
Alex Ekman


Ekman talents extend to the lighting and stage design and his eye for structuring an environment is unerring. There is no set as such, excepting the plaster cow which dangles overhead, but the stage surface has its share of movement as little island-blocks rise up and pits sink down. The extreme tilting of the stage at one point causes unfortunate Bauch to roll, cow-like, almost into the pit. COW has its iconic Ekman moment in the scene that opens on a stage full of swirling dancers in white skirts set in a magical silvery mist. Mikael Karlsson, whose music partners the piece provides a subtle and evocative soundscape. He offers a hint of percussive rhythm picked up by the dancers who launch into an ecstatic dance: a stage full of whirling dervishes, until they collapse exhausted.


Ekmans Talente erstrecken sich auf die Beleuchtung und das Bühnenbild, und sein Auge für die Strukturierung einer Umgebung ist unfehlbar. Es gibt kein Set als solches, außer der Gipskuh, die über ihnen baumelt, aber die Bühnenoberfläche hat ihren Anteil an Bewegung, wenn kleine Inselblöcke aufsteigen und Gruben sinken. Das extreme Kippen der Bühne an einer Stelle führt dazu, dass der unglückliche Bauch kuhartig fast in die Grube rollt. COW hat seinen legendären Ekman-Moment in der Szene, die auf einer Bühne voller wirbelnder Tänzer in weißen Röcken in einem magischen silbernen Nebel beginnt. Mikael Karlsson, dessen Musikpartner das Stück ist, bietet eine subtile und eindrucksvolle Klanglandschaft. Er bietet einen Hauch von perkussivem Rhythmus, der von den Tänzern aufgenommen wurde, die einen ekstatischen Tanz beginnen: eine Bühne voller wirbelnder Derwische, bis sie erschöpft zusammenbrechen.




Fundada en 1972 como una de las primeras compañías de danza Butoh, Dairakudakan es formado por Akaji Maro, basado en los principios “Tempu-Tenshiki” (‘nacer en el mundo es ya de por si tener un gran talento’), creado por Maro, y “Miburi-Teburi” (‘uso de las manos y el cuerpo’). Esta agrupación aparece en la escena internacional en 1982 con el estreno mundial de “Kaiin no Uma ” (El Caballo del Marinero) en Avignon, Francia. Desde entonces la palabra “butoh” ha tenido un gran impacto en otras formas de danza contemporánea.

Lech Majewski

The Roe’s Room
opera movie

In this “absolutely singular autobiographical film opera” (Time Out London), multi-talented composer, writer, director and artist Lech Majewski presents a stunning, intimate, and ultimately magical work of unbridled creativity. A ravishing ode to the imagination, THE ROE’S ROOM is a place where the energy of youth and the eternal power of the natural world triumph over the banalities and deprivations of the commonplace.Within their apartment, a father, mother and son bear the dulling yoke of an ordinary urban life. His mind and heart borne aloft by the cycle of the seasons and the images and music within him, the son transforms his cloistered existence into a richly poetic emotional utopia. As autumn arrives, cracking flakes of plaster become falling leaves. With spring, a cold hard floor comes alive with meadow grass and love beckons in the form of a beautiful young girl’s outstretched hand.

Aurélien Bory

pour Kaori Ito

Soms is dans gewoon wonderschoon. Een visueel hoogtepunt is de installatieperformance Plexus van regisseur Aurélien Bory en danseres Kaori Ito. Bory schiep met Plexus ‘een portret in dans’ van Ito. De Japanse danseres en choreografe studeerde klassieke dans in Tokio en moderne dans in de VS. Ze stond eerder in Julidans NEXT, het talentenpodium. Bory ontwierp een installatie van vijfduizend nylondraden die Ito omsluiten als een marionet.Beperkt door die ruimte verkent Ito haar mogelijkheden. Ze zweeft, danst, valt, draait rond. Haar spel is poëtisch en dromerig, maar tot in de perfectie uitgevoerd.

