a computer-controlled society through a series of algorithmically controlled humanoid avatars that appear on physical carpets using augmented reality (AR). Real-time performances synthesize human behavioral patterns into a formalized digital social study. Omnipresent, combined with our devices and incorporated into virtual environments, the work reminds us of our own digitalized world, in which we are surrounded by invisible bots.


Giulia Bowinkel (born 1983) and Friedemann Banz (born 1980) live in Berlin and have worked together under the name Banz & Bowinkel since 2009. In 2007 they graduated from the Art Academy with Albert Oehlen and started making art with computers . His work encompasses computer-generated imagery, animation, augmented reality, virtual realities and installations.


MIT Media Lab, Stanford University
This work explores a dynamic future where the accessories we wear are no longer static, but are instead mobile, living objects on the body. Engineered with the functionality of 18 robotics, this “living” jewelry roams on unmodified clothing, changing location and reconfiguring appearance according to social context and enabling multitude presentations of self. With the addition of sensor devices, they transition into active devices which can react to environmental conditions. They can also be paired with existing mobile devices to become personalized on-body assistants to help complete tasks. Attached to garments, they generate shape-changing clothing and kinetic pattern designs–creating a new, dynamic fashion.
It is our vision that in the future, these robots will be miniaturized to the extent that they can be seamlessly integrated into existing practices of body ornamentation. With the addition of kinetic capabilities, traditionally static jewelry and accessories will start displaying life-like qualities, learning, shifting, and reconfiguring to the needs and preferences of the wearer, also assisting in fluid presentation of self. We envision a new class of future wearables that possess hybrid qualities of the living and the crafted, creating a new on-body ecology for human-wearable symbiosis.


The work fulfills Huang’s childhood dream of having a robot dance partner and required development from scratch.  After learning the mechanics of the industrial KUKA robot, he conceptualized the movements and programmed the machine to create the partner he wanted.   He says of the experience, “Dancing face to face with a robot is like looking at my own face in a mirror… I think I have found the key to spin human emotions into robots.” It was developed into a full-length piece with two additional dancers as part of 3-Legged Dog Art & Technology Center‘s Artist Residency program and their 3LD/3D+ program.

Behnaz Farahi

19Returning the Gaze
‘Returning the Gaze’ is an cyber-physical robotic installation by Behnaz Farahi supported by Universal Robots for ANNAKIKI’s Milan Fashion Week. ‘Returning the Gaze’ is an exploration of this scenario. In the center, a female model wears a spacesuit-like outfit and a headpiece fitted with two tiny cameras. The cameras track and capture the movements of the model’s eyes, and enlarging and displaying them on four monitors mounted moving around on robotic arms glaring back at the observers. The gaze of the model is thereby directed back at the viewer, extended and enhanced through cyborgian technologies.

Kachi Chan

Sisyphus est une installation d’art robotique qui présente deux robots engagés dans un mécanisme cyclique sans fin. Une équipe de petits robots continue de construire des arches en briques tandis qu’un robot géant les pousse vers le bas. Les systèmes robotiques propulsent un récit de construction et de déconstruction.


Great Chain of Being
The great chain of being, an ancient philosophical concept, attempted to explain the structures and relationships of the world as a form of hierarchy or set of strata. This philosophical idea is here expressed in the form of the entities that constitute the contemporary world. The philosophers of the past believed that the structure of the world had at its top a god, and that beneath there were angels, animals, plants, and elements. But this conception of the world, as a result of the changes in civilization and culture, resulted in the elements that constitute the world undergoing a transition and sustaining an unforeseen hierarchy. The works of art depict the contemporary structure in the form of robots, machines, people, animals, and virtual or digital entities. Within virtual systems, these entities undergo a process of creation, arrangement, use, disposal and recycling, through which they emerge and disappear. The work depicts the stories emerging from these processes, against the background of a systemically designed landscape akin to a factory.

