

جون ووترز
존 워터스
ג’ון ווטרס
Джон Уотерс


جون ووترز
존 워터스
ג’ון ווטרס
Джон Уотерс


Подводный балет
수중 발레
باليه تحت الماء

QUBIT AI: Marc Vilanova

Shell of

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival
Marc Vilanova – Cascade – Spain

Waterfalls are a continuous source of infrasonic frequency found in nature. Although inaudible to humans, they play a crucial role in ecosystems, especially for migratory birds who use them as a compass. However, many waterfalls have lost their frequencies due to climate change. The work creates an immersive experience in which the audience interacts with the visualization of sound waves, experiencing the vibration of sound through illuminated strings.


Marc Vilanova is a sound and visual artist who works at the intersection of art, science and nature. Vilanova’s artistic production has always been led by a spirit of innovation fueled by an interest in new media. His practice combines sound/light installations, performance, and sculpture.


This work was partially carried out within the scope of the EMAP program at gnration, with the support of the Creative Europe Culture Programme, the Avatar Center in Quebec City and the Ramon Llull Institute.

Eloise Coomber

QUBIT AI: Leilanni Todd


FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Leilanni Todd – Floating – United States

Floating explores the concept of surrendering and freeing oneself by allowing oneself to float, symbolizing overcoming adversity and mastering self-confidence. Inspired by her grandmother’s journey to overcome her fear of water through swimming, the work uses water and sea creatures as symbols of resilience and transformation. The personal narrative behind the work adds depth to its exploration of overcoming fears and discovering inner strength.


Leilanni Todd is an award-winning creative director with extensive experience in advertising, fashion and new media. Originally from Toronto and now based in New York, she harmoniously integrates art, technology and culture into her work. Through her FLOAM WORLD platform, Leilanni creates surreal narratives, reimagines traditional norms in fashion and advertising, and addresses complex human issues with humor and creativity.

Clara Daguin

Oracle Collection
The performance centered around ORACLE, a digital palm reading given by model and iconic muse Axelle Doué. The surrounding luminous dresses embodying the four elements— air, earth, water, and fire—come alive during the reading, with mirrors reflecting them into infinity. The pieces are crafted from diverse materials, both natural and synthetic. Well beyond typical textiles, Clara Daguin implements optical fibers, pleating, embroidered circuits, addressable LEDs, sculpted resin, home-grown alum stone crystals, Swarovski Elements, silk organza, microcontrollers and radio frequency modules.

Robert Henke

Focused rays of ultraviolet light paint temporary landscapes on a layer of phosphorous dust on the museum floor. Operating on concepts of erosion and mutation, the installation changes its behaviour and visual appearance during the exhibition period. Each trace of light leaves a mark on a virtual mountain range, like water slowly washing out deep canyons. With a little help from alchemy and quantum physics, matter acquired a memory: translating time into space

Soichiro Mihara

三原 聡一郎
The Blank to Overcome
file festival
Part of the ”blank” project that the artist has been creating since 2011, “The Blank to Overcome” utilizes air pumps, power supply control circuitry, water, solution, glycerin, ethanol and electricity to produce bubbles in the air. The theme of ”blanks” denotes a space for an unsolved ”inquiry” through the perspectives for thinking about the post-3.11 present: how the bubbles are always shifting as a giant cluster, almost without mass or structure, and the facing up to this; and the framework since modernity that has prescribed society, and the ”involved” or the ”other”. From this work debate will surely emerge.



アーティストが2011年から作成している「ブランク」プロジェクトの一部である「TheBlankto Overcome」は、エアポンプ、電源制御回路、水、溶液、グリセリン、エタノール、電気を利用して空気中に気泡を生成します。 「空白」のテーマは、3.11以降の現在について考えるための視点を通して、未解決の「問い合わせ」のためのスペースを示しています。泡は、ほとんど質量や構造がなく、巨大なクラスターとして常にシフトしており、これに直面しています。 ; そして、社会を規定してきた近代以来の枠組み、そして「関与する」または「その他」。 この仕事から議論が確実に浮かび上がるでしょう。


David Bowen

plant bot is a time based interactive art installation where the fates of a living plant and a computer are interdependent. Essentially the plant attempts to train a computer using image recognition. Through this process the computer will learn to recognize when the plant needs water based on images it takes of the plant. If the plant appears healthy, the computer will maintain a regular water regiment. If the plant does not appear healthy to the computer it will attempt to aid the plant by adjusting to what it “thinks” the plant needs based on the images gathered. As the computer becomes more intelligent and hence more adept at caring for the plant, the plant will conceivably thrive and grow in proportion. If the computer is unsuccessful, conceivably the opposite will occur.

