
QUBIT AI: Matthias Oostrik

The Forgettable Art Machine

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language FestivalInternational Electronic Language Festival

The Forgettable Art Machine is an artificial intelligence-driven video installation. When facing the panel, the public has their image captured, starting a cycle of analysis, creation and destruction. From this data, a composite emerges, slowly transforming the visitors’ image into a generative visualization. Once the cycle is complete, the composition is deleted, waiting for a new audience to be captured.


Matthias Oostrik works at the intersection of digital art, installation art, cinema and architecture. His works establish unpredictable relationships between people and their surroundings. Using digital technology, his installations allow visitors to reshape their environment and their relationships with each other. Oostrik collaborates with renowned professionals and, above all, with his audience, who often become an integral part of his work.


Co-production: Zester
IA Music: Than van Nispen

QUBIT AI: Hassan Ragab

Audio Responsive Treehouse

FILE 2024 | Architectural Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Hassan Ragab – Audio Responsive Treehouse – United States

This work, created using generative artificial intelligence tools, is part of a broader exploration into discovering architectural forms through the intersection of different media. Potential shapes are generated based on the rhythms and timbres of the Shockone vs. Shockone song Run. The Bloody Beetroots. Factors such as camera movement and dynamics between the interior and exterior of the treehouse contribute to the creative process.


Hassan Ragab is an interdisciplinary media artist, architect and designer whose work focuses on the synergy between art, architecture, technology and humanity. He uses generative artificial intelligence to create a new visual language, and his work is exhibited globally. Additionally, Hassan writes about the integration of new media into art and design and has been recognized in numerous publications and news outlets.

QUBIT AI: SurrealismToday.com

The Legend of Ogie

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
SurrealismToday.com – The Legend of Ogie – United States

What worlds exist beyond Einstein’s speed limit? Inspired by Eric Weinstein’s theory of Geometric Unity, the work explores the idea that space-time is like a melody playing over an eight-dimensional universe. Abstract and metamorphic forms transition from organic forms to parastatic patterns, creating a dance of visuals and sounds that merge into an immersive experience of fractal unfolding.


SurrealismToday.com is an artist collective and educational platform dedicated to the proliferation of surreal and visionary ontologies in contemporary art. The group began as an esoteric cargo cult dedicated to discovering the beautiful, the fantastic, and the transcendent in the pseudo-philosophical landscape of the art world. His methods include searching for gems in the digital world and infusing mystical enchantments into generative diffusion models.

QUBIT AI: Kelly Luck

Kelly Luck
Strangeland 1 (excerpt)

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Kelly Luck – Strangeland 1 (excerpt) – United States

From a surrealist point of view, the main attraction of generative AI, for the artist, is its lack of memory. At any given moment, she only has the current frame and instructions on how to proceed, similar to free association in dreams. This work is part of a series of long-term environments designed to immerse the viewer in a constantly evolving and never-ending landscape, inviting relaxation and engagement.


As part of the first generation to grow up around computers, Kelly Luck quickly became fascinated with the creative possibilities of this new technology. Her journey has ranged from pixel art and graphic ‘hacks’ to the 90s demoscene, 2D and later 3D graphics, and now the modern tools of digital art. With the emergence of generative AI, it endlessly explores how technology continues to blur the line between imagination and reality.

QUBIT AI: Infratonal

Useless Hands

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Infratonal – Useless Hands – France

From a surrealist point of view, the main attraction of generative AI, for the artist, is its lack of memory. At any given moment, she only has the current frame and instructions on how to proceed, similar to free association in dreams. This work is part of a series of long-term environments designed to immerse the viewer in a constantly evolving and never-ending landscape, inviting relaxation and engagement.


As part of the first generation to grow up around computers, Kelly Luck quickly became fascinated with the creative possibilities of this new technology. Her journey has ranged from pixel art and graphic ‘hacks’ to the 90s demoscene, 2D and later 3D graphics, and now the modern tools of digital art. With the emergence of generative AI, it endlessly explores how technology continues to blur the line between imagination and reality.

QUBIT AI: Arnaud Weber

NNY 43 – New York 43

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Arnaud Weber – NNY 43 – Nouvelle New-York 43 – Switzerland

In this short created with Midjourney, Runway and DaVinci Resolve, a futuristic megacity sprawls across an exoplanet, reflecting humanity’s limitless expansion. This fascinating and immense city of tomorrow explores the challenges and wonders of a civilization that goes beyond the limits of human habitation. The work offers a captivating reflection on the future of our societies and the impact of our growth in new and unexplored worlds.