Daft Punk


Mark Ramos & Ziyang Wu

Networked Ecosystem
In Networked Ecosystem, natural phenomena have been replaced by digital and artificial systems as forces that drive development: Electricity/battery = sustenance, WIFI signals = nutrition, Lidar data = fire/heat. Data Organisms populate this digital ecosystem as native life forms in the form of bots, AI’s, and avatars. Visitors to this networked landscape develop new kinds of digital senses to experience data as environmental changes, and interact with the simulated world and each other in an ever-changing online environment.


Dans van koi en mensen
Koi zwemmen op het wateroppervlak, dat zich uitstrekt tot in het oneindige. Mensen kunnen het water in. De beweging van de koi wordt beïnvloed door de aanwezigheid van mensen in het water en ook andere koi. Wanneer de vissen met mensen botsen, veranderen ze in bloemen en verspreiden ze zich. De baan van de Koi wordt bepaald door de aanwezigheid van mensen, en deze banen trekken lijnen op het wateroppervlak. Het werk wordt in realtime weergegeven door een computerprogramma. Het is geen vooraf opgenomen animatie en ook geen on-loop. De interactie tussen de kijker en de installatie leidt tot een continue verandering in het beeldmateriaal. Eerdere visuele toestanden kunnen nooit worden gerepliceerd en zullen nooit meer voorkomen.


Étude humaine #1
L’installation interactive Human Study #1 de Patrick Tresset se compose de trois robots dessinateurs. Les visiteurs peuvent s’asseoir comme des modèles pour être visuellement enregistrés et représentés par les trois machines. Chacun des trois robots dessine dans son propre style et manie le stylo d’une manière différente. A côté du bras de dessin, chaque robot est équipé d’une caméra mobile. Ils les utilisent pour observer alternativement le modèle et le dessin résultant. Tresset n’est pas intéressé à utiliser les robots pour simuler un style de dessin humain. Il examine plutôt les différences entre l’exécution humaine et robotique. Tresset décrit les capacités de ses machines comme « non intelligentes ». Ils donnent seulement l’impression d’agir de leur propre gré. Ils font preuve d’un comportement humain, mais basé sur un programme ne stipulant qu’un ensemble restreint d’actions.

Moritz Simon

Glitch Robot
The Installation consists of several robotic actors. When the actors make contact with their instruments, they produce a sonic impression of an omnipresent texture of modern life: electronic music. The music robots used in this performance consists of recycled and 3D-printed parts such as harddisks, relays, tongues, motors and solenoids. Glitch Robot connects mechanical, visible movements to audible sound by using small sound-producing robots. Thus, the installation highlights the origin of the sound in a way no conventional medium of electronic music production is able to. Typically, electronic music eliminates the haptic aspect of sound-generation, creating a void in understanding of how sound, and thus music, is mechanically created.

Jason Bruges Studio

The Constant Gardeners
S’inspirant d’un jardin zen japonais traditionnel, quatre bras de robots industriels sont disposés autour d’une vaste toile de gravier avant de se réveiller et de commencer à ratisser la surface. Dans une série de performances quotidiennes, ces « jardiniers » travaillent ensemble pour créer des illustrations uniques et évolutives représentant les mouvements des athlètes. Générées par une série d’algorithmes sur mesure, qui analysent des séquences vidéo d’événements olympiques et paralympiques, certaines illustrations représentent un mouvement qui se déroule dans le temps tandis que d’autres mettent en lumière un moment sportif spectaculaire. Une méditation sur la tradition, l’artisanat et les rôles de la technologie, The Constant Gardeners offre aux visiteurs un espace paisible pour une introspection tranquille. L’œuvre explore un nouveau récit autour de la robotique, montrant que cette technologie est une force capable de créativité artistique et d’action expérimentale, qui joue un rôle déterminant dans notre cheminement vers un avenir plus heureux et plus sain.

Kasia Molga

How to Make an Ocean
Nachdem die Künstlerin Kasia Molga im Herbst 2019 einen schweren Verlust erlitten hatte, fragte sie sich, ob in ihrem Tränenmeer wohl Lebewesen überleben könnten. In winzigen Fläschchen kann das Publikum ihre Tränensammlung und das darin enthaltene Leben in Form von Algen bewundern. Das Publikum ist eingeladen mit Unterstützung eines KI-Moirologie-Bots, dessen „Verhalten“ von tagesaktuellen Umweltnachrichten abhängt, der Sammlung von Mikroozeanen in einem abgetrennten und abgedunkelten Raum eigene Tränen hinzuzufügen.