Kris Verdonck

In IN (2003) an actress remains motionless for an hour in a display window filled with water. The distortion to her senses caused by the environment she is in makes her go into a trance. The sounds of her breathing and movement are amplified by microphones.

Doug Aitken

Sonic Fountain II

An excavation filled with milky water, Sonic Fountain is surmounted by nine taps distributed in a grid which taste according to a precisely written score. In the water, microphones record the sound of drops of water – sound broadcast live in space, like a concert. In the artist’s words, Sonic Fountain “is a deliberately abstract work that bares architecture and reveals its rhythm, tempo and language”.

Studio Above&Below

‘Semi-Diurnal Spaces’ is a site specific immersive installation in form of a full dome which makes use of local tidal and atmospheric data of South Wales. Locals were invited to experience their close-by waterbody through a meditative environment, connecting to it in a poetic, technological and tele present way. Tidal patterns and atmospheric data such as wind and humidity influence a digital NVIDIA FleX particle system in real-time. The site-specific data influences the gravitational forces, fluid viscosity and flow rate within the dome as a body, resulting in a living digital sculpture and AV experience connecting to aspects of the channel itself.

Mischa Kuball


Projection, variable size

UnTiefen (shallow waters) form the transition from the so-called Bridge Studio at the OK to the attics of the Ursulinenhof. Just as every body of water represents a natural boundary that separates and at the same time connects two shores, this flowing floor projection can also be understood as both: a path and an invitation to seek one’s own position in this transition zone.


Kevin Cooley

Fallen Water
Fallen Water explores questions about why humans are drawn to waterfalls and flowing water as a source for renewal. Waterfalls imbue subconscious associations with pristine and healthy drinking water, but what happens when the fountain can no longer renew itself? Is the water no longer pure? Cooley’s choice of subject matter strikes a deep chord with current social consciousness and anxieties about contemporary water usage and the drought crisis faced by the American West. Cooley references Blake’s famous quote from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell as context for the diametric opposites of the current water conundrum: our deep sense of entitlement to and dire dependence on this precious commodity, coupled with a pervasive obliviousness concerning the sources which supply it. As a way to connect with his personal water use, Cooley hiked into the mountains to see firsthand the snowpack (or lack thereof), streams, and aquifers which feed the water sources supplying his Los Angeles home. This multi-channel installation is an amalgamation of videos made over numerous trips to remote locations in the San Gabriel Mountains, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and locales as far away as the San Juan Mountains in Southwestern Colorado. These disconnected video vignettes coalesce, constructing a large water landscape canvasing the gallery walls and floors – reflecting the disparate and widespread origin of Los Angeles’s drinking water. The colorspace within the videos is inverted, turning the water pink, orange and yellow—channeling an altered vision of water—in which something is definitely amiss: a stark reminder of the current water crisis in the state of California.

Jacqueline Hen

Light High
The installation LIGHT HIGH is aimed at guiding the perception through targeted acoustic and visual phenomena into border areas in which ambivalent experiences set in and the habitual experience of space is abolished.[…] A mirrored ceiling together with a thin reflecting surface of water on the ground and a grid arrangement of lights are creating the spatial illusion of an infinite vertical space of light and darkness. By traversing a small bridge, the visitor can cautiously discover the immersing endlessness beneath his/her feats and above his/her head.

Lundén Architecture Company

Another Generosity
Another Generosity explores a new structure that consists of a membrane holding two basic elements: air and water. The simple structures are combined to create a visible and dynamic cellular structure. The inflated elements mediate between the natural and built environment. They respond to external and sometimes unseen stimuli, creating a new kind of experience, a momentary hesitation that heightens our awareness of our surroundings.

Yonakani: Young ah Seong, Takuji Narumi & Tomohiro Akagawa

file festival
The term “Thermotaxis” signifies a movement of a living organism in response to heat stimulation. A thermal spot has power to encourage people to gather together like open fires in winter or water places in summer. The work “Thermotaxis” characterizes the open space as invisible thermal spots by providing people with thermal information. Our work aims to create a new spatial structure for communication not by architectural approach but by using information technology.


