
QUBIT AI: Eduardo Reck Miranda

Sounding Qubits

FILE 2024 | Quantico
International Electronic Language Festival
Eduardo Reck Miranda – Sounding Qubits – Brazil

Although he has learned classical musical instruments since childhood, Eduardo Miranda’s favorite tool for composing is the computer. The researcher has been delving into artificial intelligence and innovative computing methods for compositing for some time, as they offer fresh insights and ideas beyond his own.

A quantum computer deals with information encoded as qubits. A qubit is to a quantum computer what a bit is to a digital one: a basic unit of information. In hardware, qubits exist in the subatomic world. They are subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.

Quantum computers are like super-powered versions of classical digital computers. While a digital computer processes data in a linear, step-by-step fashion, a quantum computer can explore many possibilities at once.

Operating a quantum computer requires different ways of thinking about encoding and processing information. This is where composers can benefit greatly. This technology is destined to facilitate the development of unprecedented ways of creating music.


Composer who works at the intersection of music, science and new technologies. His background as an artificial intelligence scientist and classical composer with early involvement in avant-garde pop music informs his distinctive music. He has composed for BBC Radio 3, BBC Concert Orchestra, BBC Singers and Scottish Chamber Orchestra. He is a professor at the University of Plymouth and a research associate at Quantinuum, where he explores music composition with quantum computers.

Clara Daguin

Oracle Collection
The performance centered around ORACLE, a digital palm reading given by model and iconic muse Axelle Doué. The surrounding luminous dresses embodying the four elements— air, earth, water, and fire—come alive during the reading, with mirrors reflecting them into infinity. The pieces are crafted from diverse materials, both natural and synthetic. Well beyond typical textiles, Clara Daguin implements optical fibers, pleating, embroidered circuits, addressable LEDs, sculpted resin, home-grown alum stone crystals, Swarovski Elements, silk organza, microcontrollers and radio frequency modules.


Vicious Circle

file festival

Come molti della mia generazione, sono cresciuto succhiando un tubo a raggi catodici e facendo il bagno nelle onde radio. Tutto questo è rappresentato all’interno del mio lavoro, in un collage di movimento, luce e suono. Attualmente con il mio lavoro sto esplorando modi per dissolvere i confini tra cinematografia e scultura. Le mie recenti ricerche su questo tema hanno coinvolto l’uso di computer combinato con elementi meccanici per creare installazioni simili a mandala. Queste installazioni sono il mio mezzo e le uso per creare animazioni effimere. Questa effimera coreografia di movimento è il punto focale del mio lavoro. Credo che questo fascino per le immagini in movimento e la trasformazione degli oggetti derivi dalla mia giovinezza, dove i primi computer domestici degli anni ’80 mi hanno dato uno sguardo nel meraviglioso mondo della matematica applicata. Su questi computer è stato possibile con codici semplici generare fantastici schemi e suoni astratti e quell’incontro ha distrutto per sempre il confine nella mia mente tra astratto e reale. Anche la danza gioca un ruolo significativo nel mio lavoro; Sono stato attratto dalla musica elettronica. L’electro con il suo suono sintetizzato mi ha introdotto alla break-dance e la mia anima è stata catturata dalla bellezza del movimento fisico coreografato.


SMS Slingshot
file festival

The SMSlingshot est un lance-pierre numérique qui envoie des SMS colorés sur les murs, telles des billes de paint-ball. La recette est simple, ou presque : un vidéo projecteur, un lance-pierre en bois muni d’un pointeur laser et une radio à Ultra Haute Fréquence. L’utilisateur utilise le clavier du lance-pierre pour écrire son message, vise un mur et le bombarde. Son SMS s’inscrit dans une tâche de peinture colorée.
Der SMSlingshot ist eine digitale Schleuder, die wie Paintballs bunte Textnachrichten an Wände schickt. Das Rezept ist einfach oder fast: ein Videoprojektor, eine Holzschleuder mit Laserpointer und ein Ultrahochfrequenz-Radio. Der Nutzer schreibt mit der Schleuder-Tastatur seine Nachricht, zielt auf eine Wand und bombardiert diese. Ihre Textnachricht ist Teil einer bunten Lackierung.

