
QUBIT AI: SurrealismToday.com

The Legend of Ogie

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
SurrealismToday.com – The Legend of Ogie – United States

What worlds exist beyond Einstein’s speed limit? Inspired by Eric Weinstein’s theory of Geometric Unity, the work explores the idea that space-time is like a melody playing over an eight-dimensional universe. Abstract and metamorphic forms transition from organic forms to parastatic patterns, creating a dance of visuals and sounds that merge into an immersive experience of fractal unfolding.


SurrealismToday.com is an artist collective and educational platform dedicated to the proliferation of surreal and visionary ontologies in contemporary art. The group began as an esoteric cargo cult dedicated to discovering the beautiful, the fantastic, and the transcendent in the pseudo-philosophical landscape of the art world. His methods include searching for gems in the digital world and infusing mystical enchantments into generative diffusion models.

QUBIT AI: Infratonal

Useless Hands

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Infratonal – Useless Hands – France

When our hands become useless, what will we choose to do with them? We can use AI to visualize the unthinkable, the strangely familiar yet indescribable forms and structures. Generative AI could be used as an amplifier of our ability to explore abstraction and surrealism rather than a simple mirror of our usual perceptions.


Infratonal is an artistic project led by Louk Amidou, a Paris-based multidisciplinary artist who works at the intersection of digital arts, electronic music and interaction design. He uses algorithms to create hybrid visual and sound pieces which aim to be performed by the human gesture as intangible instruments. He questions the artwork’s nature at the age of AI and the relationship between the artist and the algorithm.

Keith Lam

Realtà artificiale
L’entità “super-reale” costruita dietro la realtà virtuale, la Realtà Artificiale viene creata e copiata continuamente dal subconscio generato artificialmente, dalla proiezione, travestimento e distorsione dell’immagine reale, al travestimento che non esiste. , separato dall’immagine reale e dal fatto, diventa un mimetismo indipendente, gettato nella realtà che gli umani ancora pensano, e produce una superrealtà che è più reale della realtà, e diventa una nuova realtà. Nella realtà caotica tessuta dalla realtà originale e dall’iperreale generato artificialmente, le nostre vite saranno solo i nostri simulacri? L’iperrealismo diventerà il nuovo “surrealismo”?

Tatsumi Hijikata


Hijikata conceived of Ankoku Butoh from its origins as an outlaw form of dance-art, and as constituting the negation of all existing forms of Japanese dance. Inspired by the criminality of the French novelist Jean Genet, Hijikata wrote manifestoes of his emergent dance form with such as titles as ‘To Prison’. His dance would be one of corporeal extremity and transmutation, driven by an obsession with death, and imbued with an implicit repudiation of contemporary society and media power. Many of his early works were inspired by figures of European literature such as the Marquis de Sade and the Comte de Lautréamont, as well as by the French Surrealist movement, which had exerted an immense influence on Japanese art and literature, and had led to the creation of an autonomous and influential Japanese variant of Surrealism, whose most prominent figure was the poet Shuzo Takiguchi, who perceived Ankoku Butoh as a distinctively ‘Surrealist’ dance-art form.

Sydney Sie

Сидни Си
Gradient Colors and Female Forms

Sydney Sie es una diseñadora gráfica y fotógrafa originaria de Taiwan. Aunque también ilustra y anima, lo que más me llamó la atención de su portafolio fueron sus fotografías, pues están llenas de gradientes de colores pasteles que les dan un toque ultra femenino (sin estar lleno de glitter y corazoncitos), y que a la vez están cargadas de misterio y surrealismo. Crea atmósferas e ilusiones ópticas mediante espejos y figuras geométricas que cortan y hacen contraste con las figuras suaves y femeninas.


芬蘭藝術家 的雕塑作品

L’artiste Jiri Geller apporte une touche intéressante dans l’art et le pop-surréalisme avec ces sculptures impliquant l’image de la culture populaire. Des oeuvres fabriquées artisanalement, avec l’utilisation par exemple de matériaux lourds juxtaposés avec des objets en apesanteur.


Филиппа Рамета

Born in 1961, Philippe Ramette is a French conceptual artist who plays with the viewer’s mind. Ramette creates gravity-defying photographs that appear to be digitally manipulated, using cleverly designed weight-bearing structures (or lead weights for the underwater shots), but in fact they are real world settings that were carefully arrangement, in order to achieve these impressive scenes. In Ramette’s surreal photography, surrealism literally invades reality.

