



FILE Electronic Language International Festival

July – August 

Wednesday to Sunday, 10 A. M. – 8 P.M.

Centro Cultural FIESP


Creativity is not limited to the arts. It also takes place in all disciplines of Culture. Thus, in the aesthetic sense, it ceases to be creativity and becomes Supercreativity: the sum of all creative engines that permeate and connect to our culture.
A criatividade não se limita às artes. Também ocorre em todas as disciplinas da Cultura. Assim, no sentido estético, deixa de ser criatividade e passa a ser Supercriatividade: a soma de todos os motores criativos que permeiam e se conectam à nossa cultura.
Kreativität ist nicht auf die Kunst beschränkt. Sie findet auch in allen Disziplinen der Kultur statt. Somit hört es im ästhetischen Sinne auf, Kreativität zu sein, und wird zur Superkreativität: die Summe aller kreativen Motoren, die unsere Kultur durchdringen und mit ihr verbinden.
創意不僅限於藝術。 它也發生在所有文化學科中。 因此,在美學意義上,它不再是創造力,而是成為超級創造力:滲透並連接到我們文化的所有創造性引擎的總和。
創造性は芸術に限定されません。 また、文化のすべての分野で行われます。 したがって、美的意味では、それは創造性ではなくなり、超創造性になります。これは、私たちの文化に浸透し、つながるすべての創造的なエンジンの合計です。




“Early in the beginning of the film, we are introduced to a woman (Emelie Jonsson) who works on a kind of “attraction” of the spaceship called MIMA, which, at first, is not very popular. It is a technology capable of capturing people’s emotions. and turn them into images, or rather into a kind of vivid dream in their minds. As the ship wanders aimlessly through space, while it is not yet known if it is possible to return to the correct route, days become weeks, weeks become it takes months and the demand for MIMA increases. Aniara explores very well what makes us human as a race and also the importance of having a place to call her own. What was supposed to be a simple transport, over time becomes, in fact, a kind of “mini-planet”.” Marcio Melo


Mamoru Hosoda collaborated with Morinaga to create this great collection film. It begins with the formation of the clothes as Morinaga designed them, not through cut and drape but via cut and paste, and we see the garments as digital toiles made up of fractal contours true to the representation of futuristic facades stretching back to Metropolis and Tron. Then the dresses form more tangibly, but still in 2D, filling those vectored spaces with the angled jigsaw of reclaimed denim, chino cotton, and gabardine, plus reflective material (all seamlessly bonded) from which they are made. It slowly becomes kind of clear that we are seeing a fashion show in U, the virtual world which Belle’s heroine inhabits—and that it is also being streamed on U’s equivalent of YouTube. There are rooms within rooms within rooms.




Urban Sun
URBAN SUN des Designers Daan Roosegaarde und seines Teams ist die weltweit erste künstliche Sonne, die öffentliche Räume mit einem sicheren UVC-Licht von 222 Nanometern vor dem Coronavirus desinfiziert. Nach dem erfolgreichen Start in Rotterdam geht URBAN SUN auf Welttournee zum Aarhus Festival in Dänemark, dem Museum of Design Atlanta in den USA, dem niederländischen Pavillon auf der World Expo 2020 Dubai in den VAE und anderen Orten. URBAN SUN ist eine innovative Designinstallation, die bessere und sicherere Räume schafft, um freier zu atmen.


Figure Discrete
Esecutori umani incontrano corpi generati dal computer, visualizzazioni calcolate del movimento incontrano droni svolazzanti! L’intelligenza artificiale e le macchine di autoapprendimento fanno apparire questa tavolozza inedita di progetti di movimento, progetti che trascendono di gran lunga i confini dell’articolazione umana, consentendo uno sguardo profondo nel mondo astratto dell’elaborazione dei dati. Il team di Rhizomatiks Research, guidato dall’artista, programmatore, designer dell’interazione e DJ giapponese Daito Manabe, riunisce il potere collettivo con un numero di esperti, tra cui i cinque ballerini ELEVENPLAY del coreografo MIKIKO e dell’artista di programmazione Kyle McDonald. Il risultato è un’immagine mozzafiato, realizzata magnificamente, insomma: visivamente sbalorditiva.


Espejo Islámico
El Espejo Islámico es un espejo cóncavo circular que mide 2,4 metros de diámetro. Está compuesto por un total de 4437 piezas de acero inoxidable pulido (2241 octágonos y 2196 cuadrados) y su perfecta interpretación alude a la transición formal, matemática y geométrica entre el cuadrado y la esfera, una preocupación intelectual milenaria para arquitectos, místicos , científicos y artistas por igual.