Dans van koi en mensen
Koi zwemmen op het wateroppervlak, dat zich uitstrekt tot in het oneindige. Mensen kunnen het water in. De beweging van de koi wordt beïnvloed door de aanwezigheid van mensen in het water en ook andere koi. Wanneer de vissen met mensen botsen, veranderen ze in bloemen en verspreiden ze zich. De baan van de Koi wordt bepaald door de aanwezigheid van mensen, en deze banen trekken lijnen op het wateroppervlak. Het werk wordt in realtime weergegeven door een computerprogramma. Het is geen vooraf opgenomen animatie en ook geen on-loop. De interactie tussen de kijker en de installatie leidt tot een continue verandering in het beeldmateriaal. Eerdere visuele toestanden kunnen nooit worden gerepliceerd en zullen nooit meer voorkomen.


Vibratie spiegel
Een sculptuur die de impact van twee waterdruppels interpreteert. De resulterende vormen zijn uit een aluminium plaat gesneden en geven de bevroren, statische structuur van water van dichtbij weer.


Вдохновленный успокаивающими свойствами синего цвета, A Water полностью погружает вас в наполненную водой окружающую среду. Независимо от того, смотрите ли вы на бескрайний океан или слушаете бурлящий поток ручья, вода дает ощущение покоя и расслабления. Исследуя текстуры жидкости во всех ее состояниях, эта иммерсивная инсталляция призвана успокоить душу и вдохновить на действия по сохранению этого природного ресурса.


Martelaren (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) bestaat uit vier plasmaschermen, elk met een enkele figuur die geleidelijk wordt overweldigd door de aanval van een natuurlijke kracht. De ervaringen van de vier individuen worden samen georkestreerd tot een samenhangend geheel. Het overheersende thema is martelaarschap voor diepgewortelde overtuigingen, waarbij het fysieke lijden van het lichaam op dramatische wijze duidelijk wordt gemaakt door de kardinale elementen.



Su Yu Hsin

Frame of reference
Il lavoro Frame of Reference, prodotto in collaborazione con GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences e NCTU Disaster Prevention and Water Environment Research Center, mostra scienziati nella gola di Taroko a Taiwan che studiano la misura in cui le frane sono guidate dal tempo e influenzano il clima. Su Yu Hsin è interessato all’approccio degli scienziati: attraverso l’uso di reti di monitoraggio in tempo reale, il corpo della persona che osserva viene sostituito da telecamere, sismografi e stazioni meteorologiche per vedere oltre la scala del sistema percettivo umano. Con questo lavoro, l’artista Su Yu Hsin si interroga sulla formattazione delle relazioni scalari tra campo, laboratorio e database.


Deze artistieke provocatie probeert de ordes van grootte van kritieke ecosysteemdiensten in te schatten die fundamenteel zijn voor alle planetaire levensprocessen. Dit experiment bestaat uit 1 vierkante meter tarwe, gekweekt in een gesloten omgeving. Kritische inputs zoals water, licht, warmte en nutriënten worden gemeten, gemonitord en getoond voor het publiek. Deze procedure maakt de immense schaal van ecosysteembijdragen voelbaar en biedt een speculatieve referentie voor een afrekening van het ondergewaardeerde en overgeëxploiteerde ‘werk van de biosfeer’.


Water Made Active
Onze op maat gemaakte “regeninstallatie” druppelde water in volledige volgorde en harmonie. Het reconstrueerde de figuur van een echte atleet in een vloeibare animatie. Elke unit bevatte 64 liter water, met 8 units tegelijk. Dit betekende dat we een halve ton water gebruikten om het hele systeem bij elkaar te brengen. Om het waterkarakter levensecht te maken, hebben we een menselijke atleet in beweging vastgelegd die rent, springt en kickboksen. Vervolgens vertelden gegevens van de bewegingsregistratie het waterplatform wanneer de sproeiers aan en uit moesten worden gezet. De waterdruppels gingen aan en uit met een reeks van 2048 schakelaars. Het team gebruikte flitslicht om de waterdruppels in de lucht te verlichten en “op te hangen”. Dit betekende dat elk frame een nauwkeurigheid van millimeters en microseconden had. Als resultaat hebben we in slechts een microseconde een hele laag  door het hele systeem gestuurd.


