
QUBIT AI: Luigi Novellino (aka PintoCreation)

Brain Entity

FILE 2024 | Interator – Sound Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Luigi Novellino (aka PintoCreation) – Brain Entity – Italy

In a laboratory, a brain-like organism grows rapidly, integrating with technology and evolving into a giant entity that manipulates objects with its mind. He hypnotizes the city, absorbing energy and creating patterns. Efforts to stop him fail, signaling a battle to understand existence. This symbolizes a new era of coexistence, urging us to embrace interconnectivity and navigate a more integrated world.


Fascinated by the limitless domain of AI, Luigi Novellino adopts the title syntographer, a term that resonates deeply within the community. The artist often asks himself: “am I an artist?” Art, in his view, defies rigid definitions or limits; it represents a fluid expression of creativity that transcends labels. The artist’s ultimate goal is to awaken something in the viewer, provoking thoughts and evoking emotions.


Music: Odyssey by John Tasoulas

Soichiro Mihara

三原 聡一郎
The Blank to Overcome
file festival
Part of the ”blank” project that the artist has been creating since 2011, “The Blank to Overcome” utilizes air pumps, power supply control circuitry, water, solution, glycerin, ethanol and electricity to produce bubbles in the air. The theme of ”blanks” denotes a space for an unsolved ”inquiry” through the perspectives for thinking about the post-3.11 present: how the bubbles are always shifting as a giant cluster, almost without mass or structure, and the facing up to this; and the framework since modernity that has prescribed society, and the ”involved” or the ”other”. From this work debate will surely emerge.



アーティストが2011年から作成している「ブランク」プロジェクトの一部である「TheBlankto Overcome」は、エアポンプ、電源制御回路、水、溶液、グリセリン、エタノール、電気を利用して空気中に気泡を生成します。 「空白」のテーマは、3.11以降の現在について考えるための視点を通して、未解決の「問い合わせ」のためのスペースを示しています。泡は、ほとんど質量や構造がなく、巨大なクラスターとして常にシフトしており、これに直面しています。 ; そして、社会を規定してきた近代以来の枠組み、そして「関与する」または「その他」。 この仕事から議論が確実に浮かび上がるでしょう。


Heinrich Bulthoff

Cable Robot Simulator
Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik

Eight steel cables, each with 1.4 tons of tensions, hold aloft a caged platform with a seat for one person. Using a wireless VR headset, that person can simulate experiences like flight while being zoomed in dozens of different ways. Eight retracting cables connected to a winch pull on the cage. It’s like a giant, flying VR jungle gym.


Empyrean Passage

Empyrean Passage is reminiscent of both a theoretical black hole and portal into the celestial worlds. Empyrean (notice the pyre in the word) is the final and fiery level of heaven as depicted by Dante- or aether in Aristotle’s cosmology. The form is constructed like a giant hoopskirt and gracefully moves in the wind creating a gossamer lighting effect overhead. While this project is an oculus to the heavens, more focus is usually paid to more terrestrial stars in this neighborhood.The interior of the spiral is designed with aqua and black dashes. The dashed interior creates optical effects with the eyes and at certain times of the day shifts your perception of the sky’s color.This project utilizes extremely “green” electroluminescent lighting. The entire sculpture consumes less electricity than a household nightlight and operates on a photo cell. Special thanks to the City of West Hollywood, Andrew Campbell, Maria Lusia de Herrera, Greg Coons, Glen Bundrick / Luminous Film.


Cloud Pink

The installation invites participants to “touch the pink clouds” drifting on a giant fabric screen suspended in the air.
Lying down on a hill with your pupils filled with the endless blue sky, perspective of your eyesight suddenly gets distorted and clouds drift at the tip of your nose. You stretch your arms up to the sky to touch the clouds but can’t reach. Another world right above your head, clouds.

Gerard O’Neill

O’Neill cylinder

O’Neill was inspired by the papers written by his students. He began to work out the details of a program to build self-supporting space habitats in free space.Among the details was how to provide the inhabitants of a space colony with an Earth-like environment. His students had designed giant pressurized structures, spun up to approximate Earth gravity by centrifugal force . With the population of the colony living on the inner surface of a sphere or cylinder, these structures resembled “inside-out planets”. He found that pairing counter-rotating cylinders would eliminate the need to spin them using rockets.This configuration has since been known as the O’Neill cylinder.