Paradis Artificiels
建筑师鲁迪·里乔蒂 (Rudy Ricciotti) 设计的戛纳新多厅影院将展出米格尔·舍瓦利埃 (Miguel Chevalier) 的 *Artificial Paradises 2021 * 展览,带您进入重新改造的人工自然的中心。个人展至 2022 年 1 月 31 日。基于 1990 年代后期开始的过程,并基于对植物王国的观察及其向数字宇宙的想象转变,Miguel Chevalier 创建了几个植物标本馆,使他能够创建具有特色的虚拟花园在展览中:


Urban Sun
디자이너 Daan Roosegaarde와 그의 팀이 만든 URBAN SUN은 코로나바이러스로부터 222나노미터의 안전한 UVC 빛으로 공공 장소를 소독하는 세계 최초의 인공 태양입니다. URBAN SUN은 로테르담에서의 성공적인 출발을 끝으로 덴마크 오르후스 페스티벌, 미국 애틀랜타 디자인 박물관, UAE 두바이 2020 세계 엑스포 네덜란드관 등 세계 순회 공연을 펼친다. URBAN SUN은 보다 자유롭게 호흡할 수c 더 좋고 안전한 공간을 만드는 혁신적인 디자인 설치입니다.

Zheng Da

A linguagem irrestrita das máquinas
O hipercubo tem 3 metros de comprimento e consiste em uma faixa de LED personalizada de 168 metros, incluindo 22.848 LEDs. Uma vez que o contato dos participantes. O batimento cardíaco será capturado pelo dispositivo de iluminação, que mudará a animação da luz. O ritmo do batimento cardíaco humano é visualizado pela máquina. A máquina engolfa os traços físicos dos seres humanos que se dissipam. Na verdade, essa experiência ocorre a cada momento da vida cotidiana. As animações de luz e som também estão vinculadas aos dados meteorológicos locais, formando a sociedade do espetáculo pós-humano. A máquina respira e a natureza reage.


Paradis Artificiels
et nieuwe multiplex Cineum in Cannes, ontworpen door architect Rudy Ricciotti, presenteert de tentoonstelling *Artificial Paradises 2021 *van Miguel Chevalier, en biedt een reis naar het hart van een opnieuw uitgevonden kunstmatige natuur. Soloshow tot 31 januari 2022. Op basis van een proces dat eind jaren negentig is gestart en gebaseerd is op de observatie van het plantenrijk en de denkbeeldige omzetting ervan in een digitaal universum, heeft Miguel Chevalier verschillende herbaria gecreëerd waarmee hij virtuele tuinen kan creëren die te zien zijn in de tentoonstelling:

Thijs Biersteker

‘Dark Distortions’ – was inspired by Euclid, a forthcoming ESA mission to study the mysterious nature of dark matter and dark energy, which is due to launch in mid-2022. Dark matter is thought to account for 85% of the matter in the universe. Visible stuff within galaxies – such as stars and planets and dust – has insufficient gravitational pull to prevent galaxies from disintegrating as they rotate. But galaxies don’t fly apart in this way, so astrophysicists proposed that they must contain “dark” matter that has sufficient mass to keep galaxies intact – but which has never been seen directly.


«Dark Distortions» – был вдохновлен Евклидом, предстоящей миссией ЕКА по изучению загадочной природы темной материи и темной энергии, запуск которой запланирован на середину 2022 года. Считается, что темная материя составляет 85% материи во Вселенной. Видимое вещество внутри галактик – например, звезды, планеты и пыль – обладает недостаточным гравитационным притяжением, чтобы предотвратить распад галактик при их вращении. Но галактики не разлетаются таким образом, поэтому астрофизики предположили, что они должны содержать «темную» материю, обладающую достаточной массой, чтобы сохранить галактики в целости, но которую никогда не видели напрямую.

do ho suh

specimen series refrigerator
348 West 22nd Street
Do Ho Suh est un artiste Coréen qui crée des installations spectaculaires en utilisant diverses matières et notamment le tissu polyester. Afin d’explorer les liens entre individualité et communauté, il utilise souvent le fils et le tissu pour investir l’espace. En déformant les perspectives et en jouant sur les propriétés même des matières utilisées, l’artiste met à l’épreuve notre perception de l’espace et notre place dans celui-ci. Époustouflant !


