
Alexander Ekman and Mikael Karlsson

Palco : Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm

…sem nunca sacrificar a beleza lírica e a contemplação profunda à incongruência inútil, Eskapist prova mais uma vez que o palco teatral é verdadeiramente mágico lugar, onde o mundo como o conhecemos muda de forma apenas para se dissolver nas fantasias mais poéticas que alguém poderia imaginar.



Stage : Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm

. …without ever sacrificing lyrical beauty and deep contemplation to pointless incongruity, Eskapist proves once again that the theatrical stage is a truly magical place, where the world as we know it changes shape only to dissolve into more poetic fantasies than anyone else. could imagine.



Cunningham Clip -Summerspace
CUNNINGHAM is a 3D cinematic experience about the legendary American choreographer, Merce Cunningham, orchestrated through his iconic works and performed by the last generation of his dancers. This poetic film traces Merce’s artistic evolution over three decades of risk and discovery (1944–1972), from his early years as a struggling dancer in postwar New York to his emergence as one of the most visionary and influential choreographers worldwide. 3D technology weaves together Merce’s philosophies and stories, creating a visceral journey through the choreographer’s world.

Leonhard Lass and Gregor Ladenhauf

The Entropy Gardens
The Entropy Gardens is an artistic VR experience that explores one of humanity’s most archetypical artforms – garden making. It challenges its myths, aesthetics and modes of perception. Like a garden, The Entropy Gardens attempts to become a spatiotemporal poem — a poetic organism. In the form of a sprawling journey it constructs a hermetic, virtual garden as a poetic ecosystem — a psychic landscape that is foremost a complex audiovisual experience. It admits the visitor into a place that is equally challenging and contemplative (and of course profoundly weird).

miguel chevalier

IN-OUT/Paradis artificiels
music specially composed by Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
software written by Claude Micheli
Trans-Natures ”é uma exploração poética da ligação entre natureza e artifício. Na continuação de uma abordagem iniciada no final dos anos 1990, ele se baseia na observação do reino vegetal e sua transposição imaginária para o mundo digital. Esta natureza artificial, cujas formas lembram vegetação rasteira, combina várias espécies de árvores, arbustos, ramos e folhagens. Seu desenvolvimento e formas são inspirados em “diagramas de árvore”, sistemas de organização de dados que utilizam o princípio de raízes, troncos e galhos. Essa natureza, com suas formas ora realistas, ora abstratas, é gerada ad infinitum por meio de software escrito por Claude Micheli. As plantas brotam ao acaso, florescendo e morrendo ao comando de vários “códigos morfogenéticos”. O jardim se renova e se transforma constantemente. Formas vegetais fluidas se desenrolam no espaço enquanto arborescências de galhos abrasivos crescem implacavelmente, parecendo às vezes explodir da tela. A obra brinca com o senso de limites espaciais de seus visitantes. Imerso em sua esfericidade envolvente, sua concepção de longe e de perto é reconfigurada, aberta ao infinito.



Volume is one of the projects that could be bestowed with the adjective “poetic“. Composed of multiple columns, this scultpure, both luminous and sound, comes to life as the participants travel in it. The more visitors there are, the more the “forest” is adorned with bewitching colors and sounds, harmoniously blending interaction with immersion.

vadim zakharov

Захаров, Вадим Арисович
danaë installation

Drawing from the perpetually revisited myth of Zeus and Danae, an installation by Vadim Zakharov in the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2013 used consumable objects and the sequence of architectural spaces to make manifest underlying ideas about ‘rudeness, lust, narcissism, demagoguery, falsehood, banality, and greed, cynicism, robbery, speculation, wastefulness, gluttony, seduction, envy, and stupidity.’ the impregation of danae occurs when zeus appears to her as a golden shower after she is locked in a tower to prevent the professed death of her father. gender dynamics and the poetic cycle of gestation are reconstructed spatially with a total use of the pavilion– a first in the history of the building.

Glenda León

Glenda Leon’s work includes various techniques such as drawings, video art, installations, sculpture and photography. Glenda León encourages the viewer to approach the object from a poetical perspective. This way, she reveals the metaphoric part of everyday life objects and is interested in revealing antagonisms like silence or sound, visibility or invisibility; public or private; and ephemeral or eternal.

