

The Heart Chamber Orchestra
File Festival – Hipersonica 

In the TERMINALBEACH Heart Chamber Orchestra (made up of artists Erich Berger and Peter Vatava), twelve musicians played pieces from the heartbeat, recorded by an electrocardiogram from data sent by sensors placed on their bodies. As the live score created in real time from the physical and emotional states of the musicians, their beats further influenced the resulting musical composition. In this way, the biological feedback loop becomes a self-generating, organic and evolving system, which creates a musical score and a show that adopts the form of open or network art, in which chance and interdependence, thus how emotional changes and computational reasoning create a biological and psychological dynamic at the same time.


فيليب الزجاج
פיליפ גלאס
필립 글래스
Филип Гласс
Einstein On The Beach

Portrait Trilogy:Einstein; Akhnaten; Gandhi

Einstein on the Beach is an opera in four acts (framed and connected by five “knee plays” or intermezzos), scored by Philip Glass and directed by theatrical producer Robert Wilson. The opera eschews traditional narrative in favor of a formalist approach based on structured spaces laid out by Wilson in a series of storyboards. The music was written “in the spring, summer and fall of 1975.”Glass recounts the collaborative process: “I put [Wilson’s notebook of sketches] on the piano and composed each section like a portrait of the drawing before me. The score was begun in the spring of 1975 and completed by the following November, and those drawings were before me all the time.”
full opera

Studio Stallinga

‘Heimweh’ displays the breaking of waves on a sandy beach fragmented across 12 screens. The waves and their sound move gradually towards the feet of the spectator. At one point the waves turn into a green haze. ‘Heimweh’ started as a reflection on earthly life by considering what most embodies being on earth. When traveling to Mars, for instance, the major missing element would be the sea. As the waves turn green, they deform, similar to memories that get blurred over time. When the green finally subsides, the clear sky and sea emerge again with a sense of relief.


מאיקו טאקדה
마이코 다케다
مايكو تاكيدا
Atmospheric Reentry

Die Atmospheric Reentry Collection untersucht die Bedingungen und Formen des Ätherischen. Ausgehend von der einfachen Frage, wie es sich anfühlt, eine Wolke zu tragen, hat Maiko Takeda eine Reihe skulpturaler Kopf- / Körperteile geschaffen, die die Grenzen des umgebenden Raums für den Träger verwischen und versuchen, die traditionellen Erwartungen an Kopfbedeckungen zu übertreffen. Die Ästhetik der Sammlung ist inspiriert von der futuristischen Stimmung von Ton und Bild, die aus Robert Wilsons 1976er Produktion von Philip Glass ‘Oper Einstein on the Beach stammt. Maiko bevorzugt die Verwendung unkonventioneller Materialien, wobei jedes Stück eine sorgfältige Zusammenstellung von Hunderten von stacheligen federähnlichen Einheiten aus klaren Acrylscheiben, farblich abgestuftem Film und silbernen Biegeringen darstellt, die sich auffächern, um eine Dichte und Leichtigkeit zu erreichen Umgeben Sie den Träger mit einem bunten, leuchtenden Dunst.

Doug Aitken

Desde los años 90, Doug Aitken (Redondo Beach, EUA, 1968; vive en Los Ángeles, EUA) desarrolla una serie de películas, fotografías, instalaciones y vídeos que investigan la relación entre naturaleza, memoria, tiempo y espacio. Su obra habla de lugares inhabitables, ruinas, vestigios donde el tiempo parece tener otro ritmo. El artista ha concentrado buena parte de su investigación reciente en las instalaciones con vídeos y en sus filmes, aunque la preocupación por el espacio arquitectónico siempre esté presente en los trabajos.


The Beach
The Beach is an interactive installation that reimagines the familiar natural and cultural elements of a day at the beach, to create an unexpected and memorable experience for people of all ages. Visitors ascend a ramp before entering an all-white enclosure, where the floor descends towards the highlight of the experience – an ocean of over one million recyclable, antimicrobial plastic balls. A pier extends out into the sea’, allowing people to stand in the center of the space and watch others, while an island invites exploration and discovery. Visual cues such as deck chairs, lifeguard chairs, umbrellas, and signage recall elements of the typical beach-going experience.

Elmgreen & Dragset

Bent Pool
German artists Elmgreen and Dragset have installed a sculpture that looks like an U-shaped swimming pool outside the Miami Beach Convention Center[…] Curved pieces of aluminium were used to create the unusual structure, with the two ends resting atop a concrete plinth. “Bent Pool is shaped like an inverted “U” and stands upright on a two-tier plinth,” the studio said. “The pool seems to have somehow been lifted out of the ground and stretched into a curved form.”


