
PixelJunk Eden


In “PixelJunk Eden”, players, swing from abstract plant shapes to move about the garden, attacking the six-sided pollen carriers in order to gather the small pollen particles that can turn dormant seeds into activated seeds. The new seeds can be used to create new plants and gain further mobility in the garden.swing from abstract plant shapes to move about the garden, attacking the six-sided pollen carriers in order to gather the small pollen particles that can turn dormant seeds into activated seeds. The new seeds can be used to create new plants and gain further mobility in the garden.

Lionel Hun and Pixel n’Pepper

Black and White
Dedicated to the design and distribution of live shows combining the arts in all its forms, Compagnie Hybride offers a fusion of aesthetics. It is positioned at the crossroads of creativity where the bodies and new technology meet. Land on which confronts, body language and visual arts, in order to promote a work interdisciplinary research, choreography and artistic innovation. Through its creations, productions, performances, films, exhibitions, installations, educational workshops and event services, Compagnie Hybride, carried primarily by a desire to exchange, sharing, research and development, has a mandate to create and disseminate its designs in the artistic and cultural networks nationally and internationally.


El artista húngaro David Szauder, conocido como Pixel Noizz, indaga los rincones de la memoria donde las ideas y los recuerdos se fragmentan, y traduce estas composiciones en fotografías “dañadas”. La serie de Szauder, que lleva por nombre Failed Memories, explora la “naturaleza imperfecta de la memoria”, la que coarta la imagen clara de los pensamientos que generamos. Cuando por alguna causa física o emocional se pierden trozos de alguno, estas lagunas inundan la imagen y la vuelven borrosa.

PROTOROOM Metamedia Collective

PROTOROOM은 테크놀로지 매체 기반의 키트(KIT)로 작업을 하는 메타미디어 콜렉티브이다. 여기서 키트는 감각하고 사유를 이끄는 메타적 매체로서, 컴퓨팅 매체의 근본적인요소를 직접 감각하는 기회와 함께 생태계의 일부화된 테크놀로지에 대한 사유과 담론을가능하게끔 연결해주는 매개자가 된다. 이를 이라는 주제로 전시, 워크숍 등의 작업으로 풀어내는 연작을 이어가고 있다. 2014년 부터 후니다 킴과 김승범이 활동하고 있다. 최근에는 전시 X 워크샵이란 형식으로 2016년 일본에서 NTT 인터커뮤니케이션센터[ICC] ‘Media Art as an Awareness Filer ’와 백남준아트센터 “우리의 밝은 미래 – 사이버네틱스 환상 “에서 기획전에 참여하였다.


Pixel Nero Chiaro
“L’Origine du Monde” è un’installazione interattiva proiettata a terra (12 mx 7,50 m) ispirata alla biologia, ai microrganismi e agli automi cellulari. L’artista fonde le cellule, gli elementi base della vita con i pixel, gli elementi base dell’artificiale “vita”. Questi universi fluidi reagiscono visivamente in base ai movimenti dei visitatori. Le interruzioni nella traiettoria di queste cellule vengono create sotto i loro piedi. Le forme fluttuanti creano impressionanti illusioni ottiche.”

PROTOROOM Metamedia Collective

PROTOROOM es un colectivo de metamedia que trabaja con kits basados ​​en medios tecnológicos (KITs). Aquí, el kit es un meta-medio que conduce al sentido y al pensamiento, y se convierte en un mediador que hace posible conectar el pensamiento y el discurso sobre la tecnología que es parte del ecosistema, junto con la oportunidad de sentir directamente los elementos fundamentales de la informática. medios de comunicación. Bajo la temática de este, continúa su serie de trabajos para desentrañar a través de exposiciones y talleres. Hunida Kim y Kim Seung-beom han estado activos desde 2014. Recientemente, en el formato de Exposición X Taller, participé en exposiciones especiales en el Centro de Intercomunicación NTT [ICC] Media Art as an Awareness Filer y Nam June Paik Art Center “Our Bright Future – Cybernetics Illusion” en Japón en 2016.


