
QUBIT AI: Marc Lee & Shervin Saremi

Speculative Evolution, Prototype 1

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival
Speculative experiment on a future ecosystem under strict control. The narrative takes place in a simulation, 30 years in the future, where artificial intelligence and synthetic biology collaborate to optimize an environment for cultivated species. An AI-powered simulator helps visitors generate new species to balance the ecosystem. Inspiration comes from the book Under the White Sky by Elizabeth Kolbert and artists’ stories about life on a damaged planet.


Marc Lee is a Swiss artist focused on real-time rendered audiovisual installations, AR, VR and mobile applications, critically exploring creative, cultural, social, ecological, political and speculative themes. His work has been exhibited in important museums and new media art spaces. Shervin Saremi is an Iranian musician and audio engineer specializing in sonic computing, procedural sound design and production. Currently researching immersive audio at UdK Berlin.

Vincent Leroy

Echo Lens
Emerald Lake, Canada
Hybrid, Vincent Leroy’s work oscillates between the real and the virtual, the natural and the artificial, drawing its inspiration from both nature, which often sites his work, and from the digital world. Whether its kinetic sculptures, immersive installations or monumental works, movement is almost always Vincent Leroy’s raw material. The kind of movement that inspires life, amazement, and a permanently shifting viewpoint.

Yves Netzhammer

Gravitatorische Behauptungen
Aus der transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit ist die Idee einer ephemeren Installation hervorgegangen, der die Linie als Basiselement zugrunde liegt. In einer Live-Performance kann im Laufe der Ausstellung beobachtet werden, wie künstlerische Inspiration und physikalische Kräfte aufeinandertreffen – und Roboter vom Werkzeug zur «(mit)kreierenden» Maschine mutieren. Künstliche Intelligenzen drängen immer stärker in die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche unseres Lebens. Viele Fragen drehen sich dabei um die Menschlichkeit von Robotern. Was passiert, wenn man die Maschine weiterdenken und weiterführen lässt, was der Mensch initiiert hat? Auch in der Kunst ist die Thematik relevant: Wie lassen sich Roboter in die künstlerische Produktion einbeziehen? Wer oder was bestimmt die Form? Wie geht man um mit der Ungewissheit über die eigentliche Autorschaft? Seit deren Anfang ist der Einsatz von Maschinen in den künstlerischen Prozess zwar einbezogen, ihr Anteil daran jedoch immer wieder auch hinterfragt worden.

Michaela Pnacekova

A Symphony of Noise
Created by Michaela Pnacekova, Jamie Balliu
Herbert’s everyday sound sources are the inspiration for A Symphony of Noise VR. This interactive virtual reality experience is a journey through four sonic landscapes. The first centers on breathing, which immediately makes you focus on listening to the world differently. This is followed by an arctic environment full of scraping and crunching sounds, and finally a shop interior. Using the controllers or by blowing or singing, you can add sounds to the audio palette, which is visualized as waves and colors in three-dimensional space. In the fourth and final landscape, all the sounds are combined in an ultimate symphony.

Pam Tanowitz

“Gustave Le Gray No. 1”
In 2019, Ballet Across America was put together with the inspiration of women’s leadership in ballet and dance. To mark the celebration, the Center commissioned choreographer Pam Tanowitz to create a world premiere work for the week’s two participating companies, Dance Theatre of Harlem and Miami City Ballet; both are companies led by visionary women – Virginia Johnson at DTH and Lourdes Lopez in Miami.
Tanowitz set the work on two dancers from each company, with a pianist on stage playing a solo work by the composer Caroline Shaw. The piece had its world premiere during Ballet Across America on May 31, 2019. This video captures the premiere performance.
Pianist: Sylvia Jung
Dancers: Renan Cerdeiro, Lauren Fadeley, Anthony Santos and Stephanie Rae Williams

Kexin Hao

Future Dance of Nostalgia
Future Dance of Nostalgia is a dancing game which invites audience to perform the choreography that extracts and abstracts the movements found in the pre-industrial, heavy physical labour, and work songs. Motion tracking technology allows the body movements to be quantified, measured, and evaluated. Historical archives of work songs provide the inspiration for the music that renders the old tales and melodies into clubbing beats that lead the dance.




