

The COIL installation is a space for reflection and a feeling of connection between people. COIL resembles a teleport and with this meaning it carries the phenomenon of teleportation. It is something impossible, but the consequences of escaping into it are instantaneous movement and farewell to eternal time. Any venue with art or raves is already an attempt to escape. So COIL pulls the viewer out of chronos and opens access to the eternal.


S E T U P is a stage design and lighting design international studio founded by Znamensky Dmitry, Novikov Stepan and Zmunchila Pavel. The studio works in the field between contemporary art, lighting design and programming with a mission to explore the expressive opportunities provided by new digital technologies. S E T U P aims to create installations and multimedia works that can sharpen the physical perception of the environment and help explore more possibilities of image manipulation. Our creative product is high-tech multimedia work, concepts and laser installations. Our studio is open for experiments and is ready to cooperate with various artists to find the right visual interpretations for their work.


Vertical Migration
Unsettling our perceptions of scale and otherness, Vertical Migration is an intimate encounter with a life form that bears no resemblance to human beings, though we share a planet, an ecosystem, and a future. Because of sea-level rise, humans will also be migrating vertically in the coming centuries, to higher elevations and raised buildings. The siphonophore’s story is our story. Though we can never experience its journey through the pitch-black ocean depths, we can shift our perspective to recognize that we’re connected, that our actions affect each other, and that we share a common fate.


Fiberbots ist eine digitale Fertigungsplattform, die kooperative Roboterherstellung mit der Fähigkeit verbindet, hochentwickelte Materialarchitekturen zu generieren. Die Plattform kann das Design und die digitale Fertigung von großflächigen Strukturen mit hoher räumlicher Auflösung ermöglichen, wobei mobile Fertigungsknoten oder Roboter-Agenten genutzt werden, um die Materialzusammensetzung der im laufenden Betrieb konstruierten Struktur gemäß ihrer Umgebung abzustimmen.

Elmgreen & Dragset

Bent Pool
German artists Elmgreen and Dragset have installed a sculpture that looks like an U-shaped swimming pool outside the Miami Beach Convention Center[…] Curved pieces of aluminium were used to create the unusual structure, with the two ends resting atop a concrete plinth. “Bent Pool is shaped like an inverted “U” and stands upright on a two-tier plinth,” the studio said. “The pool seems to have somehow been lifted out of the ground and stretched into a curved form.”


One Two Three Swing!
One Two Three Swing! challenges society’s apathy towards the political, environmental and economic crises of our age. The installation is experienced in three states: apathy, production and movement. The state of apathy compromises a large pendulum suspended by a 20 metre cable from ceiling and swinging above a 770 square metre carpet in a colour scheme inspired by British currency. Occupying the far end of the hall is the state of production, a factory station where swing seats are assembled, stamped and stored prior to distribution and use. Emerging from the state of production, an orange line formed of sets of interconnected, three-seated swings invite and frame the movements of users.

Gary Setzer

A story about a tourist drowning in the Mediterranean, the transition of the body from life to death, and a metaphor-laden sock puppet.


Christiane Feser and Mara Monetti are the two artistic individuals who make up the photography team Fesetti. Both of them extensively studied art and visual communication. They used their self-taught photography skills with the creative imagination to explore unique photography captures.

Elmgreen & Dragset


Collaborating together since 1995 on performances in their early work and now more on creating objects, Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, raise in their interdisciplinary practice a set of questions concerning the spatial construction of the self and the enforcement of normative behaviours within the architectural frame. During the past few years, Elmgreen & Dragset have been working on the intervention and modification within the White Cube. They create awkward and often cynical situations with objects of everyday life, constantly redefining the familiar. These disruptions of reality are transferred to the gallery space, thus giving rise to new ambiguous spaces.


ولا دوبري

Seth a réalisé dans cette pièce, très petite, ce qui le rend d’autant plus impressionnant, l’un de ses immenses personnages, qui s’évade la tête dans un arc-en-ciel. L’effet de profondeur sur les cercles concentriques et la douce lumière qui vient de la fenêtre parachèvent cette superbe réalisation.


