
John Butler

“Just be yourself, and nobody else”. Our motions, as distinctive as our faces, will soon be captured and interned. Gaitkeeper is a biometric control suite designed to counter the challenge of ‘Locomotive Camouflage’. LoCam, which combines the physical control of dance with the unpredictability of performance art, is rapidly being adopted by civic insurgents. Gaitkeeper units, based on the off-the-shelf Kiva chassis, are now being deployed as standard counter measures.


LED Eyelash
The LED Eyelash project is brought into the world from a simple question: Why do women want larger and bigger eyes? Asian women tend to have stronger needs for bigger eyes as a standard of beauty, but relatively few of them are born with naturally big eyes. Those without big eyes can only look for alternative ways to make their eyes look prettier, i.e., larger, by using a repertoire of skills such as putting on makeup and wearing jewelry. Sometimes, the desires for bigger eyes can become almost obsessive, and many women opt for plastic surgery in order to make their dream come true. Soomi calls this, the fetish of Big Eyes. LED Eyelash is a clever product that speaks to many women’s desire for bigger eyes. It features a sensor to turn on and/or off. The sensor can perceive the movements of the pupil in the eyes and eyelids. If you wear it and move your head, LED Eyelash will flicker following your movements. It is as simple to use as wearing false eyelashes and as easy to remove as taking off a piece of jewelry.


dancing baby
graphics interchange format

The inventor of the Gif file has revealed that the world has been mispronouncing his creation.
Steve Wilhite, who invented the Gif file in 1987, told the New York Times that the word is pronounced “jif” not “giff”.
“The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations. They are wrong. It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.’ End of story,” he said.
The internet has reacted strongly to Wilhite’s claim, pointing to a range of evidence from the White House announcing their allegiance via a note on their Tumblr: “Animated GIFs (Hard ‘G’)”, to simple common consensus.
Others have suggested that the hard ‘G’ relates to the acronym that the word springs from, which stands for Graphical Interface Format.
The Gif has enjoyed a surge of success in the last five years thanks to Buzzfeed-style listings of puppies and kittens and ‘live-giffing’, a form of on-the-spot reporting that had its first major outing during the 2012 presidential debates.
Wilhite may be the parent of the Gif, but most agree that the creation has outgrown its creator.
When even the White House is on the other side of the debate, it seems it might be best if Wilhite concedes defeat with grace.

Christoph De Boeck


The intimate topography of the brain is laid out across a grid of 80 steel ceiling tiles as a spatialized form of tapping. The visitor can experience the dynamics of his cognitive self by fitting a wireless EEG interface on his head, that allows him to walk under the acoustic representation of his own brain waves.The accumulating resonances of impacted steel sheets generates penetrating overtones. The spatial distribution of impact and the overlapping of reverberations create a very physical soundspace to house an intangible stream of consciousness.‘Staalhemel’ (‘steel sky’, 2009) articulates the contradictory relationship we entertain with our own nervous system. Neurological feedback makes that the cognitive focus is repeatedly interrupted by the representation of this focus. Concentrated thinking attempts to portray itself in a space that is reshaped by thinking itself nearly every split second.



“Da Vinci”: a name evocative of masterpieces in the history of art, but also a remotely manipulated medical robot allowing surgeons to perform operations. Yuri Ancarani, filmmaker and artist, with this film gives us access to the interior of a human body, in shades of blue evoking the “grotta azzura”, a mythical maritime cave in Capri. Here is observed the dance of the machines, a sign not of a dehumanized environment, but on the contrary of a human intelligence at work.

WOW inc

Neuro Surge
Measuring about 9 meters in height, the work pierces through the atrium of the ‘shiseido’ ginza building from the first to the second floor and creates an unprecedented display of light with the use of new advanced fibers. WOW inc. attached 150 fibers with a .9 millimeter diameter to a laser module. The laser module transmits light through the fibers, which can be controlled by touch. The interactive work visualizes the complex transmission of sensory nerves and information into a dynamic light show.

Wyss Institute, SEAS & Boston University

Microfluidic Origami for Reconfigurable Pneumatic/Hydraulic (MORPH)
Looking to create a robot smaller than a centimeter that might someday perform precision surgery or help destroy tumors, researchers from Harvard University’s Wyss Institute and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and Boston University looked to nature for inspiration, and developed a novel microfabrication technique to construct it. Their tiny robot looks like a rubbery, transparent spider — and in fact, the team modeled the form after Australia’s famously colorful and captivating peacock spider.

Marc Quinn

A Surge of Power
Within 24 hours Marc Quinn’s statue A Surge of Power (Jen Reid) 2020 has been erected in secret on a Bristol plinth and as quickly removed by the council. Life-sized, cast in black resin, it showed the campaigner Jen Reid standing, one fist raised, in a pose in which a photographer had captured her a few weeks earlier when she had stood on the empty plinth after Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters tore down a bronze monument to the 17th-century slaver Edward Colston.


Cosmic Surgery
Originally from Germany, Alma Haser is currently based in London, UK. She received her photographic degree from Nottingham Trent University in 2010[…] Her most recent series titled, Cosmic Surgery, combines the tangible photograph and the subject with the photograph itself. This facet of the images creates distinctive stages. Alma as the viewer of the subject, the origami construction, and then the reconstruction is then photographed thus creating a new aspect of the subject’s identity.