Roy Andersson

About Endlessness
La nueva película de Roy Andersson, una especie de secuela espiritual de A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence, está compuesta por una serie de viñetas narradas por una mujer joven desde un futuro indefinido: una pareja flota por una Colonia en ruinas; un padre se detiene a atar los cordones de los zapatos de su hija bajo la lluvia; un cura con crisis de fe busca ayuda de un psiquiatra que lo único que quiere es llegar a tomar el colectivo de vuelta a casa. La película, por la que Andersson ganó el León de Plata a Mejor Director en el último Festival de Venecia, es otra muestra de su talento para captar la esencia de la vida, transitando entre la comedia y el drama, entre la alegría y la tristeza. Y todo esto en apenas 76 encantadores minutos.

mike winkelmann (Beeple)

Майк Винкельман
minor peon

La cantidad no es lo mismo que la calidad, ya lo sabemos, pero el diseñador gráfico estadounidense Mike Winkelmann (alias Beeple) ha logrado hacer coincidir las dos cosas. Beeple, con su carácter autocrítico, decidió que la mejor manera de mejorar su talento artístico era completar una obra completa en un día, todos los días. Así nació el proyecto Everydays, que ya se encuentra en su octavo año consecutivo, y en 2015 la ciencia ficción es la principal inspiración. Cada año Beeple utiliza un medio diferente para crear sus obras artísticas, y este año el artista ha utilizado herramientas digitales como Cinema 4D, Octane Renderer, Z-Brush y X-Particles. En menos de 24 horas, Beeple es capaz de crear una ilustración digital hiperrealista que parece haber tardado mucho más en hacer. Los increíbles resultados resaltan paisajes y escenarios futuristas que parecen sacados de una película de ciencia ficción, donde hay un claro contraste entre la pequeñez de la figura humana (a veces casi imperceptible) y el aparato tecnológico que tiene frente a él. Otras obras, en cambio, representan formas más abstractas, que, sin embargo, nunca se apartan de su carácter futurista. Profundamente detallada y minuciosa, parece imposible que cada una de estas obras se cree y complete en un día, pero lo cierto es que la estadounidense El artista ya está en el 3030 de trabajo consecutivo y no parece querer frenar el ritmo. Es decir, es un artista reacio a la dilación.


When two talented people meet, an edgy fashion designer and an unconventional photographer, an astonishing project, intriguing in many levels, originates. The Serpens collection lookbook is the product of the collaboration between the Chinese fashion designer Qui Hao and the Shanghai based, French photographer Matthieu Belin. Named after the constellation of the northern hemisphere – the reptile, the mythological symbol that represents both good and evil – Serpens is as mysterious, futuristic and compelling as its name implies. An extravagant collection in which the size is the absolute dominant. Oversized clothes touched by the magic wand of minimalism.


Айрис Ван Эрпен
イリス ヴァン ヘルペン

Iris van Herpen is a Dutch fashion designer who is widely recognized as one of fashion’s most talented and forward-thinking creators who continuously pushes the boundaries of fashion design. Since her first show in 2007 van Herpen has been preoccupied with inventing new forms and methods of sartorial expression by combining the most traditional and the most radical materials and garment construction methods into her unique aesthetic vision.


When French producers asked Jodorowsky to adapt Dune, he was at the peak of his prestige.
…Jodorowsky’s Dune shows, the director managed to assemble a jaw-dropping group of talent for the film. This version of Dune was set to star David Carradine, Orson Welles, Salvador Dali and Mick Jagger. It was going to have Pink Floyd do the soundtrack. And it was going to have the then unknown artist H. R. Giger along with French comic BOOK artist Jean Giraud, otherwise known as Moebius, design the sets. Sadly, Jodorowsky’s grand vision proved to be too grand for the film’s financiers and they pulled the plug. The movie clearly belongs in the pantheon – along with Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon and Welles’s Heart of Darkness – of the greatest movies never made. Compared to those other films, though, Jodorowsky’s movie sounds way groovier.


برونو مترا وجينسون لورانس
Бруно Метра и Лоренс Джинсон

Talented French duo of photographers Bruno Metra and Laurence Jeanson experiments with our visual perception. Using sticky tape, cuts from fashion magazines and human portraits they create a new form of facial expressions. After watching few works in a row your mind starts working as usual and you easily adopt the new transformed face as it is.


Clemens Ascher, born in Innsbruck, graduated from the Miami Ad School Europe in Hamburg, where he completed his qualifications as an art director and commercial photographer. His talent was already discovered while he was still studying and won him awards such as the ‘German Student of the year’ from the ADC. Once he graduated he completed a long-term photography assistant job in Hamburg, before launching his freelance photographer career in 2008. Since then he has participated in several group and solo shows in Austria and works for international clients. Clemens lives and works between Vienna, Innsbruck, London, and Hamburg.