Arnaud Weber, creative director and founder of Le Village Design has been a pioneer in generative digital art since the 2000s. Educated at École Boulle, his work ranges from Parisian design agencies to international recognition, especially through art and films generated by AI. His projects exemplify the fusion between technology and creativity, questioning the future of organic creativity in the digital age.


This documentation video captures a few minutes of a continuous, generative collage. The source for the collage is one hour of edited signals captured from KTTV (198 – 204 MHz @ 34°13′29″N, 118°3′47″W) in August 2015.
The sound was created by Philip Rugo


KTTV Cette vidéo de documentation capture quelques minutes d’un collage continu et génératif. La source du collage est une heure de signaux édités capturés par KTTV (198 – 204 MHz @ 34°13′29″N, 118°3′47″W) en août 2015.

Le son a été créé par Philip Rugo


Universal Everything

Primordial is a generative artwork made from code, depicting a stylised, coloured take on cellular microscopic life. The flow of organisms projected onto the floor are audio responsive, moving and growing to the pulse of sound. These creatures navigate the space in their own freeform way, naturally encouraging viewers to flow into the exhibition.


N’exigeant aucune compétence musicale ou technique, l’application Bloom égalitaire et conviviale a permis à toute personne de tout âge de créer de la musique, simplement en touchant l’écran. Partie instrument, partie composition et partie illustration, les commandes innovantes de Bloom ont permis aux utilisateurs de créer des motifs élaborés et des mélodies uniques en touchant simplement l’écran. Un lecteur de musique générative a pris le relais lorsque Bloom est resté inactif, créant une sélection infinie de compositions et les visualisations qui les accompagnent. Cette version utilise la réalité mixte avec HoloLens.

François Quévillon

Rotsen van de aardmantel komen uit de leegte tevoorschijn, gefragmenteerd in een veelvoud aan gezichtspunten. Met een hypnotiserende en schurende soundscape bewegen ze zich op een schilderkunstige manier om het publiek heen. Hun gelaagde zanderige pixelsporen worden langzaam weggespoeld. Unearth is gemaakt voor de .dreams-tentoonstelling van Generative Gallery in het Theatre of Digital Art in Dubai. Het meeslepende stuk weerspiegelt de kustsituatie van de stad naast de woestijn en de voortdurend veranderende omgeving, sterk hervormd door mensen, kwetsbaar voor natuurlijke fenomenen, klimaatverandering en de vraag naar hulpbronnen.


Reliquiario Rigenerativo
Sfruttando l’intelligenza delle cellule staminali umane, ha creato “Regenerative Reliquary”, un’impalcatura biostampata a forma di mano umana stampata in 3D in un idrogel pegda biodegradabile che si disintegra nel tempo. La scultura è installata in un bioreattore, con l’intenzione che le cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (hMSC da un donatore adulto) seminate su quel disegno alla fine crescano in tessuto e si mineralizzino nell’osso lungo quell’impalcatura.

Push 1 stop and Woulg

Interpolate incorporates live coding and generative processes to create an audio/visual performance where visuals control audio, and audio controls visuals. Stark, minimal, generative 3D geometry and particle systems take the audience through the music, conveying the physicality of the sound while mapping out the emotional landscape of the melodies. To interpolate means to determine an intermediate value or term in a series by calculating it from surrounding known values; on stage Push 1 stop and Woulg send data wirelessly to each other in order to be able to patch new interactions between audio and visuals in real time, and interpolate the missing data between sound and image.

Michael Burk

Keplers Traum
Keplers Traum ist eine ästhetische Untersuchung, die analoge Projektionstechnologie in Kombination mit rechnerisch erstellten Inhalten erforscht, die durch 3D-Druck eine physische Form erhalten. Inspiriert von veralteten Projektionstechnologien wie dem Overheadprojektor und insbesondere dem Scope wurde eine Installation entworfen, die einzigartige Bilder und ein faszinierendes Erlebnis erzeugt. Die Kombination von digitaler Ästhetik parametrische und generative Formen) mit den Qualitäten der analogen Projektion erzeugt eine jenseitige Erscheinung, die weder digital noch analog erscheint. Durch die Interaktion mit der Installation entsteht eine zutiefst immersive Wirkung, da die augenblickliche Reaktion der Projektion und die „unendliche Bildrate“ diese Fantasiewelt zum Leben erwecken.