Jeremy Scott

Moschino Spring Summer 2023
Photo: Miguel Medina
Moschino ha presentato la sua collezione primavera estate 23 sulla passerella della settimana della moda di Milano, dove il direttore creativo Jeremy Scott ha portato il glamour a bordo piscina a un livello completamente nuovo con pezzi ispirati ai galleggianti da piscina, costumi da bagno e altro ancora.
Moschino a présenté sa collection printemps-été 23 sur le podium de la Fashion Week de Milan, où le directeur créatif Jeremy Scott a propulsé le glamour au bord de la piscine à un tout autre niveau avec des pièces inspirées des flotteurs de piscine, des maillots de bain et plus encore.


Nuvola è un’opera di architettura sperimentale: un tetto galleggiante fatto semplicemente di gas elio, acqua e sapone; un baldacchino immediatamente dispiegabile per conversazioni all’ombra. Credo che in futuro l’architettura sarà leggera, intelligente e semplice, come le nuvole. L’esperimento Cloud riguarda l’inizio di quel processo per scoprire il futuro dell’architettura. Forse possiamo portare un edificio in tasca?


Fiume serpeggiante
Nel tempo, i paesaggi vengono gradualmente modellati dalle forze naturali. Indiscernibile ad occhio nudo, percepiamo solo un momento alla volta. Le fluttuazioni e il movimento ritmico dei fiumi sono uno sguardo nel passato, poiché le tracce testimoniano le continue trasformazioni che ci circondano.


La nuvola che respira
“La nuvola che respira” è un monumentale organismo galleggiante. L’opera trasforma uno spazio con il suo movimento, la luce e la respirazione ritmica. Con questa arte leggera la frase “lascia che una stanza prenda vita” assume un nuovo significato. La pelle delle nuvole sembra fragile e morbida, ei movimenti sono ritmici, ma casuali, quindi l’intera stanza sembra un essere vivente. La tecnologia è progettata in modo che i potenti moduli LED e il meccanismo supportino la respirazione pervasiva. Diventa fisicamente più grande e più piccolo e abbraccia con il suo spazio di luce brillante.

Evelyn Bencicova & Enes Güç

Work in progress
The motionless figure of an androgynous giantess occupies almost the entire gallery space in her entangled posture. On its body and around it, small scaffolding grows upwards. But the construction site is deserted. Only the figure, which resembles an avatar, remains in a calm state. A state of “being in between”. Between day and night. Between dream and reality or even between life and death? It almost seems as if the figure is still being brought back to life. One is inclined to think of Mary Shelley, whose novel character Victor Frankenstein created an artificial human being 200 years ago – in a time of great upheaval and discovery. Today we find ourselves once again at a turning point in society and technology, which makes us question ourselves as well as platforms on which we construct our selfs… Is that what Evelyn Bencicova and Enes Güç are alluding to here?

Phillip K Smith

Open Sky
Using giant sheets of mirror-polish stainless steel, Smith’s structure reflects the ever-changing sky. He describes that ‘Open Sky’ is “inspired by the constant shifts in light, color, and form that are presented in the natural and built environment.” The piece is designed to get visitors at the design week to interact with the natural environment and to spark a sense of adventure.

Marshmallow Laser Feast

Distortions in Spacetime
In a giant star’s final moments, atoms compress to a point where density becomes infinite, time stretches to a stop and the gravitational field is so strong that not even light can escape: a black hole. But the force that creates this dark shadow also spews out a supernova explosion of matter that can eventually coalesce to form planets, plants and people. In Distortions in Spacetime, visitors will see themselves reflected in this matter and will begin to understand the cosmic connection between black holes, dying stars and our very existence.