Nicholas et Dustin ont tous deux eu diverses expériences dans la photographie et le design en général. Ils se sont rencontrés lors d’une commande d’un client en 2007. Depuis, ils se retrouvent pour expérimenter et mélanger leurs talents pour donner naissance à des projets très engagés esthétiquement[…]


Dutch-based designer Shai Langen is a master at transforming the human body into a range of surreal creations. These include coating the skin of his models in thousands of tiny dots or spiky silver studs. He is also a talented filmmaker, shooting his modernist, minimalist designs in a simple, beautiful fashion.


Катарина Trudzinski
Katharina Trudzinski is a talented artist who is making a name for herself through the creation of abstract 3D collages and paintings. Dabbling in all things contemporary, Katharina Trudzinski’s work is as thought-provoking as it is artistic. Both the sculptures and paintings will inspire people to look into their depths to either figure out the meaning behind each or to simply lose themselves in the haphazard twists and turns.


Linger Bench
Alvin Tjitrowirjo es el diseñador de alta talento indonesio que se comprometió a introducir el diseño moderno y contemporáneo de Indonesia a nivel local el resto del mundo. A través de la marca alvinT, que se dedicó a la reactivación de la industria del diseño de Indonesia y comunicar carácter distintivo diseño de Indonesia y materiales de alta calidad y la artesanía, que representa la cultura de Indonesia a través de los ojos modernos.

todd baxter

تود باكستر
owl scouts

Imagina que la perfección formal del cineasta Wes Anderson se combina con el delirio surrealista del pintor Salvador Dalí… en una serie de fotografías. Todd Baxter es un fotógrafo norteamericano que ha logrado condensar el talento de estos dos maestros del cine y la pintura, para contar historias que van de lo tierno a lo grotesco. Sus imágenes son una combinación de distintos elementos reales, manipulados digitalmente para provocar en el espectador una experiencia onírica que, en algunos momentos, podría rayar con el horror.

Cecilia Vicuña

Quipu Womb
Although better known as a poet in her adoptive North American home (she has lived in New York since the 1980s), Cecilia Vicuña has stayed true to her youthful calling as a genre-bending visual artist for more than forty years, and her site-specific projects highlight the artist’s talent for composing poems in space, for a visceral lyricism in three dimensions.


Nicholas et Dustin ont tous deux eu diverses expériences dans la photographie et le design en général. Ils se sont rencontrés lors d’une commande d’un client en 2007. Depuis, ils se retrouvent pour expérimenter et mélanger leurs talents pour donner naissance à des projets très engagés esthétiquement (comprendre : pas forcément du goût de tout le monde).


Dutch photographer Amber Isabel has such a creative imagination that all you could do is stare with awe at her portfolio. Her mixed media photography showcases her true talents and hypnotizes you as you strain your eyebrows, attempting to understand her pictures. Be it either the dark shadow figures or the white dotted veils that cover the faces of these melancholic characters, each picture tells a story filled with emotion. If Amber Isabel is able to convey strong messages through these pictures, one could only wonder what the rest of her portfolio holds.

Percy Lau

Ilusiones ópticas, toques cómicos y algo bizarros son algunas de las cualidades que destacan que podemos encontrar en el trabajo de la diseñadora de joyas y accesorios Percy Lau, quien con talento de sobra, un pasado ligado a las ciencias y una mente inquieta ha diseñado diversos proyectos que la han ubicado como un talento a tener en consideración. Dentro de la gama de accesorios que ha desarrollado en su corta, pero prometedora carrera sin duda son los anteojos los que se llevan todas las miradas, y a continuación podrás ver por qué.


Asian Portrait
Jesse Auersalo est un illustrateur finlandais très talentueux. Le travail de Jesse est foncé, intimidant, des nuances surréaliste qui fonctionnent parfaitement avec son esthétique unique. Il décrit son travail comme “poli et propre, ainsi que collant et sale”. L’attention au contraste et au rendu des détails minutieux est vraiment impressionnant.