Seth a réalisé dans cette pièce, très petite, ce qui le rend d’autant plus impressionnant, l’un de ses immenses personnages, qui s’évade la tête dans un arc-en-ciel. L’effet de profondeur sur les cercles concentriques et la douce lumière qui vient de la fenêtre parachèvent cette superbe réalisation.

Elmgreen & Dragset

Couple Fig.25
Elmgreen & Dragset have been working together since 1995 at the crossroads of art and architecture, performance and installation. Preoccupied with objects and their settings, and the discourse that can arise when those objects are radically recontextualized, Elmgreen & Dragset push against the normal modes for the display of art.more


Un bloc-notes inspirant que j’ai lancé il y a quelques années. Je dessinais des projets dans un cahier, et tout à coup, je me suis rendu compte à quel point un cahier classique, aussi beau soit-il, est toujours très rigide et quadrillé, alors je voulais renverser le conventionnel avec des courbes, des angles et des lignes torsadées pour en créer un. ce qui pourrait inciter les gens à libérer leur propre créativité.

Juri Hwang

Somatic Echo
“Somatic Echo” is an experimental sound art and research project that utilizes bone conducted sound as a method to investigate human audition and create an unusual and mesmerizing aesthetic of the body as a medium of sound. The installation uses a reclining chair and a sound mask to play an 8-channel sound composition through 8 transducers placed on the user’s head: 6 channels in the face and 2 in the back of the head. The transducers transmit sound through the bone structure of the skull directly to the listener’s inner ear, bypassing the outer ears, which normally are the gateway for auditory signals. The listeners experience the soundscape through both their auditory and tactile senses perceiving a sonic image shaped by the sound traveling through the head structure and through vibrations applied to the skin. This set up lets us experience sound through our body and our body through sound.

Riccardo Torresi, Maxime Lethelier, Asako Fujimoto

Satellarium II
Sun Outage is a degradation or temporary interruption of satellite signal caused by solar radiation. In these moments satellites occur to be in between the Sun and the Earth, producing with their shadows an invisible eclipse. Satellarium II shows these astronomical events through a variation of visuals and sounds in the room in which it is exhibited. The installation consists of a set up of multi channel surround speakers and graphics projected on a disk above the viewers, representing the fragment of the visible sky from the location of the artwork. Visuals and sounds are based on real time tracking of the satellites position and magnitude (brightness of a satellite as it appears in the night sky from Earth). The gradient on the background of the projection represents the sun and it is related to its real-time position in the sky.

Richard Vijgen

WiFi Impressionist
Wifi Impressionist is a field installation that draws electromagnetic landscapes inspired by the cityscapes of William Turner. The work consists of a directional antenna on a pan-tilt mechanism that listens for WiFi signals and builds a three dimensional model of the signals around it. From this model a viewport is selected that defines the perspective and the frame. Signals that are picked up within the frame are visualised as waves emitted from a specific origin and drawn using a mobile plotter. The antenna and the plotter are both mounted on a tripod and can be placed in the field much like a painter would set up his easel. Once positioned and oriented a drawing becomes denser over time depending on the density of networks around it. Wherever there is a WiFi signal, the drawing will eventually fill the frame.

Diana Thater

Abyss of Light

Abyss of Light is divided into three screens and into three acts, the traditional structure of classic narrative film. In the first act, all the images synchronize to form a single panorama of Bryce Canyon in Utah. In the second, the screens break away from one another into three parallel sequences wherein each projection shows the same one hundred images at different speeds. In the third, all three images synchronize once again to form a single wrapping panorama of Death Valley, California. The work is an ode to the American western, one of my favorite film genres. Despite my admiration, however, my desire is not to imitate westerns. Instead, I set up an abstraction in opposition to the idea of narrative, something that can be seen in all of my work. In Abyss of Light, continuous disruptions of the American landscape document my refusal to see the land as backdrop for man’s heroic conquering of the wild; instead I see it as a foreground, a subject to be contemplated for itself and for which wildness is a state of grace.