Maia Urstad, a sound artist based in Bergen, Norway, joined ISIS in 2009 for a 3-week research residency. Maia’s research was based around using and adapting portable radio systems and local FM-transmissions. Maia explored the Northumberland coast where she carried out experiments with multiple radios, broadcastings signals across the North Sea from the cliffs of Howic and the beaches surrounding Bamburgh in an attempt to communicate across the sea, attempting to reach her home town of Bergen.


Portrait Trilogy:Einstein; Akhnaten; Gandhi
composed by Philip Glass, with a libretto by Glass and Constance DeJong.
Loosely based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, it forms the second part of Glass’s “Portrait Trilogy” of operas about men who changed the world, which includes Einstein on the Beach and Akhnaten.
Glass’s style can broadly be described as minimalist.
Opera in Sanskrit

Philip Glass

Portrait Trilogy:Einstein; Akhnaten; Gandhi
According to the composer, this work is the culmination of his two other biographical operas, Einstein on the Beach (about Albert Einstein) and Satyagraha (about Mahatma Gandhi). These three people – Akhenaten, Einstein and Gandhi – were all driven by an inner vision which altered the age in which they lived, in particular Akhenaten in religion, Einstein in science, and Gandhi in politics.
The text, taken from original sources, is sung in the original languages, linked together with the commentary of a narrator in a modern language, such as English or German. Egyptian texts of the period are taken from a poem of Akhenaten himself, from the Book of the Dead, and from extracts of decrees and letters from the Amarna period, the seventeen-year period of Akhenaten’s rule. Other portions are in Akkadian and Biblical Hebrew. Akhnaten’s Hymn to the Sun is sung in the language of the audience.


Academia Somaesthetica envisions a new perception of interior and exterior through the human body. It elevates outdoor fitness to a new, urban dimension: The Copacabana beach promenade, known as the largest outdoor sports field in the world and situated in the heart of Rio de Janeiro, gets extended into the building.

oliver herring

Oliver Herring’s stunning sculptural portrait Gloria (2004) was a hit at the recent international art fair Art Basel Miami Beach. Created from thousands of fragmented digital chromogenic prints, this lifelike and expressive construction exists at the intersection of photography and sculpture and between realism and abstraction.


the beach
the national building museum/washington D.C

The BEACH is contained within an enclosure and built out of construction materials such as scaffolding, wooden panels, and perforated mesh, all clad in stark white. Monochromatic beach chairs and umbrellas sprinkle the 50-foot wide “shoreline,” and the “ocean” culminates in a mirrored wall that creates a seemingly infinite reflected expanse.


“The latter image, Waves, was taken in Benin, West Africa last winter where I spent a lot of time on the beach, just looking at the ocean and thinking. I had the skirt made for it after I once realized my shirt was the same color as the ocean. Although the two images share the same idea, for me the’re very different: In Invisible the woman looks hollow whereas in Waves it’s as if the landscape grew through her.”


laberinto cromatico
Dutch artist Krijn de Koning has created a labyrinthine walkway between brightly coloured walls on a terrace at the Turner Contemporary gallery in Margate, England.
The first public commission in England by De Koning, the Dwelling installation comprises a series of angled walls punctured with doorways and windows that create a trail for visitors to navigate through.Situated on the south terrace of the David Chipperfield-designed Turner Contemporary, the walls are positioned between the exterior of the gallery building and the site boundary.The elements slot between existing structures, incorporating changes in floor level and abutting permanent concrete balustrades.“The artist’s site-specific works – part architecture, part sculpture – challenge the viewer, offering new possibilities to navigate and experience the space the works inhabit,” said a statement from the gallery.Perpendicular surfaces, including door and window recesses, are all painted in different colours.The bright tones reference traditional seaside pavilions and beach huts, a common feature along the UK coast.The maze is open to the sky so shadows move across the surfaces of installation through the day.Architectural features including windows and doors are different sizes and positioned at various heights, allowing some to be clambered over or crawled beneath.