SMSlingshot è una fionda digitale che invia messaggi di testo colorati ai muri come palline di vernice. La ricetta è semplice, o quasi: un videoproiettore, una fionda di legno con puntatore laser e una radio Ultra High Frequency. L’utente utilizza la tastiera a fionda per scrivere il proprio messaggio, mira a un muro e lo bombarda. Il suo messaggio di testo fa parte di un lavoro di pittura colorato.

Tobias Stretch

Weird Fishes

Tobias Stretch made this beautiful and mesmerising stop motion animation for Radiohead’s track ‘Weird Fishes’. Tobias’ natural light stop motion technique conjures a phantasmagorical and intimate world. Grotesque yet endearing puppets traversing the hinterlands in some bizarre pilgrimage. Tactile and beautiful.

Anne Katrine Senstad

Radical Light
L’ambiente immersivo di sculture di luce di Senstad è un invito a incontrare le sensazioni percettive della luce e del suono in forma pura e il loro effetto trasformativo sull’esperienza dello spazio. Costruito con luci al neon, le proprietà luminali uniche influenzano il nostro sistema cognitivo in cui cadono l’artificialità delle luci a LED In quanto una delle più grandi opere indoor di Senstad fino ad oggi, la scultura di luce è concepita come un monumento e una matrice – una vasta sfera di luce spettrale che consente al pubblico di sperimentare di essere avvolto dalla radiosità della luce degli spettri più alti quando vaga attraverso il storica ex fabbrica di sottomarini che ospita lo spazio espositivo di 450 m2.


Мари Шуинар
Durante los primeros pasos de esta creación, los bailarines y yo trabajamos sobre las Goldberg Variations de Bach, tal y como las interpretó Glenn Gould en 1981, así como la voz del pianista, con sus cadencias orales durante una entrevista de radio dedicada a esta particular interpretación.
Emprendí el trabajo con una mezcla de los cuerpos de los bailarines, a través del uso de varios elementos de apoyo: muletas, picos, arneses, etc. Una barra de ballet fue trasformada en un material musical. Pedí también al compositor Louis Dufort que usara un “apoyo”, concretamente una interpretación de Gould y su voz, y a proponer variaciones sobre las Variations. Diez de las treinta variaciones, así como las dos Arias, fueron remezcladas o incluso recompuestas (1, 2, 4, 11, 15, 16, 21, 23, 25 and 29). Otras tres variaciones (5, 6 y 8) se ofrecerán en su versión original.


Nel processo di creazione di Supraspectives, il duo di artisti Quadrature ha raccolto i dati di 590 satelliti spia (recenti e precedenti), la cui traiettoria segue l’installazione. Un terzo di loro può essere considerato spazzatura spaziale, poiché sono obsoleti o danneggiati, ma continuano comunque a sorvolare noi. L’installazione calcola in tempo reale i percorsi di tutti quei satelliti e ricostruisce speculativamente la vista che stanno catturando, offrendo immagini intervenute artisticamente di ciò che i satelliti potrebbero osservare. Vengono selezionati principalmente i satelliti che transitano nei pressi della sede espositiva, abbinati ad altre immagini satellitari particolarmente interessanti o suggestive. Inoltre, un’antenna motorizzata appositamente costruita sul tetto si collega in diretta con i satelliti che sorvolano Tabakalera, trasformando i loro veri segnali radio in suono. Ogni volta che l’installazione si collega con un satellite, lo schermo mostra i dati ad esso relativi, come paese di origine o anno di lancio.

François Bayle


Das Acousmonium ist das Schalldiffusionssystem, das 1974 von Francois Bayle entworfen und ursprünglich von der Groupe de Recherches Musicales im Maison de Radio France verwendet wurde. Es besteht aus 80 Lautsprechern unterschiedlicher Größe und Form und wurde für die Bandwiedergabe entwickelt. Wie Bayle 1993 in einer CD-Hülle schrieb, war es so Eine weitere Utopie, die dem reinen “Zuhören” gewidmet ist … als durchdringbarer “Projektionsbereich”, arrangiert im Hinblick auf das Eintauchen in den Klang, auf die räumliche Polyphonie, die artikuliert und gerichtet ist. Das Verteilen von Kompositionen aus elektroakustischer Musik oder Musique concrète über ein Acousmonium wird als Diffusion bezeichnet. Dies geschieht durch den Komponisten oder einen Interpreten, indem er die räumliche Verteilung und Lautstärke der Musik während der Wiedergabe steuert und anpasst.