Пьер Бетелль

Pierre Béteille, un toulousain qui au delà de ses métiers de Web Designer, photographe, graphiste, Directeur artistique… sait délirer et remodeler avec talent sa propre image autour de thèmes et d’objets détournés avec beaucoup de talent. Un œil exercé et une patte précise.


Хилари Фэй
What isn’t Hilary Faye good at? After looking at her extensive collection of imperial artistic talents, I couldn’t decide in which medium she showed more strength. Her online catalog showcases her fine skill in: collage, mixed media, photography, animation, typography, illustration and packaging design. In founding all of this, she has a proclivity for beautiful imagery and visual symphonics.

Jacob Sutton


Reconnu pour ses talents de photographe, notamment dans le domaine de la mode, Jacob Sutton parvient à donner à ses clichés une ambiance particulière. Une gestion des corps et des lumières à découvrir dans une série de visuels illustrant l’étendue des talents de l’artiste.


리처드 스위니/
Ричард Суини
column for miniartextil

Richard Sweeney nació en Huddersfield, Inglaterra. Descubrió un talento especial para la escultura que lo llevó al estudio de Diseño Tridimensional en la Universidad Metropolitana de Manchester. La extraordinaria manipulación del papel de Sweeney creó piezas de inspirante harmonía, ritmo y reposo; haciendo honor a los artistas que utilizan las propiedades únicas de materiales a menudo mundanos.


La flexibilite
Si pudiéramos describir el trabajo de Benoit Paillé concluiríamos que es dueño de un talento excepcional y único. Cada nueva propuesta de este fotógrafo es signo de genialidad en cuanto a sus temáticas y su depurada técnica, una fusión que da vida a un trabajo que parece una verdadera documentación de lo cotidiano.


알렉산더 켄트
الكسندر كينت
Александр Кент

Alexander Kent est un photographe londonien ayant un talent certain pour capturer des éléments en jouant avec les plans et la perspective. Avec des clichés épurés d’une très grande qualité, il parvient à nous plonger dans son univers. A découvrir dans la suite avec cette sélection de clichés.

Ruggero Lupo Mengoni

Precious Armour
The striking Precious Armour story photographed for Luisa Via Roma by the talented Ruggero Lupo Mengoni at The Pictorialists stars Romina Morais at 2morrow Model Management in Milano and Korlan Madi. Intricate styling for the shoot is courtesy of Valentina G.Ottobri at Luisaviaroma.


Lamp and Statue
Jesse Auersalo est un illustrateur finlandais très talentueux. Le travail de Jesse est foncé, intimidant, des nuances surréaliste qui fonctionnent parfaitement avec son esthétique unique. Il décrit son travail comme “poli et propre, ainsi que collant et sale”. L’attention au contraste et au rendu des détails minutieux est vraiment impressionnant.

csilla klenyánszki

Csilla Klenyánszki is a talented photographer and artist, who was born in 1986 in Budapest, Hungary and currently based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Maarten de Ceulaer

Maarten de Ceulaer est un jeune et talentueux designer à suivre. Il a obtenu son diplôme avec mention au département de design d’intérieur de la St-Lukas Hogeschool de Bruxelles et a décidé de continuer sa formation sur la conception des produits, en poursuivant ses études à la Design Academy d’Eindhoven. Il explique très bien sa vision sur le design, que je partage avec lui, de cette façon : « J’essaie de développer mes créations sur un solide, simple et pur concept. Je veux surprendre, faire sourire les gens de façon très subtile. J’essaie de remettre en question ce que je vois autour de moi, et de le traduire dans l’objet. Je pense que la poésie, humour et de la communication des idées sont des aspects très importants de mon travail, mais en même temps, je tiens à rendre utiles et fonctionnels les objets avec cette façon de penser. Conceptuel au début, mon design doit être plus que des idées. Un bon concept dans un bon produit, est ce que je cherche à réaliser. » Son site est à visiter absolument!



Mientras miro a través de las impresionantes esculturas surrealistas de Michael Beitz, no puedo evitar pensar en un hechizo que salió mal. Desde paredes que realmente tienen orejas hasta mesas torcidas y árboles destrozados, cada pieza parece un intento fallido de hechizo en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería. Michael Beitz, que vive en la ciudad de Nueva York, tiene una imaginación salvaje y un talento para apoyarla. Al empujar los límites de las esculturas tradicionales, su trabajo realmente pertenece al mundo moderno, donde la conmoción y la admiración se enorgullecen de casi todo y más.