Joe Diebes

oyster is a new opera (in progress) about a surprising precursor to last.fm and Pandora. In the 1960’s, renowned American folklorist Alan Lomax developed a wildly ambitious system called cantometrics for coding and analyzing folk songs from every corner of the world. The opera is structured as a public lecture of Alan Lomax’s folk song analysis as demonstrated by four singers, who embody the IBM360 mainframe computer used to correlate his vast amounts of data. Working with the BOTCH vocal ensemble, I am reconstructing the folksong styles from regions as disparate as Bali, West Africa, and Central America using only the data from Lomax’s study. Things like melodic complexity, vocal blend, and nasality, are adjusted by the singers as they circumnavigate the globe. This data vocalization is further mediated by the ensemble’s distinctive extended vocal techniques, and is accompanied by a film narrative that unravels connections between cybernetics, surrealism and ethnography. The film also features a wide range of material drawn from the Alan Lomax archive at The Library of Congress.
oyster will be performed by BOTCH ensemble: Christina Campanella, Michael Chinworth, John Rose, and Saori Tsukada


Argentinian Larissa Haily Aguado is collaging in the digital age. Still assembling manually from found materials, the trained artist and designer creates enchanting compositions through the the mixing of various motifs, fused with surrealism and an unmistakable humorous quality that makes you stop and think. These dreamlike collages mix inanimate objects, nature, fashion and animals, with other seemingly random elements. However, they may not be so random.


Жюльен Pacaud

Julien Pacaud est un illustrateur français vivant au Mans. Son travail, inhabituel, combine de manière élégante et sophistiqué ; surréalisme, cubisme et rendu vintage. On peut supposer que l’artiste s’est inspiré de Salavador Dali pour son travail.

Petrina Hicks

Adams Apple
La australiana Petrina Hicks, que vive y trabaja en Sidney, toca diferentes campos y se ha convertido en toda una referencia de la fotografía de vanguardia. Su trabajo que rezuma surrealismo, sutileza y conceptualismo absoluto para transcender más allá de un mero mensaje fotográfico y convertirse en toda una expresión de seducción visual.


Денис Грунштейн
Denise Grünsteins surrealistiska, iscensatta fotografier leker med konsthistorien och låter klassiska bildvärldar möta samtiden. Romantikens grönskande landskap, Skagenmålarnas strandkultur och surrealismens lek med kroppar förs in i in i vår samtid och möter en förändrad syn på makt, kön och identitet.

Jekaterina Nikitina

Lithuanian artist Jekaterina Nikitina has an awkward appeal that can easily be considered the trademark of her work. We recently discovered some of her self portraits. While some of her photos were of a relatively pedestrian fare, the majority of the photographs had a foot in quirky surrealism.

sophie delaporte

“Sophie Delaporte is a French photographer who is on permanently good terms with fantasy and a cheerfully offbeat approach. She has a distinctive sense of color, a fabulist’s imagination, an edge of surrealism, and a knack for ambiguous narrative”.

Justin Vin

Wave house
If you would build a house made of moving waves? What it would be? Art director Justin Vin has collaborated with team of talented artists to find this out. This project is an approach to see and feel technologies in new way – as organic, friendly environments. It is nurturing, divine and filled with spirituality. Intuitive and friendly. Inspired by today’s emerging technologies – claytronics, programmable matter, quantum locking – we eventually came to the vision of Wave House. A home of beauty, freedom and softness. We see big spaces, like temple or church and a surrealism, surrounding it.


Polygonal Horse II

Gregor Gaida’s sculptures have something almost unreal, in them surrealism is powerful, there is transfiguration, symbol and narration; creates incredibly exciting sculptures in which even the elements: wood, resin and concrete mix without losing their contrasting nature. Its themes can be seen as three-dimensional snapshots, with fictional protagonists fighting and being advanced, extracted and distant from their original framework of action. In his sculptures, Gaida literally shapes this approach and stories without finishing them; many of his subjects are also physically cut in half, incomplete and, therefore, to be completed.


イリ·キリアン – スティーヴ·ライヒ
יירי קיליאן – סטיב רייך
Иржи Килиана – Стив Райх
Falling Angels
Falling Angels was created in 1989 as one Kylián’s Black and White Ballets. The Black and White ballets consisted of six pieces, with Falling Angel being dance 6. It is choreographed to Steve Reich’s Drumming (Part One) created in 1971, which was based on ceremonial ritual music from Ghana (West Africa). Throughout Fallen Angels there is the use of mesmeric choral movement and repeated phrases. Falling Angels is for 8 women and depicts female dancers in their aim to achieve perfection but succumb in various stages to the human female psyche and female events such as ambition, seduction, pregnancy, birth, death, motherhood and self-awareness. Kylián was influenced by surrealism and minimalism during the creation of this work and the ‘black and white ballets’. In this ballet we see the combination of classical lines and sharp percussive movements that give unpredictability to the piece as a whole