Poiché la consapevolezza della realtà è soggetta all’individuo, »Frammenti di RGB« è un esperimento nella deformazione di questo fenomeno attraverso l’interazione e la proiezione di punti luce. Quando lo spettatore si avvicina a uno schermo illusorio, il contenuto cambia per alterare e dissolvere la realtà percepita.
»Frammenti di RGB« sperimenta la percezione e l’illusione a vari livelli. Il classico schermo a LED come supporto è stato simulato e successivamente disintegrato creando un’ottica pixel-like utilizzando una semplice proiezione anziché generare l’intera immagine da singoli punti luce.

INT studio

“Fotomat” is een interactieve installatie geprogrammeerd voor de grafische ontwerpstudio NORM (Dimitri Bruni, Manuel Krebs, Ludovic Varone). Het object werkt als een fotohokje volgens de regels van het Archief U.768: het produceert foto’s van 24 x 32 pixels in zwart-wit die worden afgedrukt door een thermische printer. Zo kunnen bezoekers hun gedrukte portret mee naar huis nemen als aandenken aan hun tentoonstellingsbezoek.

François Quévillon

Pyroclastic Trails
The work shows volcanic rocks rising from the ground that create trails of pixels. The layering of tezontle is generated by a software by modifying the size, speed, trajectory and selection of rocks from a database of photogrammetric 3D scans. Made in November 2019 in collaboration with UNAM’s Instituto de Geografía during a residency for Connecting the Dots, the work is related to research on the impact of mining activities in extinct volcanoes of Sierra de Santa Catarina located south of Mexico City. The video also shows Orbiting Bauxite and 3542 of the Meteors body of works.


Video pistoletto
“O projeto Vídeo Pistoletto me permitiu revisitar as performances de Michelangelo Pistoletto, fundador do movimento Arte Povera, quebrando não espelhos, mas telas de cristal líquido (LCD), usando um martelo e um cinzel. Aqui, os cristais se espalham dos pixels discretos da TV, embora permaneçam parcialmente sensíveis ao sinal de vídeo, para gerar composições orgânicas entre os fragmentos de vidro. Fiel aos princípios da Arte Povera, trabalho com um material tecnológico destinado ao empobrecimento, acompanhando os efeitos da obsolescência planejada. Uma vez danificados, estes são transformados em objetos concretos, como as ferramentas de Heidegger que só se manifestam à nossa consciência uma vez tornadas disfuncionais: as propriedades materiais dessas telas só são perceptíveis depois que eu interrompi sua função de abrir uma janela para o mundo.


File Festival
Paul Robertson is an Australian animator and digital artist who is known for his pixel art used in short films and video games. He is mostly known for Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World: The Game and the recent release, Mercenary Kings. Apart from his seasoned career as a game designer and movie creator, Robertson has been recently spotted on Tumblr with these GIFS. His interest in inserting flashing neon colors, geometric shapes, Japanese character animation, and 1990′s computer imagery, deems his work as heavily influenced by the Seapunk/Vaporwave aesthetic.

Collectif Coin

Movement, sound and light interweave in Abstract. It presents a repeating 20 minutes loop inspired by the concept of relativity. Time can be perceived as a vertical dimension in which the pixels travel. This movement will be used to freeze time while the audience keeps their feet firmly on the ground.


»Apfel« ist ein Spiel ohne Regeln. Es beginnt mit einer Wand, die überall mit einer signalroten Klebefolie bedeckt ist. Die Folie besteht aus Tausenden von kreisförmigen Aufklebern, die in einem schmalen Raster vorgeschnitten sind und darauf warten, von den Besuchern abgezogen und in eine neue Reihenfolge gebracht zu werden. Die Aufkleber und ihr weißes Negativ an der Wand bilden sich ähnlich wie binär codierte Pixel, Ornamente, Nachrichten und Bilder – an der ursprünglichen Wand und weit darüber hinaus: Sie bewegen sich in angrenzende Räume, auf Gesichter und verlassen sogar die Stadt.