Questo lavoro cerca di esprimere quella premonizione come un immenso “trono vacante fluttuante”. Se istanze di potere e autorità hanno governato sin dai tempi antichi e le piramidi forniscono un esempio, dobbiamo chiederci cosa ci riserverà il futuro. Creata con riferimento alle forme dei carri delle feste e dei santuari portatili che compaiono nei rituali e nelle festività d’Oriente, la scultura fonde le odierne tecniche di modellazione 3D con applicazioni in foglia d’oro che risalgono all’antico Egitto. Nel centro frontale c’è una stanza vuota, spazio sufficiente per far sedere un bambino di 2-3 anni, suggerendo che la nuova intelligenza è ancora in uno stato giovane. Specchietti luminosi e sferici posti al centro davanti e dietro. Realizzati in lamina di platino, rappresentano “gli occhi che guardano il mondo”, dove quello frontale guarda al futuro e il retro si riflette nel passato.


“Kokon ist eine sphärische, immersive Videoinstallation von 360 ° x 220 °, die wir im eigenen Haus entworfen, inszeniert und produziert haben. Cocoon platziert die Teilnehmer in mehreren Schalen abstrakter und figurativer architektonischer Räume, die sich langsam ablösen. Cocoon glaubt, dass Architektur nicht statisch ist, sondern vergänglich, sich entwickelnd und animiert. Unsere Stadt ist unser Kokon. “ Fabrik fünfzehn

file 2023

file 2023
Call for Entries

FILE – Electronic Language International Festival – is receiving proposals for authorial works and educational projects (talks and workshops) in Art and Technology, from Brazilian and international artists, who are interested in being part of our 2023 exhibitions. Applications will be open from December 19th to February 15th.This announcement opens the opportunity to participate in the 22nd. Edition of the Electronic Language International Festival, which is scheduled to take place at the FIESP Cultural Center, in São Paulo, from July 5th to August 27th. The selected projects will also be able to collaborate in parallel events in different states of Brazil, to be held in the same year of 2023.

Charles Sowers

Wave wall
A wall of 122 wind-activated pendulums are each magnetically coupled with its neighbors so that the whole wall moves as a slowly undulating surface similar to a large piece of fabric rippling in the wind. In winds greater than 15 knots, the wall’s coherent wave-like movement becomes more chaotic as the pendulums break their mutual magnetic coupling. The pendulums can also be manually activated.


Dan Goods, Nik Hafermaas & Aaron Koblin

The eCLOUD is a dynamic sculpture inspired by the volume and behavior of an idealized cloud. Made from unique polycarbonate tiles that can fade between transparent and opaque states, its patterns are transformed periodically by real time weather from around the world. It is a permanent sculpture between gates 22 and 23 at the San Jose International Airport and was a collaboration between Dan Goods, Nik Hafermaas, and Aaron Koblin.

Factory Fifteen

“Cocoon is a 360° x 220° spherical, immersive video installation we designed, directed and produced in house. Cocoon places the participants inside several shells of abstract and figurative architectural spaces, which slowly peel away. Cocoon believes architecture is not static, but is transitory, evolving and animated. Our city is our cocoon.” Factory Fifteen

Wolfgang Buttress

LUMEN is an artwork which expresses our ever changing relationship and perception of space and time. The sculpture will be installed in Taiwan in 2022. It expresses in form, light and sound the ever changing star-scape above Taichung. Using a live NASA feed from the sun, a bespoke light and sound system will express the live energy of the sun and the real time positions of the stars above Taichung on and in the sculpture.

Ameen Ul Insan

The Flat Arc
​Intent: Experimenting artistic freedom on data, a road to explore possibilities of telling abstract yet emotional stories not with literature but visuals corresponding to datasets. Method: Generative visual parameters based on World Urbanization Prospects data are governed by real time image/video synthesis, with the help of graphic manipulative software platforms and creative coding.

Antonio Pio Saracino

INFINITUM is an immersive art – architectural installation presented at the Sharjah Art Museum on the occasion of the Islamic Arts Festival 2019/20, 22nd Edition. Arches are typical in Mosques’ design. […] Islamic Arches buildings are typically constructed of stone, wood being rarer in the original Middle Eastern homelands of the Umayyads. The rows of Columns and Arches give a visual impression of limitless space, as a metaphor of the progress for human civilization, maximizing spiritual symbolism and visual appeal – progressing towards an ideal civilization. It refers to centuries of human civilization and the creation of prospective in social spaces and the openness to open possibilities of human life.