Martin Backes

Music Automats
‘Music Automats’ est une installation sonore robotique autonome. La pièce est composée de plusieurs instruments robotiques, construits à partir d’instruments acoustiques, d’objets du quotidien, de moteurs, de composants électroniques, de pièces en bois et en métal. Des LED sur les instruments visualisent le son. Le résultat est un monde sonore futuriste entièrement automatisé qui est également visuellement unique en raison des instruments et des robots auto-construits. L’œuvre explore la co-évolution de l’homme et de la machine, un avenir dans lequel nous nous trouvons déjà.

shiro takatani


Die Wassermatrix (Matrice liquide 3D, auf Französisch) ist eine Robotermaschine, die in Echtzeit Wasserskulpturen erstellt und eine kontinuierliche Entwicklung von Formen und Bildern zum Leben erweckt. Diese Installation schafft vergängliche Skulpturen, die der Betrachter in ständiger Beobachtung und Überraschung festhält, fast eine Metapher des berühmten Flusses Heraklit, in dem „alles fließt, alles sich ändert, nichts übrig bleibt. Tore. Die Idee der 3D-Flüssigmatrix wurde 2001 bei einem Besuch in Lille, der Kulturhauptstadt Europas, geboren, wo Shiro Takatani einen Roboterbrunnenschreiber projizierte, der seine Botschaften übermitteln sollte, indem er eine Reihe flüssiger Buchstaben auf den Teich fallen ließ. Leider existierte die Technologie noch nicht und er musste warten, um einen zuverlässigen technischen Partner mit umfassender Erfahrung im Bau digitaler Wasservorhänge als Lumiartecnia Internacional zu finden. Zwei renommierte Digitalkünstler haben während der Roboterkunstausstellung die Kunstwerke für die Wassermatrix entwickelt: Shiro Takatani und Christian Partos. Shiro Takatanis Kunstwerk schafft eine räumliche Erfahrung, die mehrere Schichten paralleler Tröpfchen erzeugt, die auf magische Weise in der Luft zu schweben scheinen, und für Momente, in denen sie sich aus dem Teich erheben und wieder fallen, in sich unmöglich entwickelnden Kreationen, die der Schwerkraft zu trotzen scheinen. Christian Partos Kunstwerk schafft Sequenzen von Wasserskulpturen, die die Fähigkeit der Wassermatrix zeigen, sofort vergängliche Wasserformen zu erzeugen, die im Teich unten verschwinden, um eine neue zu gebären, und auf diese Weise ein konstant fließendes Video von 3D-Skulpturen zu erstellen, als ob sie es wären waren Fotogramme aus einem Film.


Gravity harp
Este instrumento fue diseñado por Andy Cavatorta, encargado de hacer robots musicales en el MIT Media Lab. Se ocuparon 4 pendulos de once cuerdas cada uno para hacer esta arpa gravitacional. Hay un software que controla la rotación de cada péndulo y determina la nota que suena dependiendo de su posición dentro del balance del instrumento. El sonido de este instrumento se puede escuchar en la canción de Solstice”.


Fiberbots ist eine digitale Fertigungsplattform, die kooperative Roboterherstellung mit der Fähigkeit verbindet, hochentwickelte Materialarchitekturen zu generieren. Die Plattform kann das Design und die digitale Fertigung von großflächigen Strukturen mit hoher räumlicher Auflösung ermöglichen, wobei mobile Fertigungsknoten oder Roboter-Agenten genutzt werden, um die Materialzusammensetzung der im laufenden Betrieb konstruierten Struktur gemäß ihrer Umgebung abzustimmen.