David Colombini

This poetic machine prints your message and a code on a sheet A6, slips it into a biopolymer cylinder attached to a balloon, which is finally released into the air. Then, the balloon will travel haphazardly to a potential recipient.
Where did the idea come from? The basic idea was to take a stand against the current use of «smart» technologies by creating a poetic concept, using current technology that allows us to communicate differently and rediscover expectation, the random, and the unexpected.
For the record, I have always been attracted by what is in the air and remember having won a balloon release contest when I was about ten years old. My balloon flew from Switzerland to Austria, this definitely left an impression on me and perhaps influenced the idea of this project.

benjamin bergery and jim campbell

Jacob’dream: a luminous path
San Francisco-based electronic-media artist Jim Campbell creates work that combines film, light emitting diodes (LEDs) and sculptural elements. His choice of materials is often complex, and he uses them to create imagery that is allusive and open-ended. His exploration of the distinction between the analog world and its digital representation metaphorically parallels the difference between poetic understanding versus the mathematics of data.

Adriana Vignoli

Paisagem Feita com Grãos de Pedra
Adriana Vignoli cria objetos que transitam entre o desenho, a escultura e a instalação. A artista utiliza predominantemente materiais como o vidro, a terra, a pedra e o metal. Ela vem elaborando uma poética de coisas simples, “autônomas e utópicas”, que conectam o arcaico ao presente, ou mesmo, confabulam um futuro. Suas obras se envolvem por temáticas do tempo, da paisagem, da arquitetura e também do construtivismo. São influências advindas de Brasília, cidade em que nasceu e vive atualmente.

Michael Anastassiades

Minimalista y poética como una línea dibujada por un lápiz en el aire, así es esta lámpara de suspensión que Michael Anastassiades ha diseñado para la firma de iluminación Flos. String Lights es un reflejo de la filosofía de trabajo del diseñador chipriota afincado en Londres que siempre busca la esencia tanto de la forma como de los materiales.

hickey heart

Human, ultra human or a poetic of deformation? Observing series “Distortions” by young photographer Hickey Heart (23 years old), is like taking a disturbing trip into our online lives 24h/24h, among small epiphanies, existential dilemmas and everyday solitudes.

Mattia Paco Rizzi + Jessica Bergstein-Collay

‘Taumascopio’ is an art installation designed and realized by parisian architect-artist mattia paco rizzi for the 2014 kanal playground festival in brussels, belgium. the structure is completely covered with mirrors and as a result, offers a complete visual camouflage along the molenbeek’s canal. as its exterior panels fold, the overall massing creates a kaleidoscopic effect that reacts to heat. during the temperature’s evolution throughout the day, the surfaces present an ever-changing reflective effect. ‘the ‘taumascopio’ invites us to reflect in poetic vein on public space, like a box of delights that gives us multiple visions and allows us to see the city differently,’ says rizzi. ‘the mosaic of reflections sends our thoughts in new directions and invite us to create new ideas.’


Corridor Red/Green

Liz Larner Non voglio davvero guidare l’interpretazione delle persone del lavoro, ma posso farti sapere cosa ne penso. I problemi legati alla fotografia nel periodo in cui ero alla Cal Arts nei primi anni ’80 mi hanno spinto a voler affrontare il nostro mondo spazialmente e materialmente, ma non come architetto. La scultura affronta molti degli stessi problemi dell’architettura, ma per ragioni diverse. Per me è un mezzo che può affrontare il modo in cui viene prodotto il nostro mondo e i fattori che lo compongono. Per questo motivo, sento che c’è una potenziale poetica nella scultura che è strettamente connessa al nostro mondo come contesto in cui viviamo.


מרדיית המונק
Мередит Монк
ميريديث مونك
16mm Earrings
Meredith Monk’s groundbreaking performance work, 16 Millimeter Earrings, was a seamless integration of live performance, objects, film, vocal and instrumental music, movement, text, recorded sound, and light. It marked several, notable “firsts” for Monk: thinking of sound as an overall environment, working with her voice and visual images as primary elements, creating a full sound score, and incorporating film into a live work. The piece was a breakthrough in her quest to discover a visual/sonic/poetic performance form that could weave together multiple modes of perception. Responding to the original performances in 1966, art critic John Perrault wrote in the Village Voice, “Images, movement, film, words and sounds in Miss Monk’s new work are so skillfully interwoven and inter-related that no description can substitute for the kind of magic that she has managed to produce. The whole stage is her canvas and she uses every bit of it. 16 Millimeter Earrings has to do with surfaces, all seen as if through glass or reflected in a mirror. The surface of the human body. The surface of the erotic and the emotional. The radical juxtaposition of apparently contradictory surfaces- film, flesh, colors, and sound- becomes a witty method of deliberation and deliverance, and of complete art.”