Anfang 2011 untersuchte ich die Beziehungen von Geometrie, Natur und Mensch in einer Serie von 25 Bildern, die ich “Fractal Experience” nannte. Dies ist Teil zwei – Fortsetzung der Erforschung geometrischer Formen, Muster und Fraktale mit einem zusätzlichen Element: Raum-Zeit. Dieses Mal habe ich in 3D gearbeitet und eine Reihe von animierten Loop-Gifs erstellt.
Ich habe jede Animation auf höchstens 48 Bilder beschränkt, die meisten sind etwa 10 bis 15 Bilder – um die Dateigröße klein zu halten und die Kreativität in diesen Bildern zu maximieren.

Haegue Yang

Boxing Ballet
Yang’s Boxing Ballet turns one half of the gallery into a reworking of Oskar Schlemmer’s 1922 costumed dance work Triadisches Ballett, with replicas of five of the Bauhaus teacher’s bulbous and exaggerated figures, from a female figure made of hoops to a circle that looks like a flattened stickman. Here, Schlemmer’s figures are reimagined as golden bell-covered shapes on wheels or wire frames hanging by a wire from the ceiling. As they all come with handlebars, it seems we are meant to provide the choreography, stiffly pushing, say, a giant roosterlike creature around like an awkward shopping trolley.


der mensch als industriepalast
Dr. Fritz Kahn war ein Berliner Arzt und Wissenschaftsautor, der Bau und Funktionsweise des Menschen mit spektakulär modernen Mensch-Maschine-Analogien veranschaulichte. Sein Hauptwerk, die fünfbändige Reihe „Das Leben des Menschen“ (1922–1931), galt in den zwanziger Jahren als ­deutsche Leistung von Weltrang. In den dreißiger Jahren wurde es verbrannt und verboten, erschien jedoch im selben Verlag als Plagiat mit antisemitischem Zusatzkapitel.Fritz Kahn, Jude und Humanist, wurde ausgewiesen und ließ sich in Palästina nieder, später zog er nach Frankreich. Mit Hilfe seines Freundes Albert Einstein entkam er seinen Verfolgern in die USA, wo er seine Karriere als Bestsellerautor erfolgreich fortsetzte. Nach Europa zurückgekehrt, starb Kahn 1968 nach einem außergewöhnlichen Leben und Werk fast 80-jährig in der Schweiz.In Deutschland geriet Fritz Kahn weitgehend in Vergessenheit, doch inzwischen zeigen tausende Links im Internet ein neu erwachtes Interesse an ihm, vor allem unter jungen Historikern und Gestaltern. Bis heute inspirieren die Bilder, die Kahn in der frühen Moderne für seine Bücher anfertigen ließ, Kreative in aller Welt zu eigenen zeitgemäßen Interpretationen.Fritz Kahn wieder sichtbar und sein einzigartiges Werk als lebendigen Teil der deutschen Kulturgeschichte begreifbar zu machen, ist das Ziel dieser Website und des monografischen Bildbandes „Fritz Kahn – Man Machine“.


люк Джеррам
לוק ג’ראם

Майя – пиксельная скульптура. Она установлена на платформе 1 на вокзале Бристоль Темпл Мидс (Bristol Temple Meads). Автор скульптуры – Luke Jerram. Моделью послужила его дочь Майя. В течение дня, когда вокруг много людей, она может смешаться с толпой. Издалека Майя выглядит как живая девочка, но когда вы к ней приближаетесь, изображение на глазах деформируется и искажается, проступают пиксельные квадратики. Чтобы создать эту скульптуру, девочку Майю сканировали с помощью Xbox Kinect в Университете Западной Англии, где её папа работает старшим научным сотрудником. Скульптура вырезана из листов алюминия и обклеена более чем 5000 маленьких (12мм) квадратных цветных наклеек.



The art-technology exhibition of FILE São Paulo 2013 brings the new interactive work by the famous 1024 architecture group to be presented on the gigantic LED panel of FIESP building on Paulista Avenue. People could change the images on the panel through their voices or by humming a song.
The 1024 architecture group created the “interactive LED” digital graphic project for the Paulista Avenue, which will be presented from July 22 through August 18, 2013. The project consists of a podium with a microphone installed on the sidewalk of the Paulista Avenue, where people could interact through the vocal conversion into musical notes. The 1024 architecture group elaborated a brand new algorithm for this project, which changes the graphic behaviors by means of sounds. Depending on the note sung, several parameters of the program, such as colors, shapes, density, and rhythms (squares, circles, stripes, etc.), will change.