Ich denke
Die empfangenen Rohsignale dienen als Eingabedaten für ein neuronales Netzwerk, das auf menschlichen Theorien und Ideen von Außerirdischen trainiert wurde. Jetzt versucht es verzweifelt, dieses Wissen anzuwenden und mögliche Botschaften anderer Zivilisationen im Rauschen des Universums zu entdecken. Mysteriöse Geräusche erklingen, wenn die künstliche Intelligenz immer tiefer in die außerirdischen Daten eindringt und dort schließlich den ultimativen Beweis findet. Die Klanginstallation dreht sich um eine der ältesten Fragen der Menschheit – eine, die niemals widerlegt werden kann: Sind wir allein im Universum? ?

Marcos Mauro


Pasionaria represents the consequences of our current way of life, as conceived by choreographer Marcos Morau. A future where human beings would have lost their vitality through individualism and transhumanism. The gloomy universe of the spectacle thus seems sanitized of all affect, all passion, and consequently, humanity. All that remains is the labor force that is tirelessly busy vacuuming or handling packages of products. Ringing phones, doors or other objects constantly capture the attention of the protagonists who have become puppets. Manipulated by outside forces, instead of being driven by their deep desires, the humans of this dystopia merge into simple working robots.

Louis-Philippe Demers

In the midst of the promises and fears surrounding robots and Artificial Intelligence, especially in the manual labour sector, Repeat attempts to imagine the illusory dance moves of the so-called augmented body tainted with the gender stereotypes of human ballet duets. Repeat shifts the performing body of the assembly line into the performing body onstage, unceasingly carrying out its tasks. The body meshed with the industrial exoskeleton tolerates and sustains strenuous tasks but ironically, it enables those actions to be repeated even more. Repeat uses passive industrial exoskeletons that are currently deployed in the workplace. This ain’t no fiction, this is the future promised to the human worker.


Skin Sucka

A project conceived with Clive van Heerden, Jack Mama (Philips Design Probes) and Bart Hess, Skinsucka explores a vision of our nano technology future whereby bio technology and robotics come together to question our attitudes of a synthetic future. Skinsucka reveals a future where microbal robots live in our shared spaces and autonomously they will undertake menial tasks such as cleaning our homes by eating the dirt. ‘Skinsuckas’ clean the skin, removing the vestiges of make up and providing the remedies to combat the excesses of the night before They swarm over the body extruding metabolized household dirt, dressing the body in a daily ritual of real time, customized manufacture – yesterday’s discarded clothing ready for recycling.” Clive and Jack’s work has consistently brought very diverse skills together in new innovation processes. In the late 1990’s they took designers and other creative skills into Philips Research labs in the Redhill, London and New York and created a specialist studio in London to develop the skills, materials and technologies for a host of Wearable Electronic business propositions in the areas of electronic apparel, conductive textiles, physical gaming, medical monitoring and entertainment.

Disney Research

Realistic and Interactive Robot Gaze
System for lifelike gaze in human-robot interactions using a humanoid Audio-Animatronics® bust. Previous work examining mutual gaze between robots and humans has focused on technical implementation. We present a general architecture that seeks not only to create gaze interactions from a technological standpoint, but also through the lens of character animation where the fidelity and believability of motion is paramount; that is, we seek to create an interaction which demonstrates the illusion of life. A complete system is described that perceives persons in the environment, identifies persons-of-interest based on salient actions, selects an appropriate gaze behavior, and executes high, fidelity motions to respond to the stimuli. We use mechanisms that mimic motor and attention behaviors analogous to those observed in biological systems including attention habituation, saccades, and differences in motion bandwidth for actuators.

Liam Young

Where the City Can’t See
Directed by speculative architect Liam Young and written by fiction author Tim Maughan, ‘Where the City Can’t See’ is the world’s first narrative fiction film shot entirely with laser scanners, designed in collaboration with Alexey Marfin. The computer vision systems of driverless cars google maps, urban management systems and CCTV surveillance are now fundamentally reshaping urban experience and the cultures of our city. Set in the Chinese owned and controlled Detroit Economic Zone (DEZ) and shot using the same scanning technologies used in autonomous vehicles, we see this near future city through the eyes of the robots that manage it. Exploring the subcultures that emerge from these new technologies the film follows a group of young car factory workers across a single night, as they drift through the smart city point clouds in a driverless taxi, searching for a place they know exists but that the map doesn’t show.