Klaus Obermaier

the concept of … (here and now)

In front of a giant screen, two dancers interact with a cohort of cameras… Their movements are captured by infra-red sensors and projected onto the screen, whereby their bodies become the canvas on which new images take shape. The result is a shifting kaleidoscope of strange, living, quasi-mathematical visual worlds which sometimes seem to be emanating or even escaping from the dancers’ bodies. “Who decides which movement to make: the man or the machine?” Blurring the line between the real and the virtual, Klaus Obermaier loves to subsume his performers’ bodies and physicality in a disconcerting digital universe. With his latest creation, the choreographer/artist has taken a bold new step. He has constructed a system of projectors and infra-red sensor-cameras, trained upon the movements of two dancers. The performers thus find themselves thrown headlong into a living, moving graphical universe: their movements are projected onto the screen, but at the same time their bodies are illuminated by more projected images. This is a true artistic performance, pushing well beyond the frontiers of a standard dance recital, or even a contemporary dance show. A corporeal, temporal performance. A choreography which makes subtle use of its raw materials, deftly combining lights, video, perspectives and the real-time power of bodily movement.



Witness as the covers are pulled back to reveal the rites and rituals of the untamable Homo Sapiens in its favorite nesting place — a giant bed! Like a bizarre nature documentary THE BED EXPERIMENT tracks four males and four females, who while confronting their deepest fears and desires, balance the witty and weird against the painfully true to life.

“As the piece proceeds, the focus shifts from mating rituals to the antics of lovemaking, from the battle of the sexes to baby worship, and from dreams of conquest to nightmares of disembowelment. The bed turns from the cradle of civilization into a hospital cot, from a sultry desert to a tundra of monsters. As the scenes evolve — the performance is a 60-minute continuum — the tone mysteriously oscillates between extremes of farcicality or pathos. How the performers effect these wondrous transformations is one of the Adaptors’ most singular professional secrets”. Alan M. Kriegsman


My Whale
There is an impressive space at the front of the ship, with panoramic windshield and hexagonal pattern on the vaulted ceiling, remained from the 80-s, the time, when “Brusov” was constructed in Austria. Standing there gives you the feeling of floating through the reflections of the Krymsky bridge lights on the river, inside a giant whale head. Looking through its eyes, listening to its songs that flow across the brain made of hexagonal cells by the wires hanging down here and there.
With some light and sound we brought this whale to life.
Each piece of the projection onto the cells was cloned from the previous one with a random changes. So each cell behaved differently, pulsating to the rythm of the whale songs. To interract with the whale the visitor could place the phone screen above the black box in the center of the room.

Donald Davis

Internal view of the O’Neill cylinder
“One of my earliest Space Colony paintings was based on the giant ‘Model 3’ cylindrical habitats envisioned by Gerard O’Neill. I imagined the clouds forming at an ‘altitude‘ around the rotation axis. At this time the scene is bathed in the ruddy light of all the sunrises and sunsets on Earth at that moment as the colony briefly enters the Earths shadow, out at the L5 Lagrangian point where stable locations are easily maintained. Oil on canvas panel disposition unknown. “

Jacob Taekker

Apophenia Cloud Travel Apparatus
“…a visitor must first gear up in a simple uniform of gray booties, lab coat and adjust a safety-helmet-type harness to their head. This harness supports a grey rectangle of plastic positioned directly in front of one’s face, leaving only the periphery vision for navigation. My first assumption was that this blockage was somehow supposed to simulate an unusual visual disability. However, upon entering the designated darkened room, my ‘screen,’ caught the projection of a giant eye, which filled my vision like some early surrealist film.” Sarrita Hunn

Bjarke Ingels Group

Steam Ring Generator

When BIG’s proposal for Amager Bakke, a plant that transforms waste into energy, located in Copenhagen, was released in 2011, many were skeptical about the project. Is it really possible to create a roof accessible to the public in an industrial building? Will they be able to make the plant’s chimney give off giant smoke rings (or rather, steam)? The idea seemed too good to be true.


“Adam Ferriss is one of those technologically-minded creatives who is able to put his ever-growing knowledge of code and processing to use building aesthetically wondrous digital art for the rest of us to enjoy. His images make me feel like I’ve just taken some psychedelics and stepped into one of those crazy houses you get in funfairs, where there are giant optical illusions on every wall and the floor keeps moving under your feet, except these are made using algorithms and coding frameworks […]”


»ANIMA« is a sculptural installation developed to explore the relationship between itself and its surroundings through the use of movement, texture, light and sound. The installation consists of a giant glowing sphere measuring two meters in diameter. This larger-than-life entity is suspended from the ceiling, as if in mid-air, in a darkened room. The luminescent sculpture acts as the sole light source for the space, drawing viewers in as it reacts to their presence.