Network Time

“Network Time consists of several wifi routers set up in an exhibition space to be freely accessed by any mobile internet device. Attached to each router is a slender fiber optic cable, aligned to absorb and magnify the incessant flicker of its traffic LED. The visualized data exchange creates a space viewers can interact with not only physically, but also informationally.” Gregor Quack


Liquid MIDI
An experimental modular textile interface for sonic interactions, exploring aesthetics and morphology on contemporary interaction design. Trigger  pads and fader board are screen printed modules focused on AV performances, allowing the performer to build its set up regarding its needs.

Madi Boyd

the Point of Perception
Produced in collaboration with neuroscientists at UCL, Beau Lotto and Mark Lythgoe, this work is art and science; we intend it as an experiment in the gallery. It manifests as an immersive environment consisting of a ‘screen’ which is a large gridded space of uncertainty and projected film.The project came about after I undertook a period of research of the human visual system and neuroesthetics and set up a collaboration with Professor Mark Lythgoe and Dr Beau Lotto at UCL.



This exhibition place used to be an electric power plant. Yanobe will transform this abandoned building into the “future” place by creating a story and put it as an installation. In the “discharge” part, Yanobe set up a Tesla coil, which will generate an artificial thunderstorm and expressed as if the electric power plant revives.

Rei Kawakubo

Spring/Summer 1997
Kawakubo never studied fashion. Instead she started out by getting a job in a textile factory, where she began styling. After struggling to find the clothes she wanted, she started designing her own, and eventually set up her company.

Well Well Designers

Pixel geante
Well Well Designers are a couple that set up a business creating lights out of paper. I like the idea of having a pop up lamp, I think it is really creative and is perfect for modern apartments. I would like to look at ways of creating my own pop up lamps that give off an array of shadows, different ones for different moods.


“Meta-matic drawings vary enormously, entirely according to how the machine is set up and used. No two drawings are ever completely identical. How close the felt-pen, or whatever is being used, is fixed to the paper, is an important factor, but the fluidity or otherwise of of the colouring agent, or the texture of the paper, will also play a part. The operator can use pencil, ballpoint, airmail stamps, invisible ink . . . The decisive thing is how long the machine is allowed to run without interference, and how long with each separate colour. But however it is set up, it is impossible for the machine to produce an ugly drawing”. Hultén



제이슨 피터스
visceral paradigm

In my work I attempt to trigger and explore both intellectual and emotional reactions to the ways in which objects interact with their surrounding environment. I try to set up a situation where nothing is as it seems, and our notions of reality are exposed as mere assumptions, based on perceptions and experiences that may or may not bear any actual relationship to the way the world works.


Desire of Codes

This interactive installation consisting of three parts is set up in YCAM’s Studio A, a space that is normally used for theatre performances.
A large number of devices resembling tentacles with built-in small cameras are placed across a huge wall (Part 1), while six robotic “search arms” equipped with cameras and projectors are suspended from the ceiling (Part 2). Each device senses with insect-like wriggling movements the positions and movements of visitors, and turns toward detected persons in order to observe their actions. In addition, a giant round-shaped screen that looks like an insect’s compound eye is installed in the back of the exhibition space (Part 3). Visual data transmitted from each camera, along with footage recorded by surveillance cameras installed at various places around the world, are stored in a central database, and ultimately projected in complex images mixing elements of past and present, the venue itself and points around the globe, onto the screen. The compound eye visualizes a new reality in which fragmentary aspects of space and time are recombined, while the visitor’s position as a subject of expression and surveillance at once indicates the new appearances of human corporeality and desire.


particles at ycam

In this “illumination installation”, blinking lights floating in midair create a fantastic afterimage.