Décrivant son travail comme « une fusion de différentes influences absorbées depuis des années », l’artiste tire principalement ses inspirations des peintures et sculptures du XXIe siècle. Travaillées et colorées, ses œuvres humoristiques, cyniques et ironiques sont une véritable mise en scène du quotidien. Amateur de la juxtaposition et de ses manipulations virtuelles, l’artiste-sculpteur d’images, fait entrer le spectateur dans un tourbillon imaginaire façonné par sa main.

Liam Lee

Untitled 05
“I look at forms in nature for inspiration – from microscopic organisms like bacteria and viruses, to moss covered stones, branches of trees, the human body, seedpods, landscapes, star charts, etc., then try to bring all of these disparate elements together in the work”

Diébédo Francis Kéré

Installation from Brightly Colored Thread for First U.S

“Conceptually, the installation takes inspiration from the contrasting city plan geometries of the African village and the American city. Overlaying the organic+plan of Gando with the rigid grid of Philadelphia, Kéré shows that despite the two cities’ obvious differences, underneath you can find many similarities in how the societies use architecture to provide a gradient of social spaces ranging from the individual and private to the collective and public” Patrick Lynch


Monument to the Unknown Artist
At first glance, Monument to the Unknown Artist appears to be a simple bronze statue, dressed in a neck scarf and loose fitting suit. However, the six meter monument seeks inspiration from passers-by, inviting them to strike poses which he copies, continually changing his form in a light-hearted and mischievous way. The unique sculpture offers an alternative and accessible creative experience for the public allowing them to create a dialogue with the work of art.

Martin Leveque

Sanctuaire it’s all about my relationship with Mexico City. A space filled with its own pure and special energy. To me is a never ending source of inspiration. This city is benefited of the powerful vibe, result of many factors provoked by its habitants. From far away, this city is characterized by a chaotic and indescribable movement. To be able to understand this, one must come close to realize that this apparent chaos is the manifestation of millions of individual actions from its habitants. Sanctuaire it’s going to be the visual manifestation of a mystical energy that transcends to the viewer. This piece gathers people in a cozy environment from which a light will be generated while levitating above the audience.

Cornelius Cardew

KYMATIC ensemble
Treatise is a graphic musical score comprising 193 pages of lines, symbols, and various geometric or abstract shapes that largely eschew conventional musical notation. Implicit in the title is a reference to the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, which was of particular inspiration to Cardew in composing the work.


Drawing on Pantone Color of the Year 2020 Classic Blue’s inspirational qualities, “Celestial” takes visitors on a journey beyond the skies. This technology-powered, multi-sensory installation transcends space and time— pushing the limits of our imagination and opening up a new realm of possibilities. Submerge yourself in the sights, sounds and sensations of Classic Blue.

ŽIL Julie Vostalová



Phygital way of designing that captures a momentum of transition between digital and physical worlds.
Digital and sustainable fashion with respect to materiality propose no-waste patterning that uses the technique of cut-ups to be assembled into a garment. Inspiration comes from the process of deconstructing historical garments and unexpected assemblage.


“Movrin’s main inspiration has always been his childhood, where tradition, God and meat were the subject of everyday life. As an only son of a butcher in a small Slovenian town, surrounded by woods and bears, his growing up marked him with a roughness that he transcends in his designs with a special kind of romanticism. In this hard provincial life meat became his medium of expression, as a child he would carve steaks in a way that would appeal to his bewildered eye. There were, however, also fresh issues of Vogue magazines in the house, brought from trips to Trieste, that stirred up his imagination.” Black Sheep

mode:Niko Riam

Doug Aitken

Station to Station
Doug Aitken gilt als einer der wichtigsten Künstler unserer Generation. Seine Projekte sind immer over the top und noch nie dagewesen. Er erweitert Horizonte und sucht nach neuen Grenzen. Jetzt hat er das Projekt Station to Station organisiert. Im September gehts los und gefahren wird in einem Zug von Station zu Station quer durch die USA. An Bord sind Künstler, Musiker, Köche, Autoren, Filmemacher und Philosophen. Inspiration ist wohl das gleichnamige Album von David Bowie. Mit von der Partie im Zug und an den einzelnen Stops auf dem Weg sind Künstler wie Urs Fischer, Christian Jankowski, Aaron Koblin, Ernesto Neto, Jack Pierson, Alice Waters, Rick Moody, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Kenneth Anger und Musiker wie Savages, Cold Cave, Cat Power, Ariel Pink, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Beck und und und. Entweder reist ihr dem Zug hinterher oder, wenn Euch das zu anstrengend ist, dann reist ihr virtuell auf der Website mit.