Eve Bailey

Tongue in Cheek
My work is based on the concepts of balance and coordination. The body interests me as a perceiving mechanical structure. I use my own body as a primary tool to create pieces that experiment with equilibrium through physical, mechanical, plastic and conceptual means. My studio practice is rooted in the tradition of the artist engineer. I design and build suspended and pendular constructions that can sustain their own weight and mine as I perform with them. By climbing and inverting on the structures, I challenge my own perception and creative process.
With the combination of the two mediums sculpture and performance, I seek balance in the mind versus body relationship. My work alternates between theory and practice. The intellect occurs in the engineering of my structures and the sensuality arises from my body in motion, bringing together two talents commonly thought as disparate: male versus female, rational versus instinctive. All my pieces are created upon contrastive ideas and principles. I constantly play with contradictions whether they are of visual, physical or conceptual nature.

Csilla Klenyánszki

Csilla Klenyánszki is a talented photographer and artist, who was born in 1986 in Budapest, Hungary and currently based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

ilanio and iimuahii


The Supreme Beings Fashion Show will reveal the avant-garde concepts of two local fashion designers, Ilanio Reubin of Ilanio and Elena Slivnyak of IIMUAHII, at the spacious SOMArts Cultural Center on Thursday, March 1st. The two runway shows will showcase 8 imaginative looks from each designer, as well as two short improvisational performances by Butoh (contemporary Japanese) dancers which we find very fitting for the two creatives.Though different in aesthetic, both designers hail from similar backgrounds and aim for analogous goals. Ilanio (San Francisco Art Institute) and Elena (Academy of Art) both found the retail and fashion corporate worlds too constrictive and mass-produced, and thus ventured into their own imaginative ones.
Ilanio works to create “visually stunning fashion concepts that explicitly disregard wearability, saleability, and practicality; that embrace advanced definitions of sexuality and gender; and that defy the commercially-mandated boundary between the fashion and art worlds.” For Elena of IIMUAHIII, her avant-garde aesthetic is manifested in an intricately-crafted sportswear line.Although we’re dreaming of being in Paris (but really, when are we not?), we’re excited to watch Ilanio and IIMUAHII strut and represent San Francisco’s undeniable talent in their nontraditional fashion show and hope to see you all there as well!


Justin Vin

Wave house
If you would build a house made of moving waves? What it would be? Art director Justin Vin has collaborated with team of talented artists to find this out. This project is an approach to see and feel technologies in new way – as organic, friendly environments. It is nurturing, divine and filled with spirituality. Intuitive and friendly. Inspired by today’s emerging technologies – claytronics, programmable matter, quantum locking – we eventually came to the vision of Wave House. A home of beauty, freedom and softness. We see big spaces, like temple or church and a surrealism, surrounding it.


Anatomy of Form
The Divine Proportion in the Platonic Solids

In fact, the Graham Foundation recognized Tyng’s talent nearly half a century ago in 1965, when she was awarded for her project Anatomy of Form: The Divine Proportion in the Platonic Solids:In her research she developed a theory of hierarchies of symmetry—symmetries within symmetries—and a search for architectural insight and revelation in the consistency and beauty of all underlying form.It’s fascinating stuff, and the images alone have piqued my interest in Tyng’s theories, which cover topics from Jungian cycles to the cosmos. Tyng (b. 1920 in Jiangxi, China) was one of the first women to earn a Masters in Architecture from Harvard. She spent nearly three decades collaborating with Louis Kahn before shifting her focus to research at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 60’s. The title of the exhibition and her works belie the understated beauty of their execution, which demonstrate the expressive power of order and geometry. Tyng’s unique command of form is matched by her raw intellect; thus, she elegantly articulates her vision in the models seen here.


queen monkey
“The highest position in British society is not a reward for talent or hard work, but is simply handed out with the accident of birth… God Save The Queen.” – Banksy



Peter Van Der Ham and George Manak
Clapping Music’s most fun “preview” is undoubtedly that of the talented George Manak and Peter van der Ham who used a scene from Point Blank with Lee Marvin and Angie Dickinson.
Clapping Music