

The Coral
Home Algae Garden
In June 2020 ecoLogicStudio has devised BioBombola, a pioneering project that invites individuals, families and communities to cultivate a domestic algae garden – a sustainable source of vegetable proteins. BioBombola absorbs carbon dioxide and oxygenates homes more effectively than common domestic plants while fostering a fulfilling daily interaction with nature. Each BioBombola is composed of a single customized photobioreactor, a one metre tall lab grade glass container, filled with 15 litres of living photosynthetic Spirulina strain and culture medium with nutrients.

Irina Dzhus

Now that sustainable consumption is a more relevant topic than ever, DZHUS has created a collection inspired by the variety of packaging, to draw attention to the importance of recycling. The SS21 designs interpret the visual and structural peculiarities of boxes, packets and wraps of all kinds. Multi-purpose use of clothing has always been crucial to DZHUS, as a revolutionary method to minimise customers’ shopping and diversify their wardrobe at the same time. All pieces from the spring/summer line are transformers, and most garments can be modified into bags in a swift and playful manner.

Studio Roosegaarde

Organic fireworks SPARK illuminates the city as a new sustainable celebration. Artist Daan Roosegaarde became inspired by the magical light of fireflies, and the desire to update the ritual of fireworks. The result is SPARK, a poetic performance of thousands of biodegradable light sparks which organically float through the air. SPARK inspires visitors to wonder and reflect.

Achim Menges and Jan Knippers

Maison Fibre

Maison Fiber è un’idea inedita, esposta ed esplorata per immaginare un’alternativa ai metodi di progettazione e costruzione. Qual è il futuro dell’architettura? Come possono gli esseri umani adattarsi e vivere in habitat armoniosi? Una visione sostenibile è stata esposta alla 17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – La Biennale di Venezia 2021, un portale futuristico è stato esposto come approccio alternativo alla progettazione e costruzione di futuri spazi abitabili.
University of Stuttgart, Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) ve Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) tarafından Bienal’in bu seneki temasına yanıt niteliğinde tasarlanan proje, tamamen robotik olarak, lifli yapı elemanlarından üretilmiş bir yaşam birimi.
Maison Fibre is a novel idea, exhibited and explored to envision an alternative to the methods of design and construction. What is the future of architecture? How can humans adapt and live in harmonious habitats? A sustainable vision was exhibited at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2021, a futuristic gateway was exposed as an alternative approach to the design and construction of future habitable spaces.

ŽIL Julie Vostalová



Phygital way of designing that captures a momentum of transition between digital and physical worlds.
Digital and sustainable fashion with respect to materiality propose no-waste patterning that uses the technique of cut-ups to be assembled into a garment. Inspiration comes from the process of deconstructing historical garments and unexpected assemblage.

Ehab Alhariri

Futuristic Sustainable Mountain Pod
A Futuristic Smart Sustainable Mountain pod designed to utilize solar power using a petals mechanism that allows it to open up and close down to charge up the pod using photovoltaic cells mounted on the petals. Inspired by a flower motion, the petals when open allows for a 360° view of the surrounding, the mechanism could also potentially allow the pod to collect rainwater to be self-sufficient and of the grid hide out.


the solar tree

Solar tree”presents a modular architecture consisting of prefabricated “cells” made of steel and wood.
The cells can also house “solar leaves” to contribute even more to the energy needs and make the structure more and more autonomous.The architects’ aim is not only to create something innovative and sustainable, but also to integrate the new project with nature and the surrounding landscape.

Studio Bigert & Bergström

Solar Egg
The egg is made out of stainless golden mirror sheeting, its multifaceted form breaking up the surroundings that it reflects into a multiplicity of different mirror images. Landscape, mine, town, sky, sun and snow are here combined into a fragmented image that can evoke associations with the complexity spanned by today’s discussion about climate and sustainable community development.more

Heatherwick Studio

Friction table
This table is made from resin-infused paper, which is incredibly durable, highly sustainable and one of the few materials stable enough to achieve the level of precision required. At 1.8 metres when in its round form and 4 metres when extended to its longest ellipse, the Friction Table can seat groups of eight.