Daniel Rozin

Take Out – Chopsticks Mirror
“Take Out – Chopsticks Mirror” verwandelt ein vertrautes Essgeschirr in ein Porträtelement. Obwohl das Kunstwerk von Natur aus mechanisch ist, versucht es, ein Porträt des Betrachters zu reflektieren, indem es die Fluidität seiner Bewegung widerspiegelt. Das resultierende Porträt ist ein interaktives Bild, das Rozin untersucht durch den Zwang eindimensionaler linearer Objekte. Dieses Stück fungiert als Experiment mit Interaktion jenseits der Reflexion und lädt zu Reaktionen des Stücks selbst (Gesten der Freundlichkeit, Erschrockenheit, Zurückhaltung) sowie generativer Routinen ein 480 Essstäbchen Drumming sind in Zusammenarbeit mit der Komponistin Tamar Muskal arrangiert.

Refik Anadol

Quantum Memories: Nature Studies
Technological and digital advancements of the past century could as well be defined by the humanity’s eagerness to make machines go to places that humans could not go, including the spaces inside our minds and the non-spaces of our un- or sub-conscious acts. These unique pieces of the “Quantum Memories” series exhibit arresting visuals and colors that speculate the probability of reaching invisible spaces. They are composed in collaboration with a generative algorithm enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, a new form of computing that exploits the unusual physics of the subatomic world. It turns the visual data that flows around us into an artwork that represents our collective and digitized memories of nature and encourages the viewer to imagine the potential of this computing technology for the future of art, design, and architecture.

Refik Anadol

Machine Memoirs
Es una exploración de estructuras celestes a través de la mente de una máquina. Esta instalación inmersiva tiene como objetivo combinar exploraciones pasadas y soñar con lo que puede existir más allá de nuestro alcance. Usando inteligencia artificial para narrar lo “desconocido” y una red neuronal generativa entrenada en imágenes de la Tierra, la Luna, Marte y la Galaxia, tomadas de observaciones de la ISS, Chandra, Kepler, Voyager y Hubble, esta instalación imagina un universo alternativo, quizás aportando más textura a nuestra propia tela.
Is an exploration of celestial structures through the mind of a machine. This immersive installation aims to combine past explorations and dream of what may exist just beyond our reach. Using machine intelligence to narrate the “unknown,” and a generative neural network trained on images of the Earth, Moon, Mars and the Galaxy, taken from ISS, Chandra, Kepler, Voyager, and Hubble observations, this installation imagines an alternate universe, perhaps providing further texture to the fabric of our own.

Brian Eno & Peter Chilvers

Requiring no musical or technical ability, the egalitarian and user-friendly Bloom app enabled anyone of any age to create music, simply by touching the screen. Part instrument, part composition and part artwork, Bloom’s innovative controls allowed users to create elaborate patterns and unique melodies by simply tapping the screen. A generative music player took over when Bloom was left idle, creating an infinite selection of compositions and their accompanying visualizations. This version uses mixed reality with HoloLens.

Chris Cheung

No Longer Write – Mochiji
Powered by artificial intelligence’s Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), the collected works from ancient Chinese Calligraphers, including Wang Xizhi, Dong Qichang, Rao Jie, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Wang Yangming, as input data for deep learning. Strokes, scripts and style of the masters are blended and visualized in “Mochiji”, a Chinese literature work paying tribute to Wang Xizhi. Wang is famous for his hard work in the pursuit of Chinese calligraphy. He kept practicing calligraphy near the pond and eventually turned the pond for brush washing into an ink pond (Mochi). The artwork provides a platform for participants to write and record their handwriting. After a participant finished writing the randomly assigned script from “Mochiji”, the input process is completed and the deep learning process will begin. The newly collected scripts will be displayed on the screen like floating ink on the pond, and slowly merge with other collected data to present a newly learnt script. The ink pond imitates process of machine learning, which observes, compares and filters inputs through layers of image and text, to form a modern edition of “Mochiji”.
不再写 – Mochiji


