
QUBIT AI: Banz & Bowinkel

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival

Bots presents a computer-controlled society through a series of algorithmically controlled humanoid avatars that appear on physical carpets using augmented reality (AR). Real-time performances synthesize human behavioral patterns into a formalized digital social study. Omnipresent, combined with our devices and incorporated into virtual environments, the work reminds us of our own digitalized world, in which we are surrounded by invisible bots.


Giulia Bowinkel (born 1983) and Friedemann Banz (born 1980) live in Berlin and have worked together under the name Banz & Bowinkel since 2009. In 2007 they graduated from the Art Academy with Albert Oehlen and started making art with computers . His work encompasses computer-generated imagery, animation, augmented reality, virtual realities and installations.

QUBIT AI: Anna Vasof & VRinMotion Team

The Cage of Time

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival
Interactive installation that presents a kinetic instrument object and virtual reality glasses, functioning as a device that animates the illusion of the passage of time in virtual space. In the fabric of existence, time weaves a cage around our ephemeral moments, limiting our perceptions of the past, present and future. By embracing this paradox, we may discover that the cage of time becomes the crucible where the alchemy of experience transforms our understanding of existence.


Anna Vasof is a multi-award-winning artist who focuses on filmmaking, short videos, and time-based sculptures. VRinMotion is an artistic research project based at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in Austria that investigates how features of stop-motion animation and motion capture can be combined with virtual reality to enrich current artistic discourse.


VRinMotion Team: Franziska Bruckner, Christoph Schmid, Clemens Gürtler, Matthias Husinsky, Christian Munk, Julian Salhofer, Stefan Nebel, Vrääth Öhner.
Concept by: Anna Vasof.

QUBIT AI: Valentin Rye

Around The Milky Way

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival

Valentin Rye – Around The Milky Way

In the distant future, several species inhabit the Milky Way. This scenario inspired the video, aiming to portray various forms of life and evoke a plausible atmosphere. Using images he created, the artist experimented with Stable Video Diffusion, a new video generation method. The objective was to expand the limits of this neural network and improve its output, resulting in the conception of this video.


Valentin Rye is a self-taught machine whisperer based in Copenhagen, deeply passionate about art, composition and the possibilities of technology. He has been involved in AI and neural network image manipulation since starting DeepDream in 2015. While his IT work lacks creativity, he indulges in digital arts during his free time, exploring graphics, web design, video, animation and experimentation with images.

QUBIT AI: Valentin Rye

Space Odyssey 2002

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Valentin Rye – A Space Odyssey 2002 – Denmark

This video offers a surrealist take on futuristic sci-fi concepts from the 60s and 70s. Imagine a future colonization of Mars where interior design is given an avant-garde twist. It was created by brainstorming visual ideas, generating countless images, refining the best ones and assembling them into clips. After careful selection, these clips have been organized into a cohesive timeline, accompanied by atmospheric music to enhance the overall experience.


Valentin Rye is a self-taught machine whisperer based in Copenhagen, deeply passionate about art, composition and the possibilities of technology. He has been involved in AI and neural network image manipulation since starting DeepDream in 2015. While his IT work lacks creativity, he indulges in digital arts during his free time, exploring graphics, web design, video, animation and experimentation with images.

QUBIT AI: Iskarioto Dystopian AI Films


FILE 2024 | Interator – Sound Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Iskarioto Dystopian AI Films – Athena – Spain

Athena is a captivating animation that immerses you in a psychedelic and nostalgic journey, evoking the retro aesthetic of 80s anime with its vibrant visual style. A world full of bright colors, geometric shapes and surreal landscapes that explores the corners of the human mind, providing a unique visual experience.


Iskarioto Dystopian AI Films is an emerging Spanish artist, empowered with cutting-edge AI tools, a fusion of human creativity with machine potential. He is known as a visual alchemist, pixel manipulator, and graphic, dark, dystopian storyteller. Since its premiere in 2022, it has been shown in art galleries around the world, having won the Artistic Award at the AI ​​Film Festival Montpellier 2023.


Music: Athena by Karl Casey

FILE 2024 – Call for Entries

The Call for Entries to participate in FILE – Electronic Language International Festival’s projects in 2024 is now open. The festival seeks original artworks in Art and Technology, by Brazilian and international artists. Registration remains open until February 10th. Access the registration form.