Mario Cucinella Architects

CSET – Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, Ningbo, China
由Mario Cucinella设计的,于中国宁波的CSET中心(可持续能源技术)尽量使用天然的资源,如雨和低耗能材料。中国是世界上最大的能源消耗国之一,该建筑对环境友好的态度给世界上的其它建筑树立一个样例:绿色、美丽加上可持续能源技术。 可持续能源技术中心的中心任务是推广可持续能源技术,包括太阳能、光电池风力等。1300平方米建筑面积包括了游客中心,研究实验室和进行硕士教育的教室。建筑立于一片校园内的草地和溪流边。该设计的灵感来自于中国传统的木帘子。


Kawenski is a freelance designer and has worked on various projects as a consultant for start-up programs to the apparel and accessories industries. Her present design work focuses on using sustainable materials to design apparel and accessories made in an environmentally sensitive manner.


Green Cloud (Nuage Vert)
The third edition of Nuage Vert (Green cloud) highlighted the cloud of vapour emitted by the largest waste incinerator in France, on the edge of Paris at Ivry-sur-Seine, using a green laser beam which draws the clouds outline in real-time. Beyond the spectacle of the projection onto a power plant emission, Nuage Vert is also an open space, a canvas onto which each individual can project their questions concerning our consumer-waste culture, adding a second level reading to a site which is both highly visible and ignored.
The work acts like a semantic parasite, an organism that takes cover and feeds itself by establishing a sustainable interaction with another organism, in a relationship that is not necessarily damaging for the host, but necessary since the emission cloud provides Nuage vert with its visibility. During two years the project generated a social-cultural process which attracted support from citizens and the power plant owner, but however led to political obstruction from the local authorities. Escaping from a political stalemate, the work was realised without institutional consent, from a secret location on a private rooftop with the cooperation of local residents.
The project was previously realised in Helsinki, Finland and in Saint-Ouen, France.

jaesik lim, ahyoung lee, jaeyeol kim and taegu lim

clear orb

“The sustainable architectural culture that aspires the coexistence of human, nature and the architecture itself” is a core value of Heerim Architects and Planners in South Korea, the team behind a sparkling orb designed for Santa Monica Pier. A finalist in the biennial site-specific 2016 Land Art Generator Initiative design competition, which promotes the uptake of energy-generating public art that informs, delights, and uplifts communities and visitors, The Clear Orb reveals a playful approach to holistic design. Using transparent luminescent solar concentrators, the installation is purportedly capable of producing up to half-a-million gallons of fresh water each year for California.

Szilárd Cseke

Multiple Identities, Sustainable Development
The focus is on multiple identities. There are pale, milky plastic pipes attached to the ceiling of the concrete interior, inside which, moved by fans, roll white balls. One after the other. If the one arrives, a new one is sent to another tube.Such works breathe inner unity. This closeness is sometimes a closeness, if not encryption. Because the language of contemporary installation art is foreign and difficult to read. The viewer’s gaze likes to evaluate subjectively and is always shaped by environmental influences such as culture, trends, styles, beliefs, experiences and politics. This makes the interpretation uncertain, it becomes subjective, often tempting to misconduct. Because anyone who claims that the work of art is created in the eye of the beholder and means that everyone, regardless of where they come from and how educated, can make a valid statement about a work of art is wrong. What Marcel DuChamp meant is that it unfolds in the eye of the beholder. But this development should not mean that simply opening the eyes also brings with it knowledge and insight. These qualities are developed through active participation, through perception. This, in turn, is not only feasible through the visual stimulus in the eye. It is possible, however, if you know who the artist is, what he is doing, what he wishes to express and with which underlying design principles the view is guided in what way to what. Only then does the processing take place, a connection of the causal relationships, which ultimately leads to art in the eye of the beholder. To an inner feeling outside of the spontaneous feelings.