Stephanie Dinkins

Conversations with Bina 48
Artist Stephanie Dinkins and Bina48, one of the worlds most advanced social robots, test this question through a series of ongoing videotaped conversations. This art project explores the possibility of a longterm relationship between a person and an autonomous robot that is based on emotional interaction and potentially reveals important aspects of human-robot interaction and the human condition. The relationship is being built with Bina48 (Breakthrough Intelligence via Neural Architecture, 48 exaflops per second) an intelligent computer built by Terasem Movement Foundation that is said to be capable of independent thought and emotion.

Constanza Silva

Silverfish Stream
file festival

The sound generated by the friction of the metallic robots against the floor, like that created by the contact between man and machine, is registered, altered and played in real time by the spheres, each with its own tonality, and amplified in the room. What is generated is a stream of multisensory information (visual, auditive, tactile), natural environment for mechanic creatures.

localStyle (Marlena Novak & Jay Alan Yim) in collaboration with Malcolm MacIver

‘scale’ is an interspecies art project: an audience-interactive installation that involves nocturnal electric fish from the Amazon River Basin. Twelve different species of these fish comprise a choir whose sonified electrical fields provide the source tones for an immersive audiovisual environment. The fish are housed in individual tanks configured in a custom-built sculptural arc of aluminum frames placed around a central podium. The electrical field from each fish is translated into sound, and is thus heard — unprocessed or with digital effects added, with immediate control over volume via a touchscreen panel — through a 12-channel surround sound system, and with LED arrays under each tank for visual feedback. All software is custom-designed. Audience members interact as deejays with the system. Amongst the goals of the project is our desire to foster wider public awareness of these remarkable creatures, their importance to the field of neurological research, and the fragility of their native ecosystem.The project leaders comprise visual/conceptual artist Marlena Novak, composer/sound designer Jay Alan Yim, and neural engineer Malcolm MacIver. MacIver’s research focuses on sensory processing and locomotion in electric fish and translating this research into bio-inspired technologies for sensing and underwater propulsion through advanced fish robots. Novak and Yim, collaborating as ‘localStyle’, make intermedia works that explore perceptual themes, addressing both physical and psychological thresholds in the context of behavior, society/politics, and aesthetics.


Robotics is the art and commerce of robots, their design, manufacture, application, and practical use. Robots will soon be everywhere, in our home and at work. They will change the way we live. This will raise many philosophical, social, and political questions that will have to be answered. In science fiction, robots become so intelligent that they decide to take over the world because humans are deemed inferior. In real life, however, they might not choose to do that. Robots might follow rules such as Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics, that will prevent them from doing so. When the Singularity happens, robots will be indistinguishable from human beings and some people may become Cyborgs: half man and half machine.

Mediated Matter Group

FIBERBOTS is a digital fabrication platform fusing cooperative robotic manufacturing with abilities to generate highly sophisticated material architectures. The platform can enable design and digital fabrication of large-scale structures with high spatial resolution leveraging mobile fabrication nodes, or robotic ‘agents’, designed to tune the material make-up of the structure being constructed on the fly as informed by their environment.

Joaquin Fargas

Glaciator is an installation composed by one to four solar robots that help to compress and crystallize the snow, this process turns snow into ice that is fixed to the glacier mass. The mission of these robots is to help to accelerate the ice formation process on glaciers, allowing them to grow with the addition of snow, regaining the mass they lost as a result of the melting of ice. Its final mission is to raise awareness about the climate change, the melting of the ices and its consequences on the planet.

Alexia Lechot

Deltu is a delta robot with a personality that interacts with humans via two iPads. Depending on its mood, it plays with the user who is faced with an artificial intelligence simulation, who appreciates the small pleasures of life, sometimes too much. The relationship we have with robots/AI that have been created to enhance our performance, but have become a source of learning, is unique and exciting. The android’s place in society has not yet been defined and remains to be determined; for me it is the best source of inspiration.