The piece is the latest instalment of their ongoing Spectra series, a merging of physical and virtual sculptures that take inspiration from space, technology, and our relationships to them, to provide elegant and sensory experiences using sound, light, and reflection. Spectra-3’s design and movement is inspired by the radio telescopes of the Very Large Array (VLA) located on the Plains of San Agustin in New Mexico. The piece combines computer-aided design with real-time input from the public’s movements, to inform its physical actions as it rotates on motors, augmenting the space with the enchanting hues and patterns of reflected light and spatialized sound.



A radio telescope scans the skys in search of signs of extraterrestrial life.
The received raw signals serve as input data for a neural network, which was trained on human theories and ideas of aliens. Now it tries desperately to apply this knowledge and to discover possible messages of other civilizations in the noise of the universe. Mysterious noises resound as the artificial intelligence penetrates deeper and deeper into the alien data, where it finally finds the ultimate proof.The sound installation revolves around one of the oldest questions of mankind – one that can never be disproved: Are we alone in the universe?

Jascha Dormann

Sounds of Silence
Inside the exhibition, there’s not a word of written text, and few traditional photos or videos. Instead, you get abstract spatial graphics. Tracking systems respond as you navigate the exhibit, and an unseen voice hints at what you might do. There’s a snowy cotton-like entry, radio-like sound effects, and then a pathway to explore silence from the start of the universe until this century.


In the process of creating Supraspectives, the artist duo Quadrature has gathered the data of 590 (recent & former) spy satellites, whose trajectory the installation follows. A third of them can be considered space trash, as they are obsolete or damaged, but still, they continue overflying us. The installation calculates the paths of all those satellites in real time and speculatively reconstructs the view they are capturing, offering artistically intervened images of what the satellites could be observing. Mainly satellites passing near the exhibition venue are selected, combined with other specially interesting or suggestive satellite images. Additionally, a specifically built motorized antenna on the roof connects live with the satellites overflying Tabakalera, transforming their real radio signals into sound. Everytime the installation connects with a satellite, the screen shows the data relative to it, such as country of origin or year of launch.


CHBL Jammer Coat
The CHBL Jammer Coat is a piece of clothing that enables its user to disappear: Google cannot find you anymore. The piece is made of metallized fabrics, which are blocking radio waves and shielding the wearer against tracking devices. You are no longer reachable on your mobile phone and no information from your credit card can be captured. The Wave Circle pattern of the fabric gives an illusion of strange multiple body parts, which hides and frees the individual physicality.

Richard Vijgen

Hertzian Landscapes
Hertzian Landscapes (2019) is a live visualization of the radio spectrum. Unlike visible light, waves in the radio spectrum cannot be perceived by us directly yet this space is teeming with human activity. Hertzian Landscapes employs a digital receiver to scan large swaths of radio spectrum in near real-time and visualizes thousands of signals into a panoramic electromagnetic landscape. Users can zoom in to specific frequencies by positioning themselves in front of the panorama as if controlling a radio tuner with their body, giving them a sense of walking through the spectrum.

Daan Roosegaarde

WINDLICHT is a artwork by Roosegaarde which shows the beauty of green energy by connecting windmill blades with lines of light. Special software and tracking technology detect the windmill blades rotating at 280 kilometres per hour. Visitors can tune into radio canal WINDLICHT FM 105.3 FM to hear the stories behind the artwork. WINDLICHT creates the missing link between the Dutch and the beauty of our new landscape.

Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits

Swamp Radio
Swamp Radio gets beyond our anthropocenic reality, and maintains connections between the humans and other species. By artistic interventions and transmitting interfaces, the Swamp Radio is turned into a social media megaphone for invisible and inaudible actors of nature. The artists are installing microbial fuel cells, environmental monitoring sensors and transmitting devices to transform the swamps into dynamic power plants and the 21st century multi-voiced broadcast media.