A giant rail construction with an organically spiral-shaped spatial structure is put up in the exhibition space. Rolling on that rail are countless balls with built-in full-color LEDs and communication devices. From terminals set up inside the venue, visitors can send commands to the balls to control the timing and coloration of their blinking, and thereby draw three-dimensional afterimage in the air. Through the fusion of a minutely designed rail construction and communication control technology, an unprecedented form of spatial expression was realized in the form of a flexible “light structure“.


file festival

The installation “capacitive body” is a modular light system that reacts to the sound of its environment. Each custom-built module consists of an electro-luminescent light wire linked to a piezoelectric sensor and a microcontroller. Through its modular setup it can easily be adapted to various urban spaces. The sensors are used to measure vibrations of architectural solids in a range of low frequencies. These oscillations are triggered by surrounding ambient noise, for example traffic noise. The data sensor controls the light wires, which are tensed to a spatial net structure. According to the values of the measurement, light flashes are generated. With increasing vibrations the time between flashes becomes shorter and shorter. The stability of this nervous system gets to an end where it collapses and restarts again. A dynamic light space is thereby created, which creates a visual feedback of the aural activity around the installation.

Roy Andersson

A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence
A sense of depression is reflected in his reluctance to use close-ups or camera movement, yet Andersson has quite an eye for beautiful set-ups even within the restrictions he’s given himself. His sense of humor is deadpan and misanthropic yet humanist. Andersson’s dour wit isn’t far from Louie. A Pigeon Sat On a Branch Reflecting On Existence expects the worst from the human race but holds out a slim hope for the best.

Alex Ekman


Ekman talents extend to the lighting and stage design and his eye for structuring an environment is unerring. There is no set as such, excepting the plaster cow which dangles overhead, but the stage surface has its share of movement as little island-blocks rise up and pits sink down. The extreme tilting of the stage at one point causes unfortunate Bauch to roll, cow-like, almost into the pit. COW has its iconic Ekman moment in the scene that opens on a stage full of swirling dancers in white skirts set in a magical silvery mist. Mikael Karlsson, whose music partners the piece provides a subtle and evocative soundscape. He offers a hint of percussive rhythm picked up by the dancers who launch into an ecstatic dance: a stage full of whirling dervishes, until they collapse exhausted.


Ekmans Talente erstrecken sich auf die Beleuchtung und das Bühnenbild, und sein Auge für die Strukturierung einer Umgebung ist unfehlbar. Es gibt kein Set als solches, außer der Gipskuh, die über ihnen baumelt, aber die Bühnenoberfläche hat ihren Anteil an Bewegung, wenn kleine Inselblöcke aufsteigen und Gruben sinken. Das extreme Kippen der Bühne an einer Stelle führt dazu, dass der unglückliche Bauch kuhartig fast in die Grube rollt. COW hat seinen legendären Ekman-Moment in der Szene, die auf einer Bühne voller wirbelnder Tänzer in weißen Röcken in einem magischen silbernen Nebel beginnt. Mikael Karlsson, dessen Musikpartner das Stück ist, bietet eine subtile und eindrucksvolle Klanglandschaft. Er bietet einen Hauch von perkussivem Rhythmus, der von den Tänzern aufgenommen wurde, die einen ekstatischen Tanz beginnen: eine Bühne voller wirbelnder Derwische, bis sie erschöpft zusammenbrechen.


Lawrence Lek

Lawrence Lek präsentiert AIDOL, die Fortsetzung seines 2017er CGI-Films Geomancer. Mit einer vom Künstler geschriebenen und orchestrierten Partitur erzählt diese computergenerierte Fantasy die Geschichte eines verblassenden Superstars, Diva, der einen aufstrebenden KI-Songwriter für eine Comeback-Performance beim olympischen eSport-Finale 2065 engagiert. In einem Nebel-und-Spiegel-Reich aus fantastischer Architektur, empfindungsfähigen Drohnen und schneebedeckten Dschungeln dreht sich AIDOL um den langen und komplexen Kampf zwischen Mensch und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Ruhm – in all seiner Anziehungskraft und Leere – steht den größeren Widersprüchen einer Post-KI-Welt gegenüber, einer Welt, in der Originalität manchmal nur ein algorithmischer Trick ist und in der Maschinen die Fähigkeit haben, zu lieben und zu leiden.