기존의 끝이 없는 광고 환경에서 탈피하여, 타임스퀘어 방문객들은 주변 시청자에게 디지털 아트를 제공하기 위한 두 한국 회사의 파트너십의 일환으로 초현실적인 파도와 100미터가 넘는 계단식 폭포가 있는 디지털 바다로 옮겨졌습니다. 세계. 삼성의 세계 최고의 디스플레이 기술과 디스트릭트의 혁신적인 공간 기반 사용자 경험을 결합한 Waterfall-NYC(2021)는 삼성이 디지털 아트 세계에 대한 관심을 높임에 따라 더 큰 협업의 일부입니다. 두 회사는 고객과 시청자에게 중요한 정보를 제공하는 동시에 더 많은 디지털 아트워크를 선보일 삼성 스마트 LED 사이니지를 위한 다양한 콘텐츠를 개발하기 위해 지속적으로 협력하고 있습니다.


This artistic provocation seeks to estimate the orders of magnitude of critical ecosystem services fundamental to all planetary life processes. This experiment consists of 1 square meter of wheat, cultivated in a closed environment. Critical inputs such as water, light, heat, and nutrients are measured, monitored and displayed for the public. This procedure makes palpable the immense scale of ecosystem contributions, and provides a speculative reference for a reckoning of the undervalued and over-exploited “work of the biosphere.”



To either side of the “picture window” are two antenna-like stacks: the chimney is to the right, the video apparatus to the left. At the summit of the left stack sits a live video camera directed at the water view and feeding the monitor in front of the picture window. The electronic view is operable; the camera can pan or zoom by remote control. When recorded, the view may be deferred— day played back at night, fair weather played back in foul. The composite view formed by the screen in front of the picture window is always out of register, collapsing the opposition between the authentic and mediated.

Jakob Kudsk Steensen

Liminal Lands
Liminal Lands is an environmental multiplayer experience shared by four people at the same time. Each person transforms into the basic elements controlling life across the landscape: Algae, salt, water and mud. As they embark on a communal ritual experience, people morph and change throughout their journey, exploring each new world from a changed perspective of the landscape. Visitors move across different scales and global weather conditions, shedding their human perspective as they are pulled into six different realms inspired by the macro-landscape.


olaris 2020 is een led-gordijn ter grootte van een muurschildering die een spectaculair, lichtgevend ecosysteem afschermt dat bevolkt is met bloemen van kwallen. Gemaakt met een computerprogramma dat vaak wordt gebruikt in videogameplatforms, presenteert de screening een digitale simulatie van een unieke mariene omgeving – een geheel door land omgeven lichaam van zout en regenwater dat meer dan 11.000 jaar geleden is gevormd, gelegen voor de kust van Kalimantan, Indonesië. Deze kwallensoorten zijn vrij van roofdieren en kunnen gedijen in warme wateren. Ze hebben zich anders ontwikkeld, waardoor wetenschappelijke gemeenschappen een levend laboratorium hebben voor het bestuderen van de mogelijke effecten die klimaatverandering kan hebben op mariene systemen.



fog sculptures
ok-offenens kulturhaus linz

In 1970 Nakaya created her first fog sculpture when commissioned by the group Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T) to make a work for the Pepsi Pavillion of the Osaka World Exposition. In creating a work of white mist enclosing the building, Nakaya became the first artist to have used fog as a sculptural medium. E.A.T is an organisation devoted to facilitating working relationships between artists and engineers. Nakaya worked with American engineer Thomas Mee to create the fog for her Osaka commission, the technique for which she has continued to use, with minor moderations, for her subsequent fog sculptures since.Whilst Nakaya has also worked in film and video, it is her use of fog for which she is best known. Nakaya has used pure-water fog to create installations, performances, stage-sets and environmental park designs, often collaborating with other artists or with performers, choreographers and composers. Nakaya’s interest in fog has developed from its relation to our visual sense. In a thick fog we become disorientated, frustrated at our inability to see. In this way, Nakaya’s sculptures activate our other senses, to compensate for our loss of sight.

jamall osterholm

I explored the concept of a wearable that is either on or around the body and revisited a look that I had designed in a previous collection based on the concept of a 1920’s underwater invention.

daan roosegaarde


Dubbed “the northern light of the Netherlands” by Studio Roosegaarde, the Waterlicht installation is designed to create the impression of a “virtual flood”.The waving lines of light spread across 1.6 hectares bear a resemblance to the northern lights – the natural phenomenon created when charged particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere – when viewed from underneath.