Thomas Hirschhorn

توماس هيرشهورن
תומס הירשהורן

Thomas Hirschhorn’s “Abschlag” installation, which occupies the first room on the main floor, offers a lesson in how not to engage with the Russian milieu: the Swiss artist constructed part of a typical Petersburg apartment block out of cardboard inside the full-height space, ripped off its façade, and deposited the refuse at its base, revealing shabby interiors lined with original avant-garde masterpieces (on loan from the nearby Russian Museum) by the likes of Malevich and El Lissitky. The references allude to a politically radical Russian past; the construction debris acts as a metaphor for history. Though Hirschhorn suggests a recovery of the revolutionary communist spirit of the 1920s, he falls prey to a historically revisionist fetish: citing the Russian avant-garde as a generative point for vanguard culture in the West, and offering it as a source for renewed progressivism in Russia. Hirschhorn seems woefully unaware of the Putin government’s branding campaign, one that aims to sell the Russian avant-guard as a nationalist movement in line with the regime’s own values (perhaps he didn’t watch the Sochi opening ceremony). Hirschhorn ultimately proves Zhilayev right — with its political pretenses, “Abschlag” aspires to make a grand gesture against conservatism, but fails because its critique has already been co-opted..

Maurizio Bolognini

SMSMS-SMS Mediated Sublime

CIMs-Collective Intelligence Machines

“In 2000, I began to connect some of these computers to the mobile phone network (SMSMS-SMS Mediated Sublime, and CIMs-Collective Intelligence Machines). This enabled me to make interactive and multiple installations, connecting various locations.
In this case the flow of images was made visible by large-scale video-projections and the members of the audience were able to modify their characteristics in real time, by sending new inputs to the system from their own phones. This was done in a similar way to certain applications used in electronic democracy. What I had in mind was art which was generative, interactive and public.”

Jeremy Shaw

Degenerative Imaging (Early Dementia)

This Transition Will Never End, 2008 – ongoing,
Single channel video, silent, currently 19’23”
Jeremy Shaw works in a variety of media to explore altered states and the cultural and scientific practices that aspire to map transcendental experience. Often combining and amplifying strategies from the realms of conceptual art, ethnographic film, music video, mystical and scientific research, Shaw proposes a post-documentary space in which disparate ideals, belief-systems and narration are put into crisis.


Die Power Pixels-Ausstellung besteht aus zwei generativen und interaktiven Virtual-Reality-Installationen: Complex Meshes 2020 und Oscillations 2020, eine Arbeit, die erstmals der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert wird. Oscillations 2020 ermöglicht eine grafische 3D-Visualisierung der Musik von Michel Redolfi. Eine Wellenform wird in Echtzeit entsprechend den Frequenzen und Amplituden der Musik erzeugt. Diese Klangspektren der verschiedenen Musikklänge erzeugen endlose imaginäre Landschaften. Bild und Musik reagieren in einer Verschmelzung emotionaler Natur aufeinander, die zu einer echten Synästhesie beiträgt.


Letzter Atemzug
Ich verstehe passive Instrumente als verschiedene Multimedia-Objekte, für die weniger Management als Koexistenz erforderlich ist, basierend auf Beziehungen, die aus einer gegenseitigen „hybriden“ Symbiose hervorgehen. Das Funktionsprinzip des Objekts ist recht einfach: Die ausgeatmete Luft (ihr Druck und ihre Durchflussrate) aktiviert den generativen Prozess, der von den Ausatmungsparametern abhängt und von der Luftbewegung im Organ gesteuert wird. Das Objekt erfordert keine spezielle Spieltechnik, obwohl jede Änderung der Atmung (entweder vorsätzlich oder durch physiologische Faktoren verursacht) direkt von der Spieldynamik und auch von allen anderen Parametern abhängt, die zur Erzeugung des Schallflusses verwendet werden.


Loom zeigt abstrakte Animationen, die mit Daten von Google Trends in Echtzeit entwickelt wurden. Beliebte Abfragen werden vorübergehend als überlagerter Text angezeigt, bevor sie sich in eine rauchige Abstraktion auflösen. Diese Begriffe werden mit einer zufälligen Lyrik angegangen – jedes Wort erscheint und verschwindet in einer Spur der Sättigung. Die Farben in der Animation werden durch die Häufigkeit eines bestimmten Themas bestimmt. Je viraler die Suche online ist, desto wärmer werden die Töne. Ohne Schlagzeilen, grafische Bilder und Statistiken inspiriert jede Phrase eine kontemplative Erfahrung, eine Gelegenheit für den Betrachter, darüber nachzudenken, was zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt durch das kollektive Bewusstsein strömt. Loom verwebt ein soziales Gefüge, das das Transzendentale mit dem Banalen vermischt, um den Geist unserer Zeit in generativer Bewegung darzustellen.