17Mai Hi Ten Yu
Die künstliche Intelligenz (KI) von Yamaha ermöglichte es dem weltberühmten Tänzer Kaiji Moriyama, ein Klavier durch seine Bewegungen zu steuern. Die im System verwendete KI kann die Bewegung eines Tänzers in Echtzeit identifizieren, indem sie Signale von vier Arten von Sensoren analysiert, die am Körper eines Tänzers angebracht sind. Dieses System verfügt über eine Originaldatenbank, die Melodie und Bewegungen verknüpft. Mit dieser Datenbank erstellt die KI im System sofort geeignete Melodiedaten (MIDI) aus den Bewegungen des Tänzers. Das System sendet dann die MIDI-Daten an ein Yamaha Disklavier ™ -Player-Klavier und übersetzt sie in Musik.




“la cremà“


Con la llegada del mes de Marzo las celebraciones se empiezan a suceder por lo largo y ancho del mundo entero, algunas empiezan antes, pero a partir de Marzo empiezan las celebraciones más emblemáticas… especialmente en España. El mismo mes de Marzo tiene lugar el equinocio de privamera, cuando decimos adiós al crudo invierno para recibir a las flores, el sol y el buen clima y temperatura y para celebrarlo en Valencia se celebran las fiestas mayores.Valencia es una de las principales ciudades españolas y cuenta con una importante cultura y tradición entre sus habitantes, pero no sólo la ciudad de Valencia si no toda la província entera que celebra con júbilo las Fallas. Las fallas son una celebración pagana en la que mediante la quema de los ninots se celebra y purifica el cambio de estación. Las Fallas son una fiesta de interés turístico internacional en el que las comisiones o grupos falleros contruyen sus monumentos de cartón-piedra de medidas y acabados espectaculares para proceder, la noche del 19 de Marzo, a la quema masiva de los mismos en el acto denominado “la cremà“. Cada monumento puede costar varios cientos de miles de euros y, el más caro contruído y quemado, de la história llegó a alcanzar los 600.000 euros (100 millones de las antiguas pesetas), por lo que los turistas que visitan Valencia no llegan a alcanzar el sentido de quemar tanto dinero, incluso en tiempos de crisis.

Ricardo Barreto & Raquel Fukuda

Chess Auto-Creative (Self-Replicating)

‘Chess Auto-Creative (CHEAC)’, takes the form of a cube where each face corresponds to an 8 x 8 chessboard. The six chessboards can also be arranged in a line to make them easier to see. There are 16 white pieces and 16 black pieces on each of the chessboards, made up of elements such as: kings, queens, bishops, knights, castles and pawns, each of which moves according to the rules of the game. However, instead of the pieces being arranged as normal, they are first set out in patterns where each element is repeated […]Each time a piece is moved to a new position, symmetrically or asymmetrically, a new variation of proto-chess is produced – in other words, a new game emerges. All games generated in this way are, in principle, variations of proto-chess – including the official chess game itself. This means that ‘Chess Auto-Creative’ is not a variant of the official chess game, but its origin.