Die Power Pixels-Ausstellung besteht aus zwei generativen und interaktiven Virtual-Reality-Installationen: Complex Meshes 2020 und Oscillations 2020, eine Arbeit, die erstmals der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert wird. Oscillations 2020 ermöglicht eine grafische 3D-Visualisierung der Musik von Michel Redolfi. Eine Wellenform wird in Echtzeit entsprechend den Frequenzen und Amplituden der Musik erzeugt. Diese Klangspektren der verschiedenen Musikklänge erzeugen endlose imaginäre Landschaften. Bild und Musik reagieren in einer Verschmelzung emotionaler Natur aufeinander, die zu einer echten Synästhesie beiträgt.

Thomas Depas

Princess of Parallelograms
What will happen when our imagination itself is externalized in machines? Artificial intelligence constructs its own world-truth that is beyond our sensory perception. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) use algorithms to synthesize and generate images in a completely new way. These images have almost uncanny aesthetic characteristics, seeming to emerge from an ocean of data, a kind of pixel soup. Rather as if we were observing the emergence of artificial thought.” The machine learns to understand the “essence” of a thing, be it an animal, the face of a celebrity or a body of text. It is then able to generate new images of this thing, including faces of celebrities who do not exist, mutant animals, or new texts. Eventually, AI will be capable of instantaneously and dynamically emulating all representations. The era of the optical machine and the capture of reality will then be at an end, supplanted by the era of machines that generate their own reality.


The shimmering pulse
The installation consists of 451 independent modules arranged in a form of hexagon – each module reacts to light it receives by spinning iridescent disc that spreads out thanks to centrifugal force, creating a unique kinetic “physical pixel”. That field of shimmering pixels is combined with light projection mapped onto the installation surface to visualize real-time data of the traffic in the Shenzhen area – the hexagon is divided into sections corresponding the 9 city districts. As a result the public can observe and interact with the object that represents the pulse of life of the city in an artful and unexpected way.

Takuya Matsunobu and Yasuaki Kakehi

Coworo is an installation with a shape changing liquid that loses its texture under a spotlight and looks almost solid. After a while, bubbles appear on the surface and disappear again, as if it were breathing. The waves gradually change their size, position, and frequency and develop into physical, continual, kinetic, three-dimensional animations that extend beyond the discrete 2D pixel pattern. Through the hybrid combination of the digitally programmed machine and the organic properties of the physical material, the object creates a constant flux of ephemeral shapes and patterns.


parallel image
This work consists of 2500 magnetic wire cables that connect an emitter (one square meter made of epoxy resin) that consists of a 50 × 50 grid with photo sensors that have their counterparts in the receiver with a grid of bulbs. Thus the sensors detect the light and transmit in parallel each pixel (“image element”) with its corresponding brightness effect to the light bulb in the receiver. Unlike conventional electronic image transmission procedures, “A Parallel Image” uses a technologically transparent procedure, transmitting to the viewer a correspondence between the real world and its transmission.


Мигель Шевалье
מיגל שבלייה
미구엘 슈발리에
Power Pixels
L’exposition Power Pixels se compose de deux installations de réalité virtuelle génératives et interactives : Complex Meshes 2020 et Oscillations 2020, oeuvre présentée pour la première fois au public. Oscillations 2020 permet une visualisation graphique en 3D de la musique de Michel Redolfi. Une forme d’onde se génère en temps réel selon les fréquences et les amplitudes de la musique. Ces spectres sonores des différents sons de la musique génèrent des paysages imaginaires à l’infini. Image et musique se répondent dans une fusion de nature émotionnelle qui participe à une véritable synesthésie.


The Global Pursuit of Happiness or: The Army of Luck
What would you do with 520 cat figurines? If you’re artist Boris Petrovsky, you might turn them into a massive kinetic sculpture that serves as a sort of pixel-grid display for user-submitted expressions of hope. In his installation The Global Pursuit of Happiness, or: The Army of Luck, Petrovsky arranges 40 rows and 13 columns of the popular Japanese lucky talisman, Maneki Neko (literally Beckoning Cat; aka Lucky Cat, Money Cat), into a golden army of kitsch.

Adrien M / Claire B et Mourad Merzouk

A Small tease of the hour long presentation Intertwining body movement with technology is no easy feat. The Dance show is 11 dancers in a virtual and living visual environment. It took the collaborative artistic efforts of artists Adrien Mondot, Claire Bardainne from Adrien M/Claire B Company and Mourad Merzouk from his dance company Käfig to bring to life Pixels. A work on illusion combining energy and poetry, fiction and technical achievement, hip hop and circus.