Thomas Depas

Princess of Parallelograms
What will happen when our imagination itself is externalized in machines? Artificial intelligence constructs its own world-truth that is beyond our sensory perception. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) use algorithms to synthesize and generate images in a completely new way. These images have almost uncanny aesthetic characteristics, seeming to emerge from an ocean of data, a kind of pixel soup. Rather as if we were observing the emergence of artificial thought.” The machine learns to understand the “essence” of a thing, be it an animal, the face of a celebrity or a body of text. It is then able to generate new images of this thing, including faces of celebrities who do not exist, mutant animals, or new texts. Eventually, AI will be capable of instantaneously and dynamically emulating all representations. The era of the optical machine and the capture of reality will then be at an end, supplanted by the era of machines that generate their own reality.

Kyle & Liz Von Hasseln

Phantom Geometry
“We are developing a system of moving streaming information through space, in the form of light, to generate material form. This system is a full-scale, generative fabrication process that is innately non-linear, is interruptible and corruptible at any time, and does not rely on periodic flattening to 2D. Light is the medium for data in our system. There resident data can be drawn through physical space, at full scale, to generate a photographic artifact, or to instantiate material form through the selective polymerization of proximal photo-responsive resin. This thesis, then, begins to investigate a design paradigm centered on the material reification of light. That paradigm questions the supremacy of the digital model, and the static flattening and stacking logics inherent to typical fabrication workflows. It is part of a conversation about representation, about the role of the designer, and about the way we make.”

Daniel Canogar

Loom showcases abstract animations developed with data from real-time Google Trends. Popular queries appear momentarily as overlaid text before dissolving into a smoky abstraction. These terms are approached with an accidental lyricism —each word appears and disappears in a trail of saturation. Colors within the animation are determined by the prevalence of a specific topic; the more viral the search is online, the warmer the tones become. Stripped from headlines, graphic imagery, and statistics, each phrase inspires a contemplative experience, a chance for the viewer to ruminate on what is streaming through the collective consciousness at any given time. Loom weaves a social fabric, mixing the transcendental with the banal, to present the spirit of our time in generative motion.

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Recurrent Rayuela
“Recurrent Rayuela” is a generative artwork made with the 155 chapters of the experimental novel “Rayuela” (Hopscotch) published in 1963 by Argentine writer Julio Cortázar.

Stefan Tiefengraber

your unerasable text
“your unerasable text” is an interactive installation, dealing with the topics of data storage and elimination of data. The installation can be placed in an exhibition, but ideally it’s exhibited in a public space window, where it can be used by people passing by 24h a day. The participant is asked to send a textmessage to the number written on a sign next to the installation. “send your unerasable textmessage to +43 664 1788374”. The receiver mobile transfers it to a computer, which is layouting the message automatically. Then it is printed on to a DIN A6 paper, which is falling directly on to a papershredder. There the message remains readable for a few moments and gets destroyed then. The shredded paper forms a visible heap on the floor, which reminds of a generative graphic.

Timeblur Studio

Nadi Generative Art
Nadi is a Digital display of Kinetics and Energetics of Body Movements involved in Yoga. The visuals are created by investigating the flow of data, using the human body as a vehicle. With the support of computer vision technologies, a visual trail is formed by tracking the body movements during yogic postures. Inspired from Indian Yogic Science, we have visually depicted aspects of light, matter and energy in our forms. The generative nature of the visual comes from the digital juxtaposition of the poses that the body generates with each pose.


Light Cloud
The Light Cloud at the Merck Innovation Center detects visitors’ movements in the room and translates them into many different moods. The generative sculpture stimulates and facilitates intense encounters between people and technology. The room-filling installation consists of four curved strands that are concentrically superimposed and slightly shifted in relation to each other. OLED elements that are attached to the strands and controlled by sensors react to the visitors’ movements and to sound compositions. In combination, this generates a complex mosaic in which sound and light interact playfully and the viewers leave traces.