Laurent Grasso

OttO (solo exhibition)
OttO (the film)
Structured around a set of brand-new works and around the eponymous film, the exhibition interconnects sacred spaces, animistic beliefs and scientific theories. Each of these works concerns imperceptible and yet active phenomena that have in common the real or supposed effects of electromagnetic waves, vibrations and frequencies. Perrotin Paris



Structurée autour d’un ensemble d’œuvres inédites et autour du film éponyme, l’exposition interconnecte espaces sacrés, croyances animistes et théories scientifiques. Chacun de ces travaux concerne des phénomènes imperceptibles et pourtant actifs qui ont en commun les effets réels ou supposés des ondes électromagnétiques, des vibrations et des fréquences. Perrotin Paris



fog sculptures
ok-offenens kulturhaus linz

In 1970 Nakaya created her first fog sculpture when commissioned by the group Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T) to make a work for the Pepsi Pavillion of the Osaka World Exposition. In creating a work of white mist enclosing the building, Nakaya became the first artist to have used fog as a sculptural medium. E.A.T is an organisation devoted to facilitating working relationships between artists and engineers. Nakaya worked with American engineer Thomas Mee to create the fog for her Osaka commission, the technique for which she has continued to use, with minor moderations, for her subsequent fog sculptures since.Whilst Nakaya has also worked in film and video, it is her use of fog for which she is best known. Nakaya has used pure-water fog to create installations, performances, stage-sets and environmental park designs, often collaborating with other artists or with performers, choreographers and composers. Nakaya’s interest in fog has developed from its relation to our visual sense. In a thick fog we become disorientated, frustrated at our inability to see. In this way, Nakaya’s sculptures activate our other senses, to compensate for our loss of sight.


Le Salon
dancing kings
This piece shows the mental, physical and financial decay of what was once a wealthy family. The aristocratic grandfather, a cornerstone of the family, unconsciously drags his children along with him as he tries to keep up appearances.Set in a once opulent drawing room – now a symbolic glory hole  – he slowly loses control of his house, his bladder and – ultimately – his mind. The househould he once led is now run by his offspring, who treat him as shabbily as they treat one another.


Кристиан Болтански


R.I.P 1944-2021

Preoccupied with collective memory, mortality, and the passage of time, Christian Boltanski creates paintings, sculptures, films, and mixed-media installations that approach these themes in a range of styles, symbolic to direct. Boltanski often makes metaphorical use of found objects, as in No Man’s Land (2010), an enormous pile of discarded jackets set to the soundtrack of thousands of human heartbeats, suggesting the anonymity, randomness, and inevitability of death. In Monuments (1985), electrical bulbs cast a seemingly bittersweet light on pictures of child holocaust victims. Describing his interest in personal histories, Boltanski has said, “What drives me as an artist is that I think everyone is unique, yet everyone disappears so quickly. […] We hate to see the dead, yet we love them, we appreciate them.”


Algenfenster ist eine Anordnung von Glaskugeln, die in einer Wand montiert sind. Direkt hinter der Wand und den Kugeln befindet sich ein Fenster; So erscheinen in jeder Sphäre lebendige, invertierte Miniaturansichten der Szene außerhalb der Galerie und bewohnen sie. Die Zusammensetzung der Arbeit ähnelt stark der Struktur eines Typs einzelliger Algen, die als Kieselalgen bekannt sind und große Mengen Kohlenstoff aus der Atmosphäre entfernen.


Janela de algas
A janela de algas é um arranjo de esferas de vidro que são montadas em uma parede. Há uma janela logo atrás da parede e das bolas; Assim, em cada esfera, miniaturas vivas e invertidas da cena aparecem fora da galeria e a habitam. A composição da obra se assemelha muito à estrutura de um tipo de alga unicelular conhecida como diatomácea, que remove grandes quantidades de carbono da atmosfera.


Laura Scozzi

Jean-Philippe Rameau
Les Indes Galantes

The first merit of this new production, streaming with intelligence, is that Laura Scozzi and Christophe Rousset have read Fuzelier’s verses deeply. And of Rameau, we must add, so much the composer, perpetually dissatisfied with his poets, harassed them word for word, when he did not take up the pen himself. In addition to lines which, like his contemporary Marivaux, seem to have been invented instantly, Fuzelier has built a dialectical finesse between peace and war, joy and hatred, pleasure and violence, the state of Nature and the state of society. The Gallant Indies according to Laura Scozzi are not a gigantic burst of joy. On the contrary, they reveal a perpetual and restless balance between shadow and light and are a look, less consensual but true and human, on the Age of Enlightenment. Here is a startling ideological reversal, without any forcing: Laura Scozzi has simply revealed the implicit nature of a libretto, so far read superficially.