FILE is a non-profit cultural organization that has propagated creation and experimentation in Art and Technology through exhibitions, events and publications over 23 years. This call opens up the opportunity to participate in the 23rd. Edition of the Electronic Language International Festival, which is scheduled to take place at the FIESP Cultural Center, in São Paulo. The selected projects will also be able to collaborate in parallel events in different states in Brazil.

Using the registration form, it is possible to send interactive installations, sound art, video art, robotics, animations, CGI videos, virtual realities, augmented realities, mobile art, games, gifs, internet art, lectures and workshops, among others. To participate in the LED SHOW programm, exhibited annually at the FIESP Digital Art Gallery, register using the form. Sign up!




tabor robak

balenciaga collaboration
A 25 minute video loop with previously unreleased tracks by DJ Hell, made in collaboration with Balenciaga.

Here is a dramatic tension in his work between the real and the imagined in his use of often-appropriated digital objects to create virtual landscapes, which frequently contain elements – animals, machines, fragments of videogames – that are recognisable from our day to day life. This creates a symbiotic relationship between the digital and the real. In a very real way digital space has now become an intangible reality. The worlds built by Robak have a distinctly cinematic sensibility that hyperbolises the shine and dramatic effects of 3D rendered animation. The aesthetic of his work is supremely important, drawing the viewer into a truly alluring, indulgent and strangely gratifying environment. There is a further challenge to the void between high-art and the worlds of 3D animation and gaming, in the intersection between depiction and simulation. This can be partially attributed to the vernacular of advertising Robak is so proficient at utilising.

Sam Twidale & Marija Avramovic

(AI) infinite simulations
‘Sunshowers’ is the third in our series of real-time animation artworks. It is inspired by the opening chapter of Akira Kurosawa’s film Dreams which follows a young boy as he explores a forest and stumbles across a fox wedding (Kitsune no Yomeiri). Our piece explores ideas of animism and techno-animism by assigning life in the form of artificial intelligence to all of the objects, both natural and man-made, within the virtual world. The piece unfolds in real time with the characters themselves deciding which paths they will follow.

Katherine Melancon

Vers un parlement du vivant II
Les plantes et les objets qui constituent l’oeuvre animée ont tous été glanés dans l’aménagement en face de la Maison de la culture, cet été, où l’installation est présentée. Que sont-ils devenus maintenant que l’automne s’est installé? Le sol qui accueille les plantes et les fleurs en train de dépérir fourni ses données de pH à l’installation qui module le rythme de l’animation selon son alcalinité ou son acidité. La nature agit sur sa propre sa représentation, elle a le dernier mot sur l’oeuvre initiée par un humain.


Рене Лалу

René Laloux, criou Gandahar, seu último filme de animação. Baseado no romance de Jean-Pierre Andrevon Les Hommes-machines contra Gandahar Esta fascinante animação adulta combina a famosa imaginação de Laloux com a do designer de animação Philippe Caza. “A minha busca começou com um enigma. “Em mil anos, Gandahar foi destruído, e todo o seu povo massacrado. Há mil anos, Gandahar será salvo, e o que não pode ser evitado será.” -Sylvain. Este filme está no planeta Gandahar, onde a paz reina e a pobreza é desconhecida. O estilo de vida utópico é perturbado por relatos de pessoas nas fronteiras periféricas sendo transformadas em pedra. Enviado para investigar, o Príncipe Sylvain (João Shea) cai e é resgatado pelas experiências genéticas deformadas e horrendas que correram mal e deixado para defender-se por si mesmos. Com sua ajuda, Sylvain descobre que a Metamorfose, um cérebro gigante também criado em uma experiência, está tentando destruir Gandahar.
René Laloux created Gandahar, his last animated film. Based on Jean-Pierre Andrevon’s novel Les Hommes-machines against Gandahar This fascinating adult animation combines Laloux’s famous imagination with that of animation designer Philippe Caza. “My quest began with a riddle. “In a thousand years, Gandahar was destroyed, and all his people slaughtered.