Space observer
This huge sculpture is placed in California’s Mineta San Jose airport, where high-tech art welcomes the passengers. At the top of the escalator at the new Terminal B you will find Schuelke’s absurd machine. This giant three-legged sculpture explores the interactivity between humans and modern technology. It will quietly rotate with the aid of two propeller-tripped arms. And its ‘eye’ reveals images picked up from embedded cameras.


London-based creative laboratory Bare Conductive was invited to team up with designers Fabio Antinori and Alicja Pytlewska in order to develop a large-scale metaphor for the idea of breathing life into a collection of responsive textile skins. ‘Contours’ is at the core of the interactive tapestry installation; a series capacitive sensors are applied to the suspended fabric substrates using conductive paint. These sensors react to the presence of a person within the vicinity and track their movements, outputting a constantly modulated ambient soundscape reminiscent of medical research environments. The abstract geometric ornamentation connects the tapestries’ individual sensors to form giant panels, serving as an acoustic feedback loop that alludes to the relationship between science and the body.

alex da corte

Bad Cat

“A giant cat made of foam and tangerine velvet with a wide, cartoonish, sharp-toothed grimace, almost fifteen feet high, is flipped on its back at the center of the gallery. It’s vulnerable—it looks like it’s yowling—and its shadow is a cut-out wraith of blue carpet.” Erin Schwartz.


Da Corte often uses surreal imagery and everyday objects in his practice and explores ideas of consumerism, pop culture, mythology, and literature.


Bombay Sapphire Distillery
The existing buildings at the complex were built during the Victorian era to house a mill that produced paper for English bank notes. The buildings were later abandoned and left derelict until the complex was bought by Bombay Sapphire, the gin brand owned by alcoholic drinks giant Bacardi, who commissioned Heatherwick to overhaul the site, creating a new distillery and visitors’ centre […] Two curving glass greenhouses form the major new additions to the site. Hot air is channeled into the greenhouses through large pipes clad in strips of metal, picking up heat produced during the distillation process and carrying it out through openings in the red-brick walls of one of the existing buildings.

Haegue Yang

Boxing Ballet
Yang’s Boxing Ballet turns one half of the gallery into a reworking of Oskar Schlemmer’s 1922 costumed dance work Triadisches Ballett, with replicas of five of the Bauhaus teacher’s bulbous and exaggerated figures, from a female figure made of hoops to a circle that looks like a flattened stickman. Here, Schlemmer’s figures are reimagined as golden bell-covered shapes on wheels or wire frames hanging by a wire from the ceiling. As they all come with handlebars, it seems we are meant to provide the choreography, stiffly pushing, say, a giant roosterlike creature around like an awkward shopping trolley.


أليس أندرسون
앨리스 앤더슨
Алиса Андерсон
Alice Anderson’s giant installations created out thousands of feet of red colored doll hair are a thing of wonder. Selected for its relationship to her own bright red hair, Anderson selected the material to refer to her childhood where she invented rituals based around her hair to calm her anxieties when left home alone. Draped over buildings, walls, and every imaginable surface, Anderson’s work is just as much about reinterpreting an everyday material as it is about coming to terms with the ghosts of her youth.


A hybrid of consumer associations, ranging from the glossy iconography of the TV commercial and the sterility of video game graphics to the luminosity of the department store poster and the smell of freshly opened cosmetics, create a subconscious lure. Her use of CGI technology in her artistic practice surpasses a simple study of digital textures (think nostalgic glitch-making) to occupy a full-fleshed, hyperreal space, usually reserved to corporate giants in advertising or entertainment.


한스 해머

Hans Hemmert is fascinated by air and latex balloons in a bright canary yellow. But these aren’t just your average latex inflatables, some fill entire rooms while others surround Hemmert himself. Posing as a giant elongated egg, he performs dances or interacts with the objects outside his elastic bubble.