Dirt Bikes

Ocean = Amazing
by Tobias Stretch
Bagman Actors:
Richard Lehmann
Braden Lawrence
Frank Galaviz
via highlike submit

Well, it’s been a year now, and Stretch has kept busy with projects big and small. Today, The Creators Project premieres “Ocean = Amazing,” Stretch’s new music video for Brooklyn-based band, Dirt Bikes. In three minutes, we follow a plastic bag man (played by Richard Lehmann, Braden Lawrence, and Frank Galaviz) as he traverses the beach in a visible ennui, navigating graffiti-covered barracks, kneeling down to a tidal pool to take a drink, and consuming (or being consumed by, depending on the way you look at it) more bags like the hundreds that compose his fluffy, matted body.


al dar headquarters
Das Gebäude der arabischen Investmentgesellschaft befindet sich in der Wüste, aber strategisch nahe am internationalen Flughafen Abu Dhabi sowie im zentralen Geschäftsviertel von Al Raha Beach, das das brandneue World Trade Center Abu Dhabi erhalten wird Das Gebäude wurde zum besten futuristischen Projekt der letzten in Spanien durchgeführten Gebäudebörse gewählt, einer Referenz für moderne Architektur. Die kugelförmige Struktur, die auf klassischen Prinzipien wie dem Goldenen Schnitt basiert, besteht aus zwei verspiegelten und sandgestrahlten Glasschalen, die zur Nutzung von Sonnenlicht und Energieeinsparungen beitragen, zusammen mit vorgefertigten Stahlteilen, wodurch eine größere Abfallproduktion vermieden wird Das Projekt stammt vom Architekturbüro MZ Architects.

Merce Cunningham

מרס קנינגהם
머시 디스 커닝햄
Beach Birds

Cunningham said of his choreography for “Beach Birds“, “It is all based on individual physical phrasing. The dancers don’t have to be exactly together. They can dance like a flock of birds, when they suddenly take off.” A work for eleven dancers, the rhythm for “Beach Birds” was much more fluid than other Cunningham dances, so that the sections could differ in length from performance to performance. John Cage composed the music, and painter Marsha Skinner provided the costumes and décor.


헤닝 라슨 건축가
المهندسين المعماريين هينينغ لارسن
Batumi Aquarium

Inspired by the characteristic pebbles of the Batumi beach, continually shaped by the wash of the waves through millennia, the building stands out as an iconic rock formation visible from both land and sea. The formation constitutes four self-supporting exhibition areas where each of the four stones represents a unique marine biotype – the Aegean Sea & the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Black Sea & the Red Sea and finally the more interactive exhibition space for teaching and “edutainment”.”The building will become a landmark and an organic reference to all elements of the sea”, explains Design Director and Partner at Henning Larsen Architects, Louis Becker. “It captures the special atmosphere by the sea and thus becomes a tribute to the power of the sea!”


سارة لوكاس
שרה לוקאס
사라 루카스
SITUATION Absolute Beach Man Rubble


Mobius Strip

Many people first pick up a camera to record their passions whatever they may be. But sooner or later, the best of them find that photography itself is their real passion. That’s true of Robert Whitman. Along the way, he found not just a pastime, but a way of life.
As a young hippie traveling the world after college, Robert found that with his camera he had entree to people and places he never would have encountered. He’s been on a life long journey of discovery ever since, with stops in Brazil, Cuba, Arizona, Miami Beach, Moscow, and Uruguay, just to name a few of the places where he’s lived and worked.

Kian-Peng Ong

File festival
“Coronado” was inspired by a visit to the Coronado beach in California, which was an awe inspiring moment never experienced in other beaches. The soundscape present in Coronado seemed to be coming from all directions with layers and layers of sound waves. I decided then that I would make a sound work to translate this experience. The sound installation is characterized by the interplay of the analog and digital sound sources which layers over one another, exploring the idea of a seascape. The center of the installation is an ocean drum controlled with mechanical arms that creates and simulates the sound of sea waves. This is picked up by the microphone, reprocessed through the computer and sent out to the 6 channel surround speakers in different time. The interplay and sense of endlessness in the layering the analog and digital are my interpretation and response to the wonderment I found in Coronado.


Palais Bulles

Bulles was commissioned by a wealthy French businessman, a great admirer of the Hungarian architect. In this first time, the “bubbles house” was used as a beach house, a family holiday in front of the blue of the Mediterranean. The second owner of Palais Bulles was the famous French fashion designer Pierre Cardin. From 1991, Cardin spent his holidays there and organized extraordinary parties.  Palais Bulles represented, for the fashion designer, the female body. Everything, he said, from floor to ceiling, from external to internal space, has spherical shapes. The entire space is invaded by the sensuality of round shapes.



دينيس أوبنهايم
데니스 오펜하임
Деннис Оппенгейм

Reading Position for Second Degree Burn

“Reading position for second degree burn”, an experiment in which he sunbathed for five hours with a book on his torso. The Time, The Sun, the Light and the Book titled Tactics: Vol II, Cavalry Artillery, by German Colonel Balck: Would it be the Enlightenment of Iron and Fire? Is it the culture that marks our bodies as we mark horses? Or just a book that Dennis took to the beach and asleep forgot about his body?



Джим Деневан
모래 예술가 짐 데네반
enviro beach