Sara Sadik

Ultimate Vatos
Les vidéos, performances, installations et photographies de Sara Sadik prennent la forme de mangas, de jeux vidéo, de docu-fictions ainsi que de films d’animation CGI. Ce faisant, l’artiste aux racines maroco-algériennes explore les manifestations de ce qu’elle appelle « Beurcore« – la culture des jeunes qui a émergé parmi les membres de la classe ouvrière de la diaspora nord-africaine. Beurcore définit à la fois une identité hybride et un mouvement collectif constitué à travers la musique comme le rap et le hip-hop, la langue, la mode, des symboles spécifiques et les médias sociaux.


Espace aérien
En 2016, Dirk Koy a fondé le studio de motion design et de film expérimental «Dirk Koy Bild und Bewegung». Dans son travail, il utilise différentes technologies (drones / animation 2D et 3D / photogrammétrie / AR / VR) pour créer des images numériques en mouvement. Il explore l’interface entre réalité et virtualité et recherche également la composante picturale dans le contexte numérique. L’expérience joue un rôle central.


Iwai’s Piano — As Image Media (1995), a later sound work, is related to these early interactive experiments. Here the user, seated at the piano, triggers a flow of images that depress the piano’s keys; a consequence of this action releases yet another flight of images. The resulting interactive installation synthesizes two different aesthetics: sounds (simple melodies), images and a mechanical object (the piano) with digital media. A projected score and computer-generated imagery transform the piano into image media, hence the work’s name. Sound is the triumphant component in these works, for it activates and shapes the visual work. But the visual aspect of Iwai’s installations is lovely. His interactive systems appeal to the creative impulses of adults and children alike with their celebration of animation, computer potential, and the joy of sound.07

Kati Katona

Kati Katona est une artiste multimédia basée à Budapest. Son travail est axé sur la génération, animation procédurale et 3D, art de l’installation interactive, mappage de projection et conception sonore. Kati s’inspire fortement des éléments de la nature, des structures biomorphes et des algorithmes trouvés dans la nature. En tant qu’artiste visuelle, elle a participé à divers projets audiovisuels, tels que Zagar AV Experience et se concentre constamment sur l’expérience des dernières technologies.


We Were Monkeys

Mihai Wilson and Marcella Moser

Tears For Fears “Break The Man”


Through a 3D animation in white black and very sophisticated, they transport us into a cold and labyrinth world, built like immense escherian space.

“Break the Man,” which features light piano and blasting guitar as the musicians reflect on women fighting patriarchy.

Cassie Mcquater

In these six animated paintings presented as a single channel video, the artist reenacts situations and motifs from the first-person shooter series Halo and the erotic videogame Dream Stripper. Conceived as a dynamic, virtual collage, HALO shows short stock animation loops of characters dying over and over, with koi, dining chairs, asteroids, guns, flowers, torches, pinball machines, candles, and discarded pillows floating around them, creating a hypnotic motion.

Tobias Stretch

Weird Fishes

Tobias Stretch made this beautiful and mesmerising stop motion animation for Radiohead’s track ‘Weird Fishes’. Tobias’ natural light stop motion technique conjures a phantasmagorical and intimate world. Grotesque yet endearing puppets traversing the hinterlands in some bizarre pilgrimage. Tactile and beautiful.

Jeremy Rotsztain

BECHA-KPACHA is an algorithmic music video for the electronic musician COH. The song’s tittle (pronounced Vesna Krasna) was taken from an old Russian poem and roughly translates “Spring the beautiful”, though it can also mean “Spring the red.” The animation reference’s traditional Russian folk patterns, commonly known as Hohloma. In these patterns, colorful plant leaves expand and twist around one another while fruit grows along side. These patterns were a starting point for this sound-responsive animation.

Audrey Large

Audrey Large is a French designer based in the Netherlands. By bridging animation techniques with digital-to-material manufacturing processes, her work explores the potential of digital image manipulation as applied to the design of our material surroundings.