Björk: All Is Full of Love

The video reaches its harmonious climax as the robots join in embrace, still being detailed by the robotic machines beside them.
Each robot was designed by Cunningham, faces reminiscent of Björk’s own delicate visage. The sterility of the room and lighting and the rendered movements of the machines contrasts with the fluid motions of the robots as they connect in a purely human method.

Alex May and Anna Dumitriu

ArchaeaBot: A Post Climate Change, Post Singularity Life-form
“ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity and Post Climate Change Life-form” takes the form of an underwater robotic installation that explores what ‘life’ might mean in a post singularity, post climate change  future. The project is based on new research about archaea (the oldest life forms on Earth) combined with the latest innovations in machine learning & artificial intelligence creating the ‘ultimate’ species for the end of the world as we know it.

Hiroshi Sugihara

Ready to crawl
Ready to Crawl is a project of 3D-printed organic-like robots. By printing everything except the motor as one unit, the robots are born with a completed shape like real creatures. After the robots have been printed by a selective laser sintering machine, excess nylon powder is removed, a motor is inserted, and then they start crawling.
Designer: Hiroshi Sugihara
Project director: Shunji Yamanaka

So Kanno

“Lasermice” is a swarm robotic installation that consists of 60 small robots, which inspired by synchronous behavior from insects like fireflies. Normally network of swarm is invisible, But in this case those robots creates visible network via laser light – photodetector communication. As a result, they generates rythme that continuously changing. The generated rhythm is made audible by solenoid which strikes floor. Combination of visible network and audible rhythm are deployed spatially.

Jonathan Sitthiphonh

Les machines de Jonathan Sitthiphonh pourraient rappeler l’univers S.F. – les robots exosquelettes dans les films de James Cameron, notamment. Par leur archaïsme, elles pourraient aussi rappeler l’ingénierie léonardienne. Coincées entre le mythe d’Icare et le post-humain, elles matérialisent un rêve de dépassement des limites humaines. Mais sans l’exaucer… L’entreprise de l’artiste est ambitieuse, motivée.


Huang’s pioneering work is steeped in his fascination with the partnership between humans and robots. He interweaves continuous movement with mechanical and multimedia elements to create a form of dance which corresponds with the flow of data, effectively make the performer a dancing instrument.

Auke Ijspeert

Biorobotics Laboryator

The individual Roombots are about the size of fat grapefruits, but one day they could be much smaller. Vespignani and his fellow researchers are investigating ways for the bots to communicate among themselves, like bacteria. In a hundred years, maybe the individual units will be so small as to be microscopic–and instead of summoning 10 friendly robots from different corners of the room, a person could summon something as nebulous and numerous as an army of technological spores.


루아리 글린
Performative Ecologies
Each one of the four crude and very technically appearing devices is fitted with a punctually attached, luminous rod of fibreglass, which moves back and forth arrhythmically and freely. This installation’s poetry lies in the choreography of the little robots. They continuously try to gain the observers attention and impress him by waving their luminous tails. They recognise the reactions and movements of their human audience, learn from failure and share their experience with their robotic neighbours – a social structure of humans and machines.

Daito Manabe

真鍋 大 度

Perfume is Japan’s top techno-pop girl trio – Nocchi, Kashiyuka and Aa-Chan – whose music and synchronised dance sessions have won them a global online fan base. This year they have had their first sellout European tour. Their distinctive sound is the work of Japanese electronic music guru Yasatuka Nakata who has been their music producer since 2003. Their stunning performance at the Lions International Festival of Creativity at Cannes recently was the result of their collaboration with leading Japanese techno-artist Daito Manabe. Manabe is one of a new generation of programmers whose genre-crossing work has placed him at the cutting edge of techno-art-music-performance. His art embraces dynamic sensory programming, projection mapping and body capture; lasers, robots and sonar.

Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca

File Festival – Hypersonica
Afasia is a surreal robotic performance that evolves Greek myths, and brings up the tragedy onto-machinal. Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca (Moià, 1959) is well-known in the international art scene for his mechatronic performances and robotic installations. In the 90′s his vanguardist mechatronic performances combined elements such as Bodybots (body-controlled robots), Systematurgy (interactive narration with computers) and Dresskeleton (the exoskeleton body interface). The themes explored in his work include: the use of biological materials in robotics, telematic control, the expansion of body movements with dresskeletons and microbiological transformations.

hito steyerl

Robots today
32ª Bienal de São Paulo

Hito Steyerl was born in Munich in 1966. She studied in Tokyo, Munich, and Vienna before she moved to Berlin, where she lives and works today. As a filmmaker, visual artist, and author in the field of essayist documentary video, Steyerl is a frequent lecturer, has published influencial writings, and participated in numerous international exhibitions and biennials. She exhibited at documenta 12 in 2007 and in the German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2015.

Plummer Fernandez

Sound Chair
British/ Colombian Artist and Designer Matthew Plummer-Fernandez makes work that critically examines sociocultural entanglements with technologies. His current interests span algorithms, bots, automation, copyright, 3D files and file-sharing. He publishes his research on the peer-favoured algopop blog.


“Les machines de Jonathan Sitthiphonh pourraient rappeler l’univers S.F. – les robots exosquelettes dans les films de James Cameron, notamment. Par leur archaïsme, elles pourraient aussi rappeler l’ingénierie léonardienne. Coincées entre le mythe d’Icare et le post-humain, elles matérialisent un rêve de dépassement des limites humaines. Mais sans l’exaucer. L’entreprise de l’artiste est ambitieuse, motivée. Il réalise minutieusement, à la main et avec des matériaux de récupération, ces prothèses en perfectionnement. Malgré les prouesses, elles restent fragiles et inefficaces, vouées à l’inertie. […]

Joachim Rotteveel

Vision Machines
“Vision Machines is all about tools that force people to look at art. In my current research on using robots to look at art, I question how people look at art. Is it possible to force someone to really see a work of art? Must a viewer be open to a subject to be critical and enjoy a painting? Such questions arise from the current debate on whether a work of art can only be meaningful for people who want to delve into it.”

Wayne McGregor, Olafur Eliasson & Jamie xx

Tree of Codes
Tree of Codes opens with a magical world: a pitch-black stage with moving lights decked out on the costumes of unseen dancers. It could be a starry constellation or fragments of a city as seen from an aeroplane at night, or a group of robots powered by a playful AI operating system. more


Bot & Dolly is a design and engineering studio that specializes in automation, robotics, and filmmaking. It’s our mission to advance motion control and automation as a creative medium, and build world-class tools that enable others to do the same. At the core of our technology is an integrated software/hardware platform that provides precise and expressive control of 6-axis industrial robots. On top of this core platform we provide industry-specific toolsets such as IRIS to support in the creative process, from prototype to production. To date, our tools have been used in feature films, national television ads, Las Vegas shows, and large-scale art installations. We dream about where they’ll be used next.


ואליי אקספורט
Bilder der Berührung

Der Titel der Ausstellung stammt aus der Installationsarbeit Fragmente der Bilder einer Berührung von 1994. Diese Arbeit besteht aus Drahtglühbirnen, die rhythmisch in mit Milch, Altöl oder Wasser gefüllte Zylinder getaucht werden . Diese rhythmische Bewegung, die als Anspielung auf einen sexuellen Akt angesehen werden kann, wird ab 1998 in einer zweiten Installation, Die unendliche Melodie der Stränge, wieder verwendet. Hier Die Bewegung der Nadel der Nähmaschine ist genauso durchdringend oder stechend und störend wie die Glühbirne, die in der vorherigen Arbeit in die Flüssigkeit eingetaucht war.
Die Arbeiten von VALIE EXPORT erstellen ein Wörterbuch der Ikonographie des menschlichen Körpers, insbesondere des Körpers einer Frau, z. B. seiner Bedeutung, Symbole und Darstellung. Einzelne Körperteile übermitteln Botschaften, aber die Fähigkeit zum „Berühren“ ist noch aussagekräftiger: Sie zeugt nicht nur von Fleischlichkeit, Intimität und Sinnlichkeit, sondern auch von Aggression und Gewalt.