Philippe Grammaticopoulos

Les Ventres
This story of “Les Ventres” (“The Bellies”) is a thought about our epoch, an ironic and critical vision of the food-processing industry. The agribusiness uses the scientific progress to make a profit, to the detriment of the public health. The story finds a place in a world polluted and denatured by experiments, where all men eat only giant snails. In this context, a man explores a giant empty shell which becomes the gate of hell.

Philippe Grammaticopoulos

The Bellies
In a very industrialized world, where humans only eat transgenic food, some plates make for surprising dishes… This story is a thought about our epoch, an ironic and critical vision of the food-processing industry. The agribusiness uses the scientific progress to make a profit, to the detriment of the public health. The story finds a place in a world polluted and denatured by experiments, where all men eat only giant snails. In this context, a man explores a giant empty shell which becomes the gate of hell.

paul cocksedge

Please Be Seated
Please Be Seated is a giant outdoor seating installation made of three concentric rings of wave-like forms made from scaffolding planks. Created by British designer Paul Cocksedge, the communal bench has been built in Broadgate for the London Design Festival. Built in Finsbury Avenue Square alongside Make’s Number One Broadgate office block in the City of London, Please Be Seated is made of three rings of benches that rise and fall in a wave-like pattern.


ألدو روسي
알도 로시]
אלדו רוסי
Альдо Росси
Teatro del Mondo

Il teatro del mondo è stato progettato dall’architetto italiano Aldo Rossi, inaugurato l’11 novembre 1979, nell’ambito della Biennale di Architettura e Teatro di Venezia. Tutto questo sarebbe volgare, se questo fosse davvero un teatro comune, dove vedrai un bello spettacolo delle arti di Thalma. Ma non lo è, e così ho deciso di portarlo a estir@dor. Il “teatro del mondo” si ispirava a una tradizione settecentesca, e intanto scomparve, dal teatro galleggiante che all’epoca ancorò nella città di Venezia di carnevale. L’edificio è stato realizzato in una struttura metallica e rivestito in legno, sia all’interno che all’esterno e sostenuto da una piattaforma galleggiante: una zattera. Formato da un ciottolo centrale con base quadrata di 9,5 m di larghezza e 11 m di altezza e tetto ottagonale in zinco, contiene un palco situato in una zona centrale. Il teatro ha accolto 400 spettatori, di cui 250 seduti, la sua semplicità formale ei colori utilizzati nelle finiture hanno dato un’immagine onirica a questa apparecchiatura che aveva come sfondo Venezia ei suoi canali. Gli utenti che entravano in quel teatro per assistere alla performance artistica degli attori, sono diventati subito se stessi, personaggi di un evento che interagiva con Venezia, osservatori e osservati, da Punta della Dogana, vedendo la Plaza de S. Marcos delle vostre finestre. Una vera Arca di Noè dell’intera Biennale.

David Lynch

Дэвид Линч
ديفيد لينش
데이비드 린치
Дэвид Линч
The Man in the Planet (Jack Fisk) pulls levers in his home in space, while the head of Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) floats in the sky. A giant spermatozoon-like creature emerges from Spencer’s mouth, floating into the void. The Man in the Planet appears to control the creature with his levers, eventually making it fall into a pool of water.



From a distance, Tomoko Shioyasu’s giant art pieces could be confused for immense maps of weather patterns rather than intricately cut paper tapestries. In fact, the Japanese artist is heavily influenced and inspired by the elements of nature such as the force of wind or the patterns of cells so it’s no wonder that his work has such an organic look and feel. Using utility knives, soldering irons, charcoal, and a steady hand, she creates floor to ceiling paper tapestries with the forces of nature in mind.


한스 해머

Hans Hemmert is fascinated by air and latex balloons in a bright canary yellow. But these aren’t just your average latex inflatables, some fill entire rooms while others surround Hemmert himself. Posing as a giant elongated egg, he performs dances or interacts with the objects outside his elastic bubble.