Stine Deja

Cold Sleep
Right now, approximately 400 human bodies are frozen at -196 degrees Celsius in America and Russia. They are dead – legally speaking. The hope is to one day defrost and resuscitate them. The procedure is controversial. Nonetheless, cryopreservation, i.e. preserving people at extreme temperatures below zero, is an area marked by growth. The condition is sometimes referred to as ‘cold sleep’, which is also the title of Stine Deja’s first solo show in Denmark at Tranen. The exhibition is an installation of kinetic sculpture and animation. Cryopreserved bodies in thermal, yellow suits are suspended in big, circular aluminium structures revolving around their own axis on small islands in a desert landscape. In the sand lie craters where artificially inseminated cells divide. A barren desert landscape is usually seen as lifeless and abstract. In Deja’s version it becomes a place for being before or after human life, or, as the artist has it, “a population in another dimension.”

Jennifer Steinkamp

From, the Future
The art is about waiting, something the entire world population knows since the onslaught of Covid-19. The title was also inspired by a dream where I told a scientist I was from the future and he believed me. My interpretation of the dream relates to my interest in the luminous thoughts of the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi, he clearly describes what our souls really are, beautiful, sacred, beyond time. I am fascinated by the existential impermanence of beauty. Beauty offers us a deep connection to the experience of life. The animation consists of cut flowers continuously falling from the sky, it can be seen by looking up to the ceiling. The title infers the signature on the note of a gift.

Laura Splan

Disrupted Domains
Disrupted Domains features new animations created with molecular visualization software and SARS-CoV-2 structures displayed in Quorum at the Science Center. The animations were developed in remote collaboration with uCity Square biotech company Integral Molecular for Splan’s Science Center Bioart Residency while “sheltering in place” for COVID-19. The work in the exhibition is part of Precarious Structures, Splan’s project that explores the interconnectedness of cultural and biological systems during the coronavirus pandemic. Accompanying soundscape by Frank Masciocchi recorded in collaboration with Splan over Zoom.

Natasa Teofilovic

Eins zu eins
Das Kunstwerk 1:1 wurde als 3D-Ambiente entwickelt, d.h. eine im Raum platzierte 3D-Charakteranimation (3D-Animationsprojektion). Die Animation präsentiert den Schatten einer unsichtbaren virtuellen Figur oder einer virtuellen Figur, die auf der “Gegenseite” der virtuellen Ebene platziert ist. Der Titel des Kunstwerks „1:1“ ist das Symbol für „Vollmaßstab“. Dies bezieht sich auch auf die Beziehung zwischen zwei Entitäten, wie “eins zu eins”.

Eugenia Bakurin

La trahison des tapis
The title is a reference to the famous work by René Magritte “The Treachery of Images”. Even though the video installation alludes to it, the viewer is immediately aware that this is not a real carpet. What you see is an animation, a digital carpet, its contemporary variant. However, the patterns of the replica show that it could have been made in the west of Iran. The movements, which appear surreal, are reminiscent of a state of intoxication. Whether this was triggered by drugs, or only arose from the lively imagination of a tired child, is left to the speculation of the viewer. The work reflects the importance of traditional arts and crafts in the modern digital world. It is the first of a series of digital carpets.
The animation has a realistic resolution of 4k, is 03:55 minutes, and runs in an infinite loop on a 65-inch display.


File Festival
Paul Robertson is an Australian animator and digital artist who is known for his pixel art used in short films and video games. He is mostly known for Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World: The Game and the recent release, Mercenary Kings. Apart from his seasoned career as a game designer and movie creator, Robertson has been recently spotted on Tumblr with these GIFS. His interest in inserting flashing neon colors, geometric shapes, Japanese character animation, and 1990′s computer imagery, deems his work as heavily influenced by the Seapunk/Vaporwave aesthetic.

Gustav Mahler



Russell had long been an admirer of Mahler’s music. He said he based the film on “the rondo form in music where you present the theme and follow it with variations, then return to the theme and so on. My theme was the composer‘s last train journey before he died. During the journey we flash back to incidents in his life, the variations on the theme as it were. They vary from passion to comedy. Like the scherzos from his symphonies some of the scenes are pretty grotesque, too.”
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File Festival
Vjsuave est Ygor Marotta et Cecilia Soloaga, un duo d’art des nouveaux médias, basé à São Paulo, au Brésil. Spécialistes de l’animation, de la projection en mouvement et du graffiti numérique, ils ont réalisé 4 courts métrages, «Run», «Homeless», «La Cena» et «Trip». Leurs principales performances sont: «suaveciclo» – un tricycle adapté pour projeter dans le rues, peinture en direct et animation avec ipad, performances audiovisuelles en direct, vidéo mapping et installations audiovisuelles spécifiques au site. Ils veulent communiquer l’amour à travers la lumière. Leurs performances sont poignantes, chaleureuses et personnelles, fabriquées à partir de supports dessinés et peints à la main, transformées en animation numérique, puis cartographiées par projection d’une manière qui semble donner vie aux rues de São Paulo. Les personnages dansent et courent à travers le paysage urbain, avec un mélange convaincant de mouvement simulé et de véritable projection en mouvement.