Ned Kahn

Cloud Arbor
A 20-foot diameter sphere of fog forms inside a forest of stainless steel poles. High-pressure fog nozzles embedded in the 30-foot tall poles convert water into a cloud that appears and vanishes every few minutes. A collaboration with landscape architect Andi Cochran and the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum. Completed in 2012.


Ponte do macaco
Este projeto é a continuação da ponte suspensa. Um formato externo, planejado para o jardim japonês Tatton Park para a bienal de mesmo nome. Esta ponte de corda sairá da água e formará um arco pela tração dos grandes balões de hélio.


monkey bridge

This project is the continuation of the suspension bridge. An outdoor format, planned for the Japanese Tatton Park garden for the biennial of the same name. This rope bridge will come out of the water and form an arc by the pull of the large helium balloons.




Объект «База» реализован во время работы художника по приглашению Министерства культуры Франции в ателье Кольдера в городе Саше. Девятиметровая горизонтальная труба, заполненная водой, образует тоннель для движения черной подводной лодки, которая, двигаясь по принципу троллейбуса, улавливается в крайних точках специальным устройством. Приподнимаясь над водой, на пропеллерах лодка поворачивается в обратную сторону и подобно хамелеону изменяет свою окраску, превращаясь в разноцветную и красивую. После погружения в воду лодка опять чернеет и стремительно продолжает движение



Object “Base” was realized during the artist’s work at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of France in the atelier Colder in the city of Sachet. A nine-meter horizontal pipe, filled with water, forms a tunnel for the movement of a black submarine, which, moving according to the principle of a trolleybus, is caught at the extreme points by a special device. Rising above the water, on the propellers, the boat turns in the opposite direction and, like a chameleon, changes its color, turning into a multi-colored and beautiful one. After immersion in the water, the boat turns black again and continues to move rapidly

Doug Aitken

Station to Station
Doug Aitken gilt als einer der wichtigsten Künstler unserer Generation. Seine Projekte sind immer over the top und noch nie dagewesen. Er erweitert Horizonte und sucht nach neuen Grenzen. Jetzt hat er das Projekt Station to Station organisiert. Im September gehts los und gefahren wird in einem Zug von Station zu Station quer durch die USA. An Bord sind Künstler, Musiker, Köche, Autoren, Filmemacher und Philosophen. Inspiration ist wohl das gleichnamige Album von David Bowie. Mit von der Partie im Zug und an den einzelnen Stops auf dem Weg sind Künstler wie Urs Fischer, Christian Jankowski, Aaron Koblin, Ernesto Neto, Jack Pierson, Alice Waters, Rick Moody, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Kenneth Anger und Musiker wie Savages, Cold Cave, Cat Power, Ariel Pink, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Beck und und und. Entweder reist ihr dem Zug hinterher oder, wenn Euch das zu anstrengend ist, dann reist ihr virtuell auf der Website mit.


Inspired by the color blue’s calming qualities, Aqueous is a deep dive into our water-filled surroundings. Whether looking out at the vast horizon of the ocean or listening to the bubbling flow of a stream, water instills a sense of peace and relaxation. Through exploring the textures of liquid in all its states, this immersive installation seeks to soothe the spirit and inspire action to preserve this natural resource.