Threshold Release Ornament
MSHR is the art collective of Birch Cooper and Brenna Murphy. The duo collaboratively builds and explores systems composed of sound, light, sculpture, software and circuitry. Their practice is a self-transforming cybernetic entity with its outputs patched into its inputs, the resulting emergent form serving as its navigational system. These outputs primarily take the form of installations and performances that integrate interface design with generative systems and a distinctive formalist approach. MSHR’s name is a modular acronym, designed to hold varied ideas over time. MSHR emerged from the art collective Oregon Painting Society in 2011 in Portland, Oregon, USA.

Daan Brinkmann & Nenad Popov

Cellwise is a generative projection specifically designed for the city hall of The Hague. During the festival the city hall becomes the new habitat of a kind of ‘visual lifeform. From the façade’s neatly arranged grid of white tiles, structures of a more entropic nature emerge. Shapes start growing, bursting, dripping, crawling and creeping. Cellwise is exploring the city hall’s sterile architecture, while at the same time challenging it to look for its visual counterpoints.


regenerative reliquary
Leveraging the intelligence of human stem cells, she created “Regenerative Reliquary”, a bioprinted scaffold in the shape of a human hand design 3D printed in a biodegradable pegda hydrogel that disintegrates over time. The sculpture is installed in a bioreactor, with the intention that human Mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs from an adult donor) seeded onto that design will eventually grow into tissue and mineralize into bone along that scaffold.

Mika Tajima

New Humans
In New Humans, emergent gatherings of synthetic humans rise from the surface of a black ferrofluid pool. Appearing to morph like a supernatural life form, these dynamic clusters of magnetic liquid produced by machine learning processes are images of communities of synthetic people–hybrid profiles modeled from actual DNA, fitness, and dating profile data sets sourced from public and leaked caches. The work questions how we can radically conceptualize the “user profile” to embody a self whose bounds are indefinable and multiple. Generative algorithm using machine learning (GAN, T-SNE) and fluid simulation (Navier Stokes), countour generation (OpenCV), user profile data caches (DNA, fitness, and dating), software production (Processing), ferrofluid, custom electromagnet matrix, custom PCB control system, computer, steel, wood, aluminum.

Studio Tish

Vanishing Places
Vanishing Places is an audio-visual installation that investigates dialogues and tensions between the real and artificial. In keeping with the studios recent experiments with real-time generative visuals, Vanishing Places brings a new iteration of the intersection of digital life-simulating systems and organic interaction.

Raven Kwok

“A collaboration with Symmetry Labs at Gray Area Foundation for the Arts in San Francisco. Derivatives of multiple generative rules I designed in the past were adapted to an interactive LED floor. The video demo includes 6 visual sets and transitions in between. Set 01 is an adaption of 1DFBD, which was also used in a couple of projection mapping tests in 2014. Set 03 is derived from an untitled turbulence piece created in 2014 as well. Similar to Set 03, all agents in Set 04 are driven by 3D Perlin Noise flow field. However, instead of being an emitter spawning agents, each dot functions as an attractor intervening in the flow, same way as it did in 2BCD.”Raven Kwok


Transient – Impermanent paintings is an audiovisual concert for two motorized pianos and two conductors in collaboration with generative algorithms. Hyper-realistic digital brushstrokes articulate endlessly on a large-scale projection as if on a real canvas. Each brushstroke is sonified with a piano note, creating polyphonic synesthetic landscapes. The project continues Quayola’s research on traditional artistic techniques in the context of human-machine relationship, this time gradually withdrawing from formal subjects and giving way to the computational substance: the algorithm.


Until I die
This installation operates on unique batteries that generate electricity using my blood. The electric current produced by the batteries powers a small electronic algorithmic synth module. This module creates generative sound composition that plays via a small speaker. The blood used in the installation was stored up gradually over 18 months. The conservation included a number of manipulations to preserve the blood’s chemical composition, color, homogeneity and sterility to avoid bacterial contamination. The total amount of blood conserved was around 4.5 liters; it was then diluted to yield 7 liters, the amount required for the installation. The blood was diluted with distilled water and preservatives such as sodium citrate, antibiotics, antifungal agents, glucose, glycerol etc. The last portion of blood (200ml) was drawn from my arm during the performance presentation, shortly before the launch of the installation.