Tobias Stretch

In seinem fünfminütigen Stop-Motion-Animationsvideo Unity erzählt Tobias Stretch eine zeitlose Geschichte von Liebe, Tod und Auferstehung in eindringlichen Bildern. Das Stück wurde vom Avantgarde-Komponisten Christopher Bono vertont und besteht aus mehr als 10.000 Fotografien. Es enthält 10 Fuß hohe baumähnliche Puppen mit beweglichen Gliedmaßen und seelenvollen menschlichen Augen. “Die zutiefst expressionistische Opernarbeit beruht weniger auf linearen Strukturen als auf evokativen mythologischen Vorstellungen von Zeit und Veränderung”, bemerkt Feature Shoot.

Daft Punk

Interstella 5555

Daft Punk’s Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem is a 2003 Japanese-French animated science fiction film and the visual realization of Discovery, the second studio album by Daft Punk. Interstella 5555 tells the story of the abduction of an interstellar pop band. The film was produced by Daft Punk, Cédric Hervet and Emmanuel de Buretel with Toei Animation under the supervision of Leiji Matsumoto. The film has no dialogue and uses minimal sound effects.

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Digital Hug
File Festival – Hipersonica
The project is in collaboration with Henry Chu, Adrian Yeung, Thomas Ip, Joseph Chan, XEX GRP, and Hamlet Lin. It started from the fabrication of digital hubs but it turned out to make you feel like having an intimate hug, such is the chemistry coming from the new media performance “Digital Hug”. GayBird and his group of “musical frankensteins” developed a series of unconventional custom-made musical instruments and a responsive sound installation, which are played in complement to interactive video-mapping images and animation. Digital Hug emphasizes “new instruments for new music”, with the aim of bringing a unique and performative live electronic music performance to viewers.



Petra Cortright est une artiste Internet qui réalise des vidéos, des animations gif et des images fixes. Sa page d’accueil ressemble à une page html datée avec un tas de smileys et une liste de son travail: travail authentique, expérimental et nostalgique avec beaucoup de paillettes, d’étincelles, de collages et de personnages faisant des images. Tout au long du site Web, il y a des animations de souris amusantes, par exemple des étincelles qui suivent votre pointeur lorsque vous vous déplacez sur l’écran. Une autre chose intéressante est un cadre qui est attaché à votre pointeur afin que vous puissiez placer le cadre sur un portrait. Cortright a étudié à la Parsons School of Design de New York et au California College of the Arts de San Francisco. Aujourd’hui, elle vit et travaille en Californie. Elle a exposé à l’international dans des galeries telles que Gloria Maria Gallery (Milan) et Spencer Brownston (New York) entre autres. Récemment, Cortright a exposé avec sa série SO WET à la Preteen Gallery de Mexico.


Parasitic endeavours
Simon Christoph Krenn’s 3D animation, Parasitic Endeavours, initially started out as the creative wanting to explore distorted perspectives on human evolution. “I think my main inspiration came from nature and its creative forces themselves. I used to study zoology at university and was especially fascinated by evolutionary biology and the development of animal morphologies. I realized the video’s strange and somehow creepy potential and decided to push the animation even more into this direction.”