Pone Architecture

Transparent Shell
Based on concepts, Transparent Shell gains inspiration from a rich variety of sequences in nature. By dissecting, extracting shell structure and restructuring, it reveals the tension of life evolution. Conch-shape helix is blended with vertical, balanced, stable and standard three-dimensional grid. Density and depth of different degrees are on one hand, in mutual erosion, harmony and coexistence and on the other hand, in antagonism, competition and conflict.


Parasitic endeavours
Simon Christoph Krenn’s 3D animation, Parasitic Endeavours, initially started out as the creative wanting to explore distorted perspectives on human evolution. “I think my main inspiration came from nature and its creative forces themselves. I used to study zoology at university and was especially fascinated by evolutionary biology and the development of animal morphologies. I realized the video’s strange and somehow creepy potential and decided to push the animation even more into this direction.”


AVA_V2 / Particle Physics_Scientific_Installation
Ava; is the surface-volume shape coefficient. The main inspiration comes from monumental experimentations which focused on particle physics. AVA’s design originate from the Buckminster Fuller’s iconic dome structure. It has 360 traceable area from the exterior surface of the dome. Cosmic rays reinterpreted within the concept of AVA and the first version of the performance screened at Paris. AVA is a Commisioned Artwork and designed as a portable installation which can be transportable and positionable at any place.


The piece is the latest instalment of their ongoing Spectra series, a merging of physical and virtual sculptures that take inspiration from space, technology, and our relationships to them, to provide elegant and sensory experiences using sound, light, and reflection. Spectra-3’s design and movement is inspired by the radio telescopes of the Very Large Array (VLA) located on the Plains of San Agustin in New Mexico. The piece combines computer-aided design with real-time input from the public’s movements, to inform its physical actions as it rotates on motors, augmenting the space with the enchanting hues and patterns of reflected light and spatialized sound.



Far from the traditional pastoral scenes that are evoked by the exhibition’s title, the New York-based artist has conjured a bright and minimalist series of kinetic sculptures at the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens.For the new works, the artist drew inspiration from Ancient Greece. This was not only through the titles of his work, which play on the names of characters from The Odyssey, but also through an exploration of the characteristics of the protagonists.Abstract and enigmatic, Paul Chan artfully brings the philosophical tethering of Ancient Greek thought to a modern and relatable new setting. Odysseus’ drive to return to his home after the Trojan War, and the way in which he navigates the journey, becomes a poignant metaphor for contemporary experience.


줄리안 올리버
ג’וליאן אוליבר
Джулиан Оливер
LevelHead is a spatial memory game. The game takes its inspiration from the “Philosphical Toys” of 18th/19th century Europe and the memory systems (“memory loci”) of the ancient Greeks. levelHead uses a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface. On-screen it appears that each face of the cube contains a little room, each of which are logically connected by doors. In one of these rooms is a character. By tilting the cube, the player directs this character from room to room in an effort to find the exit. Some doors lead nowhere and will send the character back to the room they started in, a trick designed to challenge the player’s spatial memory. Which doors belong to which rooms? There are three cubes (levels) in all, each of them connected by a single door. Players have as a goal to move the character from room to room, cube to cube, in an attempt to find the final exit door of all three cubes. If this door is found, the character will appear to leave the cube, walk across the table surface and vanish. Then the game starts over.


Falin Mynd is an audiovisual installation dedicated to the city of Milan that draws inspiration from the concept of the latent image in the photographic field: an invisible imprint left by the light on the film that is revealed only after its development. Similarly, the data generated by the inhabitants and visitors of the city of Milan produce abstract digital landscapes, leaving a trace from their analysis and interpretation in real-time. In this way, the work makes visible the indissoluble bond between individual and community, highlighting how the two entities influence one another changing the perception of the reality surrounding us made of places, people, colors, and sensations. The data thus constitute an invisible image of the city, a map of what is not manifest and which is revealed in Falin Mynd.