Asif Khan

UK Pavilion at the Astana Expo 2017
At the heart of the UK pavilion is a stunning 60 metre panorama depicting a living, universal landscape generated entirely by computer. It captures the relationship between the Sun, the Earth and its climate in incredible detail through virtual day and night. At a stunning 40,000 pixels wide it is the largest project of its kind ever undertaken.


The Source
The Source, an eight storey high kinetic sculpture, is the new symbol for the London Stock Exchange. Every morning, millions of viewers around the world will watch the installation come to life, signifying the opening of the London Markets.
“The Source is formed from a grid of cables arranged in a square, 162 cables in all, reaching eight stories to the glass roof. Nine spheres are mounted on each cable and are free to move independently up and down its length. In essence the spheres act like animated pixels, able to model any shape in three dimensions a fluid, dynamic, three dimensional television.Visitors to the atrium are greeted by this motion: its particles rising and falling, generating an infinite range of figurative and abstract shapes that rise, dissolve and reform at different heights in the atrium. The shape of the sun rising on a new day of trade, the names and positions of currently traded stocks, the DNA helix at the center of life formed by the work, and floating in the 32m void of the atrium.”

Kim Asendorf

Mountain Tour 2
Kim Asendorf is a conceptual artist working with digital media incorporating Internet culture and technology. His work ranges from online projects and performances to visual art and installations. He is widely know for the invention of Pixel Sorting, an image altering algorithm he made Open Source, the creation of file formats as work of art or The First Animated GIF Send Into Deep Space.


“Tron, a cult film from 1982, takes place in two parallel universes: the real and the virtual. Through a laser that converts real people into pixels, the world of Tron appears like a strange foreign world without sun, where androids live surrounded by 3D landscapes. The film has a strong retro character given by the era of production, which coexists with a high-tech nature. Both aspects are the basis of my collection. It consists in androgyn, straight silhouettes out of wool, leather, cotton and lack. Through different techniques I have created cube patterns on the surface of some of the materials. Giving the designs a technical yet minimalist character.”


pixel art

Instalacija je postavljena na ulazu u metro u Miamiju, i to na glavnom ulazu u Stephen Clark Government Center Lobby. Svi posjetitelji moraju proći kraj ovih LED ogledala, a ako to požele mogu se i poigrati s njima. CIjeli sistem sastavljen je od niza infracrvenih kamera te LED panela koji zajedno rezultiraju onime što vidite na fotografijama. Za ovaj uberkul projekt zaslužan je umjetnik imena i prezimena Ivan Toth Depeña koji je instalaciju predstavio u sklopu inicijative Miami-Dade Art in Public Places.


люк Джеррам
לוק ג’ראם

Майя – пиксельная скульптура. Она установлена на платформе 1 на вокзале Бристоль Темпл Мидс (Bristol Temple Meads). Автор скульптуры – Luke Jerram. Моделью послужила его дочь Майя. В течение дня, когда вокруг много людей, она может смешаться с толпой. Издалека Майя выглядит как живая девочка, но когда вы к ней приближаетесь, изображение на глазах деформируется и искажается, проступают пиксельные квадратики. Чтобы создать эту скульптуру, девочку Майю сканировали с помощью Xbox Kinect в Университете Западной Англии, где её папа работает старшим научным сотрудником. Скульптура вырезана из листов алюминия и обклеена более чем 5000 маленьких (12мм) квадратных цветных наклеек.


f5x5x5 is a kinetic light sculpture conceived of and realized by the belgian design studio lab[au]. the project was most recently installed in the basilique de saint denis in paris for nuit blanche 2009. the design consists of fixed and kinetic aluminum frames that can move randomly or be programmed for use as a low resolution display. the piece is designed as a framework, taking inspiration from software development
frameworks. in the case of the project, the framework is a five by five module which is repeated five times
to create the final form. one side of the work is white, while the other is black. the 125 pixel screen works on binary language and can transform captured data from the physical environment into kinetic actions.