Loom zeigt abstrakte Animationen, die mit Daten von Google Trends in Echtzeit entwickelt wurden. Beliebte Abfragen werden vorübergehend als überlagerter Text angezeigt, bevor sie sich in eine rauchige Abstraktion auflösen. Diese Begriffe werden mit einer zufälligen Lyrik angegangen – jedes Wort erscheint und verschwindet in einer Spur der Sättigung. Die Farben in der Animation werden durch die Häufigkeit eines bestimmten Themas bestimmt. Je viraler die Suche online ist, desto wärmer werden die Töne. Ohne Schlagzeilen, grafische Bilder und Statistiken inspiriert jede Phrase eine kontemplative Erfahrung, eine Gelegenheit für den Betrachter, darüber nachzudenken, was zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt durch das kollektive Bewusstsein strömt. Loom verwebt ein soziales Gefüge, das das Transzendentale mit dem Banalen vermischt, um den Geist unserer Zeit in generativer Bewegung darzustellen.

Dorian Gaudin

The coffee cup spring
The monotone repetition of the movement created by the conveyor belt recalls the pace and the landscape of animation or video games. As an extension of the conveyor, several geometric and orthogonal motifs evoking a Tetris composition are slotted together and suggest the shapes of a table, a chair or stairs. The objects are exposed on thin metal structures with fringed ends, and seem to peel off from their construction, as if they were undressing and exchanging skins, depriving themselves of sculptural depth and allowing only the surface to emerge. The technique developed by the artist to produce the sculptures inverts the usual steps of printing: first the pattern is created, then the background to which the fiberglass support is apposed. The pieces are therefore ripped off their mold, revealing their final texture, and the motif on every sculpture seems to remain the same, yet is altered by the shape of the object itself. A series of wall works using this procedure extends from the installation into the gallery space.

Daniel Canogar

Loom showcases abstract animations developed with data from real-time Google Trends. Popular queries appear momentarily as overlaid text before dissolving into a smoky abstraction. These terms are approached with an accidental lyricism —each word appears and disappears in a trail of saturation. Colors within the animation are determined by the prevalence of a specific topic; the more viral the search is online, the warmer the tones become. Stripped from headlines, graphic imagery, and statistics, each phrase inspires a contemplative experience, a chance for the viewer to ruminate on what is streaming through the collective consciousness at any given time. Loom weaves a social fabric, mixing the transcendental with the banal, to present the spirit of our time in generative motion.

Keiken + George Jasper Stone

Feel My Metaverse
Feel My Metaverse is Keiken’s first venture in creating a cinematic film, using game engines to build a fictional future, wanting to create stories that viewers can collectively believe in. “I normally make CGI animation from Cinema 4D, often taking days and weeks just to produce short sequences or footage. Whereas working with game engines, we could generate landscapes or worlds that we can continually build onto collectively to produce larger scale works”. The film, set in a future when climate crisis has rendered Earth inhabitable, explores the daily lives of three characters and their experiences in the multiple realities – Pome Sector (a corporate wellness world), 068 (a roleplaying VR world), and Base Reality, or what we currently know as earth. The characters navigate the challenging landscape in the world’s unforgiving points system. Keiken’s goals of unlearning norms of the current world is included in one of these realities.

Joe Hambleton

Stasis in Flux
“Stasis in Flux is an experimentation of animation’s potential to mimic the real. I began by building a functional zoetrope within 3D space to test if persistence of vision is replicated accurately. From this experiment I realized 3D animations potential to go beyond the physical limits of the real, allowing me to coordinate movements between both the camera and the zoetrope to replicate much more advanced cinematic techniques. The result is a carefully choreographed animation that represents the ebb and flow of the creative process.” Joe Hambleton

Jake Elwes

A familiar childhood location on the Essex marshes is reframed by inserting images randomly generated by a neural network (GAN*) into this tidal landscape. Initially trained on a photographic dataset, the machine proceeds to learn the embedded qualities of different marsh birds, in the process revealing forms that fluctuate between species, with unanticipated variations emerging without reference to human systems of classification. Birds have been actively selected from among the images conceived by the neural network, and then combined into a single animation that migrates from bird to bird, accompanied by a soundscape of artificially generated bird song. The final work records these generated forms as they are projected, using a portable perspex screen, across the mudflats in Landermere Creek.

Disney Research

Realistic and Interactive Robot Gaze
System for lifelike gaze in human-robot interactions using a humanoid Audio-Animatronics® bust. Previous work examining mutual gaze between robots and humans has focused on technical implementation. We present a general architecture that seeks not only to create gaze interactions from a technological standpoint, but also through the lens of character animation where the fidelity and believability of motion is paramount; that is, we seek to create an interaction which demonstrates the illusion of life. A complete system is described that perceives persons in the environment, identifies persons-of-interest based on salient actions, selects an appropriate gaze behavior, and executes high, fidelity motions to respond to the stimuli. We use mechanisms that mimic motor and attention behaviors analogous to those observed in biological systems including attention habituation, saccades, and differences in motion bandwidth for actuators.