Danse Serpentine

La Serpentine è un’evoluzione della gonna dance, una forma di danza burlesque arrivata da poco negli Stati Uniti dall’Inghilterra. La danza della gonna era di per sé una reazione contro le forme “accademiche” di balletto, incorporando versioni addomesticate di danze popolari e popolari come il can-can. La nuova danza è stata originata da Loïe Fuller, che ha fornito diversi resoconti di come l’ha sviluppata. Secondo il suo racconto, che è ampiamente riportato, non avendo mai ballato professionalmente prima, ha scoperto accidentalmente gli effetti della luce del palcoscenico proiettata da diverse angolazioni sul tessuto di garza di un costume che aveva frettolosamente assemblato per la sua performance nella commedia Quack MD, e spontaneamente ha sviluppato la nuova forma in risposta alla reazione entusiasta del pubblico nel vedere il modo in cui la sua gonna appariva alle luci. Durante il ballo ha tenuto la sua lunga gonna tra le mani e l’ha agitata, rivelando la sua forma all’interno. Nelle parole dello storico della danza Jack Anderson, “Il costume per la sua Serpentine Dance consisteva in centinaia di metri di seta cinese che lei lasciava fluttuare intorno a lei mentre gli effetti di luce suggerivano che stesse prendendo fuoco e assumendo forme che ricordavano fiori, nuvole, uccelli ., e farfalle. “


The Raft
The Raft depicts at life-sized scale a group of ordinary people casually standing together. Suddenly, they are struck by strong blasts of water that rush in, overtake them, and then, just as unexpectedly, recede. In the aftermath of the deluge, the victims huddle together, seek protection, and help those who have fallen. The viewer experiences this event in an immersive setting, standing in a darkened room and surrounded by the roaring sounds of the water. Meticulously captured in slow-motion, The Raft arouses a visceral experience of human calamity and shared humanity, provoking a consideration of the range of responses to crisis.

Ulla Von Brandenburg

Seven Curtains

In ihrer ersten Einzelausstellung in Österreich zeigt Ulla von Brandenburg als Teil einer spezifisch auf den Hauptraum der Secession zugeschnittenen Installation ihren neuen Film “Die Straße”. Die Kamera des Schwarz-Weiß Films verfolgt in einer einzigen ungeschnittenen Einstellung die Aktionen der DarstellerInnen, die von Brandenburg in einer ephemeren Kulissenstadt aus weißen Leinwänden unter freiem Himmel in Szene gesetzt hat. Durch die stilisierende Szenerie, die geheimnisvollen und rätselhaften Rituale, welche die Interaktion der SchauspielerInnen untereinander bestimmen, und das Lied, das sie abwechselnd singen, haftet dem Film eine besondere Poesie an.Wie der Film so lotet auch die Installation die verschiedenen Wirklichkeitsebenen und Grenzbereiche zwischen dem Sein und Schein aus. Vor die Filmprojektion stellt von Brandenburg eine begehbare Bühnenkonstruktion und initiiert durch verschiedenfarbige Theatervorhänge, Treppen, Tribünen und ZuschauerInnenebenen ein Spiel mit dem Davor und Dahinter, Außen / Innen und letztlich eine Konfrontation der BetrachterInnen mit sich selbst und ihrer Rolle. Wie häufig im Werk Ulla von Brandenburgs dient der Vorhang als ein Mittel, um einen Übergang zu markieren von der realen Welt in jene des Theaters, in einen geistigen Raum, in dem die Imagination, Träume und das Unbewusste regieren und keine zeitlichen oder räumlichen Schranken existieren.