Ouchhh will take inspiration from the notes that exist in the universe while micro-strings vibrate (Subatomic Particles) in real time and define the melodies created by the notes as “Matter” and symphonies of these melodies as “Universe”. With dastrio, Ouchhh will take 11 dimensions in abstract directions in super grade gravity theory and move them beyond space in real time. The dimensions captured intuitively in living space will constantly change and turn into reality.

Bernhard Metz – Violin
Manuel Von Der Nahmer – Violoncello
Suyang Kim – Piano

Alexia Lechot

Deltu is a delta robot with a personality that interacts with humans via two iPads. Depending on its mood, it plays with the user who is faced with an artificial intelligence simulation, who appreciates the small pleasures of life, sometimes too much. The relationship we have with robots/AI that have been created to enhance our performance, but have become a source of learning, is unique and exciting. The android’s place in society has not yet been defined and remains to be determined; for me it is the best source of inspiration.

Jennifer Steinkamp

“I considered the first life forms on Earth and how we came to be as a way to refer to the Natural Sciences. I looked at fossil records of the first multi cellular organisms of the Ediacaran Period, 555 million years ago for inspiration. I was struck by the theory of symbiosis in evolution; our DNA ancestors are the resultant fusion of single cellular organisms and bacteria. The millions of bacteria in our bodies are our foremothers. EON is a speculative fiction, a depiction of early life forms underwater. The Universe was formed 13.7 billion years ago. The Earth is 4.543 billion years old. Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae were the first microbes to create oxygen on Earth via photosynthesis 3.5 billion years ago. First humans 200,000-300,000 years ago.” Jennifer Steinkamp

iris van herpen

sensory seas
runway LOOK 08

“The first threads of inspiration came from the Spanish neuroanatomist Ramón y Cajal. He wanted to uncover something that no one had yet understood.
Sensory seas’ holds a microscope over the indelible nuances between the anthropology of a marine organism, to the role of dendrites and synapses delivering infinite signals throughout our bodies. It enchants the attention of how two processes of torrential messaging exist in an uninterrupted state of flux. The collection consists 21 silhouettes that illustrate a portrait of liquid labyrinths, where dresses spill onto the floor in elegant train and pigments gather in cloudedpools of blues and lilac, leaking into one another like marble.” Joanna Klein

Signe Lykke & Yoshi Sodeoka


“The textural work Body Textures by Signe Lykke is a beautiful sonic journey into the human body’s different cells. Cross-sectional images of cell types such as fat, protein and connective tissue form the basis of this orchestral work, and have served as an inspirational source for the different texture areas and movements. Morten Ryelund conducts the Danish Youth Ensemble.”

adeline tan

octopuss garden
Adeline Tan aka mightyellow is an illustrator and visual artist based in Singapore.Singapore is a modern city-state that people call the “garden city”. It is really like a garden, lots of arranged greenery and manmade stuff, not a lot of naturally occurring forests. Taking inspiration from personal experiences, the environment and popular culture, Adeline imagines alternate realities to current situations


Autumn Winter 2019
Rose Danford-Phillips admits it: as the daughter of gardeners, she draws her inspiration from nature. And when she evokes her love for lace, she speaks about a “delicate sensation of petals” … With her skill at vegetation metaphors, she explains that she transformed a magnificent piece of Sophie Hallette lace into a “rampant vine” for her graduate collection at the Royal College of Art. Either by combining it with a fringed silk to reinforce the idea of an uncontrollable, wild nature or by hand-embroidering it onto plastic to create a sense of nature recreated in a laboratory. “Lace tells a story” she says and hers transports us into a poetic, feminine and modern tale.


Eco Warriors

A Beginner’s Guide for Eco Warriors is inspired by the current dramatic changes in Earth’s ecosystem due to the human impact, the so-called age of Anthropocene. This short film represent, with certain level of exaggeration, tips and inspirations how to lower your ecological footprint and contribute to the slowing down of global warming and the protection of natural habitats. This short film then becomes a small guide for Eco Warriors and urges for reflection and reaction from each of us.