Cloud Pink
Lying down on a hill with your pupils filled with the endless blue sky, perspective of your eyesight suddenly gets distorted and clouds drift at the tip of your nose. You stretch your arms up to the sky to touch the clouds but can’t reach. Another world right above your head, clouds. Today, I visualize my colorful cloud of words right in front of your eyes. Touch the pink clouds drifting on a giant fabric screen, reminisce your childhood clouds of dreams. I spent countless sleepless nights just to realize my unproductive and only romantic cloud of words. But, isn’t it nice if we could feel the clouds at our fingertips?

Kawandeep Virdee

Your big face
Your Big Face is an interactive projection installation. Using a live camera feed, participants’ faces are projected onto the canvas of a giant polygonal 3D face. This combination of the organic and polygon raises questions about the digital representation of self, modern attention spans, and the narcissistic and voyeuristic qualities of modern culture. It is also just really fun.

Katharina Fritsch

קתרינה פריטש

Por medio del humor sarcástico, Fritsch examina el mundo de todos los días la vida, el turismo y el consumo. Símbolos colectivos y recuerdos personales, emergente en sus cuadros y esculturas de objetos de gran tamaño, puede causar profunda emociones en el observador. Durante los últimos años, Katharina Fritsch tiene particularmente ocupado de la fotografía y su conversión en imágenes monumentales así como con los recuerdos personales de la infancia

Graham Caldwell

Caldwell è un vetraio esperto, come si evince dalla raffinata finitura delle opere in cui evita colori sgargianti a favore del nero, bianco, grigio e ambra. Questa tavolozza limitata riesce a focalizzare l’attenzione sulle qualità intrinseche del mezzo ottico e sottolinea l’economia e l’eleganza delle forme.

stephanie nava

Repressed Spaces
Le dessin occupe une place centrale dans le travail de Stéphanie Nava, aux côtés de sculptures-objets, de photographies et d’installations. Son travail s’attache à décrire des relations, qu’elles soient architecturales, linguistiques, sociales ou sentimentales. Privilégiant des questions liées à l’appropriation de l’espace et sa domestication, Stéphanie Nava s’intéresse à la manière dont un individu ou une société façonne son rapport au monde.


The monolithic red cushions have been shown as part of various events throughout brazil, peru, argentina and spain – peppering landscapes with the massive artworks as if squeezed within the crevices of each city. The interventions interrogate architecture and landscape – providing a new perspective on a space that depicts tension and uneasiness.

Philippe Genty

Lands End
Inner Landscapes is a poetry odyssey for seven actors and dancers. They travel across Philippe Genty’s memories and dreams: they fly, speak with giant flowers, hatch from a shifting ground, dance with a moon. more


Turbine Hall

The Turbine Hall of Tate Modern is plunged into deep black gloom. At its east end, like the stained glass window of a cathedral, is a giant vertical screen. It is framed at the edges with sprocket holes, so we feel we are looking at a vast reel of film. In the centre, an ever-changing series of images: a snail on a wind-wobbled leaf, the powerful spume of a fountain, a chimney loosing trails of vapour. Sometimes the image is of the back wall of the Turbine Hall itself, but with its gridded form coloured in red, yellow and blue so it resembles a Mondrian. Or with a giant egg apparently floating from ceiling to floor.


מקוטו אאידה
마코토 아이다


Desire of Codes

This interactive installation consisting of three parts is set up in YCAM’s Studio A, a space that is normally used for theatre performances.
A large number of devices resembling tentacles with built-in small cameras are placed across a huge wall (Part 1), while six robotic “search arms” equipped with cameras and projectors are suspended from the ceiling (Part 2). Each device senses with insect-like wriggling movements the positions and movements of visitors, and turns toward detected persons in order to observe their actions. In addition, a giant round-shaped screen that looks like an insect’s compound eye is installed in the back of the exhibition space (Part 3). Visual data transmitted from each camera, along with footage recorded by surveillance cameras installed at various places around the world, are stored in a central database, and ultimately projected in complex images mixing elements of past and present, the venue itself and points around the globe, onto the screen. The compound eye visualizes a new reality in which fragmentary aspects of space and time are recombined, while the visitor’s position as a subject of expression and surveillance at once indicates the new appearances of human corporeality and desire.