Wang & Söderström ist ein in Kopenhagen ansässiges transdisziplinäres Duo, das sich aus der schwedischen Designerin Anny Wang und dem Architekten Tim Söderström zusammensetzt. Die Überbrückung des physischen und des digitalen Bereichs ist ein Hauptthema in ihrer Praxis und sie versuchen ständig, die Grenzen zwischen ihnen herauszufordern. Wang & Söderström, der zwischen Kunst und Design schwankt, möchte bereits bestehende Konventionen in Bezug auf das Digitale verwerfen und die emotionale und taktile Seite von Materialien, Objekten und Texturen hervorheben, um dem Digitalen eine menschlichere Qualität zu verleihen und aussagekräftigere Verbindungen herzustellen “Durch 3D-Scannen von Elementen aus der Natur wie Baumstämmen, Blättern und Pflanzen und das Mischen mit surrealistischen Materialien und Verhaltensweisen wollten wir sie in einer digitalen Umgebung weiter wachsen lassen.“

Refik Anadol

Quantum memories
Quantum Memories is Refik Anadol Studio’s epic scale investigation of the intersection between Google AI Quantum Supremacy experiments, machine learning, and aesthetics of probability. Technological and digital advancements of the past century could as well be defined by the humanity’s eagerness to make machines go to places that humans could not go, including the spaces inside our minds and the non-spaces of our un- or sub-conscious acts. Quantum Memories utilizes the most cutting-edge, Google AI’s publicly available quantum computation research data and algorithms to explore the possibility of a parallel world by processing approximately 200 million nature and landscape images through artificial intelligence. These algorithms allow us to speculate alternative modalities inside the most sophisticated computer available, and create new quantum noise-generated datasets as building blocks of these modalities. The 3D visual piece is accompanied by an audio experience that is also based on quantum noise–generated data, offering an immersive experience that further challenges the notion of mutual exclusivity. The project is both inspired by and a speculation of the Many-Worlds Interpretation in quantum physics – a theory that holds that there are many parallel worlds that exist at the same space and time as our own.

Nicolas Bernier

Structures infinies
Between the finite and the infinite, these mirror structures are reflecting the outside world until they are set in motion to unveil a moving and infinite interior. Hidden inside are superimposed diagrams reinterpreting certain theories or hypotheses related to our apprehension of the world. Between transcendental geometry, higher dimensions, finite and infinite, these structures arise as objects of reflection on what one understands, what one believes to understand and what one does not understand. The structure is thus referring to the finite physical structure that is encapsulating the infinity of intellectual structures created by the humankind.

Joseph Popper

The One-Way Ticket
The One-Way Ticket explores the idea of sending one person on a one-way trip to outer space. Not coming back opens up an exceptional scenario, so far unprecedented in the history of human space travel. The project focuses on the experience of a lone astronaut and responds to research into human factors particular to a one-way mission. In parallel with this research ran a production of props, contraptions and sets made for exploring the scenario through film.

Michael Clark

Come, been and gone

Ballet meets punk, and neither comes out the same. In its highly anticipated first visit to Chicago, the electrifying Michael Clark Company provocatively pays homage to the decadence and unbridled fun of 1970s club culture. British dance iconoclast Michael Clark sets his choreography in come, been and gone to the music of fellow rebel David Bowie, and collaborates with video artist and dance film pioneer Charles Atlas. Clark’s dancers don Bowie-style leather jackets and echo his unique body language, building up to a detonation of jumps and kicks. “Come, been and gone” pulls off a remarkable feat—matching the cool, alien beauty of the singular singer, who makes a cameo appearance here thanks to 1977 film footage of his track “Heroes.”

Kikagaku Moyo

Masana Temples
‘…The only constant for Kikagaku Moyo throughout their travels were the five band members always together moving through it all, but each of them taking everything in from very different perspectives. Inspecting the harmonies and disparities between these perspectives, the group reflects the emotional impact of their nomadic paths. The music is the product of time spent in motion and all of the bending mindsets that come with it.’ – Bandcamp