Poor traits
Petra refere na sua maioria a natureza física da experiência de computação em relação com o ser humano, como por exemplo em “Webcam”, um dos seus primeiros projetos, a artista se filma a si mesma através da webcam refletindo a atividade de observação de vídeos online. Nele, Petra surge como uma personagem que questiona todo o processo físico de estar sentado em frente ao monitor, tornando-se num consumidor assíduo de YouTube.

Compagnie XY

Il n’est pas encore minuit..
Experience this quintessentially French circus spectacle of 17 nimble young performers creating a 360 degree alternative universe of acrobatics, dance, music and human pyramids. With a mass of finely honed, agile bodies, they surge, they merge, and they whip up a physical frenzy to form a breathtaking journey through the air and on the ground.

Zoro Feigl

A long and winding road to nowhere in particular

Uma máquina que constantemente varre uma fita verde sobre o chão e, assim, cria padrões maleáveis ao mesmo tempo em que o material verde também move a máquina. Surge uma dança inacabável entre máquina e material.

Maud de Le Pladec

Compagnie LEDA

“I’ve wanted to work on the drum quartet “Dark Full Ride” by Julia Wolfe for a long time. There is something quite revolutionary in the energy of this piece. Julia Wolfe uses the instrumentation of processions, meetings and political demonstrations. I work on democracy, not democracy reduced its political framework definition […] but ‘insurgent’ democracy that strives for the dissolution of certainty and the claim to equality as civil resistance. Work is nourished by ideas like the test of determination or the idea of a problematizing community, which I call the ‘all-one.’ Also, how does an individual decision open the possibility to collective action? What do we strive for, or against? Who do we give our consent to? Must we disobey democracy? How do we build a controversialist community? Does resistance to power define the democratic experience? What is a savage democracy? … ” Maud Le Pladec


Roberto Pugliese Roberto Pugliese é um artista de origem napolitana cuja obra surge da contaminação da música com a arte visual. A rejeição de uma visão única o levou a desenvolver uma poética individual em que o som, protagonista indiscutível, cria um mundo de ambientes visuais.


أندريه تاركوفسكي
Андрей Тарковский
el sacrificio
Para comenzar a hablar de este poema, es recomendable hacerlo utilizando las mismas palabras de Andrei, en su libro ‘Esculpir en el tiempo’, página 44:
“Normalmente se busca una puesta en escena más expresiva, porque con ella se quiere mostrar de forma inmediata la idea, el sentido de la escena y su subtexto. También Eisenstein trabajó de este modo. Además se parte de la base de que la escena cobra así la necesaria profundidad, una expresividad dictada por el sentido. Esto es una idea primitiva, sobre cuya base surgen muchas convenciones superfluas, que diluyen el tejido vivo de la imagen artística”
Esta reflexión estética ya confirma en Tarkovski un artista asombroso, muy superior a prácticamente todos sus coetáneos, principalmente porque pudo contextualizarla en su labor como director, más que nunca en ‘Sacrificio’, como también llevó hasta sus últimas consecuencias su idea del cine como una captura del tiempo real. Y lo hizo homenajeando a Bergman sin perder su propia esencia, y a otros admirados cineastas como Kurosawa, el primero en dirigir una ficción en torno a la amenaza nuclear (lógico, siendo Japón el primer país que sufrió sus aterrador poder de devastación) en ‘Crónica de un ser vivo’ (‘Ikimono no kiroku’, 1955). Los primeros ochenta, con los coletazos finales del imperio soviético y la paranoia sobre una inminente guerra nuclear, vieron nacer la que probablemente sea la obra magna sobre el tema, ‘Terminator’ (‘The Terminator’, James Cameron, 1984), que Tarkovski pudo ver en el Festival de Londres antes del rodaje de su última película, sintiéndose impresionado por ella a pesar de despreciar su extrema brutalidad.
Hablar con Dios
cinema full



Segundo já anunciado pela Serpentine, o pavilhão deste Verão proporcionará uma viagem aos projectos dos anos anteriores. “Seguindo uma abordagem arqueológica, os arquitectos criaram um design que vai inspirar os visitantes a olhar para baixo da superfície do parque assim como a olhar para trás no tempo através dos fantasmas das estruturas antigas”, lia-se no comunicado da galeria londrina, que explicava que através da recuperação dos vestígios de intervenções de outros anos, vão ser construídas doze colunas, uma para cada edição. Apoiarão uma plataforma flutuante, a 1,5 metros acima do chão.

A cortiça surge como o elemento estruturante da obra por ser, segundo a dupla de arquitectos Herzog & de Meuron, um “material natural, com fortes mais-valias aos níveis do tacto e do olfacto, de grande versatilidade, permitindo ser facilmente esculpido, cortado, moldado e formado”.

Em comunicado, António Rios de Amorim, presidente da CA, escreve que esta “é uma oportunidade ímpar de demonstrar ao mundo que a cortiça não é apenas um produto único, criado pela natureza, mas também um material tecnologicamente relevante para o século XXI”. Carlos Jesus não tem dúvidas de que para esta aposta terá contribuído o sucesso do Pavilhão de Portugal na Expo 2010, em Xangai. “O pavilhão, todo revestido com cortiça, foi um dos mais visitados e acabou premiado”, disse Jesus, explicando que desde então a empresa se tem dedicado também a promover “estas particularidades técnicas”.