
Wyss Institute, SEAS & Boston University

Microfluidic Origami for Reconfigurable Pneumatic/Hydraulic (MORPH)
Looking to create a robot smaller than a centimeter that might someday perform precision surgery or help destroy tumors, researchers from Harvard University’s Wyss Institute and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and Boston University looked to nature for inspiration, and developed a novel microfabrication technique to construct it. Their tiny robot looks like a rubbery, transparent spider — and in fact, the team modeled the form after Australia’s famously colorful and captivating peacock spider.


Cosmic Surgery
Originally from Germany, Alma Haser is currently based in London, UK. She received her photographic degree from Nottingham Trent University in 2010[…] Her most recent series titled, Cosmic Surgery, combines the tangible photograph and the subject with the photograph itself. This facet of the images creates distinctive stages. Alma as the viewer of the subject, the origami construction, and then the reconstruction is then photographed thus creating a new aspect of the subject’s identity.

Christine Kim and Marcin Kedzior

Paper Orbs
Paper Orbs begins the night as a massive origami sculpture which dissolves into thousands of paper helmets worn by visitors as they parade down University Avenue. As both a lantern and a center of gravity, the paper float pulls visitors in and encourages them to return throughout the night to experience the dissolution of the paper sculpture. The accumulated paper helmets disperse into scattered constellations that float along the street. The helmets also resonate with notions of patterned order and militaristic armour.


Né à Koblenz (Allemagne) en 1985, Clemens Behr parcourt le monde pour y déposer d’étranges monuments de carton, de papier et d’objets recyclés. Formé en graphisme et éduqué au graffiti, il s’inspire de l’origami comme, dans une certaine mesure, du cubisme pour composer des sculptures géométriques et éphémères. Ces constructions précaires finissent par s’approprier l’espace, intérieur comme extérieur, où Behr les installe au point de l’habiter ou de l’inviter dans une forme de dialogue tridimensionnel.

Tom Hull

hyperbolic cube
Departing from the Hyperbolic Cube (Thomas C. Hull, 2006), a regular octagon symmetrically folded, we produced origami studies of octagonal and cubic volumes in order to understand the spatial qualities of classic hyperbolic paraboloid shapes. The geometric principle is a folded octagon that traces the outline of a cube, creating an internal, vaulted space. After several iterations we achieved the intended balance: the asymmetry of the structure enhances the visual properties of the basic form, the duplicity between the strong orthogonal geometry and the curvilinear forms continuously altering from different viewpoints. It reveals itself in a constant, visual shift as one navigates towards and around it.



Clemens Behr wurde 1985 in Koblenz, Deutschland, geboren. Er studierte zuerst Grafik-Design an der Universität in Dortmund und vertiefte sein Wissen später an der Facultat Belles Artes in Barcelona. Behr schafft faszinierende Installationen. Seine skulptural inspirierten Objekte zieren sowohl öffentliche wie auch private Räume und haben ihren schöpferischen Hintergrund im Origami, dekonstruktivistischer Architektur und Graffiti. Seine abstrakten Installationen, erstellt aus Karton, Holz, Farbe, und Klebeband, schaffen beim Betrachter eine gezielte Verwirrung zwischen zweidimensionalen Bildern und dreidimensionalen Objekten.


menger sponge
A Menger Sponge is a three-dimensional fractal curve that has zero volume and infinite surface area. That may be hard to picture, but this MIT News video explains how the Menger Sponge is also an origami project you can make out of folded business cards, and a lot of friends, time, and coordination.MIT alumna and OrigaMIT origami club member Dr. Jeannine Mosley created one through her Menger Sponge project, and that inspired the club’s contribution to the global Mega Megner collaboration.