جوزيف سفوبودا
la traviata de verdi (Scenografia)
La technologie et la scénographie
Svoboda utilise les techniques de pointe en éclairage, en projection d’image et en mécanique de scène (scène cinétique) afin de s’affranchir des contraintes du lieu théâtral. La scène est pour Svoboda un instrument et un espace magique, lieu d’action de forces dramatiques, réelles, et non pas un espace illusionniste. La scénographie est une des disciplines de l’art théâtral, une composante de la mise en scène et un élément essentiel de la représentation. Elle doit donc d’être dynamique et se transformer dans le temps pour épouser l’action dramatique. La scénographie a un langage propre en tant que discipline à part entière. Svoboda apporte une contribution importante à ce langage par son travail sur la lumière et l’espace.
Lumière, matière et espace
Svoboda dit percevoir la lumière physiquement, et non pas simplement visuellement ; il trouve en elle l’inspiration pour son travail. Tout en reconnaissant son statut ” immatériel “, il la considère comme l’élément fondamental de la scénographie et la traite comme un matériau. D’abord formé en menuiserie, Svoboda affectionne particulièrement les matières brutes, notamment le bois. L’architecture représente pour lui, et ce dès son jeune âge, la somme des connaissances humaines. Formé en architecture d’intérieur, il s’intéresse à l’organisation de l’espace, à la rencontre scénique de l’architecture et du décor. Il privilégie les formes simples : la sphère, le cube et l’escalier. Svoboda croit que ” la mise en scène à l’italienne, bien qu’elle ne corresponde plus aux exigences des méthodes scénographiques actuelles, reste toujours la meilleure “.


Жауме Пленса
Crown Fountain

In his public art, Plensa challenged himself to involve the viewer with his art, which led to his conception of the Crown Fountain. His objective was to create a socially relevant, interactive fountain for the 21st century.] Since water is the focus of a fountain, and since Chicago, and especially Millennium Park, is so greatly affected by the nearby waterfront, Plensa sought to create an eternal water work to complement the local natural inspirations

Matic Veler

Matic Veler is ispired by researching his aesthetic development since upbringing up until now. One of the biggest inspiration, architecture of 17th and 18th century architecture, especially details and ornaments together with impression of magical environments combined with brutalism architecture he was surrounded in when he was child, help him to translate and reflect when creating garments and installations to impress viewers and customers. ​He uses Baroque architecture details and ornaments as his inspiration. Always starting with collecting different photos of details and studying different architects. 
Matic manipulates the ornaments into collages on which he draw sketches and then making toiles on mannequins.

Wyss Institute, SEAS & Boston University

Microfluidic Origami for Reconfigurable Pneumatic/Hydraulic (MORPH)
Looking to create a robot smaller than a centimeter that might someday perform precision surgery or help destroy tumors, researchers from Harvard University’s Wyss Institute and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and Boston University looked to nature for inspiration, and developed a novel microfabrication technique to construct it. Their tiny robot looks like a rubbery, transparent spider — and in fact, the team modeled the form after Australia’s famously colorful and captivating peacock spider.

Esseline Keeven

Esseline is a Biomimicry designer. She draws her designs with nature as a source of inspiration. Her recent designs are inspired by the beautiful shapes and patterns that you see when you look at cells at a microscopic level. The arrangement of lines in her flat design has a major influence on the final bulging of the printed 3D objects.
Photographer: Andy Hendrata

Milton Glaser

Milton Glaser (June 26, 1929 – June 26, 2020)
“i love new york”
One of Glaser’s most recognizable works is his I Love New York logo. In the mid-1970s, New York City’s crime rate was up and the city was widely perceived to be dangerous and was on the verge of bankruptcy.In 1977, the city hired advertising agency Wells Rich Greene and Milton Glaser to design a logo to increase tourism and boost morale. It was Glaser who came up with the design while sitting in the back of a taxi cab on the way to the meeting.The logo consists of the capital “I” and a red heart, stacked on top of the letters “NY” in American Typewriter typeface, symbolizing New York. His inspiration for the logo was Robert Indiana’s LOVE design, with the four letters stacked on top of each other. “Glaser loved New York so much that he gave his work to the city for free, hoping it would become public property.