Maurice Benayoun

Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein
Brain Factory Prototype 2
Brain Factory is an installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to convert the resulting form into a physical object. The work examines the human specificity through abstract constructs such as LOVE, FREEDOM, and DESIRE. The project articulates the relationship between thought and matter, concept and object, humans and machine. Brain Factory uses Electroencephalography (EEG) data captured by BCI. As a brain activity is unique, we developed a novel calibration process of the individual data readings and associated emotional responses within a framework of binary outcomes. This is key for a real-time feedback – a biofeedback – between the virtual generative processes and the brain’s associated response.

jon mccormack

Fifty Sisters, Series of fifty evolved digital plant images
Fifty Sisters is comprised of fifty 1m x 1m images of computer synthesised plant-forms, algorithmically “grown” from computer code using artificial evolution and generative grammars. Each plant-like form is derived from the primitive graphic elements of oil company logos.


Мигель Шевалье
מיגל שבלייה
미구엘 슈발리에
Power Pixels
L’exposition Power Pixels se compose de deux installations de réalité virtuelle génératives et interactives : Complex Meshes 2020 et Oscillations 2020, oeuvre présentée pour la première fois au public. Oscillations 2020 permet une visualisation graphique en 3D de la musique de Michel Redolfi. Une forme d’onde se génère en temps réel selon les fréquences et les amplitudes de la musique. Ces spectres sonores des différents sons de la musique génèrent des paysages imaginaires à l’infini. Image et musique se répondent dans une fusion de nature émotionnelle qui participe à une véritable synesthésie.

Ameen Ul Insan

The Flat Arc
​Intent: Experimenting artistic freedom on data, a road to explore possibilities of telling abstract yet emotional stories not with literature but visuals corresponding to datasets. Method: Generative visual parameters based on World Urbanization Prospects data are governed by real time image/video synthesis, with the help of graphic manipulative software platforms and creative coding.

Haru Ji and Graham Wakefield

Infranet is a generative artwork realized through a population of artificial lifeforms with evolutionary neural networks, thriving upon open geospatial data of the infrastructure of the city as their sustenance and canvas. Born curious, these agents form spatial networks through which associations spread in complex contagions. In this city as organism, the data grounds an unbounded, decentralized, open-ended, and unsupervised system. Non-human beings flourish in this environment by learning, discovering, communicating, self-governing, and evolving. The invitation is to witness, through immersive visualization and sonficiation of this complex adaptive system, how a new morphologic landscape emerges as a possible but speculative city.


last breath
I understand passive instruments to be different multimedia objects that do not require management so much as co-existence with them based on relations born of a mutual “hybrid” symbiosis. The operating principle of the object is fairly simple – the exhaled air (its pressure and flow rate) activates the generative process, which depends on the exhalation parameters and is managed by the air movement in the organ. The object does not require any special game technique, although any change in the breathing (either premeditated or caused by physiological factors) is directly dependent on game dynamics and also on all the other parameters used to generate the sonic flow.



Design Research Laboratory (AADRL) and the experimental design studio Minimaforms examining a behavior-based agenda that engages experimental forms of material and social interaction. Cybernetic and systemic thinking through seminal forms of prototyping and experimentation will situate the work through continued experiments that have manifested since the early 1950s as maverick machines, architectures and computational practices exploring the generative potential of self-regulating phenomena as proto-architectural environments. Through explicit models of interactions, observable patterns and proto-animalistic agency; the research will discuss the capacity of these systems to evolve, adapt and self-structure through computation.



Holger Lippmann describes a part of his work as digital painting. What distinguishes digital painting from traditional painting on canvas or paper? We need to distinguish between two categories of digital painting. The first includes works created on the computer with ready-made graphic tools like virtual paint brushes or pens, in something like the way that non-digital pictures are created on paper or canvas. David Hockney’s painting of a sunflower on an i-pad is an example of this. The second category includes works using computer generation, in which programs coded by the artist continually produce new aesthetic concepts as images or animations. Every execution of the software creates new works within the pre-defined boundaries of the system. This process can be called generative painting.


Yancy Way

The Wonderfdul Hypnotic Gifs of echophon: Yancy Way is an artist making design-influenced generative art that explores motion & the interaction of shapes & line. Ephemeral themes of minimalism, science fiction & nature.



أندرياس نيكولاس فيشر
Brute Force Method

Andreas Nicolas Fischer (*1982, Munich, Germany) concerns himself with the physical manifestation of digital processes and data through generative systems to create sculptures, videos, prints and installations. He holds an MA from the Berlin University of the Arts, where he studied in professor Joachim Sauter´s class. The artist lives and works in Berlin.