Takuya Matsunobu and Yasuaki Kakehi

Coworo is an installation with a shape changing liquid that loses its texture under a spotlight and looks almost solid. After a while, bubbles appear on the surface and disappear again, as if it were breathing. The waves gradually change their size, position, and frequency and develop into physical, continual, kinetic, three-dimensional animations that extend beyond the discrete 2D pixel pattern. Through the hybrid combination of the digitally programmed machine and the organic properties of the physical material, the object creates a constant flux of ephemeral shapes and patterns.

Janna Nikoleit, Mathias Foot, Franziska Rast, Stephan Schakulat

Die Installation 30° macht die Auswertung großer Datenmengen ästhetisch zugänglich und räumlich erfahrbar. Die gezeigten Daten stammen aus Messungen entlang des dreißigsten Meridians westlicher Länge, welcher größtenteils durch Wassermasse verläuft. Kurze Animationen thematisieren Parameter wie Temperatur, Salzgehalt oder Sauerstoff. Schwankungen in den Werten und Vergleiche von einzelnen Messpunkten werden grafisch visualisiert und eine zeitliche Einordnung der Messungen anhand einer Skala nachvollziehbar gemacht. 30° stellt die Arbeit der Forscher, das Meer noch besser zu verstehen und zum Erhalt der Weltmeere beizutragen, in den Fokus.


Рафаэль Лозано-Хеммер
拉斐尔·洛萨诺 – 亨默
라파엘 로자노
רפאל לוזאנו, המר

A circular display that simulates the turbulence at the surface of the Sun using mathematical equations. The piece reacts to the presence of the public by varying the speed and type of animation displayed. If no one is in front of the piece the turbulence slows down and eventually turns off. As the built-in camera detects people more solar flares are generated and the fake Sun shows more perturbation and activity. At 140 cm diameter, Flatsun is exactly a billion times smaller than the real Sun. The piece consists of custom-made panels with 60,000 red and yellow LED lights, a computer with 8 processing cores, a camera with a pinhole lens and a mechanically engineered aluminium, steel and glass structure that pivots for maintenance. A single knob lets the collector set the brightness of the piece and turn it on and off.

Mike Pelletier

Performance: Capture Part 2

In “Performance Capture: Part 2”, open source motion capture sequences are mapped onto stock low-polygonal unsmoothed 3D characters. Bodies inflate, deflate and oscillate between states, while movements shift and repeat in offset patterns as information transfers from one body to the next. In the animation, what should be used to record, simulate and create perfect virtual realities instead collapses into the uncanny, the abstract and the unreal.

Sam Twidale & Marija Avramovic

After Party

(AI) infinite simulations

‘After Party’ is an animation about two young girls, Ada and Milica. They find themselves in a strange space where an adult party is happening. With every new simulation their personalities evolve in unpredictable ways: between Childhood and Adolescence, Refined and Savage. Our digital work consists of creating artificial environments in the form of real-time animation using our own custom software, where artificial intelligence characters interact with each other as well as with the virtual world that surrounds them. These pieces are usually inspired by stories or myths found in different cultures.


Dirk Koy & Bild und Bewegung

In 2016, Dirk Koy founded the studio for motion design and experimental film «Dirk Koy Bild und Bewegung». In his work, he uses different technologies (drones / 2D and 3D animation / photogrammetry / AR / VR) to create moving digital images. He investigates the interface between reality and virtuality and is also looking for the painterly component in the digital context. The Experiment plays a central role.

Muti Randolph

Deep Screen
Muti Randolph lives in Rio de Janeiro and studied Visual Communications and Industrial Design at the Pontificia Universisade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. One of the pioneers in computer art, animation and 3d illustration in Brazil, he has been shifting from virtual 3d to real 3d spaces creating visual identities, graphics, illustrations, sets, and interior architecture projects for clients mainly in the entertainment, fashion and technology areas.