anthony howe

Cloud Light III
Kinetic sculpture resides at the intersection of artistic inspiration and mechanical complexity. The making of one of my pieces relies on creative expression, metal fabrication, and a slow design process in equal parts. It aims to alter one’s experience of time and space when witnessed. It also needs to weather winds of 90 mph and still move in a one mile per hour breeze and do so for hundreds of years.” Anthony Howe

Lin Hwai-min

“Formosa relies heavily on words and poetry for its inspiration and imagery. It traces Taiwan’s history from the 16th century, when Portuguese sailors upon seeing the island exclaimed, “Formosa!” meaning “Beautiful!” Poems appear on a white scrim above a white floor. In the beginning, the poems are whole. The black Chinese characters are neatly aligned. Gradually, however, the poems slide away and the characters enlarge, slowly disappear, become abstract, pour like a stream, peel away, and break apart. A chaotic jumble appears. To some extent, the writing dances.” Carmel Morgan


Bahai dress

New York-based trio Gabi Asfour, Angela Donhauser and Adi Gil form the fashion collective threeASFOUR, which creatively explores the intersection between fashion, sculpture and mysticism through their creations. The Bahai dress was 3D printed in collaboration with Bradley Rothenberg for the “MER KA BA” collection, which finds its inspiration in the sacred geometry and tile patterns found in religious buildings across the world.

Kazuhiro Yamanaka

collapsible moon
The big circular Lamp of Kazuhiro Yamanaka draws inspiration from his particular relationship with the moon.

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

سيدي العربي الشرقاوي

Faun started from a desire to create a performance around dancer James O’Hara. As part of the centenary celebrations of the Ballets Russes, Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London also invited Cherkaoui to work on or draw inspiration from any of the pieces of the repertoire of the legendary company. Cherkaoui chose L’après midi d’un faune, Nijinski’s choreography inspired by Stéphane Mallarmé’s poem and danced on Claude Debussy’s impressionistic music. Nijinski’s version based itself on Greek representations on vases, it was very two dimensional, very classical yet also daring, sexual and quite controversial in it’s time.

Iris Van Herpen

イリス ヴァン ヘルペン
FALL 2017

‘Aeriform’ examines the nature and anatomy of air and the idea of airborne materiality and lightness, creating negative and positive space with shadow and light. Van Herpen also drew inspiration from the Danish underwater artists Between Music who challenge the relationship between the body and its elemental surround, in a subaquatic environment where air is absent.


ocean aqua
“Hello and welcome to the Art of Tremaine Harris. I am an artist born in 1984 in sunny Ft.Lauderdale, Florida. I have always loved to be creativity and to create. My passion comes from the inspiration of our designed universe made by the greatest artist, God and from multiple platforms of art, architecture, and design, but especially futuristic futurism.“

Koichi Takada Architects

The National Museum of Qatar
The idea behind the interiors designed by the australian studio intend to complement the exterior ‘desert rose’ concept envisioned by french architect Jean Nouvel. This collection of images showcases the ‘cave-like’ museum shop space that has been created taking direct inspiration from qatar’s natural ‘cave of light’ (dahl al misfir), which can be found in the heart of the country.


Indice de l’indifférence
Montreal-based fashion designer and professor at UQAM, recipient of the Phyllis-Lambert Design Montréal Grant, Ying Gao questions our assumptions about clothing by combining urban design, architecture and multimedia. She explores the construction of the garment, taking her inspiration from the transformations of the social and urban environment.

daniel sannwald

Daniel Sannwald is a German photographer born in 1979. He has done editorials for Dazed & Confused magazine and has become a well-known name in the fashion industry. He works on his images using various tecniques to create his artistic style photos. He says ‘people’ are the source of his inspiration, “I met so many people in my life not just in my career that inspired me a lot. Some people which fascinated me by the things they had to say, others by the way they live and approach life, others for what they do. I can’t give a special importance to one of them”.

Benjamin Sack

Impossible Cityscapes

Often creating based on what he calls a “fear of blank spaces,” Sack tells Colossal that his starting point for each drawing is different. Finding inspiration in history, cartography, and his own travels, the artist starts with a general concept and builds his intricate worlds intuitively as he goes.