Schrödinger’s Baby(2019/20), TZUSOO alludes to the popular thought experiment devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. Schrödinger proposed a scenario in which a cat is locked in a box with an unstable radioactive atom that could potentially begin to emit radiation and release a toxic gas. However, there is no way to say with certainty when or indeed whether this will happen without opening the box. The result is a paradox, with Schrödinger asserting that the cat enters a state of superposition that makes it impossible to say whether it is alive or dead.The South Korean artist translates this famous paradox into the reality of her own life, creating a digital baby in virtual space. Based on her inner grappling with potential motherhood, TZUSOO bought the digital model of a developing embryo, refining it according to her own ideas. She is free to determine the sex, skin colour and other characteristics or to dispense with all specifications so as to avoid stereotyping. In Schrödinger’s Baby, TZUSOO thus discuss core aspects of her work including reflection on gender and origin for which she also draws on her personal experience as a South Korean artist in Europe.

vivian xu


The Electric Skin explores the possibility of creating a wearable that extends the functionality of the skin to sense electromagnetic fields (mostly within the radio spectrum) and translate that information into touch sensation. The wearable consists of two main functional parts: 1) A matrix of omnidirectional antennas that act as sensors and probes and 2) corresponding electrodes that stimulate the skin of the wearer. Through this artificial “skin” or “exoskeleton”, the wearable changes our experience, perception, and understanding of space and movement, and in doing so, our interactions. The project speculates on the possible co-evolution of man and technology and draws attention to the role of environmental influence on our own bodily development and behavior.


Maia Urstad, a sound artist based in Bergen, Norway, joined ISIS in 2009 for a 3-week research residency. Maia’s research was based around using and adapting portable radio systems and local FM-transmissions. Maia explored the Northumberland coast where she carried out experiments with multiple radios, broadcastings signals across the North Sea from the cliffs of Howic and the beaches surrounding Bamburgh in an attempt to communicate across the sea, attempting to reach her home town of Bergen.

Diana Eng

Ham Radio Hacker
“Amateur Radio operators have shown an insatiable curiosity to explore and populate the high frontiers of the electromagnetic spectrum.” Not only that, but when disaster strikes, ham radio operators are usually called upon to provide and/or help emergency communications.
They’re not dependent on cell phone towers or overloaded systems in times of crisis; they’re distributed and long range. They help, they learn, and they share information. Diana is the type of person you need when you want to tap in to the space station to hear it go by or when you need to coordinate rescue plans when a hurricane drops in.


top shot helmet
The Top Shot Helmet alters one’s spatial perception. Wearers see themselves from above and must guide their movements and orient themselves from this perspective. The device consists of a round helmet, above which floats a helium balloon attached to the helmet with strings. The balloon carries a small video camera operated by radio signal, which points downward with a wide-angle lens. The view captured by the camera is projected onto a pair of video glasses in the helmet. Wearers of the helmet can only see the image produced by these glasses and must use this to make their way through a given space. By moving the head, the person wearing the helmet can turn and tilt the balloon and camera. A handle on the helmet makes it possible to adjust the height of the balloon and thereby adjust one’s field of vision.


فيليب الزجاج
פיליפ גלאס
필립 글래스
Филип Гласс
Songs from Liquid Days

Songs From Liquid Days became Philip Glass’ most popular and successful recording. The title holds the clue to the music’s accessibility: These are songs, providing a more familiar and comfortable format for appreciating the world of minimalism than Glass’ operas or instrumental pieces. Working with such lyrical collaborators as David Byrne and Suzanne Vega, he created art music which sounds radio friendly. There is also great variety displayed on this album.

Jisuke Matsuda

Highly Radioactive Water TEPCO
Eau hautement radioactive TEPCO
Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) a confirmé la fusion de barres de combustible supplémentaires dans les réacteurs de sa centrale nucléaire endommagée de Fukushima.

Xavier Lucchesi


Jego portrety są niezwykle przeszywające – odkrywają ciało człowieka na nowo, a zarazem dają zupełnie nową perspektywę na technikę radiologiczną, która w zastosowaniach medycznych ogranicza się do produkcji czarno-białych obrazów. Prace włoskiego artysty to na przekór tej tradycji feeria barw – jego biologiczną wizją są pokolorowane zdjęcia RTG, które wydają się dużo bliższe ludzkiej energii.