The Freshwater Factory

Одно из поразительных достижений 21 века – это, по-видимому, вертикальный рост городов. Небоскребы, как правило, функционируют как небольшой город с различными удобствами. Однако организация таких построек – задача далеко не из легких. Одна из основных задач архитектора – сделать дизайн совместимым с природой, особенно в сельской или городской местности. Архитектура должна быть направлена ​​на использование скрытых потенциалов природы для улучшения условий жизни. Принимая во внимание расположение проекта и вдохновляясь природой, мы учили пузыри, возникающие, когда волны ударяются о скалы, или пузыри, плавающие на береговой линии над водой. пески. Мы представили себе небоскреб, имеющий форму пузыря; Пузыри, которые исходят из самого сердца моря и поднимаются к небу. Органическая структура пузыря и его хрупкая природа могут создать спокойствие в сегодняшнем многолюдном городском окружении. Изучив конструкции пузырей с помощью теории Кельвина, структуры Вира-Фелана и структуры Вороного, мы начали процесс проектирования. Мы создали трехмерную компьютерную модель с помощью Autodesk 3ds Max, чтобы найти стыки между пузырьками и выяснить, как пузырьки могут располагаться рядом друг с другом. Внешний корпус был разработан на основе эстетической привлекательности и аэродинамической демпфирующей формы, чтобы противодействовать отклонению бокового ветра во время сильного ветра. ветры, поддерживаемые структурным усиленным сердечником, который также выполняет функцию вертикального доступа. Использование ножек дерева в основании обеспечивает дополнительную защиту от боковых сил, таких как землетрясение, ветер и морские волны. Чтобы исключить ненужный трафик для жителей небоскреба, мы встроили многофункциональные пространства, такие как коммерческие, служебные и административные, на разных уровнях в соответствии с ближайшей доступностью для жилых частей.

Thijis Biersteker

Pollutive Ends
With the art installation Pollutive Ends the artist Thijs Biersteker shows the impact of 1 cigarette butt on our environment and waters. The impact is made visible by moving small elements of real polluted water hypnotically right in front of the visitors eyes through an intricate tube system. The algorithmic driven pumping system calculates the amount of visitors that are in the museum, the likelihood that they smoke and the amount of pollution that they would generate.

Jeppe Hein

Path of silence
Inspired by the remarkable topography of the landscape of the Kistefos Sculpture Park, the stepped slope and terraces beside the Industry Museum, where the power and energy of water is directly visible and gives the site a special quality, a free form is adapted to the shape of this landscape, thus creating a dialogue between the place and the object. The sculpture is defined by an extensive mirror labyrinth that encloses three spaces of silence: A contemplative space, where an enclosure of high mirror steles promotes an upward glance to the sky, a natural space, where a tree inside the sculpture links the inside with the outside and an active space where walls of water appear and disappear, thus offering ever-changing perspectives of the surroundings.


Universo di particelle d’acqua
Universe of Water Particles è una cascata creata in un ambiente simulato al computer. Una roccia virtuale viene prima scolpita e l’acqua generata dal computer composta da centinaia di migliaia di particelle d’acqua viene poi versata su di essa. Il computer calcola il movimento di queste particelle per produrre un’accurata simulazione di cascata che scorre secondo le leggi fisiche. Successivamente, viene selezionato lo 0,1 percento delle particelle e vengono tracciate delle linee in relazione ad esse. La sinuosità delle linee dipende dall’interazione complessiva tra le particelle d’acqua e forma la magnifica cascata vista sullo schermo.


The Raft
The Raft depicts at life-sized scale a group of ordinary people casually standing together. Suddenly, they are struck by strong blasts of water that rush in, overtake them, and then, just as unexpectedly, recede. In the aftermath of the deluge, the victims huddle together, seek protection, and help those who have fallen. The viewer experiences this event in an immersive setting, standing in a darkened room and surrounded by the roaring sounds of the water. Meticulously captured in slow-motion, The Raft arouses a visceral experience of human calamity and shared humanity, provoking a consideration of the range of responses to crisis.


Underwater Pavilions
Underwater Pavilions is artist Doug Aitken’s large-scale installation produced by Parley for the Oceans and presented in partnership with The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA). The work consists of three temporary underwater sculptures, floating beneath the ocean’s surface that swimmers, snorkelers, and scuba divers swim through and experience. Geometric in design, the sculptures create underwater spaces synthesizing art and science as they are constructed with carefully researched materials and will be moored to the ocean floor. Part of each structure is mirrored to reflect the underwater seascape and create a kaleidoscopic observatory for the viewer, while other surfaces are rough and rock-like. The environments created by the sculptures will constantly change with the currents and the time of day, focusing the attention of the viewer on the rhythm of the ocean and its life cycles.


White Water and Dust
White Water and Dust, a rare double bill by the internationally renowned choreographer Lin Hwai-min, brings great intensity of contrast between the two works. While White Water, set to piano music by Erik Satie, flows like a movable celebration of life, Dust, to a powerful rendering of Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. 8, evokes a memory of Goya’s Black Paintings.