scott hessels

Sustainable Cinema No. 2: Lenticular Bicycle

«Устойчивое кино» – это серия кинетических скульптур, в которых природные источники энергии сочетаются с оптическими иллюзиями для создания движущихся изображений. Цель Скотта Хесселса в создании этих работ – привлечь внимание к экологически чистым средствам массовой информации и устойчивым решениям для обеспечения энергией новых технологий. «Линзовидный велосипед» – первая скульптура в этой серии, управляемая рабочей силой. Для этого Хессельс приспособил велосипед, аналогичный тому, который широко используется в Юго-Восточной Азии для перевозки грузов, и, таким образом, является намеком на изобретательность и креативность местных семейных предприятий, которые работают с такими же велосипедами. Велосипед приводит в движение цилиндрический аппарат, на котором нанесены изображения. Как только велосипедист начинает крутить педали – или двигатель, установленный на этой выставке, включается – цилиндр вращается, и отдельные изображения превращаются в фильм.


Катарины Унгер

By 2050 meat production will have to increase by 50%. Considering that we already use one third of croplands for the production of animal feed, we will have to look for alternative food sources and alternative ways of growing it.Farm 432 enables people to turn against the dysfunctional system of current meat production by growing their own protein source at home. After 432 hours, 1 gram of black soldier fly eggs turn into 2.4 kilogram of larvae protein, larvae that self-harvest and fall clean and ready to eat into a harvest bucket.This scenario creates not only a more sustainable future of food production, but suggests new lifestyles and food cultures.Black soldier fly adults don´t eat, the larvae can be fed on bio waste, therefore the production almost costs no water or CO2. Black soldier fly larvae are one of the most efficient protein converters in insects, containing up to 42% of protein, a lot of calcium and amino acids.


Cybertecture Egg
Cybertecture is the revolutionary concept that provides a symbiotic relationship between the urban fabric and technology. Pioneered in 2001, Cybertecture forges both the hardware of the built environment and software systems and technologies from the micro to macro scales of development.The genesis of Cybertecture is in response to man’s progress into the 21st century, where working and living environments need to adapt and evolve to cope with the demands of modern working life. It plays an integral part in this evolution by providing awareness and connectivity via seamless integration of technology into the fabric of space.Cybertecture designs, from technology, products and interiors to systems, buildings and masterplans, allow flexibility and accessibility to inform, adapt, react, communicate, manipulate and control environments, whilst being sustainable and environmentally considered in application and context.Cybertecture embraces the future through continuous innovation and evolution of design and technology. It provides a myriad of solutions, all of which are diverse in individual application but holistic to the overall user environment, and always being integrated with innovation being pursued.


Synthetic Sustainability

Graham Thompson tries to redefine urbanism by proposing urban synthetic hyper structures that sustainably manage urban density, personal space, and communal areas. A fresh graduate from the Bartlett School of Architecture the proposal features undulated surface towers, farming zones, clean energy generating systems, green transportation facilities and recreational areas. The sustainable structure would come along a water depository within barren undeveloped land ready for zoning. The undulating bionic towers of the project would act as urban farming zones that promote local flora and fauna managed by the inhabitants for sustainable growth. These agricultural zones have individual harvesting grids with water filtration and nutrient monitoring systems. The tower canopies are layered with solar recharging zones to harvest solar energy and locally meet power needs. Graham also visualizes eco train stations for green transportation along with green service stations for eco car charging.


Big & Green: Toward Sustainable Architecture in the 21st Century


كريستوفر دانيال
כריסטופר דניאל
Кристофер Дэниел
California Roll House
a structure which self-adapts to its extreme environment, the prefabricated ‘california roll house’ by korean practice violent volumes uses the latest
in sustainable technologies and mechanized systems to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the desert surrounding. a carbon fiber truss frame
system supports the irregular wrapping form, providing a lightweight and strong skeleton on which a solid exterior shell is attached to reflect the
intense sun. transparent glass panels change opacity automatically with the angle of the sun to absorb the nighttime coolth and reject the daytime
solar gain. the roof element then transforms into an entry courtyard, providing a flat artificial ground plane from which one can enter the hydraulically-
powered door, which is the only door in and out of the house and services all spaces. interior curtains subdivide the rooms for privacy, with skylights
for extra light.