The physical structure of the work is white MDF elements slotted together in a dense but open concretion in the centre of the space just above the floor. The piece becomes a white nexus of spiritual energy, a white filigree in a white room hovering near the floor, pile of transfigured bones emanating radioactively into the space.more


Created by panGenerator, Apparatum is a custom made apparatus with digital interface that emits purely analogue sound. It is inspired by the heritage of the Polish Radio Experimental Studio – one of the first studios in the world producing electroacoustic music.more

Tobias Stretch


Tobias Stretch channels the beauty and melancholia of Hauschka’s single “Craco” in his uncanny video filmed in Philadelphia’s answer to Brooklyn’s High Line, Reading Viaduct Park. With music videos for Radiohead, Crystal Fighters and Christopher Bono to his name, the Philly-based animator is known for his distinct aesthetic and method, pairing landscape photography with life-size stop-motion puppets. “I thought right from the beginning when I saw Tobias’s work that it has a mixture of analog and handmade elements and a surreal atmosphere. In my music you have similar elements,” says Hauschka himself, aka the German pianist and composer Volker Bertelmann, who headline’s London’s Union Chapel tonight as part of his European tour. Although best known as a 21st-Century protagonist of the prepared piano practice championed by John Cage, Bertelmann “left all the preparations at home” in order to work with a pure sound on this track. Named after the Italian ghost town,“Craco” is taken from his entropy-laced album Abandoned City and played to Stretch’s own fascination with urban decay. “The music was there beforehand, but I had a bowl of music and a bowl of names and I tried to pair them up. I think the music sounded not only like an abandoned place but also like a nostalgic place and that’s why I thought it was a great match.”


Matt Denton

Animatronic Teen Head & Arm
Project: The Worlds End

Waldo Mason “Decapitated Teen “Blank” Head This is the first reveal of the Blanks in THE WORLD’S END after Gary, played by Simon Pegg, gets into a fight with a teenager in the Cross Hands toilet culminating in the teen’s head being knocked off against a urinal! The head was a self contained radio controlled animatronic model, with eye movement & blinks, frown, jaw open & close and slew. The mechanics were built by Gustav Hoegen & supervised and performed by Matt Denton.”

Charles Atlas

Tornado Warning
Tornado Warning, draws from the filmmaker’s early memories of the tornado alerts in his childhood town of St Louis, Missouri. The piece contrasts an orderly space of grids and numbers with a chaotic environment of found images cut from old films, news footage, and the Internet. Ordinary objects fly around an empty room, swirling abstractions dominate the walls, and distorted bodies dance over images of radio waves. Seemingly in motion, the space of Tornado Warning appears unruly, alarming, violent and relentless.

Richard Vijgen

The Architecture of Radio
In case you’ve ever wondered exactly what lies beyond the realm of the visible, Dutch designer Richard Vijgen has created a new app that is able to visually portray the network of radio waves that lies below the surface. The app was created as a part of Vijgen’s new ”The Architecture of Radio” exhibition at Germany’s ZKM, and combines technologies from GPS, OpenCellID, and NASA’s public satellite feeds to amalgamate a rendering of the data webs all around us. The app was intended to give a physical portrait of the very data waves that rule the modern day, according to Vijgen: “We cannot see the very thing that is defining our time, and that concerns me.” The designer went on to note “as technology is becoming more and more transparent, I think data visualization can help us to relate to things that are invisible, yet play an important role in our lives.”

Clausthome & Martins Ratniks

The Latvian sound artists collective “Clausthome” (Lauris Vorslavs, Girts Radzins) and video artist Martins Ratniks will present a sound and video modulation performance unclosing saturated sound landscapes and collages of the electromagnetic waves, created by scanning and retranslating a real-time audio and video signal modulations. In their daily practices “Clausthome” collective is engaged in experiments with modulations and sound feedback as well as in collecting diverse radioa signals and scanning of radio frequences. Martins Ratniks is one of most renowned Latvian video artists, whose experiments in the field of art and technologies has been acknowledged both in Latvia and abroad. This will not be the first collaboration between “ Clausthome” and Martins Ratniks, previously they have been working togeher on such projects as “ Spectrosphere” (2006) and “ Unknown Planet” (2012).


סטיב רייך
스티브 라이히
The Desert Music
Steve Reich – The Desert Music (with Kristjan Järvi & MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra)
They can imitate you
But they can’t duplicate you
Cause you got something special
That makes me wanna taste you
I want it all day long
I’m addicted like it’s wrong
I want it all day long
I’m addicted like it’s wrong
They can imitate you
But they can’t duplicate you
Cause you got something special
That makes me wanna taste you
I want it all day long
I’m addicted like it’s wrong
I want it all day long
I’m addicted like it’s…


فيليب ستيرنز
Impact Study No. 1
Impact Study #1 is a light installation consisting of 24 white neon tubes of varying length. These tubes are installed along a wall, each oriented vertically and arranged according to a horizontal contour. Tubes vary in size from 3.5 ft to 8 ft and are spaced 1.5ft. The overall dimensions of the work as documented are 36 ft wide and 8 ft tall.The tubes are lit sequentially according to hybrid analog-digital control circuitry. The circuitry detects radioactivity and translates it into a pattern of signals that are visualized as light moving along the formation of neon tubes. The effect will be that of rippling waves of light moving back and forth through the formation. The ambient lighting cast by the installation resembles light reflecting off the surface of a body of water.


The Crazyflie quadcopter was started late 2009 as a competence development project in the Swedish consulting company Epsilon AB in which all three of us where employed. This project was done on our free-time with component cost handled by Epsilon. In 2010 we finally decided to send to a video of the Crazyflie to Hackaday.com and that’s when things really took off. More development was done and we decided to make a Crazyflie kit that could be manufactured and sold as an open source development platform. To finance the development and manufacturing of the kit we created Bitcraze AB. At this point we felt that the project had outgrown the Daedalus Projects and decided to launch Bitcraze.se. The Daedalus projects website still exists to show off and advertise other Epsilon competence development project but the Crazyflie now lives in Bitcraze.Crazyflie is a small quadcopter that stated with a simple idea: get an electronic board to fly. We are three electronic engineer from Sweden and we wanted to make a small flying machine that could fly indoor (Sweden is often cold outside ) and with as few mechanical parts as possible. The result of this idea was a small quadcopter that uses its electronic board as main mechanical frame and with motors glued to the PCB:This fist prototype was as simple as possible while following our initial target to be small with the minimum of mechanical thought. After a couple of month of programming and debugging it actually flew and had some success when Hackaday featured it. This prototype was however a lot more frustrating to fly then it appears: each crash was potentially fatal for one or many motors. That made it quite stressful to fly as it would not allow mistake and we eventually broke all 3 prototypes (the red board is the 2.4GHz radio and was also a weak point).


sound looking
Kim Kichul ha lavorato continuamente con il suono, contro forme d’arte visive più tradizionali. Per Kim, il suono stesso è il soggetto piuttosto che un elemento aggiunto che compone una parte dell’intera scultura, ed è un continuum già inerente a un significato.
Kim ha iniziato a usare il suono nel suo lavoro attraverso un’esperienza che ha avuto durante l’ascolto della radio. Ha sperimentato qualità del suono spazio-temporale e si è sentito come se stesse guardando il suono fisico reale proveniente da una radio. Il suo lavoro 11-Faced Avalokitesvara presentato nella sua prima mostra personale nel 1993 partiva dalla parola Avalokitesvara, che spiega il sentire il soggetto come se volesse vederlo. Kim fu profondamente commosso da un verso di Bomunpum, il venticinquesimo capitolo del Sutra del Loto, che affermava che se Sattva, nella loro sofferenza, avesse cantato l’Avalokitesvara con una semplice concentrazione, avrebbero potuto raggiungere il Nirvana. Posizionando 10 statue di Avalokitesvara su radio, ciascuna sintonizzata su canali diversi, ha presentato un metodo compositivo per osservare il suono attraverso la sinestesia.
È chiaro che il suono stesso è il principale argomento di interesse di Kim, specialmente attraverso il suo precedente lavoro Sound Looking (1999), che materializza visivamente le proprietà del suono dipendenti dai sensi uditivi. In questo lavoro, le particelle in un tubo trasparente si muovono secondo le onde del suono generato e tutte le cose visibili vengono mobilitate per rivelare il suono invisibile.



Babel consists of around 800 radios of varying ages, from the beautiful, large, valve radios which make up the bottom tiers of the tower to the smaller mass-produced electronic radios of recent years which form its summit. By using radios of decreasing size from the floor to the ceiling, Meireles emphasises the perspective and the sheer height of the work.
Furthermore, Babel constitutes a survey of radios from the 1920s to the present day, which in turn presents what the artist has described as ‘an archaeological sample of events’. Due to the time-based nature of the medium of radio, no two experiences of this work are ever the same.